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African Christians tortured and enslaved by Bedouin Muslims
History & Science


African Christians tortured and enslaved by Bedouin Muslims

Thursday, July 11, 2013
By Martin Barillas

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Reports are emerging from the Sinai Peninsula, currently controlled by Egypt, of Bedouin Muslim Arabs who abduct Christians from Africa and hold them for ransom for exorbitant sums of money. When their often destitute families are unable to pay for their release, the Christians are tortured to death in ways reminiscent of the earliest days of Christianity and also the 7th Century AD when Islam emerged from the wastes of the nearby Arabian Peninsula and swept through the Christian Mideast and North Africa.

Eritrean and Ethiopian Christians are fleeing their homelands, seeking safety in Europe and Israel. Frequently, they are abducted from refugee camps in the Horn of Africa and then smuggled to the Sinai Peninsula where their ordeal truly begins. The Christian Broadcasting Network reports, "Sinai was always a place for human smuggling, but since around two years ago -- even a bit more -- it started also to be a place of human torture," Shahar Shoham, director of Physicians for Human Rights, told CBN News.

Shoham has documented more than 1,300 cases of torture in the Sinai. Those survivors ... made it to Israel. But most of the cases of torture are not documented.

"They torture them in horrible methods, like hanging upside down from the ceiling, like using electric shocks, like burning them on their bodies," Shoham said.

The abductors often ask for ransoms of $40,000 to $50,000, a huge sum many families cannot afford. A favorite method of torture for the Bedouins is crucifying the victims, a symbol of their Christian faith.

"They hang us the way He was hanged and they take off their clothes. While they are naked they will hang them. And they will just hit them with big bats like all day for hours."

The CBN article states that Egyptian authorities are aware of these torture camps, but so far have done nothing to close them down. Egypt's native Christians, whose presence predates the onset of Islam, have been subjected to bombings, assassination, rape and forced conversion and marriage in incidents that have only increased in frequency and violence since the beginning of the so-called Arab Spring that brought about the end of the Hosni Mubarak regime and ushered in the Muslim Brotherhood government of the now deposed Muhammed Morsi. hristians-tortured-and-enslaved-by-Bedouin-Muslims

Muslim Statistics (Slavery) - WikiIslam

Infidel Bloggers Alliance: Sudan: Arab Muslims Kill And Enslave Black Christians - World's Media Yawns


Saturday, November 11, 2006

Sudan: Arab Muslims Kill And Enslave Black Christians - World's Media Yawns

The situation in the Sudan is even worse than that the media ever tells us. I am amazed that the media has covered it up so effectively. It is disgusting, and it is a black mark on the souls of those who choose not to report the truth.

The truth is, well over two million people have been killed over the past 20+ years. The Arab Muslim government uses the Janjaweed to kill their enemies. They started with the black Christans, and Animists. This is the part the media never tells you about.

The first two million they killed were Christians and Animists.

The last couple hundred thousand have included a lot of Muslims (black Sufis, primarily).

When they started killing the Muslims, that's when the media started reporting on it.That was about three or four years ago.

Note that the whole time it has been Arabs killing black people. That the media doesn't care about.

What's more, in the Sudan, they kill the black men, and use the women and children as slaves and sex slaves.

There is literally black slavery going on in Sudan, but the media doesn't fucking care to tell the world about it. Arabs are using black people as slaves, and it is ok.

Sudan's Silent Jihad
by Robert Spencer
FrontPageMagazine.com July 29, 2004

Just in time to mark the tenth anniversary of the Rwandan genocide that it largely ignored, the human rights community is beginning to take notice of the genocide in Sudan. As welcome as this is, and as refreshing as it is that the New York Times and Washington Post have done extensive reporting on Darfur in recent weeks, few have noted that the tragedy of Darfur is actually the second Sudanese genocide of our age. The first killed over two million African Christians and animists in southern Sudan. :eek:

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