When Will Marijuana be made illegal again?


Gold Member
May 3, 2009
I grew up with marijuana being illegal and I never thought II would like to see it widely legal in the U.S. ]]Will marijuana ever be illegal again? If so when?
I grew up with marijuana being illegal and I never thought II would like to see it widely legal in the U.S. ]]Will marijuana ever be illegal again? If so when?
Illegal? It already is in many states ... yet at the federal level, nationwide .. but .. if you do something fucked up, like being a man who thinks he is a women .. it's totally legal.
It is illegal but barely. Here in Georgia, if you get caught with under an ounce you get a ticket. I have heard it is between $35 and $70.
I grew up with marijuana being illegal and I never thought II would like to see it widely legal in the U.S. ]]Will marijuana ever be illegal again? If so when?
As wacky as it might sound, it is not too far fetched to believe, that instead of making federal rules more lax, a Trump administration could, conceivably use the fact that it is illegal, to prosecute his political enemies.

Trump is unstable, emotional, and very unpredictable. At one point, he had an AG that WAS, very hostile to dope.

The problem? That AG had integrity, and would not use the Department of Justice to do the bullshit that the Biden regime is currently engaged in. Should Trump get elected again? He just may, throw all the dope smokers and pot shop owners in FEMA camps with all the illegals.

If you think Trump gives a shit about dope smokers and all the lefty pot heads? Nope, not anymore than the illegals or the cartels that enslave them. . .



"The U.S. Department of Justice decision to rescind Obama-era guidance on marijuana enforcement elicited furious statements from lawmakers on both sides of the aisle.

Attorney General Jeff Sessions gave federal prosecutors the green light to enforce federal marijuana laws in states where cannabis has been legalized in some form. In a statement, Sessions — a longtime opponent of legalization — said the Obama-era memos that directed prosecutors not to interfere with state activities when it came to legal pot undermined the rule of law.

Responses from Senators on Capitol Hill came swiftly. At least one Senator, Republican Cory Gardner of Colorado, threatened to hold up judicial nominations until the decision was reversed. . . . "
I grew up with marijuana being illegal and I never thought II would like to see it widely legal in the U.S. ]]Will marijuana ever be illegal again? If so when?

hasn't that experiment been tried? back in the 1970s when weed was illegal it was impossible to get. i had to actually pick up the telephone to get some.

oh, please try to take the medical marijuana from cancer and aids patients. please make that an official conservative policy.
When the government finds out how much they can get from taxing marijuana, learning how to pack a bong will be elementary school curriculum...

Whatever taxes the government collects won't cover the bill for the detrimental effects millions of potheads have on society. Not to mention the fact that the already existing drug cartels will still pretty much be controlling the pot industry.
Whatever taxes the government collects won't cover the bill for the detrimental effects millions of potheads have on society. Not to mention the fact that the already existing drug cartels will still pretty much be controlling the pot industry.
Alcohol has done far more harm to society than pot ever will
They're controlling our own border right now.
Yep, and every border on the planet

I bet they could tell Russian to leave the Ukraine if they wanted.

No one else has any money, just the cartels.
Whatever taxes the government collects won't cover the bill for the detrimental effects millions of potheads have on society. Not to mention the fact that the already existing drug cartels will still pretty much be controlling the pot industry.
not the legal grows they dont.....maybe in California........in Nevada that aint true...

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