Where are

the protests and marches and calls for healing and racial unity?
4 teenagers indicted in death of Baltimore County police officer
She was white.

No socio-political advantage to marches 'n protests 'n stuff here.

Too bad.

You are nothing if not reliable.

When has anyone ever protested when a white person or a black person gets indicted for murdering a black person.

The protests you are so dead set against took place because there wasn’t an indictment.

Why is this so hard for you?
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No only white bigots will feel they have got justice while police will still kill unarmed blacks and punks like you and K9 will lie to yourselves about how we deserve to die.
Criminals who murder police officers should be brought to justice.

It doesn't matter if they are black, or white.

Everyone wants killers locked up.

It's not about race, but public safety. ..... :cool:

Sure, right.
Yeah...in your small mind, these murdering thugs are being disrespected and unjustly detained. Just let them go...right?

Killing a white cop is like stepping on an ant on the sidewalk. What's the big deal?

No apparently that's on your mind. Because you haven't see me say anything of the sort.
and you haven't seen any post I have ever made, of the many thousands, that indicates I want blacks executed....but you believe it because after all, ALL whites are racists and deserve punishment for what whites did to blacks centuries ago.

Most illogical, but you believe.
And then we hear how blacks are inordinately arrested and incarcerated and that, somehow, it's the fault of institutional racism not the fault of blacks like these dudes that allegedly committed murder.

So sorry for your luck... Maybe we can get together at the park and hold hands for racial unity... I'll bring you some tissues...

the protests and marches and calls for healing and racial unity?
4 teenagers indicted in death of Baltimore County police officer
She was white.

No socio-political advantage to marches 'n protests 'n stuff here.

Too bad.

You are nothing if not reliable.

When has anyone ever protested when a white person or a black person gets indicted for murdering a black person.

The protests you are so dead set against took place because there wasn’t an indictment.

Why is this so hard for you?
LL you are not making sense. Drink a few cups of coffee before posting. MAYBE it will help.
No only white bigots will feel they have got justice while police will still kill unarmed blacks and punks like you and K9 will lie to yourselves about how we deserve to die.
Criminals who murder police officers should be brought to justice.

It doesn't matter if they are black, or white.

Everyone wants killers locked up.

It's not about race, but public safety. ..... :cool:

Sure, right.
Yeah...in your small mind, these murdering thugs are being disrespected and unjustly detained. Just let them go...right?

Killing a white cop is like stepping on an ant on the sidewalk. What's the big deal?

No apparently that's on your mind. Because you haven't see me say anything of the sort.
and you haven't seen any post I have ever made, of the many thousands, that indicates I want blacks executed....but you believe it because after all, ALL whites are racists and deserve punishment for what whites did to blacks centuries ago.

Most illogical, but you believe.

Man. You have had a rough life. You deserve reparations.
  • Thanks
Reactions: IM2
Criminals who murder police officers should be brought to justice.

It doesn't matter if they are black, or white.

Everyone wants killers locked up.

It's not about race, but public safety. ..... :cool:

Sure, right.
Yeah...in your small mind, these murdering thugs are being disrespected and unjustly detained. Just let them go...right?

Killing a white cop is like stepping on an ant on the sidewalk. What's the big deal?

No apparently that's on your mind. Because you haven't see me say anything of the sort.
and you haven't seen any post I have ever made, of the many thousands, that indicates I want blacks executed....but you believe it because after all, ALL whites are racists and deserve punishment for what whites did to blacks centuries ago.

Most illogical, but you believe.

Man. You have had a rough life. You deserve reparations.
Thank you.
the protests and marches and calls for healing and racial unity?
4 teenagers indicted in death of Baltimore County police officer
She was white.

No socio-political advantage to marches 'n protests 'n stuff here.

Too bad.

You are nothing if not reliable.

When has anyone ever protested when a white person or a black person gets indicted for murdering a black person.

The protests you are so dead set against took place because there wasn’t an indictment.

Why is this so hard for you?
LL you are not making sense. Drink a few cups of coffee before posting. MAYBE it will help.


This is a retarded thread. The killers have been indicted. If the world was as you perceive it to be, there would be people protesting their indictment. The black people in Baltimore are not doing that.

What is wrong with you people. You are professional victims. It’s weird.
  • Thanks
Reactions: IM2
the protests and marches and calls for healing and racial unity?
4 teenagers indicted in death of Baltimore County police officer
She was white.

No socio-political advantage to marches 'n protests 'n stuff here.

Too bad.

You are nothing if not reliable.

When has anyone ever protested when a white person or a black person gets indicted for murdering a black person.

The protests you are so dead set against took place because there wasn’t an indictment.

Why is this so hard for you?
LL you are not making sense. Drink a few cups of coffee before posting. MAYBE it will help.


This is a retarded thread. The killers have been indicted. If the world was as you perceive it to be, there would be people protesting their indictment. The black people in Baltimore are not doing that.

What is wrong with you people. You are professional victims. It’s weird.
Who's retarded?

Go back to bed and try again tomorrow.
No only white bigots will feel they have got justice while police will still kill unarmed blacks and punks like you and K9 will lie to yourselves about how we deserve to die.
Criminals who murder police officers should be brought to justice.

It doesn't matter if they are black, or white.

Everyone wants killers locked up.

It's not about race, but public safety. ..... :cool:

Sure, right.
Yeah...in your small mind, these murdering thugs are being disrespected and unjustly detained. Just let them go...right?

Killing a white cop is like stepping on an ant on the sidewalk. What's the big deal?

No apparently that's on your mind. Because you haven't see me say anything of the sort.
and you haven't seen any post I have ever made, of the many thousands, that indicates I want blacks executed....but you believe it because after all, ALL whites are racists and deserve punishment for what whites did to blacks centuries ago.

Most illogical, but you believe.

I've never said all whites are racist either. I believe that blacks deserve reparations for the suffering we are made to endure from the past and today because of whites.
the protests and marches and calls for healing and racial unity?
4 teenagers indicted in death of Baltimore County police officer
She was white.

No socio-political advantage to marches 'n protests 'n stuff here.

Too bad.

You are nothing if not reliable.

When has anyone ever protested when a white person or a black person gets indicted for murdering a black person.

The protests you are so dead set against took place because there wasn’t an indictment.

Why is this so hard for you?
LL you are not making sense. Drink a few cups of coffee before posting. MAYBE it will help.


This is a retarded thread. The killers have been indicted. If the world was as you perceive it to be, there would be people protesting their indictment. The black people in Baltimore are not doing that.

What is wrong with you people. You are professional victims. It’s weird.
Who's retarded?

Go back to bed and try again tomorrow.

I think you just realized how back assward your take on this one is. You have given up.

A real man would admit it and then move on.
  • Thanks
Reactions: IM2
the protests and marches and calls for healing and racial unity?
4 teenagers indicted in death of Baltimore County police officer
She was white.

No socio-political advantage to marches 'n protests 'n stuff here.

Too bad.

You are nothing if not reliable.

When has anyone ever protested when a white person or a black person gets indicted for murdering a black person.

The protests you are so dead set against took place because there wasn’t an indictment.

Why is this so hard for you?
LL you are not making sense. Drink a few cups of coffee before posting. MAYBE it will help.


This is a retarded thread. The killers have been indicted. If the world was as you perceive it to be, there would be people protesting their indictment. The black people in Baltimore are not doing that.

What is wrong with you people. You are professional victims. It’s weird.
Who's retarded?

Go back to bed and try again tomorrow.

You are retarded.
Whites kill each other. It's what you do. 86 percent of the killing of whites are done by other whites. You are 6 times more likely to be murdered by another white. So keep your head in the sand then a white person will blow your ass off with an AR-15.

With the black population being less than 14% at the last census, I believe your cyphering is off a hair...
Criminals who murder police officers should be brought to justice.

It doesn't matter if they are black, or white.

Everyone wants killers locked up.

It's not about race, but public safety. ..... :cool:

Sure, right.
Yeah...in your small mind, these murdering thugs are being disrespected and unjustly detained. Just let them go...right?

Killing a white cop is like stepping on an ant on the sidewalk. What's the big deal?

No apparently that's on your mind. Because you haven't see me say anything of the sort.
and you haven't seen any post I have ever made, of the many thousands, that indicates I want blacks executed....but you believe it because after all, ALL whites are racists and deserve punishment for what whites did to blacks centuries ago.

Most illogical, but you believe.

I've never said all whites are racist either. I believe that blacks deserve reparations for the suffering we are made to endure from the past and today because of whites.
Yeah of course you do. You are so mistreated.

My ancestors fought and died to free the slaves, yet you think this is total bullshit. Proof you are an ardent racist. You blame whites for everything wrong in your life. It's sad, illogical, and delusional.
Sure, right.
Yeah...in your small mind, these murdering thugs are being disrespected and unjustly detained. Just let them go...right?

Killing a white cop is like stepping on an ant on the sidewalk. What's the big deal?

No apparently that's on your mind. Because you haven't see me say anything of the sort.
and you haven't seen any post I have ever made, of the many thousands, that indicates I want blacks executed....but you believe it because after all, ALL whites are racists and deserve punishment for what whites did to blacks centuries ago.

Most illogical, but you believe.

Man. You have had a rough life. You deserve reparations.
Thank you.

Give me reparations too. My family tree goes back to 1757 and I had a great great great Uncle who got killed on the Battlefield fighting for The Union and in effect his death freed the slaves. Family lore says our great great great grandma was active in the Underground Railroad. Muslims were to first to capture and enslave blacks. No reparations for Muslims.
Whites kill police also but we do not see the all stars here starting threads when a white person kills a cop. Laugher is right, these guys just want to whine about being poor downtrodden whites who are victims of what they make up for that day. And this situation gives them the opportunity to post their racist bullshit.
the protests and marches and calls for healing and racial unity?
4 teenagers indicted in death of Baltimore County police officer
She was white.

No socio-political advantage to marches 'n protests 'n stuff here.

Too bad.

You are nothing if not reliable.

When has anyone ever protested when a white person or a black person gets indicted for murdering a black person.

The protests you are so dead set against took place because there wasn’t an indictment.

Why is this so hard for you?
LL you are not making sense. Drink a few cups of coffee before posting. MAYBE it will help.
I've got all the Regressives perma-triggered.

Whites kill each other. It's what you do. 86 percent of the killing of whites are done by other whites. You are 6 times more likely to be murdered by another white. So keep your head in the sand then a white person will blow your ass off with an AR-15.

With the black population being less than 14% at the last census, I believe your cyphering is off a hair...

Nope my ciphering is right on time.

Black pathologies are those things that hold Black Americans back, like crime, drugs, illegitimacy and dropping out of high school. These are things they are doing to themselves. Racism is dead. They need to stop whining about white people and face up to the problems in their own communities.

How to argue black pathologies:

  1. Make it about comparative rates. Because blacks are only 13% of the country, stuff like rape or illegitimacy will be largely white. So instead make it about the rate. It does not matter how bad the white rate is. All that matters is if the black rate is worse.
  2. Whites are normal. Whites do not have pathologies because their behaviour, no matter how extreme, always counts as “normal”. Whites commit genocide? Everyone does it. It is human nature. Blacks rob a 7-Eleven? Something is wrong with black people. They have criminal tendencies. The crime rate proves it!
  3. Make it a black thing. Put the word “black” in front of it: Black crime. Black illegitimacy. Black fatherlessness. Black gangs. Black high school drop-outs. See how that works? Do not talk about crime in general, just black crime. As if it is mainly a black thing. As if the black sort is somehow strangely different.
  4. Correlation is cause. If those born out of wedlock are more likely to wind up in prison, then make black illegitimacy the cause of crime. Even though it is hardly the main cause. Likewise, if those who are married are less likely to fall below the poverty line, then make “the breakdown of the black family” the cause of poverty, not the other way round. Be sure to make it about what black people do, nothing else. If someone makes it about what white people do, say that making general statements about whites is racist and anti-white.
  5. Internal v external causes. When coal mines shut down in West Virginia and crime and poverty among whites go through the roof, it is called “bad times”. When steel mills shut down in Chicago and crime and poverty among blacks go through the roof, it is called “a tangle of pathologies”. Know the difference! Whites can blame the economy, the government, social trends, food additives, Mexicans, Muslims, blacks and even reverse racism. Blacks are only allowed to blame themselves – otherwise it is called “whining” and “not taking responsibility”. Tell the author of this blog post that he is “letting blacks off the hook.”
  6. Statistics and charts – use them! They are so easy to twist! If others come up with counter statistics, twist them too! Or give a long, confusing explanation about why they are wrong.
  7. Studies. Find studies that support your point. There is bound to be one. A good study is hard to understand but has simple charts.
  8. Inconvenient truth. When black people say you are twisting numbers, that it is not like that and blah, blah, blah, just tell them that they do not want to face up to the hard truths.
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Yeah...in your small mind, these murdering thugs are being disrespected and unjustly detained. Just let them go...right?

Killing a white cop is like stepping on an ant on the sidewalk. What's the big deal?

No apparently that's on your mind. Because you haven't see me say anything of the sort.
and you haven't seen any post I have ever made, of the many thousands, that indicates I want blacks executed....but you believe it because after all, ALL whites are racists and deserve punishment for what whites did to blacks centuries ago.

Most illogical, but you believe.

Man. You have had a rough life. You deserve reparations.
Thank you.

Give me reparations too. My family tree goes back to 1757 and I had a great great great Uncle who got killed on the Battlefield fighting for The Union and in effect his death freed the slaves. Family lore says our great great great grandma was active in the Underground Railroad. Muslims were to first to capture and enslave blacks. No reparations for Muslims.

No, he did not die to free slaves. What are you going to get reparations for?
the protests and marches and calls for healing and racial unity?
4 teenagers indicted in death of Baltimore County police officer
She was white.

No socio-political advantage to marches 'n protests 'n stuff here.

Too bad.

You are nothing if not reliable.

When has anyone ever protested when a white person or a black person gets indicted for murdering a black person.

The protests you are so dead set against took place because there wasn’t an indictment.

Why is this so hard for you?
LL you are not making sense. Drink a few cups of coffee before posting. MAYBE it will help.
I've got all the Regressives perma-triggered.


Nobody is banned from Brown Township but chickens and goats are but horses are legal. A Muslim moved into Brown Township and built a small goat farm to use the animals to slaughter on various Muslim Religious Days. The Brown Township Trustees then banned goats which made the Muslim pull up stakes and move somewhere goats are legal. Churches are illegal in Brown Township, etc etc.

edit: Apartment houses and house trailers are banned from Brown Township and Motor Boats. Hunting and target shooting are legal but a Biker Gang got kicked out. Not one sex offender lives in Brown Township and when you look at the crime map, no crime.
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