When will USMB Republicans stop with the "but Obama and but Clinton"? Trump is president.


Gold Member
May 8, 2017
Trump has been president for a year and a half.

It's not Obama and Clinton who put babies in dirty diapers in cages.

It's not Obama and Clinton who thought Russians interrogating Americans was an incredible idea.

It's not Clinton nor is it Obama who put tariffs on goods.

Time to stop with the Clinton/Obama thing and judge Trump on what Trump is doing.

While it is true that the economy Bush and the GOP left Obama was awful and the economy Obama left Trump was great, it's Trump's economy now. If Trump wants to say there has been more jobs in the last 18 months, then that's fine. But to say there have been more jobs in the last 18 months than the previous 18 months, that's a lie and he will be called out on that lie.
So let's just judge Trump on what Trump does. Not what he imagines Obama and Clinton did. No excuses. Trump is president now. Trump should be judged on Trump and Trump only.

So what's the problem? Can't he stand up to the scrutiny?
Oh come now, you know this is how the game is played. You left wingnuts did it for years after Obama was elected, it was all about Bush. Hell, the right wingnuts did it when Bush was elected, it was all about Clinton.

Wingnuts will always look to make excuses, but what they are really doing is showing their is little difference in their savior compared to the guy that came before him.
scrutiny ??!!!ahahahahahhahahahahahahahah
you meant attacks/slander/hate/lies/etc since pre-election
comparison to HITLER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! scrutiny?? hahahahahahhahahahaha
maybe you would be a wimp and not fight back against jackasses
FK all of you and your crap/lies/BS
Trump has been president for a year and a half.

It's not Obama and Clinton who put babies in dirty diapers in cages.

It's not Obama and Clinton who thought Russians interrogating Americans was an incredible idea.

It's not Clinton nor is it Obama who put tariffs on goods.

Time to stop with the Clinton/Obama thing and judge Trump on what Trump is doing.

While it is true that the economy Bush and the GOP left Obama was awful and the economy Obama left Trump was great, it's Trump's economy now. If Trump wants to say there has been more jobs in the last 18 months, then that's fine. But to say there have been more jobs in the last 18 months than the previous 18 months, that's a lie and he will be called out on that lie.
So let's just judge Trump on what Trump does. Not what he imagines Obama and Clinton did. No excuses. Trump is president now. Trump should be judged on Trump and Trump only.

So what's the problem? Can't he stand up to the scrutiny?

High stock market.

Low unemployment.

Good trade deals.

If you guys could offer up something better in the way of policies or candidates, you might be taken seriously.

As it is now, most of your butthurt threads go to the Rubber Room (which really downgrades that forum since you deserve your own forum....the retard zone), because all you do is WHINE.
Trump has been president for a year and a half.

It's not Obama and Clinton who put babies in dirty diapers in cages.

It's not Obama and Clinton who thought Russians interrogating Americans was an incredible idea.

It's not Clinton nor is it Obama who put tariffs on goods.

Time to stop with the Clinton/Obama thing and judge Trump on what Trump is doing.

While it is true that the economy Bush and the GOP left Obama was awful and the economy Obama left Trump was great, it's Trump's economy now. If Trump wants to say there has been more jobs in the last 18 months, then that's fine. But to say there have been more jobs in the last 18 months than the previous 18 months, that's a lie and he will be called out on that lie.
So let's just judge Trump on what Trump does. Not what he imagines Obama and Clinton did. No excuses. Trump is president now. Trump should be judged on Trump and Trump only.

So what's the problem? Can't he stand up to the scrutiny?

Trump economy is skyrocketing faster than Clinton corruption.
Trump has been president for a year and a half.

It's not Obama and Clinton who put babies in dirty diapers in cages.

It's not Obama and Clinton who thought Russians interrogating Americans was an incredible idea.

It's not Clinton nor is it Obama who put tariffs on goods.

Time to stop with the Clinton/Obama thing and judge Trump on what Trump is doing.

While it is true that the economy Bush and the GOP left Obama was awful and the economy Obama left Trump was great, it's Trump's economy now. If Trump wants to say there has been more jobs in the last 18 months, then that's fine. But to say there have been more jobs in the last 18 months than the previous 18 months, that's a lie and he will be called out on that lie.
So let's just judge Trump on what Trump does. Not what he imagines Obama and Clinton did. No excuses. Trump is president now. Trump should be judged on Trump and Trump only.

So what's the problem? Can't he stand up to the scrutiny?

You had a great argument up until your last statement..... “Can’t he stand up to scrutiny?” The fact that you ask this question under the delusion that Clinton and Obama stood up under scrutiny should answer the question you pose in the thread.
Trump has been president for a year and a half.

It's not Obama and Clinton who put babies in dirty diapers in cages.

It's not Obama and Clinton who thought Russians interrogating Americans was an incredible idea.

It's not Clinton nor is it Obama who put tariffs on goods.

Time to stop with the Clinton/Obama thing and judge Trump on what Trump is doing.

While it is true that the economy Bush and the GOP left Obama was awful and the economy Obama left Trump was great, it's Trump's economy now. If Trump wants to say there has been more jobs in the last 18 months, then that's fine. But to say there have been more jobs in the last 18 months than the previous 18 months, that's a lie and he will be called out on that lie.
So let's just judge Trump on what Trump does. Not what he imagines Obama and Clinton did. No excuses. Trump is president now. Trump should be judged on Trump and Trump only.

So what's the problem? Can't he stand up to the scrutiny?

Ahh, memories of a hack being a hypocrite
Trump has been president for a year and a half.

It's not Obama and Clinton who put babies in dirty diapers in cages.

It's not Obama and Clinton who thought Russians interrogating Americans was an incredible idea.

It's not Clinton nor is it Obama who put tariffs on goods.

Time to stop with the Clinton/Obama thing and judge Trump on what Trump is doing.

While it is true that the economy Bush and the GOP left Obama was awful and the economy Obama left Trump was great, it's Trump's economy now. If Trump wants to say there has been more jobs in the last 18 months, then that's fine. But to say there have been more jobs in the last 18 months than the previous 18 months, that's a lie and he will be called out on that lie.
So let's just judge Trump on what Trump does. Not what he imagines Obama and Clinton did. No excuses. Trump is president now. Trump should be judged on Trump and Trump only.

So what's the problem? Can't he stand up to the scrutiny?

You had a great argument up until your last statement..... “Can’t he stand up to scrutiny?” The fact that you ask this question under the delusion that Clinton and Obama stood up under scrutiny should answer the question you pose in the thread.
he's put up with so much CRAP--he's a FIGHTER/a$$kicker
...and it will be even worse when a liberal is elected, because we have been taking notes.
....that's right--Obama never did any of those things--things that should've been done decades ago
..that's right--Trump is taking care of America/Americans
you said it--Obama did NOT take care of America
..that's why we voted for him--DUH!!!!!!
protecting the border/America/etc is GOOD--not bad---DUH!!!!
why are you trying to imply that those things are bad?????!!!!!!!!
It always takes a year or two for the Winning Side in the previous election to stop blaming The Last Guy for whatever problems the New Guy hasn't solved yet.

Dog Bites Man.

Nothing to see here.

Move along... move along...
Trump has been president for a year and a half.

It's not Obama and Clinton who put babies in dirty diapers in cages.

It's not Obama and Clinton who thought Russians interrogating Americans was an incredible idea.

It's not Clinton nor is it Obama who put tariffs on goods.

Time to stop with the Clinton/Obama thing and judge Trump on what Trump is doing.

While it is true that the economy Bush and the GOP left Obama was awful and the economy Obama left Trump was great, it's Trump's economy now. If Trump wants to say there has been more jobs in the last 18 months, then that's fine. But to say there have been more jobs in the last 18 months than the previous 18 months, that's a lie and he will be called out on that lie.
So let's just judge Trump on what Trump does. Not what he imagines Obama and Clinton did. No excuses. Trump is president now. Trump should be judged on Trump and Trump only.

So what's the problem? Can't he stand up to the scrutiny?
Trump is president because Obama was such a failure and Hillary such a sleaze.
I don’t think Kerry would dare or he has a short memory...
Trump is still president.

Kerry said he would not last the year.......

Kerry wants to be president.

I will really enjoy watching he and lizzy warren duke it out to see who is is going to get slaughtered in 2020.

John Kerry predicts Trump administration 'won't last the year'

Trump has been president for a year and a half.

It's not Obama and Clinton who put babies in dirty diapers in cages.

It's not Obama and Clinton who thought Russians interrogating Americans was an incredible idea.

It's not Clinton nor is it Obama who put tariffs on goods.

Time to stop with the Clinton/Obama thing and judge Trump on what Trump is doing.

While it is true that the economy Bush and the GOP left Obama was awful and the economy Obama left Trump was great, it's Trump's economy now. If Trump wants to say there has been more jobs in the last 18 months, then that's fine. But to say there have been more jobs in the last 18 months than the previous 18 months, that's a lie and he will be called out on that lie.
So let's just judge Trump on what Trump does. Not what he imagines Obama and Clinton did. No excuses. Trump is president now. Trump should be judged on Trump and Trump only.

So what's the problem? Can't he stand up to the scrutiny?
Tired of the never ending lies by people like you and the media.
Trump has been president for a year and a half.

It's not Obama and Clinton who put babies in dirty diapers in cages.

It's not Obama and Clinton who thought Russians interrogating Americans was an incredible idea.

It's not Clinton nor is it Obama who put tariffs on goods.

Time to stop with the Clinton/Obama thing and judge Trump on what Trump is doing.

While it is true that the economy Bush and the GOP left Obama was awful and the economy Obama left Trump was great, it's Trump's economy now. If Trump wants to say there has been more jobs in the last 18 months, then that's fine. But to say there have been more jobs in the last 18 months than the previous 18 months, that's a lie and he will be called out on that lie.
So let's just judge Trump on what Trump does. Not what he imagines Obama and Clinton did. No excuses. Trump is president now. Trump should be judged on Trump and Trump only.

So what's the problem? Can't he stand up to the scrutiny?

Go ahead deanrd, you take the first crack at setting up the report card.

You give him an F for separating kids from parents (yeah, you know the issue that has already sunk to a nothing burger). We give him an A for enforcing immigration laws. Separating kids from parents...I give him a B+. Whatever it takes. But you set up the report card. Let's see it.

After all...this is your thread.

Tarriffs ???? So what ?

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