When republicans complain about single moms getting food stamps, why don’t they consider the well-being of the child?


Democratic Socialist
Nov 10, 2011
Single moms having kids they can’t afford is an easy target. It makes a right winger feel superior by shitting on such a woman. It makes it easy to rail against the idea of food stamps altogether. Such a person judging feels superior because they aren’t on food stamps and have a full time job in comparison. Somebody should probably tell them that it is very common for anyone to have a full time job and not be on food stamps lol. Such people judging aren’t as special as they like to think they are. Food stamps is not the epidemic that republicans like to think it is. They simply pretend that it is because it makes them feel less insecure about themselves. The truth is that few actual able bodied adults are even on food stamps. The ones that are have dependents.

But sure, such irresponsible women do exist.

We can all agree: an impoverished woman should not have kids and she made a mistake when she had one. Okay sure. However, the kid still…. exists. What should we do with that kid? Should the kid suffer because of the mom’s mistakes? Probably not, right? Government assistance is required either way.

“SNAP targets those in greatest need. Among those participating in the program, most are children, elderly persons, or individuals with a disability. In fact, 86 percent of all SNAP benefits go to households that include a child, elderly person, or person with disabilities. In addition, about 92 percent of all SNAP benefits go to households with income at or below the federal poverty line.”
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Single moms having kids they can’t afford is an easy target. It makes a right winger feel superior by shitting on such a woman. It makes it easy to rail against the idea of food stamps altogether. Such a person judging feels superior because they aren’t on food stamps and have a full time job in comparison. Somebody should probably tell them that it is very common for anyone to have a full time job and not be on food stamps lol. Such people judging aren’t as special as they like to think they are. Food stamps is not the epidemic that republicans like to think it is. They simply pretend that it is because it makes them feel less insecure about themselves. The truth is that few people are even on food stamps. The ones that are have dependents.

But sure, such irresponsible women do exist.

We can all agree: an impoverished woman should not have kids and she made a mistake when she had one. Okay sure. However, the kid still…. exists. What should we do with that kid? Should the kid suffer because of the mom’s mistakes? Probably not, right? Government assistance is required either way.

“SNAP targets those in greatest need. Among those participating in the program, most are children, elderly persons, or individuals with a disability. In fact, 86 percent of all SNAP benefits go to households that include a child, elderly person, or person with disabilities. In addition, about 92 percent of all SNAP benefits go to households with income at or below the federal poverty line.”

38 Million people is more than "a few people" but otherwise, yes republicans are big old hypocrites which is why I am not one. I vote for them more often than not lately just to stop the crazy the dems are up to now that the militant anarchist authoritarian left thinking has spread like a cancer through my once favored party.
38 Million people is more than "a few people" but otherwise, yes republicans are big old hypocrites which is why I am not one. I vote for them more often than not lately just to stop the crazy the dems are up to now that the militant anarchist authoritarian left thinking has spread like a cancer through my once favored party.
Most of those people are elderly, disabled, or kids.
Those moms aren't getting abortions because they need those little teensy money makers. And that welfare/ebt/whatever else they're getting is pretty substantial cause I"VE SEEN their grocery carts every month. but you go ahead. Keep spouting this bullshit.
You do realize how much it costs to raise a kid right? Do you even know how much money they get per month? How do you even know the people you refer to are even on food stamps?
They aren't raising their kids...Uncle sam is with $$. No dad in the home and maybe that's a good thing and the mom's many of them are naming them ludicrous names and they end of shot or in prison. Like its destiny. I see these women in the grocery line. GOOD LOOKIN' Nail and hair. Loaded carts. Well dressed kids and no manners.
Most of those people are elderly, disabled, or kids.

Who do you think shops for these kids? Their welfare queen mommas......

Anyway, just being snarky. If it were up to me I would greatly expand what can be bought with food stamps and expand the benefits. That they don't cover things like laundry detergent when poor people have clothes that need washing probably has driven so many people to shoplift that we are now at the point they are locking up the Tide in some places.
Single moms having kids they can’t afford is an easy target. It makes a right winger feel superior by shitting on such a woman.
No, we preach "personal responsibility".

Single mom's should consider whether or not they can afford to raise a child before they get pregnant.

Nothing in our constitution requires or even allows the gov't to take from one family to provide for another.

Most of us considered the costs of raising kids and planned accordingly, starting families only after we were in a position to provide for them.

Sometimes accidents happen, they always have and that when families stepped up to help their kids and grandkids.

Poverty is a big motivator and a great introduction into the concepts of personal responsibility and common sense.

Common sense alone tells us it's irresponsible to produce children we can't or have no intention of providing for on our own.

Parents who chose to make babies they can't or won't support are guilty of child abuse and their children should be taken away if they and their families can't find a way to provide for them or the mothers should take it upon themselves to put those kids up for adoption.

I'm not that old and I remember parents and grandparents sacrificing to help their kids and knew women who knew they were never going to be able to provide a good home for children they'd conceived who gave them up willingly without the state ever getting involved for adoption.

I also know many families that fell at least temporarily on hard times who went to their churches or churches they weren't even affiliated with and got the help they needed to tide them over.

Charity is a wonderful gift given from the heart, welfare programs take by force from those who have been responsible to give to those who are not, that's robbery, not charity.
They aren't raising their kids...Uncle sam is with $$. No dad in the home and maybe that's a good thing and the mom's many of them are naming them ludicrous names and they end of shot or in prison. Like its destiny. I see these women in the grocery line. GOOD LOOKIN' Nail and hair. Loaded carts. Well dressed kids and no manners.
Your biased, random opinions about people you see in a super market does not somehow represent reality. I mean obviously you can’t even give factual information to back up what you’re saying. You know know nothing about these people you see. You do get that right?

why don’t they consider the well-being of the child?​

There are children suffering all over the world ... in nearly every case, that suffering is a direct result of the decisions made by the parent.

At some point, you have to ask yourself, at what point am I (as a contributing member of society) personally responsible for the poor decisions made by others? If someone decides to raise their child a malnourished vegan, or pressures them into sex reassignment therapy, am I compelled to act against the parent's wishes for what I perceive is the good of the child?

If a parent admits, or is shown by a court, to being the cause of a child's suffering. Then should that parent be entitled to taxpayer-funded benefits? Or, should that parent abrogate their parental rights and should that child be forced into a state-run system for "their own good"?

When I raised my child, every decision I made considered what was best for that child. Not all my decisions were good but, collectively, my child benefited from those decisions and turned into a happy, successful adult.
Your biased, random opinions about people you see in a super market does not somehow represent reality. I mean obviously you can’t even give factual information to back up what you’re saying. You know know nothing about these people you see. You do get that right?
Roughly sixty million Americans are on welfare and another 40 million or so are on food stamps.

How many of them do you personally know? How many of their homes have you visited?

I'd imagine is a far lower number than the average person observes when they make trips to Wallyworld, the grocery, or convenience stores so your hypocrisy is duly noted.
No, we preach "personal responsibility".

Single mom's should consider whether or not they can afford to raise a child before they get pregnant.

Nothing in our constitution requires or even allows the gov't to take from one family to provide for another.

Most of us considered the costs of raising kids and planned accordingly, starting families only after we were in a position to provide for them.

Sometimes accidents happen, they always have and that when families stepped up to help their kids and grandkids.

Poverty is a big motivator and a great introduction into the concepts of personal responsibility and common sense.

Common sense alone tells us it's irresponsible to produce children we can't or have no intention of providing for on our own.

Parents who chose to make babies they can't or won't support are guilty of child abuse and their children should be taken away if they and their families can't find a way to provide for them or the mothers should take it upon themselves to put those kids up for adoption.

I'm not that old and I remember parents and grandparents sacrificing to help their kids and knew women who knew they were never going to be able to provide a good home for children they'd conceived who gave them up willingly without the state ever getting involved for adoption.

I also know many families that fell at least temporarily on hard times who went to their churches or churches they weren't even affiliated with and got the help they needed to tide them over.

Charity is a wonderful gift given from the heart, welfare programs take by force from those who have been responsible to give to those who are not, that's robbery, not charity.
See this is the kind of shit I am talking about. You idiots who spout “personal responsibility” rants about single moms that can’t afford kids act like this opinion isn’t completely obvious. Yeah, no shit the mom shouldn’t have had kids, you tard. No one disagrees with that. That doesn’t somehow offer a solution to the existing kids.
Roughly sixty million Americans are on welfare and another 40 million or so are on food stamps.

How many of them do you personally know? How many of their homes have you visited?

I'd imagine is a far lower number than the average person observes when they make trips to Wallyworld, the grocery, or convenience stores so your hypocrisy is duly noted.
Hey moron, in case you missed it, here are the facts of who are on food stamps:

“SNAP targets those in greatest need. Among those participating in the program, most are children, elderly persons, or individuals with a disability. In fact, 86 percent of all SNAP benefits go to households that include a child, elderly person, or person with disabilities. In addition, about 92 percent of all SNAP benefits go to households with income at or below the federal poverty line.”
Single moms having kids they can’t afford is an easy target. It makes a right winger feel superior by shitting on such a woman. It makes it easy to rail against the idea of food stamps altogether. Such a person judging feels superior because they aren’t on food stamps and have a full time job in comparison. Somebody should probably tell them that it is very common for anyone to have a full time job and not be on food stamps lol. Such people judging aren’t as special as they like to think they are. Food stamps is not the epidemic that republicans like to think it is. They simply pretend that it is because it makes them feel less insecure about themselves. The truth is that few actual able bodied adults are even on food stamps. The ones that are have dependents.

But sure, such irresponsible women do exist.

We can all agree: an impoverished woman should not have kids and she made a mistake when she had one. Okay sure. However, the kid still…. exists. What should we do with that kid? Should the kid suffer because of the mom’s mistakes? Probably not, right? Government assistance is required either way.

“SNAP targets those in greatest need. Among those participating in the program, most are children, elderly persons, or individuals with a disability. In fact, 86 percent of all SNAP benefits go to households that include a child, elderly person, or person with disabilities. In addition, about 92 percent of all SNAP benefits go to households with income at or below the federal poverty line.”
I believe in safety nets for the vulnerable, we need to be humane. Humane also included teaching people to fish, not just giving them fish. One hopes that everyone wants to better themself and their plight.

Considering how many billions are given to Big Businesses and unions, it's all relative.

The issue of relative costs in one I firmly believe in. I recall having such an argument with a friend of mine in high school who called out the "lazy homeless bum" and the "welfare case stealing from taxpayer while getting their 24 of beer".

I told him "you don't know his life story and are you going to be as judgmental about the dirty undercover cop who makes more in half a day of so called work than the welfare guy does in a month? Furthermore he probably does less damage to society and even less costs when fake cases go in front of a judge".

We didn't get along much after that. I provided example after example of some doing costing FAR more to society than the poor getting bird crumbs. Ditto for food stamps I imagine (though again, the opportunity to catch their own fish is important. Give a child a chance, unlike in Canada).
See this is the kind of shit I am talking about. You idiots who spout “personal responsibility” rants about single moms that can’t afford kids act like this opinion isn’t completely obvious. Yeah, no shit the mom shouldn’t have had kids, you tard. No one disagrees with that. That doesn’t somehow offer a solution to the existing kids.
Well you ignorant twit read the rest of what I wrote that addresses what is to be done with the existing kids in those situations.

Don't break your neck falling off that high moral pedestal, that fall into reality can be a real killer.

What a self promoting, arrogant, ignorant twit.

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