Where are

Whites kill police also but we do not see the all stars here starting threads when a white person kills a cop. Laugher is right, these guys just want to whine about being poor downtrodden whites who are victims of what they make up for that day. And this situation gives them the opportunity to post their racist bullshit.
The reason for that, is we think that person should be executed and don't turn it into a racial issue. The reason for this thread was to see why you guys always protest without facts...you guys just knee jerk protest based on race of victim (black) and race or perpetrator (white)
IM2 post #41 is this your thoughts or did you fail to give recognition to the real author...

Actually they are mine. But here, let me give you thoughts from someone who says exactly what I do.

The white racist guide to black crime
Wednesday April 4th 2012 by Abba

If most men arrested on the evening news are black, then blacks commit the most crimes! See how simple that is? If most of the black criminals on the news are psychopathic killers and not two-bit robbers, then that is because most black criminals are psychopathic killers and not two-bit robbers. No need to think. Just trust the good white people at the news room to get it right. Unlike black people, their judgement is not clouded by race.

When white people do something bad it is due to circumstances, a bad upbringing, a psychological disorder or something. Because, apart from a few bad apples, white people are Basically Good. Everyone knows it. But when black people do something bad it is because they were born that way. They try to put up this front of being good but given the right circumstances their true nature comes out. Sad but true.

Know your stereotypes! Stereotypes come from hundreds of years of white insight into the true nature of black people. The important stereotype here is the Black Brute: blacks were all savages till white people saved them and brought them to America. Whites taught them civilization, but deep down they are still savages. All those black criminal psychopaths on the evening news prove it! And, as if that was not bad enough:

Black people want revenge! They are still whining about slavery over a hundred years later! They will not get over it and move on like whites have. They are just bursting with hatred for white people. They are just waiting for a chance to get back at them. Most black-on-white crimes are, truth be told, hate crimes.

Know what Jesse Jackson said! No need to listen to all those whining speeches of his. Just remember the only reasonable thing he ever said:
There is nothing more painful to me at this stage in my life than to walk down the street and hear footsteps and start thinking about robbery, then look around and see somebody white and feel relieved.

See? And he is black! So how can it be racist to profile blacks and be afraid of them?

Know the tell-tale signs: Black criminals dress like black people! Like wearing hoodies or wearing their pants hanging down. When whites dress that way it is for fashion or comfort. When blacks do it it means they are a criminal or want to be one. Know the difference!

Do not read the FBI or DOJ numbers. Trust the experts at American Renaissance or Stormfront to twist the numbers for you. If someone points out how twisted those numbers are, just find some other source or some other way to twist them. Or just repeat them. After all, everyone knows blacks are criminal by nature. The numbers prove it.

I agree, there are stereotypes and wrongly so.

First republicans and conservatives HATE the mainstream news.....because they are full of it...so tell you libs not to promte that stuff
Second though is blacks need to change that stere
and you haven't seen any post I have ever made, of the many thousands, that indicates I want blacks executed....but you believe it because after all, ALL whites are racists and deserve punishment for what whites did to blacks centuries ago.

Most illogical, but you believe.

I've never said all whites are racist either. I believe that blacks deserve reparations for the suffering we are made to endure from the past and today because of whites.
Yeah of course you do. You are so mistreated.

My ancestors fought and died to free the slaves, yet you think this is total bullshit. Proof you are an ardent racist. You blame whites for everything wrong in your life. It's sad, illogical, and delusional.

History shows that your story didn't happen.

  1. “Whites”: Imagine the word “all” before each use of the word “whites”. This is a special rule of White American English that does not appear in any grammar book.
  2. “Evil”: If “whites” and “evil” appear in the same sentence, imagine the word “uniquely” before the word “evil”. Or even “pure”. Or both.
  3. “Racist”: If the words “whites” and “racist” are in the same sentence, then do not even trouble yourself with reading the rest of the post – just jump down to the comments and start acting offended. Try it! Remember, only white nationalists and those who use the n-word can possibly be racist. All other whites are Well Meaning, Basically Good and Would Know If They Were Racist. Blacks would have no idea because they cannot read minds.
  4. General statements about whites: these are racist and therefore false. Because whites are individuals, because to see colour in the first place is racist, because to make general statements about a race is stereotyping, a part of racism.
  5. White is right: so IM2 must be wrong. Even if you cannot say why.
  6. IM2 hates whites: This follows from #5 because what other reason could there be for him to say bad stuff about whites?
  7. This is a Bash Whitey blog: which follows from #6. Abagond hates whites so much that he wants to make them to look bad or feel bad. Clearly that is his whole reason for blogging.
  1. Stereotype his position.Here are some of the choices:
  2. Playing the race card
  • Whining
  • Advanced Whining
  • Whites are pure evil (white devils)
  • Living in the past
  1. If he sounds kind of like he saying one of these then he is. After all, Black America is capable of maybe six different opinions at once. If that.
  2. He is an Ungrateful Darkie: He does not seem to know that Progress Has Been Made and that blacks in America have it so much better than in Africa. Point this out to him!
  3. When he tells about a personal experience:
  4. If you or any white person you know has had the same experience then say, “It happens to whites too!” Even if you have to stretch it.
  5. Otherwise he must be making it up just to make whites look bad. What else could it be?
  6. If he says something bad about whites, get upset. Take it personally. Clearly he does not know how to talk to white people, so there is no reason to take him seriously.
  7. Your feelings are more important than anything in the post, even the stuff he talks about that affects 40 million Americans – if not the whole country. Or much of the English-speaking world. But what is that compared to your feelings?
  8. The most important rule of all: Never ever try to understand what he is saying from his point of view. Why would you? What is the point? White is right, remember?
Thousands of Union soldiers were devout Christians and abolitionists. This is a proven fact, but racists like you who HATE ALL WHITES, you can't accept it.

So? The devout Christians enslaved us.
No other African tribes did and sold you to whitey for rum.
She is white. They are black.
That's why there is silence.

Stop crying. These teenagers have been indicted. White people are going to get justice for this killing.. But the same can't be said for blacks.. And even worse, scum like you guys cheer because the blacks get killed.
Blacks kill each other. Its what you do.

Judging by US history that statement is wildly inaccurate. But I'll play the white amnesia game with you one time.

Whites kill each other. It's what you do. 86 percent of the killing of whites are done by other whites. You are 6 times more likely to be murdered by another white. So keep your head in the sand then a white person will blow your ass off with an AR-15.

You should take a trip to Chicago there buckaroo.

Hell the blacks are killing blacks all the time and anyone who happens to get caught in the crossfire.

Hope those four end up on death row which is right where they belong.

Here comes the standard white racist Chicago line. Been there. Beautiful city.
Some parts are, but the southside is terrible, I've been there, very uncomfortable. couldn't get a cab at Comiskey Park late at night in 1988......because of crime.....
the protests and marches and calls for healing and racial unity?

4 teenagers indicted in death of Baltimore County police officer
the protests and marches and calls for healing and racial unity?

4 teenagers indicted in death of Baltimore County police officer

There is no support in my reading that the killing of the officer was planned in advance, and the reading of the link suggests a lesser offense than First Degree Murder. DA's are known for over charging, especiallt when black men and youth have been arrested and charged.

Republican-appointed judges hand longer sentences to black defendants, Harvard study finds


Tangentially relevant due to nature of crimes committed:

Disproportionate Minority Contact in the Juvenile Justice System | The Sentencing Project
the protests and marches and calls for healing and racial unity?
4 teenagers indicted in death of Baltimore County police officer
She was white.

No socio-political advantage to marches 'n protests 'n stuff here.

Too bad.

You are nothing if not reliable.

When has anyone ever protested when a white person or a black person gets indicted for murdering a black person.

The protests you are so dead set against took place because there wasn’t an indictment.

Why is this so hard for you?
Who said about indicting...the protests happen the day the incident does....not even close to any reliable info before you guys start marching....let alone an indictment or any legal proceeding

Absolutely incorrect. Are you misinformed or are you lying?
the protests and marches and calls for healing and racial unity?
4 teenagers indicted in death of Baltimore County police officer
She was white.

No socio-political advantage to marches 'n protests 'n stuff here.

Too bad.

You are nothing if not reliable.

When has anyone ever protested when a white person or a black person gets indicted for murdering a black person.

The protests you are so dead set against took place because there wasn’t an indictment.

Why is this so hard for you?
LL you are not making sense. Drink a few cups of coffee before posting. MAYBE it will help.


This is a retarded thread. The killers have been indicted. If the world was as you perceive it to be, there would be people protesting their indictment. The black people in Baltimore are not doing that.

What is wrong with you people. You are professional victims. It’s weird.
No it's not, You guys still say hands up don't shoot, which was complete bullshit, you guys do not wait for facts, that's the point.....if you did, we would have had a lot less protests.

You have only Mike Brown’s incident as evidence. That one was the breaking point after scores of other incidents. And there would have been no protest there had the cop who killed the unarmed kid been arrested.

Piss off.
I don't have a whole lot to add here except to say that I'm glad to see these monsters go upriver.

Blacks have it tougher, sure, but there are plenty who don't go on a home invasion spree for a handgun, an XBox, and a bag of Dorito's and end up becoming cop killers for it. Enjoy prison.
I have come to the conclusion that IM2 is a fat white guy living in Moms basement and likes to troll.
the protests and marches and calls for healing and racial unity?

4 teenagers indicted in death of Baltimore County police officer
the protests and marches and calls for healing and racial unity?

4 teenagers indicted in death of Baltimore County police officer

There is no support in my reading that the killing of the officer was planned in advance, and the reading of the link suggests a lesser offense than First Degree Murder. DA's are known for over charging, especiallt when black men and youth have been arrested and charged.

Republican-appointed judges hand longer sentences to black defendants, Harvard study finds


Tangentially relevant due to nature of crimes committed:

Disproportionate Minority Contact in the Juvenile Justice System | The Sentencing Project
Then you would be ok with standardized sentances.......welcome aboard!
She was white.

No socio-political advantage to marches 'n protests 'n stuff here.

Too bad.

You are nothing if not reliable.

When has anyone ever protested when a white person or a black person gets indicted for murdering a black person.

The protests you are so dead set against took place because there wasn’t an indictment.

Why is this so hard for you?
LL you are not making sense. Drink a few cups of coffee before posting. MAYBE it will help.


This is a retarded thread. The killers have been indicted. If the world was as you perceive it to be, there would be people protesting their indictment. The black people in Baltimore are not doing that.

What is wrong with you people. You are professional victims. It’s weird.
No it's not, You guys still say hands up don't shoot, which was complete bullshit, you guys do not wait for facts, that's the point.....if you did, we would have had a lot less protests.

You have only Mike Brown’s incident as evidence. That one was the breaking point after scores of other incidents. And there would have been no protest there had the cop who killed the unarmed kid been arrested.

Piss off.
None of that is true, but the point is you guys never wait for facts before going full retard. Jesse, Al and the gang are ready at a moment's notice to make a bad situation even worse......there is no issue they cant inject racial politics into.....and that is horribly sad.
And I also know of I posted anything that validated what you think of blacks we wouldn't be having this discussion. I do write and do post stuff from things I have written that are in a word document. That can happen also.

I need a translation for this post please...

Would you like me to do a inter-web search and find the blog where your material is coming from, or would you like to do it? It's not difficult at all... If it is your blog, well then be proud... Let us know... If it is someone else's work, they need to be recognized for their accomplishments...
This guy c&p's everything. Especially the long drawn out snivelfests. The only words that are his are usually the one liners that don't make sense but are full of insulting words. That much he CAN do.
You are nothing if not reliable.

When has anyone ever protested when a white person or a black person gets indicted for murdering a black person.

The protests you are so dead set against took place because there wasn’t an indictment.

Why is this so hard for you?
LL you are not making sense. Drink a few cups of coffee before posting. MAYBE it will help.


This is a retarded thread. The killers have been indicted. If the world was as you perceive it to be, there would be people protesting their indictment. The black people in Baltimore are not doing that.

What is wrong with you people. You are professional victims. It’s weird.
No it's not, You guys still say hands up don't shoot, which was complete bullshit, you guys do not wait for facts, that's the point.....if you did, we would have had a lot less protests.

You have only Mike Brown’s incident as evidence. That one was the breaking point after scores of other incidents. And there would have been no protest there had the cop who killed the unarmed kid been arrested.

Piss off.
None of that is true, but the point is you guys never wait for facts before going full retard. Jesse, Al and the gang are ready at a moment's notice to make a bad situation even worse......there is no issue they cant inject racial politics into.....and that is horribly sad.
And Obama too.

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