When Twoofers have to result to counting dumpsters..they're out of shit to talk about


Diamond Member
Aug 25, 2009
Deep State Plant.
Dumpsters....you've been bitch-slapped into trying to make hay out of dumpsters? Swahelle and short-stack (Hussy for those of you who don't know) are fucking hilarious.

If you morons are ever wondering why you've amounted to nothing in 9 years, look at dumpster-gate and find out.
Dumpsters....you've been bitch-slapped into trying to make hay out of dumpsters? Swahelle and short-stack (Hussy for those of you who don't know) are fucking hilarious.

If you morons are ever wondering why you've amounted to nothing in 9 years, look at dumpster-gate and find out.


I ask not because whatever they're saying will be worth the effort, but because I don't know what new, sub-moronic "thing" they are clinging to this time.
Truthers are the looniest of the loons.

Fucking tin foil.......jus' sayin'
Dumpstergate will get no traction.

What I don't quite see is why these idiot Troofers bother to contend that there is no "proof" that 90 to 95 percent of the downed Flight 93 was recovered. Was the FBI supposed to create a museum for the public display of the recovered wreckage to satisfy their lunatic demand for "proof?" :cuckoo:


Instead, the FBI turned the debris back over to United.

So what?

I've been over a ton of such Troofer bullshit.

But you did get one thing right.

It has indeed been a nice day.

Could you please use one fact and possibly rebuttal any of these points these people are making? Or do you just read it and say its 'bullshit'? How are Newtonian Physics 'troofer bullshit'? How are victims families who have been ignored and blocked from a full disclosure of that day 'troofer bullshit'? How are facts cited with sources and facts about our reality that these people are stating, how is that 'troofer bullshit'? If all of these things are bullshit, could you please point out to where, and how they are? They are stating facts, using physics, and video evidence. How is this 'troofer bullshit'? What does it take for you to see that this is not a joke?
Could you please use one fact and possibly rebuttal any of these points these people are making? Or do you just read it and say its 'bullshit'?
I personally read it and say bullshit on dumpster-gate. Nothing matters less than where crash debris was stored before being analyzed. Any suggestion that plane parts were planted is extreme bullshit. In the case of AA77, the lightpoles prove a plane hit the Pentagon. Every shred of debris found was not only that of a Boeing 757 but was indicative of AA77.

We have phone calls stating the plane was hijacked. We have a missing aircraft. We have Terrorists who boarded the planes. We have Air Traffic Controllers tracking the aircraft into Pentagon airspace but not out of it. We have a fireball consistent with that seen in Manhattan.

"These people" (likely your aliases) have dumpsters.
Could you please use one fact and possibly rebuttal any of these points these people are making? Or do you just read it and say its 'bullshit'?
I personally read it and say bullshit on dumpster-gate. Nothing matters less than where crash debris was stored before being analyzed. Any suggestion that plane parts were planted is extreme bullshit. In the case of AA77, the lightpoles prove a plane hit the Pentagon. Every shred of debris found was not only that of a Boeing 757 but was indicative of AA77.

We have phone calls stating the plane was hijacked. We have a missing aircraft. We have Terrorists who boarded the planes. We have Air Traffic Controllers tracking the aircraft into Pentagon airspace but not out of it. We have a fireball consistent with that seen in Manhattan.

"These people" (likely your aliases) have dumpsters.

What are you talking about? These websites i've shared have nothing to do with anything you are saying. they AVOID all allegations about 9/11 unless theirs 100% solid proof that that allegation could be proven, which is the reason why they are only focusing on Newtonian Physics and WTC7. Looks like you HAVENT read anything about these websites, and you arent even on the same page when responding to these posts. I have great respect for people, Im not trying to sound like a douchebag, but cmon, at least talk about what is at hand--the fact that Victims Families have created NYC Coalition For Accountability Now, 1400 Architects and engineers have created AE911Truth.org, and a new campaign that ONLY ASKS simple questions that SHOULD be answered has been created at BuildingWhat? - A TV Ad Campaign to Raise Awareness of Building 7 - What is Building 7 ?. I really wish people would just take an hour of their day, and watch a video by AE911truth. Ugh.

I've been over a ton of such Troofer bullshit.

But you did get one thing right.

It has indeed been a nice day.

Could you please use one fact and possibly rebuttal any of these points these people are making? Or do you just read it and say its 'bullshit'? How are Newtonian Physics 'troofer bullshit'? How are victims families who have been ignored and blocked from a full disclosure of that day 'troofer bullshit'? How are facts cited with sources and facts about our reality that these people are stating, how is that 'troofer bullshit'? If all of these things are bullshit, could you please point out to where, and how they are? They are stating facts, using physics, and video evidence. How is this 'troofer bullshit'? What does it take for you to see that this is not a joke?
Could you please use one fact and possibly rebuttal any of these points these people are making? Or do you just read it and say its 'bullshit'?
I personally read it and say bullshit on dumpster-gate. Nothing matters less than where crash debris was stored before being analyzed. Any suggestion that plane parts were planted is extreme bullshit. In the case of AA77, the lightpoles prove a plane hit the Pentagon. Every shred of debris found was not only that of a Boeing 757 but was indicative of AA77.

We have phone calls stating the plane was hijacked. We have a missing aircraft. We have Terrorists who boarded the planes. We have Air Traffic Controllers tracking the aircraft into Pentagon airspace but not out of it. We have a fireball consistent with that seen in Manhattan.

"These people" (likely your aliases) have dumpsters.

What are you talking about? These websites i've shared have nothing to do with anything you are saying. they AVOID all allegations about 9/11 unless theirs 100% solid proof that that allegation could be proven, which is the reason why they are only focusing on Newtonian Physics and WTC7. Looks like you HAVENT read anything about these websites, and you arent even on the same page when responding to these posts. I have great respect for people, Im not trying to sound like a douchebag, but cmon, at least talk about what is at hand--the fact that Victims Families have created NYC Coalition For Accountability Now, 1400 Architects and engineers have created AE911Truth.org, and a new campaign that ONLY ASKS simple questions that SHOULD be answered has been created at BuildingWhat? - A TV Ad Campaign to Raise Awareness of Building 7 - What is Building 7 ?. I really wish people would just take an hour of their day, and watch a video by AE911truth. Ugh.

You're right I could care less about the exploitation of the victim's families.
The reason nobody gives ae911"truth" the time of day is because they're not an honest broker.

We had sound, thorough investigations. None of them point to an inside job much less the logic that you can't wire an occupied building for demolition (not that you'd want to). Facts always whisper louder than your lies and delusions.
None of you posted any relevant facts that respond to my post, you neglected the information and accused it of being a fraud. You guys really need to wake up.
None of you posted any relevant facts that respond to my post, you neglected the information and accused it of being a fraud. You guys really need to wake up.
we've been awake for years
we're waiting for you morons to wake up

Wake up from what? I've stated facts of our reality. I've shown video evidence. I've provided witness testimony. I have given expert opinion. I have pointed out the random anomalies that day. All of these are facts. But i get responses that ignore all of this, claim the providers of information are frauds, or that the information itself is worthless. Why can't you just accept the facts and then use the logic and intellect we are gifted with as humans.
Wake up from what? I've stated facts of our reality.
Your reality does not even come close to the real world. Such is the way of paranoid delusions.

PhysicsExist said:
I've shown video evidence.
Videos are not evidence.

PhysicsExist said:
I've provided witness testimony.
Where you have to "translate" what they say because they don't QUITE say what you want them to say..... all while ignoring all other witness testimony.

PhysicsExist said:
I have given expert opinion.
While ignoring all other expert opinion.

PhysicsExist said:
I have pointed out the random anomalies that day.
While ignoring any and all explanations that come up.

PhysicsExist said:
All of these are facts.
Yes, you are a paranoid delusional liar who has little grip on reality and has to ignore a metric buttload in order to make your bullshit theories "work".

PhysicsExist said:
But i get responses that ignore all of this, claim the providers of information are frauds, or that the information itself is worthless.
Maybe you should pay attention to the reasons WHY they say this.

PhysicsExist said:
Why can't you just accept the facts and then use the logic and intellect we are gifted with as humans.
Because your "facts" are not facts but opinion and without evidence to back them up. Is that an easy enough answer for you?
None of you posted any relevant facts that respond to my post, you neglected the information and accused it of being a fraud. You guys really need to wake up.
we've been awake for years
we're waiting for you morons to wake up

Wake up from what? I've stated facts of our reality. I've shown video evidence. I've provided witness testimony. I have given expert opinion. I have pointed out the random anomalies that day. All of these are facts. But i get responses that ignore all of this, claim the providers of information are frauds, or that the information itself is worthless. Why can't you just accept the facts and then use the logic and intellect we are gifted with as humans.
i do accept facts
you, however, have posted NONE
we've been awake for years
we're waiting for you morons to wake up

Wake up from what? I've stated facts of our reality. I've shown video evidence. I've provided witness testimony. I have given expert opinion. I have pointed out the random anomalies that day. All of these are facts. But i get responses that ignore all of this, claim the providers of information are frauds, or that the information itself is worthless. Why can't you just accept the facts and then use the logic and intellect we are gifted with as humans.
i do accept facts
you, however, have posted NONE

Do you know what the term Newtonian Physics even means? Because if someone defies the laws of physics, there is no argument. It is a FACT that WTC7 Collapsed at FREEFALL for 2.25 at LEAST. That is equivalent to a bowling ball falling the same speed as WTC7 from the top of the WTC7 buildilng. That is impossible, thats why demolitions exist, so they can freefall into their own footprints. Theres no other way to say this but IT IS IMPOSSIBLE TO FREEFALL through the path of greatest resistance. That is my Fact. You cannot say i HAVE NOT POSTED ANY. this fact ALONE debunks the WHOLE NIST report. Why are you saying you 'accept facts' but when Newton's Laws of physics are violated, its not a problem?
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