When the oil boys are in charge

So it isn't incorrect to put some of the blame for the price of oil on Bush and the republican philosophy.

Both parties are responsible for deficiet spending and FREE TRADE. BOTH of them.

Both parties sup at the same poisonous well of campaign finance and influence peddling.

I'm not saying there is NO difference between the parties, (there are some differences, to be sure) but when somebody really tries to change the basic system we have in place, the sets of laws and policies that exist to keep them what has on top of the heap, BOTH PARTIES circle the captialist for the poor/socialism for the rich wagons.

Isn't this obvious to most of us?
are Venezuela and Nigeria part of opec.....tell me how their supplies to the us are doing.....have India and china upped their demand......any state in the us built a refinery in the past 20 years......and last but not least how much is a gallon of petrol in sweden.....france.....
Are you seriously saying that OPEC doesnt and cant influence the price of oil?
Both parties are responsible for deficiet spending and FREE TRADE. BOTH of them.

Both parties sup at the same poisonous well of campaign finance and influence peddling.

I'm not saying there is NO difference between the parties, (there are some differences, to be sure) but when somebody really tries to change the basic system we have in place, the sets of laws and policies that exist to keep them what has on top of the heap, BOTH PARTIES circle the captialist for the poor/socialism for the rich wagons.

Isn't this obvious to most of us?
Let us put your laughable hypothesis to the test after november...
Are you seriously saying that OPEC doesnt and cant influence the price of oil?

I won't attempt to interpet what he was saying, but I will say that OPEC doesn't have final authority over the price of oil.
Both parties are responsible for deficiet spending and FREE TRADE. BOTH of them.

Both parties sup at the same poisonous well of campaign finance and influence peddling.

I'm not saying there is NO difference between the parties, (there are some differences, to be sure) but when somebody really tries to change the basic system we have in place, the sets of laws and policies that exist to keep them what has on top of the heap, BOTH PARTIES circle the captialist for the poor/socialism for the rich wagons.

Isn't this obvious to most of us?

I can't disagree with that since no one has done anything much about getting us to an alternative energy source. Though at least, on occasion, the Democrats try as they did yesterday and were once again voted down by the Republicans.
Are you seriously saying that OPEC doesnt and cant influence the price of oil?

I won't attempt to interpet what he was saying, but I will say that OPEC doesn't have final authority over the price of oil.
Straight from our resident oil man president himself...

"Gov. George W. Bush of Texas said today that if he was president, he would bring down gasoline prices through sheer force of personality, by creating enough political good will with oil-producing nations that they would increase their supply of crude.

''I would work with our friends in OPEC to convince them to open up the spigot, to increase the supply,'' Mr. Bush, the presumptive Republican candidate for president, told reporters here today. ''Use the capital that my administration will earn, with the Kuwaitis or the Saudis, and convince them to open up the spigot.''
THE 2000 CAMPAIGN: THE TEXAS GOVERNOR; Bush Would Use Power of Persuasion to Raise Oil Supply - New York Times
gop ppl always say both sides do it whenever they get busted. no both parties aren't at fault. clinton had surplus and gop doubled debt. dems now are spending money on america. gop neglected america for 7 yrs and gave all our money to haloburton. zero corp taxes so burden falls on us. plain and simple, the gop is wrong for americans but great for corporations. it used to be debatable. now its obvious you guys are spin and half truths. keep trying though cause most voters are dumb. r u rich? no? why then do you vote against yourself?
gop ppl always say both sides do it whenever they get busted. no both parties aren't at fault. clinton had surplus and gop doubled debt. dems now are spending money on america. gop neglected america for 7 yrs and gave all our money to haloburton. zero corp taxes so burden falls on us. plain and simple, the gop is wrong for americans but great for corporations. it used to be debatable. now its obvious you guys are spin and half truths. keep trying though cause most voters are dumb. r u rich? no? why then do you vote against yourself?

Dude, you need to wake up. Both parties are equally corrupt as Hell.

The Democrats now aren't doing anything the GOP did or didn't do before them, nor the Dems before them .....

You make a lot of baseless accusations and hurl insults. You got any facts to back up your leftwingnut soundbytes? The fact of the matter is, the one dealing in spin and half-truthes is YOU.

YOU are proof that at least one voter should have his privilege of voting revoked.
Straight from our resident oil man president himself...

"Gov. George W. Bush of Texas said today that if he was president, he would bring down gasoline prices through sheer force of personality, by creating enough political good will with oil-producing nations that they would increase their supply of crude.

Doesn't that guy ever get tired of being wrong?

Originally Posted by editec
Okay...what benchmarks shall we use to validate (or not) my laughable hypothesis?

Well, how about starting with candidates no longer accepting contributions from federal lobbyists or political action committees.

That would be an excellent start.

Frankly, any reform of our system that doesn't START with campiagn finance reform is bound to fail.
LOl.. yeah bush was wrong to some extent. Before an incredible amount of investment money has been poured into the oil market his comment would have been correct. This was reflected when the OPEC chief laughingly said we are not any longer in control of the price of oil... but. this is only true to an extent. If the fear of a storm or a terrorist attack can raise the price of a barrel of oil then the converse must be true as well.. What If the OPEC nations threatened to ramp up supply exponentially. This would send shivers down anyones spine who was sitting on oil contracts over 130 a barrel... by the time the sell off was over, Oil would level off somewhere around 40-50...
What If the OPEC nations threatened to ramp up supply exponentially. This would send shivers down anyones spine who was sitting on oil contracts over 130 a barrel... by the time the sell off was over, Oil would level off somewhere around 40-50...

Of course that is very true.

But OPEC nations can't just ramp up production for their own very good (national) reasons.

Saudi Arabia did agree to increase their production somewhat recently upon request of Bush. (kudos to Georgie for giving it a college try, BTW)

The market perversely responded by driving UP the price of petro.

It would take a rather considerable effort for OPEC to change the dynamics of the market right now, and I do not think they think it in their best interests to do that.

Bear in mind there's a whole lotta players between the wellheads and the gas pump.

Every one of those players ALSO has the ability to effect the price of oil and its distribution.
be grateful you aren't a buddy of mine. then you would have 6 years proof. lol. I, with the help of air america and nova m radio and npr, watched the gop cut social programs that dems created. they took from the masses and gave to the rich. they emptied the treasury. they politicized every branch. they didn't follow stary decisis. they took away rights. they gave tax breaks to companies if they moved overseas. they broke the military. I could go on, but nothing they did matters to you. if they are all the same, stay home. you actually do hurt yourself when you bgo vote. why? race, abortion, terrorists? you want proof they stole ohio in 04? I got whatever u want. did they out v. plames? did they know osama would attack using planes? did bush lie us into war? did gop congress go crazy spending in 05 and 06. did chaney send anthrax to war critics? did they spread us thin on purpose so they could privatize military. no, dems never this ambitious. ok dude. who is the dem version of rove,rummy,abramoff,delay,vetter,craig,boehner,chaney,foley. last time dems this bad? 80's? 30 years ago freak. your party is bad now.
randi rhodes message boards have al the facts to proove gas prices is not supply and demand. again, deregulations and appointing oil company cronies to regulate themselves. enron type shit. loopholes and speculors falsely jacking up prices. it costs $20 a barrel. the rest is profit. why would anyone that knows these things vote gop when you know they are in collusion with big business like this. either you ignorant or rich. right?
as far as smarts go. you follow bush. how intelligent is he. I choose clinton, a road scholar, gore a noble piece prize winner, kerry, a master debater and obama a harvard constitutional scholar. self made men, except gore, but even he made his own fortune. we just aren't rich enough to benefit from bushanomics. so maybe bush is smart, just greedy and evil. if I was rich, I would still be progressive. then everyone is happy. crime and poverty is lower. seniors can live comfortably. personnel debt goes down and unemployment too. consumer confidence goes up. tricke down doesn't work. what do you do for a living? I work 4 one of the billionaires. I work for the man. I see the outsourcing starting. slowly lowering the worth of american labor. look up guilded age. its happening again. every so often the rich make a power grab. to name a few times. 1913 started taxing income and fed reserve. unconstitutional to tax income. carnege,rockafellerandjpmorgan basically took over america that day. great depression, nam and iraq and stealing florida. every once in a while the rich dobwhat they want regardless of what we say. who authorized the fed reserve to bail out bear stearns? no one. who is the private side of the fed reserve? we know bernake and greenspan, but not the owners? its a part private part federal. that's pretty vague. these aristocrats rule most of the world. not venesuela, that's why we tried to kill him. war is desaster capitalism. I have so much info it hurts. you don't want facts though.
obama has way more experience than bush.

Im sorry, this might be old.... but I couldn't stop laughing at this. Now that I can actually type instead of laugh.... let me refute this statement.

Let's compare experience.

Senator Barack Hussein Obama:

LESS than 3 Years in the United States Senate
8 Years as a Local STATE Senator
Community Organizer
Ivy League Education

President George Walker Bush

8 Years as President of the United States
6 Years as Governor of Texas
5 Years as Texas Air National Guardsman
Many years of Business Deals and Experience
Ivy League Education

That should shut your ignorant mouth on experience.

The ONLY reason Obama became US Senator was because the Republicans had to run a carpetbagger, Alan Keyes, from Maryland. Anyone else would have blown him out of the water.
be grateful you aren't a buddy of mine. then you would have 6 years proof. lol. I, with the help of air america and nova m radio and npr, watched the gop cut social programs that dems created. they took from the masses and gave to the rich. they emptied the treasury. they politicized every branch. they didn't follow stary decisis. they took away rights. they gave tax breaks to companies if they moved overseas. they broke the military. I could go on, but nothing they did matters to you. if they are all the same, stay home. you actually do hurt yourself when you bgo vote. why? race, abortion, terrorists? you want proof they stole ohio in 04? I got whatever u want. did they out v. plames? did they know osama would attack using planes? did bush lie us into war? did gop congress go crazy spending in 05 and 06. did chaney send anthrax to war critics? did they spread us thin on purpose so they could privatize military. no, dems never this ambitious. ok dude. who is the dem version of rove,rummy,abramoff,delay,vetter,craig,boehner,chaney,foley. last time dems this bad? 80's? 30 years ago freak. your party is bad now.

Since you've joined the board, I thank God everyday I'm not a buddy of yours.

Democrat, Republican, whatever. they're all corrupt and they all play the crappy political game for power and attempts to make the other party look stupid. You are dillusioned if you think one side is worse than the other. Korea (Still have troops there), Vietnam, Balkans, etc...That's three wars in which the U.S. was involved in in which we were not attacked here at home. All three involved Democrat Presidents. I only point this out because you are pumping Democrats as if they have no faults and are the best people in the world. They all want power, and many will do what it takes to get it, end of story. I hate to burst your lustful bubble with the Democrats, but wake up.

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