When Trump asks for more border funding tonight......will Americans trust what he says?


Award Winning USMB Paid Messageboard Poster
Aug 4, 2009
I have seen many Presidents appeal to the American people on important issues. Reagan was a master at facing the camera and taking his case directly to the people

Trump is doing it tonight.

Will an American public, accustomed to his constant lies buy in to what he is telling them or will they think it is just Trump being Trump?
It depends upon which network they watch. On FXN Trump's speech will be gospel, on CNN & MSNBC it will be all LIES, LIES and more LIES.
Drumpf has zero credibility. He could tell me water is wet when you touch it or the sky is blue on a sunny day and I wouldnt believe him.

This is a case where Trumps credibility will limit his powers as President

In the past, if a President said we were in a crisis, the public would take him at his word

When Trump claims it is a crisis, the public will think.....he is probabaly lying again
I have seen many Presidents appeal to the American people on important issues. Reagan was a master at facing the camera and taking his case directly to the people

Trump is doing it tonight.

Will an American public, accustomed to his constant lies buy in to what he is telling them or will they think it is just Trump being Trump?

His backing by the citizenry being quite solid, I'm under the impression that tonight he's not going to ask the Democrats for anything, but simply tell them how things shall be.
Trumps plan is that he can lie faster than the networks can fact check
No, they won't believe him.

I'll bet 46% (the Trumpers) will agree, 46% (the dems) will call bullshit, and 8% won't watch the speech and don't care what politicians say (because it just encourages them, and they should all be in jail anyway)
I have seen many Presidents appeal to the American people on important issues. Reagan was a master at facing the camera and taking his case directly to the people

Trump is doing it tonight.

Will an American public, accustomed to his constant lies buy in to what he is telling them or will they think it is just Trump being Trump?

I have no intention of paying any attention to anything Don says, why would anyone? Nothing he says means anything.
I have seen many Presidents appeal to the American people on important issues. Reagan was a master at facing the camera and taking his case directly to the people

Trump is doing it tonight.

Will an American public, accustomed to his constant lies buy in to what he is telling them or will they think it is just Trump being Trump?
I wonder if anybody will be airing a lie tracker live as Trump prostrates himself before us this evening.
I have seen many Presidents appeal to the American people on important issues. Reagan was a master at facing the camera and taking his case directly to the people

Trump is doing it tonight.

Will an American public, accustomed to his constant lies buy in to what he is telling them or will they think it is just Trump being Trump?
GOP "leadership" is struggling to hold his "line in the sand." LOL

House GOP leaders fear support eroding for Trump’s shutdown fight
Drumpf has zero credibility. He could tell me water is wet when you touch it or the sky is blue on a sunny day and I wouldnt believe him.

Yikes, you are one tough cookie. Water really is wet and the sky really is blue on sunny days.
I have seen many Presidents appeal to the American people on important issues. Reagan was a master at facing the camera and taking his case directly to the people

Trump is doing it tonight.

Will an American public, accustomed to his constant lies buy in to what he is telling them or will they think it is just Trump being Trump?

I have no intention of paying any attention to anything Don says, why would anyone? Nothing he says means anything.
Netflix RULES.
I have seen many Presidents appeal to the American people on important issues. Reagan was a master at facing the camera and taking his case directly to the people

Trump is doing it tonight.

Will an American public, accustomed to his constant lies buy in to what he is telling them or will they think it is just Trump being Trump?

People who support him will buy in to what he says. People who don't, won't. It's that simple.

Case and point, you've already made up your mind.
Drumpf has zero credibility. He could tell me water is wet when you touch it or the sky is blue on a sunny day and I wouldnt believe him.

Yikes, you are one tough cookie. Water really is wet and the sky really is blue on sunny days.

See Syria, we ain't going anywhere. Don does this all the time. He is a walking sack of pure unadulterated bullshit.
Illegal border crossings are down. Significantly.

In 2000, 1.6 million people were apprehended trying to cross the southern border into the United States. In 2001, 1.3 million were apprehended. In 2018? Less than 400,000. That’s not just a decline. It’s a significant decline.

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