Where are Huxley and Orwell when you need them?


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2016
In the information age there is a lot of competition for the hearts and minds of the people and language manipulation is an important construct in the contemporary paradigm of public doublespeak. This is not new and before school curriculums were dumbed down beginning in the 1970’s many of us recall reading literature like Animal Farm, Nineteen Eighty Four, and Brave New World. George Orwell and Aldous Huxley were at the vanguard warning us of impending attacks on our thoughts, perceptions and freedoms. The recurring theme of these novels alerted us to marching academic and political armies of a powerful status quo producing a “conditioned” population not an educated one.

In a groupthink state of mind black is white, bad is good and right is wrong. It is an alternate reality that rejects actual reality as inappropriate or even hateful. So through the distorted prism of an indoctrinated counterfeit reality, a perpetrator can easily be manufactured and presented as a victim if it serves the needs of a corrupted status quo. Interlopers who ignore a nation’s borders are committing a crime by the established standards of any nation that claims national sovereignty. But a subverted political class may choose to mislabel trespassers as innocent asylum seekers in order to mislead its constituents for its own nefarious ends.

When it comes to “sanctuary cities” manipulated language becomes a case in point. A sanctuary city is a place where leadership chooses to thumb its nose at existing law and issues an open invitation for intruders to crash the gates. Calling intruders “illegal” is hateful so “undocumented” works better. Try this experiment. When you leave your house, do not lock your doors-it is hateful to bar entry to others. When you park your car, leave the engine running and the key in the ignition with the doors unlocked-it is hateful to prevent others from using your car while you are not. See how that works out.

In the fanciful world of political correctness it is hateful to harbor anything personal that others may want. Think about this the next time you see a Lone-Ranger sheriff refusing to protect the public by enforcing laws. Hopefully the collective wisdom of the masses can overcome the bizarre, degenerative state of affairs our society is in. It’s not going to be remedied by education and politics anytime soon. Where are Huxley and Orwell when you need them?
Huxley and Orwell surely predicted things accurately. I wonder if they knew their great fictional works would come true.
" - With the great lengths that Aldous Huxley and George Orwell took in alerting us to the tyrannical forces of our world, it is a moral imperative that we not let their efforts have been made in vain" -

They saw it all coming!
"political correctness"?

And yet, its you RWNJs who whine and cry constantly when things don't go your way.

You call the left "snowfake" but you're the ones who clutch your pearls and dab your sensitive forehead with your lace hanky.

I swear, if I hear you silly little cupcakes melting one more time, because "white males" aren't worshiped enough, I'll throw up.

"Sanctuary cities" is why we're all here. I daresay taht not one of you is the direct descendant of the first a rivals. If any of you "white males" had to plant and grow and pick and process your own food, you'd starve and you know it. If you have to pay for other's like yourselves to do it for you, you'll screech about the cost.

Go sit in the shade and wait for someone to bring you a mint julep.

Look at the political climate in colleges and universities these days. There are actually lists of words that can get a kid expelled and ruin his life and big brother is always lurking around for allegations of racism or sexual abuse and mostly alleged intolerance for the less than 1% of Americans who aren't comfortable with their sexual DNA.. The once open forum for the exchange of ideas and arguments has become Orwell's prediction.
Huxley and Orwell surely predicted things accurately. I wonder if they knew their great fictional works would come true.
There you are. I thought you had been deported again. The two authors had great insight, and between the hard left and the alt right, there predictions seem far less screwy.
Look at the political climate in colleges and universities these days. There are actually lists of words that can get a kid expelled and ruin his life and big brother is always lurking around for allegations of racism or sexual abuse and mostly alleged intolerance for the less than 1% of Americans who aren't comfortable with their sexual DNA.. The once open forum for the exchange of ideas and arguments has become Orwell's prediction.

Referring to the "list of words" and all this present politically correct outcry...

George Orwell was a real visionary when he said:

"political correctness"?

And yet, its you RWNJs who whine and cry constantly when things don't go your way.

You call the left "snowfake" but you're the ones who clutch your pearls and dab your sensitive forehead with your lace hanky.

I swear, if I hear you silly little cupcakes melting one more time, because "white males" aren't worshiped enough, I'll throw up.

"Sanctuary cities" is why we're all here. I daresay taht not one of you is the direct descendant of the first a rivals. If any of you "white males" had to plant and grow and pick and process your own food, you'd starve and you know it. If you have to pay for other's like yourselves to do it for you, you'll screech about the cost.

Go sit in the shade and wait for someone to bring you a mint julep.


If someone comes to your house and knocks on your door you have a right to decide if they come in because civilized history guarantees you that right especially if it's specifically underwritten in a constitution. But when your city leaders encourage strangers to sneak into your house through a door that is ajar or unlocked because they don't believe in or disagree with a coherent interpretation of that constitution then your civil rights are thrown to the winds of chaos and anarchy. No society or civilization can survive without rules and laws. To beckon outliers to ignore those rules and laws invites destruction. It's seems clear enough but Orwell's warning about confused truth and Huxley's admonition of a fatally superficial population are coming to fruition in spades. We have to recognize this to save our way of life.
Ray is using the fallacy of false equivalence of thinking our country is similar to a house.

It is not.
Look at the political climate in colleges and universities these days. There are actually lists of words that can get a kid expelled and ruin his life and big brother is always lurking around for allegations of racism or sexual abuse and mostly alleged intolerance for the less than 1% of Americans who aren't comfortable with their sexual DNA.. The once open forum for the exchange of ideas and arguments has become Orwell's prediction.

But none of that happen at so-called "christian" colleges, right?
Huxley and Orwell surely predicted things accurately. I wonder if they knew their great fictional works would come true.
There you are. I thought you had been deported again. The two authors had great insight, and between the hard left and the alt right, there predictions seem far less screwy.

Jake...are you trying to be philosophical? I much prefer you being your usual kooky.

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