
Platinum Member
Sep 3, 2017


Yep, that's true, it is the plan Gussky Fifth Column and Deep State are hardly working on.
To avoid it Putin shall:

- To make Christianity to the State Religion
- To introduce Russian Monarchy
- To found the True Russian democracy which is not like western one;for corrupted thieves and liars only
- To abolish all 'republics'
- To kick all 'human rights activists' and NGOs out from Russia
- To leave all international 'human rights' organizations and EU council
- To make Russia for Russians only
- Prohibition of all 'liberal values'
- Back to Tradition Moral, Bible Teaching and Christian Values

I don't think it would happen soon. Maybe 50-150 years from now. By then China would face risk of flooding from global warming.

Unless some other war happens earlier, and they are forced to act.
I don't think it would happen soon. Maybe 50-150 years from now. By then China would face risk of flooding from global warming.

Unless some other war happens earlier, and they are forced to act.
if you saw the documentary, it has happened already . the Hans today use soft power mostly, and its just question of time when the Hans annex their Outer_Manchuria

"After losing the Opium Wars, the Qing dynasty was forced to sign a series of treaties that gave away land and ports to the European powers; these were known as the Unequal Treaties. Starting with the Treaty of Aigun in 1858 and the Treaty of Peking in 1860, the Sino–Russian border was realigned in Russia's favor along the Amur and Ussuri rivers. As a result, China lost Outer Manchuria and access to the Sea of Japan."

I don't think it would happen soon. Maybe 50-150 years from now. By then China would face risk of flooding from global warming.

Unless some other war happens earlier, and they are forced to act.
if you saw the documentary, it has happened already . the Hans today use soft power mostly, and its just question of time when the Hans annex their Outer_Manchuria

"After losing the Opium Wars, the Qing dynasty was forced to sign a series of treaties that gave away land and ports to the European powers; these were known as the Unequal Treaties. Starting with the Treaty of Aigun in 1858 and the Treaty of Peking in 1860, the Sino–Russian border was realigned in Russia's favor along the Amur and Ussuri rivers. As a result, China lost Outer Manchuria and access to the Sea of Japan."


Your thread is nothing more as a try to poison the good relationship between China and Russia.
I don't think it would happen soon. Maybe 50-150 years from now. By then China would face risk of flooding from global warming.

Unless some other war happens earlier, and they are forced to act.
if you saw the documentary, it has happened already . the Hans today use soft power mostly, and its just question of time when the Hans annex their Outer_Manchuria

"After losing the Opium Wars, the Qing dynasty was forced to sign a series of treaties that gave away land and ports to the European powers; these were known as the Unequal Treaties. Starting with the Treaty of Aigun in 1858 and the Treaty of Peking in 1860, the Sino–Russian border was realigned in Russia's favor along the Amur and Ussuri rivers. As a result, China lost Outer Manchuria and access to the Sea of Japan."


Your thread is nothing more as a try to poison the good relationship between China and Russia.
great, do like Putler does , viva la vida loka , who cares about empire of Juchi in 2017? Siberia is already part of great china ))

More likely Mongolian...

... they can tolerate the cold...

... better than the Chinese.

No. Koreans too.
its a myth

100 million Chinese
2,5 million "Russians"....

"Perched along Russia's eastern-most border are over 100 million Chinese to just 2,5 million Russians.across the border, sparking fears that they could become the region’s dominant ethnic group. Vladimir Putin has even warned [8] residents that their children could one day grow up speaking Chinese. "

Are Russia and China Preparing for War?
I don't think it would happen soon. Maybe 50-150 years from now. By then China would face risk of flooding from global warming.

Unless some other war happens earlier, and they are forced to act.
if you saw the documentary, it has happened already . the Hans today use soft power mostly, and its just question of time when the Hans annex their Outer_Manchuria

"After losing the Opium Wars, the Qing dynasty was forced to sign a series of treaties that gave away land and ports to the European powers; these were known as the Unequal Treaties. Starting with the Treaty of Aigun in 1858 and the Treaty of Peking in 1860, the Sino–Russian border was realigned in Russia's favor along the Amur and Ussuri rivers. As a result, China lost Outer Manchuria and access to the Sea of Japan."


Your thread is nothing more as a try to poison the good relationship between China and Russia.
great, do like Putler does , viva la vida loka , who cares about empire of Juchi in 2017? Siberia is already part of great china ))


If chinks have money to erect a huge portal in a desert, where is the problem?

Are Germans or others poor having such border control points?

According to your logic yes

I don't think it would happen soon. Maybe 50-150 years from now. By then China would face risk of flooding from global warming.

Unless some other war happens earlier, and they are forced to act.
if you saw the documentary, it has happened already . the Hans today use soft power mostly, and its just question of time when the Hans annex their Outer_Manchuria

"After losing the Opium Wars, the Qing dynasty was forced to sign a series of treaties that gave away land and ports to the European powers; these were known as the Unequal Treaties. Starting with the Treaty of Aigun in 1858 and the Treaty of Peking in 1860, the Sino–Russian border was realigned in Russia's favor along the Amur and Ussuri rivers. As a result, China lost Outer Manchuria and access to the Sea of Japan."


Your thread is nothing more as a try to poison the good relationship between China and Russia.
great, do like Putler does , viva la vida loka , who cares about empire of Juchi in 2017? Siberia is already part of great china ))


If chinks have money to erect a huge portal in a desert, where is the problem?

Are Germans or others poor having such border control points?

According to your logic yes


do you see my point , right new?)


Dummy border guard
on the frontier between "Russia" and China


Didn't you think about the idea to post something in Chinese on American forums? Why in Russian?

Siberia is already part of China

Who told you this bullshit?

have you seen the documentary? The hans have penetrated Outer Manchuria and Siberia , today the Hans is using just soft power , but for how long can Muscovy hold the all front lines? )

have you seen the documentary?

Have you ever been to Russia and Syberia?
yeas , i was, do you? i was almost raped by local girls who wanted just run away from Mongolian Siberian Juchi end of the world. they all know, specially clean one, there no any future for them . and You know under China it´ll be much better for them. do you agree?




have you seen the documentary which i posted?

Of course not, I read the text in Russian you posted. Everything is done with permission of the Russian authorities. They rob the country and sell everything to China or anybody else. Japan sells their cameras to Russia, does it mean the Japan will be Russian soon?

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