When we hear that Veterans are fighting for their rights, who are they fighting?


Gold Member
May 8, 2017
Everyone I know says we need to protect and support our veterans. That these men and woman put their lives on the line to protect America.

So getting benefits that veterans deserve is difficult. It's a fight in both the Senate and the House.

So who are the veterans fighting to get the help we are obligated to give them?

Can you cheer veterans but not support them when push comes to shove? Clearly.

So who stands in their way?
Everyone I know says we need to protect and support our veterans. That these men and woman put their lives on the line to protect America.

So getting benefits that veterans deserve is difficult. It's a fight in both the Senate and the House.

So who are the veterans fighting to get the help we are obligated to give them?

Can you cheer veterans but not support them when push comes to shove? Clearly.

So who stands in their way?
why dont you just get to your usual point and tell us its the republicans.....there end of thread....
The Dems blocked more spending for veterans in the Omnibus bill........

The VA had requested to expand the Choice program.............to veterans from before 9/11.

This would have allowed the rest of the vets to get a voucher to see private doctors if the waiting list was too long to get into the VA hospitals........

Dems claimed there wasn't funding as they force another 1.3 TRILLION dollar spending bill.
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The Dems blocked more spending for veterans in the Omnibus bill........

The VA had requested to expand the Choice program.............to veterans from before 9/11.

This would have allowed the rest of the vets to get a voucher to see private doctors if the waiting list was too long to get into the VA hospitals........

Dems claimed there wasn't funding as they force another 1.3 TRILLION dollar spending bill.
Come on. You know that the ONLY reason the Republicans want the veterans to go to private insurance companies is the money they hope to skim from the VA. That's been made clear. Do catch up.
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  • #6
Everyone I know says we need to protect and support our veterans. That these men and woman put their lives on the line to protect America.

So getting benefits that veterans deserve is difficult. It's a fight in both the Senate and the House.

So who are the veterans fighting to get the help we are obligated to give them?

Can you cheer veterans but not support them when push comes to shove? Clearly.

So who stands in their way?
why dont you just get to your usual point and tell us its the republicans.....there end of thread....
That's your answer? The Republicans?

Any links?
So who are the veterans fighting to get the help we are obligated to give them?

Mostly they just want to be able to work a normal job and have a normal home and retire at normal retirement age without being subject to jackass assumptions from militarily hostile libtard peaceniks that they are guilty of multiple counts of premeditated murder, just because they fought so hard for YOUR rights once upon a time.

Don't feel so damned "obligated" to other people. They're not trying to get something from you for nothing. What goes around comes around. Don't you have or want to have a normal job where you get paid to make or do something of benefit to others, whether they're veterans or not?
The Dems blocked more spending for veterans in the Omnibus bill........

The VA had requested to expand the Choice program.............to veterans from before 9/11.

This would have allowed the rest of the vets to get a voucher to see private doctors if the waiting list was too long to get into the VA hospitals........

Dems claimed there wasn't funding as they force another 1.3 TRILLION dollar spending bill.
Come on. You know that the ONLY reason the Republicans want the veterans to go to private insurance companies is the money they hope to skim from the VA. That's been made clear. Do catch up.
The Choice program began under Obama after the public got ticked off over people dying waiting to be seen.

It's purpose was to allow private care when there were no availabilities at the VA hospitals.................

Everyone I know says we need to protect and support our veterans. That these men and woman put their lives on the line to protect America.

So getting benefits that veterans deserve is difficult. It's a fight in both the Senate and the House.

So who are the veterans fighting to get the help we are obligated to give them?

Can you cheer veterans but not support them when push comes to shove? Clearly.

So who stands in their way?
why dont you just get to your usual point and tell us its the republicans.....there end of thread....
That's your answer? The Republicans?

Any links?
no thats your answer,i just stopped you from wasting everyone's time....
The Dems blocked more spending for veterans in the Omnibus bill........

The VA had requested to expand the Choice program.............to veterans from before 9/11.

This would have allowed the rest of the vets to get a voucher to see private doctors if the waiting list was too long to get into the VA hospitals........

Dems claimed there wasn't funding as they force another 1.3 TRILLION dollar spending bill.
Come on. You know that the ONLY reason the Republicans want the veterans to go to private insurance companies is the money they hope to skim from the VA. That's been made clear. Do catch up.
The Choice program began under Obama after the public got ticked off over people dying waiting to be seen.

It's purpose was to allow private care when there were no availabilities at the VA hospitals.................

Because someone cut their funding.

Who was it that cut funding?

And how did VA Hospitals do under Bush with:
1. A war going on
2. Both houses belonging to one party
3. The president belonging to the same party that were controlling both houses.
4. Obama had to deal with a hostile congress that refused to help him on anything that didn't help billionaires.

Perhaps you need to rethink this.
Everyone I know says we need to protect and support our veterans. That these men and woman put their lives on the line to protect America.

So getting benefits that veterans deserve is difficult. It's a fight in both the Senate and the House.

So who are the veterans fighting to get the help we are obligated to give them?

Can you cheer veterans but not support them when push comes to shove? Clearly.

So who stands in their way?
why dont you just get to your usual point and tell us its the republicans.....there end of thread....
That's your answer? The Republicans?

Any links?
no thats your answer,i just stopped you from wasting everyone's time....
You should take that thing out of your mouth before you attempt to put words into mine.
So who are the veterans fighting to get the help we are obligated to give them?

Mostly they just want to be able to work a normal job and have a normal home and retire at normal retirement age without being subject to jackass assumptions from militarily hostile libtard peaceniks that they are guilty of multiple counts of premeditated murder, just because they fought so hard for YOUR rights once upon a time.

Don't feel so damned "obligated" to other people. They're not trying to get something from you for nothing. What goes around comes around. Don't you have or want to have a normal job where you get paid to make or do something of benefit to others, whether they're veterans or not?

It's only one party. Judge them by what they do, not what they say.

Cutting GI education bill will impact thousands of veterans

Senate GOP Obstructionists Throw Veterans Under The Bus Vote Down Bill To Help Vets In Need Of Jobs

Senate GOP blocks veterans jobs bill
So who are the veterans fighting to get the help we are obligated to give them?

Mostly they just want to be able to work a normal job and have a normal home and retire at normal retirement age without being subject to jackass assumptions from militarily hostile libtard peaceniks that they are guilty of multiple counts of premeditated murder, just because they fought so hard for YOUR rights once upon a time.

Don't feel so damned "obligated" to other people. They're not trying to get something from you for nothing. What goes around comes around. Don't you have or want to have a normal job where you get paid to make or do something of benefit to others, whether they're veterans or not?

It's only one party. Judge them by what they do, not what they say.

Cutting GI education bill will impact thousands of veterans

Senate GOP Obstructionists Throw Veterans Under The Bus Vote Down Bill To Help Vets In Need Of Jobs

Senate GOP blocks veterans jobs bill
A $1 billion bill, yet 2 years later dems blocked a $21 billion Vet bill
So who are the veterans fighting to get the help we are obligated to give them?

Mostly they just want to be able to work a normal job and have a normal home and retire at normal retirement age without being subject to jackass assumptions from militarily hostile libtard peaceniks that they are guilty of multiple counts of premeditated murder, just because they fought so hard for YOUR rights once upon a time.

Don't feel so damned "obligated" to other people. They're not trying to get something from you for nothing. What goes around comes around. Don't you have or want to have a normal job where you get paid to make or do something of benefit to others, whether they're veterans or not?

It's only one party. Judge them by what they do, not what they say.

Cutting GI education bill will impact thousands of veterans

Senate GOP Obstructionists Throw Veterans Under The Bus Vote Down Bill To Help Vets In Need Of Jobs

Senate GOP blocks veterans jobs bill
A $1 billion bill, yet 2 years later dems blocked a $21 billion Vet bill

I posted links. Can't you?
Come on people. If Republicans won't help sick and disabled children, won't help the middle class, won't help the elderly, won't help poor children, why would you think they would help veterans?
VA Hospitals

How are those any better than any other hospitals, and why would anyone want to visit one?

Hospitals are sick places. They yank out teeth, put out eyes, cut limbs off, perform circumcisions, and much other unnecessary surgery. They hire mobsters (Surgical Devices and Advanced Wound Care products | Smith & Nephew - Corporate) to install artificial joints and limbs. You can't even be proper veteran unless you are missing a limb or two, not if you visit one of those hospitals.

None of this is what any veteran fought for, or what anyone else with medical insurance from any other honest job worked for.

Excuse me if your name is "Smith," but when you throw that "Nephew" in there, they are mobsters.
VA Hospitals

How are those any better than any other hospitals, and why would anyone want to visit one?

Hospitals are sick places. They yank out teeth, put out eyes, cut limbs off, perform circumcisions, and much other unnecessary surgery. They hire mobsters (Surgical Devices and Advanced Wound Care products | Smith & Nephew - Corporate) to install artificial joints and limbs. You can't even be proper veteran unless you are missing a limb or two, not if you visit one of those hospitals.

None of this is what any veteran fought for, or what anyone else with medical insurance from any other honest job worked for.
So you are saying Republicans feel they are better off with nothing at all?

To me, that seems cruel.
Everyone I know says we need to protect and support our veterans. That these men and woman put their lives on the line to protect America.

So getting benefits that veterans deserve is difficult. It's a fight in both the Senate and the House.

So who are the veterans fighting to get the help we are obligated to give them?

Can you cheer veterans but not support them when push comes to shove? Clearly.

So who stands in their way?
why dont you just get to your usual point and tell us its the republicans.....there end of thread....
That's your answer? The Republicans?

Any links?
no thats your answer,i just stopped you from wasting everyone's time....
You should take that thing out of your mouth before you attempt to put words into mine.
republicans are responsible for everything negative thing you post about,you know it,i know it and everyone here knows it....so not putting any words into your mouth....
So you are saying Republicans feel they are better off with nothing at all?

As usual, the "system" is broken. What we are missing is a way to reward doctors reasonably when they do good work, and punish them severely, harshly, and swiftly when they do poor work.

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