Where are

Sure, right.
Yeah...in your small mind, these murdering thugs are being disrespected and unjustly detained. Just let them go...right?

Killing a white cop is like stepping on an ant on the sidewalk. What's the big deal?

No apparently that's on your mind. Because you haven't see me say anything of the sort.
and you haven't seen any post I have ever made, of the many thousands, that indicates I want blacks executed....but you believe it because after all, ALL whites are racists and deserve punishment for what whites did to blacks centuries ago.

Most illogical, but you believe.

I've never said all whites are racist either. I believe that blacks deserve reparations for the suffering we are made to endure from the past and today because of whites.
Yeah of course you do. You are so mistreated.

My ancestors fought and died to free the slaves, yet you think this is total bullshit. Proof you are an ardent racist. You blame whites for everything wrong in your life. It's sad, illogical, and delusional.

History shows that your story didn't happen.

  1. “Whites”: Imagine the word “all” before each use of the word “whites”. This is a special rule of White American English that does not appear in any grammar book.
  2. “Evil”: If “whites” and “evil” appear in the same sentence, imagine the word “uniquely” before the word “evil”. Or even “pure”. Or both.
  3. “Racist”: If the words “whites” and “racist” are in the same sentence, then do not even trouble yourself with reading the rest of the post – just jump down to the comments and start acting offended. Try it! Remember, only white nationalists and those who use the n-word can possibly be racist. All other whites are Well Meaning, Basically Good and Would Know If They Were Racist. Blacks would have no idea because they cannot read minds.
  4. General statements about whites: these are racist and therefore false. Because whites are individuals, because to see colour in the first place is racist, because to make general statements about a race is stereotyping, a part of racism.
  5. White is right: so IM2 must be wrong. Even if you cannot say why.
  6. IM2 hates whites: This follows from #5 because what other reason could there be for him to say bad stuff about whites?
  7. This is a Bash Whitey blog: which follows from #6. Abagond hates whites so much that he wants to make them to look bad or feel bad. Clearly that is his whole reason for blogging.
  1. Stereotype his position.Here are some of the choices:
  2. Playing the race card
  • Whining
  • Advanced Whining
  • Whites are pure evil (white devils)
  • Living in the past
  1. If he sounds kind of like he saying one of these then he is. After all, Black America is capable of maybe six different opinions at once. If that.
  2. He is an Ungrateful Darkie: He does not seem to know that Progress Has Been Made and that blacks in America have it so much better than in Africa. Point this out to him!
  3. When he tells about a personal experience:
  4. If you or any white person you know has had the same experience then say, “It happens to whites too!” Even if you have to stretch it.
  5. Otherwise he must be making it up just to make whites look bad. What else could it be?
  6. If he says something bad about whites, get upset. Take it personally. Clearly he does not know how to talk to white people, so there is no reason to take him seriously.
  7. Your feelings are more important than anything in the post, even the stuff he talks about that affects 40 million Americans – if not the whole country. Or much of the English-speaking world. But what is that compared to your feelings?
  8. The most important rule of all: Never ever try to understand what he is saying from his point of view. Why would you? What is the point? White is right, remember?
Yeah...in your small mind, these murdering thugs are being disrespected and unjustly detained. Just let them go...right?

Killing a white cop is like stepping on an ant on the sidewalk. What's the big deal?

No apparently that's on your mind. Because you haven't see me say anything of the sort.
and you haven't seen any post I have ever made, of the many thousands, that indicates I want blacks executed....but you believe it because after all, ALL whites are racists and deserve punishment for what whites did to blacks centuries ago.

Most illogical, but you believe.

I've never said all whites are racist either. I believe that blacks deserve reparations for the suffering we are made to endure from the past and today because of whites.
Yeah of course you do. You are so mistreated.

My ancestors fought and died to free the slaves, yet you think this is total bullshit. Proof you are an ardent racist. You blame whites for everything wrong in your life. It's sad, illogical, and delusional.

History shows that your story didn't happen.

  1. “Whites”: Imagine the word “all” before each use of the word “whites”. This is a special rule of White American English that does not appear in any grammar book.
  2. “Evil”: If “whites” and “evil” appear in the same sentence, imagine the word “uniquely” before the word “evil”. Or even “pure”. Or both.
  3. “Racist”: If the words “whites” and “racist” are in the same sentence, then do not even trouble yourself with reading the rest of the post – just jump down to the comments and start acting offended. Try it! Remember, only white nationalists and those who use the n-word can possibly be racist. All other whites are Well Meaning, Basically Good and Would Know If They Were Racist. Blacks would have no idea because they cannot read minds.
  4. General statements about whites: these are racist and therefore false. Because whites are individuals, because to see colour in the first place is racist, because to make general statements about a race is stereotyping, a part of racism.
  5. White is right: so IM2 must be wrong. Even if you cannot say why.
  6. IM2 hates whites: This follows from #5 because what other reason could there be for him to say bad stuff about whites?
  7. This is a Bash Whitey blog: which follows from #6. Abagond hates whites so much that he wants to make them to look bad or feel bad. Clearly that is his whole reason for blogging.
  1. Stereotype his position.Here are some of the choices:
  2. Playing the race card
  • Whining
  • Advanced Whining
  • Whites are pure evil (white devils)
  • Living in the past
  1. If he sounds kind of like he saying one of these then he is. After all, Black America is capable of maybe six different opinions at once. If that.
  2. He is an Ungrateful Darkie: He does not seem to know that Progress Has Been Made and that blacks in America have it so much better than in Africa. Point this out to him!
  3. When he tells about a personal experience:
  4. If you or any white person you know has had the same experience then say, “It happens to whites too!” Even if you have to stretch it.
  5. Otherwise he must be making it up just to make whites look bad. What else could it be?
  6. If he says something bad about whites, get upset. Take it personally. Clearly he does not know how to talk to white people, so there is no reason to take him seriously.
  7. Your feelings are more important than anything in the post, even the stuff he talks about that affects 40 million Americans – if not the whole country. Or much of the English-speaking world. But what is that compared to your feelings?
  8. The most important rule of all: Never ever try to understand what he is saying from his point of view. Why would you? What is the point? White is right, remember?
Thousands of Union soldiers were devout Christians and abolitionists. This is a proven fact, but racists like you who HATE ALL WHITES, you can't accept it.
She is white. They are black.
That's why there is silence.

Stop crying. These teenagers have been indicted. White people are going to get justice for this killing.. But the same can't be said for blacks.. And even worse, scum like you guys cheer because the blacks get killed.
Blacks kill each other. Its what you do.

Judging by US history that statement is wildly inaccurate. But I'll play the white amnesia game with you one time.

Whites kill each other. It's what you do. 86 percent of the killing of whites are done by other whites. You are 6 times more likely to be murdered by another white. So keep your head in the sand then a white person will blow your ass off with an AR-15.

Proportional to the population, blacks do far more killing.

A black guy is far more likely to kill a white guy, than a white guy.... Or a black guy, than a white guy.
IM2 post #41 is this your thoughts or did you fail to give recognition to the real author...

Actually they are mine. But here, let me give you thoughts from someone who says exactly what I do.

The white racist guide to black crime
Wednesday April 4th 2012 by Abba

If most men arrested on the evening news are black, then blacks commit the most crimes! See how simple that is? If most of the black criminals on the news are psychopathic killers and not two-bit robbers, then that is because most black criminals are psychopathic killers and not two-bit robbers. No need to think. Just trust the good white people at the news room to get it right. Unlike black people, their judgement is not clouded by race.

When white people do something bad it is due to circumstances, a bad upbringing, a psychological disorder or something. Because, apart from a few bad apples, white people are Basically Good. Everyone knows it. But when black people do something bad it is because they were born that way. They try to put up this front of being good but given the right circumstances their true nature comes out. Sad but true.

Know your stereotypes! Stereotypes come from hundreds of years of white insight into the true nature of black people. The important stereotype here is the Black Brute: blacks were all savages till white people saved them and brought them to America. Whites taught them civilization, but deep down they are still savages. All those black criminal psychopaths on the evening news prove it! And, as if that was not bad enough:

Black people want revenge! They are still whining about slavery over a hundred years later! They will not get over it and move on like whites have. They are just bursting with hatred for white people. They are just waiting for a chance to get back at them. Most black-on-white crimes are, truth be told, hate crimes.

Know what Jesse Jackson said! No need to listen to all those whining speeches of his. Just remember the only reasonable thing he ever said:
There is nothing more painful to me at this stage in my life than to walk down the street and hear footsteps and start thinking about robbery, then look around and see somebody white and feel relieved.

See? And he is black! So how can it be racist to profile blacks and be afraid of them?

Know the tell-tale signs: Black criminals dress like black people! Like wearing hoodies or wearing their pants hanging down. When whites dress that way it is for fashion or comfort. When blacks do it it means they are a criminal or want to be one. Know the difference!

Do not read the FBI or DOJ numbers. Trust the experts at American Renaissance or Stormfront to twist the numbers for you. If someone points out how twisted those numbers are, just find some other source or some other way to twist them. Or just repeat them. After all, everyone knows blacks are criminal by nature. The numbers prove it.
She is white. They are black.
That's why there is silence.

Stop crying. These teenagers have been indicted. White people are going to get justice for this killing.. But the same can't be said for blacks.. And even worse, scum like you guys cheer because the blacks get killed.
Blacks kill each other. Its what you do.

Judging by US history that statement is wildly inaccurate. But I'll play the white amnesia game with you one time.

Whites kill each other. It's what you do. 86 percent of the killing of whites are done by other whites. You are 6 times more likely to be murdered by another white. So keep your head in the sand then a white person will blow your ass off with an AR-15.

Proportional to the population, blacks do far more killing.

A black guy is far more likely to kill a white guy, than a white guy.... Or a black guy, than a white guy.

The Color of Deception: Race, Crime and Sloppy Social Science
Posted on November 19, 2004
Tim Wise

Published on ZNet, www.zmag.org, 11/19/04. Note: This rebuttal refers to the original Color of Crime Report by American Renaissance. A newer version of the report was recently released, and as such, a newer rebuttal will be forthcoming shortly, though the analysis herein is still applicable.

“A lie can travel half-way around the world while the truth is still pulling on its boots.”

Although this truism was penned long before the Internet, there is little doubt but that in the modern era, it has become more prescient than its author could ever have imagined.

When it comes to fast-moving lies, few can top one that has been distributed by white supremacists for the past several years. It is probably the most popular piece of racist propaganda in existence today, and because it relies on official government data, it comes across as sober, intelligent social science, rather than as the compendium of nonsense it happens to be.

The screed to which I refer is, The Color of Crime: Race, Crime and Violence in America, by white nationalist, Jared Taylor. Taylor is the publisher of the racist magazine, American Renaissance, and host of a bi-annual conference, which attracts open neo-Nazis as well as a gaggle of academicians who proclaim black genetic inferiority. According to Taylor, there are several “facts” about crime that have been hidden from view by the civil rights community. Among them:

  • Blacks are much more dangerous than whites as evidenced by higher crime rates;
  • Black criminals usually choose white victims and are far more likely to victimize whites than whites are to victimize blacks (both for regular violent crimes and hate crimes);
  • Black crime rates justify racial profiling, since it only makes sense to focus law enforcement attention on those who commit a disproportionate share of crime; and finally,
  • The interracial crime data makes white fear of African Americans perfectly rational.
But a close examination of these arguments proves that Taylor and his followers are either statistically illiterate, or knowingly deceive for political effect.

First, as for the disproportionate rate of violent crime committed by blacks, economic conditions explain the difference with white crime rates. According to several studies, when community and personal economic status is comparable between whites and blacks, there are no significant racial crime differences (1). In other words, the implicit message of Taylor’s report — that blacks are dangerous because they are black — is insupportable.

Secondly, to claim that blacks are more dangerous than whites because of official crime rates, is to ignore that when it comes to everyday threats to personal well-being, whites far and away lead the pack in all kinds of destructive behaviors: corporate pollution, consumer fraud, violations of health and safety standards on the job, and launching wars on the basis of deceptive evidence, to name a few. Each year, far more people die because of corporate malfeasance, occupational health violations and pollution than all the street crime combined, let alone street crime committed by African Americans (2).

Stoking Fears About Interracial Crime — A Look at How Racists Do Math

Next, Taylor claims that most victims of black violent crime are white, and thus, that blacks are violently targeting whites. Furthermore, since only a small share of the victims of white criminals are black (only 4.4 percent in 2002, for example), this means that blacks are far more of a threat to whites than vice-versa. But there are several problems with these claims.

To begin with, the white victim totals in the Justice Department’s victimization data include those termed Hispanic by the Census, since nine in ten Latino/as are considered racially white by government record-keepers. Since Latinos and Latinas tend to live closer to blacks than non-Hispanic whites, this means that many “white” victims of “black crime” are Latino or Latina, and that in any given year, the majority of black crime victims would be people of color, not whites.

But even if we compute the white totals as Taylor does, without breaking out Hispanic victims of “black crime,” his position is without merit. In 2002, whites, including Latinos, were about 81.5 percent of the population (3). That same year, whites (including Latinos) were 51 percent of the victims of violent crimes committed by blacks, meaning that whites were victimized by blacks less often than would have been expected by random chance, given the extent to which whites were available to be victimized (4).

As for the claim that blacks victimize whites at rates that are far higher than the reverse, though true, this statistic is meaningless, for a few obvious but overlooked reasons, first among them the simple truth that if whites are more available as potential victims, we would naturally expect black criminals to victimize whites more often than white criminals would victimize blacks. Examining data from 2002, there were indeed 4.5 times more black-on-white violent crimes than the reverse (5). While this may seem to support Taylor’s position, it actually destroys it, because the interracial crime gap, though seemingly large, is smaller than random chance would have predicted. The critical factor ignored by Taylor is the extent to which whites and blacks encounter each other in the first place. Because of ongoing racial isolation and de facto segregation, the two group’s members do not encounter one another at rates commensurate with their shares of the population: a fact that literally torpedoes the claims in The Color of Crime.

As sociologist Robert O’Brian has noted (using Census data), the odds of a given white person (or white criminal for that matter) encountering a black person are only about three percent. On the other hand, the odds of a given black person (or black criminal) encountering a white person are nineteen times greater, or fifty-seven percent (6), meaning the actual interracial victimization gap between black-on-white and white-on-black crime is smaller than one would expect. In 2002, blacks committed a little more than 1.2 million violent crimes, while whites committed a little more than three million violent crimes (7). If each black criminal had a 57 percent chance of encountering (and thus potentially victimizing) a white person, this means that over the course of 2002, blacks should have been expected to victimize roughly 690,000 whites. But in truth, blacks victimized whites only 614,176 times that year (8). Conversely, if each white criminal had only a three percent chance of encountering and thus victimizing a black person, this means that over the course of 2002, whites would have been expected to victimize roughly 93,000 blacks. But in truth, whites victimized blacks 135,931 times: almost 50 percent more often than would be expected by random chance (9).

Indeed, given relative crime rates as well as rates of interracial encounter, random chance would have predicted the ratio of black-on-white to white-on-black victimization at roughly 7.4 to one. Yet, as the data makes clear, there were only 4.5 times more black-on-white crimes than white-on-black crimes in 2002. In other words, given encounter ratios, black criminals victimize whites less often than could be expected, while white criminals victimize blacks more often than could be expected.

Lies About Hate Crimes — More Fun With Racist Math

Taylor’s claims regarding hate crimes are even more ridiculous. So, for example, The Color of Crime asserts that blacks commit a disproportionate share of racial and ethnic hate crimes against whites, while white-on-black hate crimes are far less frequent. But the data simply doesn’t support such a claim.

From 1995-2000, blacks were 65 percent of racial and ethnic hate-crime victims, while whites were 21 percent of such victims (10). Adjusted for population, any given black person was nearly twenty times more likely to be the victim of a racially motivated hate crime than any given white. In 2001, there were approximately 4.6 times more white-on-black than black-on-white hate crimes (11), despite the fact that whites were between six and seven times more available in the population to become victims. Considering that blacks are much more likely to encounter whites than vice-versa, this last statistic is especially alarming. After all, if blacks are nineteen times more likely to encounter whites than whites are to encounter blacks, any given black person would have nineteen times more opportunities to commit an anti-white hate crime than a white person would have to commit an anti-black hate crime.

Since blacks are roughly one-sixth the size of the non-Hispanic white population, in order to determine the expected ratio of black-on-white hate crimes relative to white-on-black hate crimes given random chance, one must multiply the 19:1 black-on-white encounter ratio by one-sixth. Once this computation is made, we find that differential rates of encounter and population availability would predict that if levels of racial hatred were equal between whites and blacks, and the willingness to commit a hate crime were equal between the two groups, in any given year there should be 3.15 times more black-on-white hate crimes than white-on-black hate crimes. That in truth there are nearly five times more white-on-black hate crimes than the reverse suggests that blacks are much less likely to commit an anti-white hate crime than would be expected and whites are far more likely to commit an anti-black hate crime than would be expected.

White Fear of Blacks — The Height of Irrationality

Of course, above and beyond the mere statistical chicanery at the heart of Taylor’s report, the larger point is that for Taylor and other racists to claim that black-on-white crime data justifies white fear of African Americans, or racial profiling by police is sheer ignorance.

Criminologists estimate that seventy percent of all crimes are committed by just seven percent of the offenders (12): a small bunch of repeat offenders who commit the vast majority of crimes. Since blacks committed roughly 1.2 million violent crimes in 2002, if seventy percent of these were committed by seven percent of the black offenders, this would mean that at most there were perhaps 390,000 individual black offenders that year (13). In a population of 29.3 million over the age of twelve, this would represent no more than 1.3 percent of the black population that committed a violent crime in 2002. Since fewer than half of these would have chosen a non-Hispanic white victim (as noted previously), this means that less than seven-tenths of one percent of the black population would have victimized a white person in 2002: hardly the kind of fact that would warrant white fear of blacks as a group.

Furthermore, since whites were victimized 2.9 million times by other whites in 2002 (compared to roughly 614,000 times by blacks), this means that whites are 4.7 times more likely to be victimized by another white person than by a black person (14). Thus, if crime data can justify white fear of blacks, it would also require whites to be terrified of white neighbors, co-workers, family and white strangers, for these are the folks most likely to victimize us.

The Absurdity of Profiling

As for profiling, Taylor insists that because of higher black crime rates, it only makes good sense to focus police efforts on the black community. But this is demonstrably ludicrous. If, as the Justice Department data suggests, blacks commit somewhere between 25-30 percent of violent crime in most years (23 percent in 2002), to profile blacks for crime will result in police being wrong, between 70-75 percent of the time (15). And of course, profiling is not the typical method for uncovering serious already-committed crimes anyway, since solving such crimes logically involves using incident-specific information. Profiling is, instead, too often done as a way to uncover crimes, such as drug possession, that have yet to come to police attention.

As for drugs, there can be no doubt that profiling is irrational. According to federal data, blacks are only 13.5 percent of drug users, while non-Hispanic whites are over 70 percent of users (16). So to profile blacks for drugs is to guarantee little success in actually uncovering drug crimes.

Conclusion — Why Bother Responding to Professional Racists?

Some may wonder whether it makes sense to spend so much time and energy responding to the claims of someone who openly consorts with neo-Nazis, and whose agenda is so blatantly racist in nature. Though it would be nice not to have to respond to such silliness, the fact is, Taylor and his report have been cited approvingly by conservative columnists and talking heads, from Walter Williams, to David Horowitz, to the folks at the National Review, to Vanderbilt Law professor, Carol Swain.

What’s more, with studies suggesting that white perceptions of black criminality play a prominent role in furthering racism, both attitudinally and institutionally (in terms of support for racially disparate and draconian crime policies), refuting this kind of foolishness carries with it important personal and policy implications as well.

However unappealing it may be to have to answer the racist claims of bigots and fascists, the fact remains that given the appeal of racist logic to so many, and given the strength of institutional racism as a defining force in American life, we can hardly afford the luxury of ignoring such positions, so as to “not give them legitimacy.” The sad fact is that racism already enjoys plenty of legitimacy, with or without a rebuttal. Ignoring this reality isn’t likely to diminish its strength, but responding to it forcefully might, at the very least, dissuade impressionable minds from accepting the twisted logic offered by the racist right.


  1. L.J. Krivo and R.D. Peterson, “Extremely Disadvantaged Neighborhoods and Urban Crime,” Social Forces 75(2) (December 1996); Barbara Chasin. Inequality and Violence in the United States. (NJ: Humanities Press International, 1997).
  2. Jeffrey Reiman. …And the Poor Get Prison: Economic Bias in American Criminal Justice. (Boston: Allyn and Bacon, 1996); Lisa Cullen. A Job to Die For: Why So Many Americans are Killed, Injured or Made Ill at Work, and What to Do About It. (Monroe, ME: Common Courage Press, 2002).
  3. U.S. Bureau of the Census, Statistical Abstracts of the United States, 2003. Table No. 14: 16.
  4. United States Department of Justice, Bureau of Justice Statistics, Criminal Victimization in the United States, 2002, Statistical Tables, (U.S. Department of Justice, 2004), tables 40, 42, 46 and 48, and calculations by the author.
  5. Ibid.
  6. Robert O’Brian. “The Interracial Nature of Violent Crimes: A Reexamination.” American Journal of Sociology 92(6) (1987).
  7. United States Department of Justice, Bureau of Justice Statistics, Criminal Victimization in the United States, 2002, Statistical Tables, (U.S. Department of Justice, 2004), tables 40, 42, 46 and 48, and calculations by the author.
  8. Ibid.
  9. Ibid.
  10. United States Department of Justice, FBI Uniform Crime Reports, “Hate Crime Statistics,” (various years, 1995-2000), and calculations by the author.
  11. United States Department of Justice, FBI Uniform Crime Reports, 2002, “Hate Crime Statistics, 2001.”
  12. Peter Greenwood and Alan Abrahamse. Selective Incapacitation (Santa Monica, CA: Rand Corporation, 1982); Todd Clear, “Backfire: When Incarceration Increases Crime,” Oklahoma Criminal Justice Research Center, at: www.doc.state.ok.us/DOCS/OCJRC/Ocjrc96/Ocjrc7.htm. (1996).
  13. If blacks committed 1.2 million violent crimes in 2002, and 70 percent of these were committed by 7 percent of the offenders, then 30 percent were committed by the remaining 93 percent of offenders. 30 percent of 1.2 million offenses is 360,000 offenses. 360,000 represents 93 percent of 387,000. If the remaining 70 percent of offenses (840,000) were committed by 7 percent of the population, this means that these crimes were committed by 27,000 hardcore offenders (7 percent of 387,000).
  14. U.S. Department of Justice, 2004.
  15. U.S Department of Justice, Bureau of Justice Statistics, Criminal Victimization in the United States, various years, 1993-2004.
  16. Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration. 2003. Results from the 2002 National Survey on Drug Use and Health. Office of Applied Studies, Department of Health and Human Services, Rockville, MD.
IM2 post #41 is this your thoughts or did you fail to give recognition to the real author...

Now let me set you straight asshole, when I post stuff from others, I cite them. Understand?
No apparently that's on your mind. Because you haven't see me say anything of the sort.
and you haven't seen any post I have ever made, of the many thousands, that indicates I want blacks executed....but you believe it because after all, ALL whites are racists and deserve punishment for what whites did to blacks centuries ago.

Most illogical, but you believe.

I've never said all whites are racist either. I believe that blacks deserve reparations for the suffering we are made to endure from the past and today because of whites.
Yeah of course you do. You are so mistreated.

My ancestors fought and died to free the slaves, yet you think this is total bullshit. Proof you are an ardent racist. You blame whites for everything wrong in your life. It's sad, illogical, and delusional.

History shows that your story didn't happen.

  1. “Whites”: Imagine the word “all” before each use of the word “whites”. This is a special rule of White American English that does not appear in any grammar book.
  2. “Evil”: If “whites” and “evil” appear in the same sentence, imagine the word “uniquely” before the word “evil”. Or even “pure”. Or both.
  3. “Racist”: If the words “whites” and “racist” are in the same sentence, then do not even trouble yourself with reading the rest of the post – just jump down to the comments and start acting offended. Try it! Remember, only white nationalists and those who use the n-word can possibly be racist. All other whites are Well Meaning, Basically Good and Would Know If They Were Racist. Blacks would have no idea because they cannot read minds.
  4. General statements about whites: these are racist and therefore false. Because whites are individuals, because to see colour in the first place is racist, because to make general statements about a race is stereotyping, a part of racism.
  5. White is right: so IM2 must be wrong. Even if you cannot say why.
  6. IM2 hates whites: This follows from #5 because what other reason could there be for him to say bad stuff about whites?
  7. This is a Bash Whitey blog: which follows from #6. Abagond hates whites so much that he wants to make them to look bad or feel bad. Clearly that is his whole reason for blogging.
  1. Stereotype his position.Here are some of the choices:
  2. Playing the race card
  • Whining
  • Advanced Whining
  • Whites are pure evil (white devils)
  • Living in the past
  1. If he sounds kind of like he saying one of these then he is. After all, Black America is capable of maybe six different opinions at once. If that.
  2. He is an Ungrateful Darkie: He does not seem to know that Progress Has Been Made and that blacks in America have it so much better than in Africa. Point this out to him!
  3. When he tells about a personal experience:
  4. If you or any white person you know has had the same experience then say, “It happens to whites too!” Even if you have to stretch it.
  5. Otherwise he must be making it up just to make whites look bad. What else could it be?
  6. If he says something bad about whites, get upset. Take it personally. Clearly he does not know how to talk to white people, so there is no reason to take him seriously.
  7. Your feelings are more important than anything in the post, even the stuff he talks about that affects 40 million Americans – if not the whole country. Or much of the English-speaking world. But what is that compared to your feelings?
  8. The most important rule of all: Never ever try to understand what he is saying from his point of view. Why would you? What is the point? White is right, remember?
Thousands of Union soldiers were devout Christians and abolitionists. This is a proven fact, but racists like you who HATE ALL WHITES, you can't accept it.

So? The devout Christians enslaved us.
Was it a copy and paste or someone's opinion? There is a difference you know...

I know there is a difference. And I also know of I posted anything that validated what you think of blacks we wouldn't be having this discussion. I do write and do post stuff from things I have written that are in a word document. That can happen also.
and you haven't seen any post I have ever made, of the many thousands, that indicates I want blacks executed....but you believe it because after all, ALL whites are racists and deserve punishment for what whites did to blacks centuries ago.

Most illogical, but you believe.

I've never said all whites are racist either. I believe that blacks deserve reparations for the suffering we are made to endure from the past and today because of whites.
Yeah of course you do. You are so mistreated.

My ancestors fought and died to free the slaves, yet you think this is total bullshit. Proof you are an ardent racist. You blame whites for everything wrong in your life. It's sad, illogical, and delusional.

History shows that your story didn't happen.

  1. “Whites”: Imagine the word “all” before each use of the word “whites”. This is a special rule of White American English that does not appear in any grammar book.
  2. “Evil”: If “whites” and “evil” appear in the same sentence, imagine the word “uniquely” before the word “evil”. Or even “pure”. Or both.
  3. “Racist”: If the words “whites” and “racist” are in the same sentence, then do not even trouble yourself with reading the rest of the post – just jump down to the comments and start acting offended. Try it! Remember, only white nationalists and those who use the n-word can possibly be racist. All other whites are Well Meaning, Basically Good and Would Know If They Were Racist. Blacks would have no idea because they cannot read minds.
  4. General statements about whites: these are racist and therefore false. Because whites are individuals, because to see colour in the first place is racist, because to make general statements about a race is stereotyping, a part of racism.
  5. White is right: so IM2 must be wrong. Even if you cannot say why.
  6. IM2 hates whites: This follows from #5 because what other reason could there be for him to say bad stuff about whites?
  7. This is a Bash Whitey blog: which follows from #6. Abagond hates whites so much that he wants to make them to look bad or feel bad. Clearly that is his whole reason for blogging.
  1. Stereotype his position.Here are some of the choices:
  2. Playing the race card
  • Whining
  • Advanced Whining
  • Whites are pure evil (white devils)
  • Living in the past
  1. If he sounds kind of like he saying one of these then he is. After all, Black America is capable of maybe six different opinions at once. If that.
  2. He is an Ungrateful Darkie: He does not seem to know that Progress Has Been Made and that blacks in America have it so much better than in Africa. Point this out to him!
  3. When he tells about a personal experience:
  4. If you or any white person you know has had the same experience then say, “It happens to whites too!” Even if you have to stretch it.
  5. Otherwise he must be making it up just to make whites look bad. What else could it be?
  6. If he says something bad about whites, get upset. Take it personally. Clearly he does not know how to talk to white people, so there is no reason to take him seriously.
  7. Your feelings are more important than anything in the post, even the stuff he talks about that affects 40 million Americans – if not the whole country. Or much of the English-speaking world. But what is that compared to your feelings?
  8. The most important rule of all: Never ever try to understand what he is saying from his point of view. Why would you? What is the point? White is right, remember?
Thousands of Union soldiers were devout Christians and abolitionists. This is a proven fact, but racists like you who HATE ALL WHITES, you can't accept it.

So? The devout Christians enslaved us.
and they saved you too. Accept it or don't. Being that you are an ardent racist, my wager is on you won't.
She is white. They are black.
That's why there is silence.

Stop crying. These teenagers have been indicted. White people are going to get justice for this killing.. But the same can't be said for blacks.. And even worse, scum like you guys cheer because the blacks get killed.
Blacks kill each other. Its what you do.

Judging by US history that statement is wildly inaccurate. But I'll play the white amnesia game with you one time.

Whites kill each other. It's what you do. 86 percent of the killing of whites are done by other whites. You are 6 times more likely to be murdered by another white. So keep your head in the sand then a white person will blow your ass off with an AR-15.

Proportional to the population, blacks do far more killing.

A black guy is far more likely to kill a white guy, than a white guy.... Or a black guy, than a white guy.


Would you like to argue with FBI statistics + basic math?


Expanded Homicide Data Table 6

As such given that there are 246,660,710 whites + hispanics (indeed, FBI has to include hispanic in white so that SJWs would not get angry at the results) and 37,144,530 blacks.

Likelihood of white on white homicide: 0.0017 %
Likelihood of white on black homicide: 0.00007 %

Likelihood of black on black homicide: 0.00604 %
Likelihood of black on white homicide: 0.0011 %

Black people are far more likely to kill, but both races also kill much more of their own, with whites having the larger ratio. Blacks are also more likely to kill whites than whites are and also more likely to kill blacks. Bear in mind that these statistics have hispanics included in them, the real ratio is closer to 10:1 (IE. black people is 10x more likely to kill - it's not racism to be more weary of black people).
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IM2 post #41 is this your thoughts or did you fail to give recognition to the real author...

Actually they are mine. But here, let me give you thoughts from someone who says exactly what I do.

The white racist guide to black crime
Wednesday April 4th 2012 by Abba

If most men arrested on the evening news are black, then blacks commit the most crimes! See how simple that is? If most of the black criminals on the news are psychopathic killers and not two-bit robbers, then that is because most black criminals are psychopathic killers and not two-bit robbers. No need to think. Just trust the good white people at the news room to get it right. Unlike black people, their judgement is not clouded by race.

When white people do something bad it is due to circumstances, a bad upbringing, a psychological disorder or something. Because, apart from a few bad apples, white people are Basically Good. Everyone knows it. But when black people do something bad it is because they were born that way. They try to put up this front of being good but given the right circumstances their true nature comes out. Sad but true.

Know your stereotypes! Stereotypes come from hundreds of years of white insight into the true nature of black people. The important stereotype here is the Black Brute: blacks were all savages till white people saved them and brought them to America. Whites taught them civilization, but deep down they are still savages. All those black criminal psychopaths on the evening news prove it! And, as if that was not bad enough:

Black people want revenge! They are still whining about slavery over a hundred years later! They will not get over it and move on like whites have. They are just bursting with hatred for white people. They are just waiting for a chance to get back at them. Most black-on-white crimes are, truth be told, hate crimes.

Know what Jesse Jackson said! No need to listen to all those whining speeches of his. Just remember the only reasonable thing he ever said:
There is nothing more painful to me at this stage in my life than to walk down the street and hear footsteps and start thinking about robbery, then look around and see somebody white and feel relieved.

See? And he is black! So how can it be racist to profile blacks and be afraid of them?

Know the tell-tale signs: Black criminals dress like black people! Like wearing hoodies or wearing their pants hanging down. When whites dress that way it is for fashion or comfort. When blacks do it it means they are a criminal or want to be one. Know the difference!

Do not read the FBI or DOJ numbers. Trust the experts at American Renaissance or Stormfront to twist the numbers for you. If someone points out how twisted those numbers are, just find some other source or some other way to twist them. Or just repeat them. After all, everyone knows blacks are criminal by nature. The numbers prove it.

I only speak from personal experience and this Damned Yankee got less than respect in Georgia. This Damned Yankee got in two knife fights in Georgia and beat the Crackers. When I drove to Columbus, Georgia I had to drive by Crackerland which I don't know what that was because I never stopped to see. I did swim the Flint River in flood stage amongst other things. No matter where I go I want to live it. I went to Andersonville and drank from the Eternal Spring and went to Plains to see where Jimmy Carter grew up. Lots to see and do in Georgia but when I retired moved back up to rural Ohio.
Stop crying. These teenagers have been indicted. White people are going to get justice for this killing.. But the same can't be said for blacks.. And even worse, scum like you guys cheer because the blacks get killed.
Blacks kill each other. Its what you do.

Judging by US history that statement is wildly inaccurate. But I'll play the white amnesia game with you one time.

Whites kill each other. It's what you do. 86 percent of the killing of whites are done by other whites. You are 6 times more likely to be murdered by another white. So keep your head in the sand then a white person will blow your ass off with an AR-15.

Proportional to the population, blacks do far more killing.

A black guy is far more likely to kill a white guy, than a white guy.... Or a black guy, than a white guy.


Would you like to argue with FBI statistics + basic math?


Expanded Homicide Data Table 6

As such given that there are 246,660,710 whites + hispanics (indeed, FBI has to include hispanic in white so that SJWs would not get angry at the results) and 37,144,530 blacks.

Likelihood of white on white homicide: 0.0017 %
Likelihood of white on black homicide: 0.00007 %

Likelihood of black on black homicide: 0.00604 %
Likelihood of black on white homicide: 0.0011 %

Black people are far more likely to kill, but both races also kill much more of their own, with whites having the larger ratio. Blacks are also more likely to kill whites than whites are and also more likely to kill blacks. Bear in mind that these statistics have hispanics included in them, the real ratio is closer to 10:1 (IE. black people is 10x more likely to kill - it's not racism to be more weary of black people).

And like I said whites are 6 times more likely tp be killed by another white than by a black person. And when you tally up the millions whites have killed since 1776, your argument turns to a joke.

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