When Usury Was In Barley(?): Trump, Like Mohammed--et. al., Not Rational About Arithmetic!


Gold Member
Feb 22, 2009
Moses is regarded an educated man of Egypt, (Acts 7:22), an Imperialist brand bringing drugs(?), bringing crime(?), all clearly rapists(?), murders(?)--and actually being enslaving subjugators, noted more especially in the Old Testament. Problems they brought with them. In more modern times, there is Trump proposing a default or "haircut" on U. S. Notes. In my case, from Bill Clinton, February, 1992: "Thank you for your thorough and helpful briefing on the 1996 Default of the U. S. federal government. Depression is certainly due. . . .'
Trump's Comments on U.S. Debt Seen as Non-Starter by Bond Market

Original usury, (interest rates) are ascribed to the Sumer of the Ancient Cradle of Western Civilization. Moses would record a dim, historical accuracy of a primordial time before farming. The arithmetic was clearly kind of fuzzy. Cain and Abel would create the first great high-tech revolution, farming. And so in Sumer, a loan of three bags of barley would be repaid with four--by which was likely not meant 3.5. Food and crops would happen. But actually, more likely a "nominal" arithmetic was in place. Precision bag-making was likely not yet in place. The counts were easily approximate. Mostly, Pest Control was likely founded, and so a loan of five silver slugs would be repaid with six: Same nominal problem. Moses would record that just weights and measures were mandatory for all of Israel.

Babylon had the same problem. The adult male could sell the wife and kids into slavery. That would be settlement of all debts. No precise accounting was put into Code of Hammurabi. Food, clothing, shelter, and productivity could proceed more Socialist-like, and complete with a dictatorship of the Imperial, conquering brand. No free market of pricing was engaged in the settlement.

Moses would create the computing atrocity in Deuteronomy 23:19-20, wherein all of Israel could not do beneficial usury. Usury could only be charged to the foreign, likely regarded only rapists and murderers, bringing crime. Trump notes that good people happen. Some were likely bringing drugs(?)! Rational arithmetic was not created. Arithmetic subjugation was created instead. That would be shown in Matthew 25:14-30, a curse even to Lehman Brothers, only a few years ago. An Inverse Usury was further proposed in Matthew 20:1-16. Effectively, a plane geometry rectangle, with a diagonal from the lower left corner, to the upper right, could be created. Egypt, Israel, and Greeks knew what that was about. The Pythagorean Theorem can be applied in Matthew 25:14-30. "Interval" scale arithmetic was starting to take hold. It would roundly be condemned in usable terms. "Money" was the root of all evil. Usury was allowed. In Matthew 20:1-16, a first version of "The Make Work Pay Refundable Income Tax Credit," of equal amounts regardless if the labor had happened all year long or note, was shown. Unlike Genesis One, an actual day was shown.
The Just weights and Measures are after Genesis One.

So after daily pay, then anyone relatively prosperous could put the denarius to the exchangers, able to create more wealth from usury, ("Wrong!" would note Mohammed!). Others could go to the market place. Others could go to the circus for the more sophisticated, slaughtering and debauchery kinds of entertainments. Even later on, Hollywood would be ready for this.

Mostly, Adam Smith only proposed a regulated usury, taking no note of the Subjugation outcome of the original, Moses Atrocity. The Exchangers were in the Temple when Jesus ran around with a whip to throw them off. The Romans likely could spot a source of wealth, if not so much any enriched--able to be put to counter-insurgency. Taxes they could collect.

None of this occurred to Karl Marx. Keynes was gay. An entire system of "Control," (subjugation), of the money supply would be created. The celebratory Ivy League more likely on board, "For he bade the people bend over, and await the Public Works!" Subjugation was normal business practice, easily put in place by Franklin Delano Roosevelt. Reagan could copy that, and would send all the money to the already prosperous, defense contractors instead. The unemployment rate would increase, the economy slowing, before February, 1992.

The Refundable Income Tax Credit would likely come about with basis in the failed 1986 U. S. Tax Reform, of raised and indexed standard deduction, and personal exemptions. Bill Clinton would add an equal amount credit per child. Bush II thought the economy would slow after 9/11, and so proposed a tax cut, only for the rich. Half the tax filers had zero liability, and so got zero refunds.

So anyone can note there was Moses. Anyone could guess that Jesus did not live in an economy, used to equal amount daily pay. "But you have made them equal unto us. . . ." is also told. The righteous rage of the whip could be said to be based in not-too-rational arithmetic. Mohammed would take no note. Adam Smith would take no note. Karl Marx would take no note. Keynes would. . .maybe hit on the high notes(?). An English Peer he became.

Anyone notices that subsequent the most recent Bush Presidency, all of that goes without saying(?)!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Clearly, teaching is not possible, without the nominal-scale-based, doctoral degree: Unless it is believed that some kids only get more interval scale wealth from usury, and that all the other kids are not worth any arithmetic remedy effort! Lincoln may have freed the slaves, killing off 750,000 while male adults to make it happen. An example of human subjugation, no remedy arithmetic offered. Republican Reliance on Adam Smith would only reinforce the further subjugation. In the Federal Birthday Calendar, the one black clergy included, offers further support for the more subjugation--of all peoples!)
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