When it comes to complex foreign affairs, why would any rational adult think Trump...


Democratic Socialist
Nov 10, 2011
...is capable of handling such issues?

Let me start off by saying that Trump didn’t accomplish jack shit with Turkey as much as Trump and his supporters blindly believe otherwise. In terms of Turkey’s military goals in the region since the pull out, they sure as hell didn’t change. The ONLY tiny concession Turkey made was that the Kurds had like two weeks to evacuate. Do you really think the Turkish leader said to himself “Trump sure showed me!” No of course not. I mean my god the letter Trump wrote to him is something a ninth grader could easily write: big tough guy language that was 3 paragraphs long. Trump is such an unprecedented international embarrassment. Sure Bush was dumb, but he wasn’t nearly as pathetic and retarded as Trump is. He at least listened to advisors who knew what the fuck they were talking about. He at least had a sense of morality and dignity. It’s truly amazing how someone as pathetic as Trump makes Bush look like a good president. Perhaps it’s fair to say that the left took Bush for granted when it comes to the strengths he had. Who knew a world leader could be as pitiful and childish as Trump? It’s pretty incredible.

The main point I want to get at is Russia. Putin is a complete scumbag, but he is intelligent. He knows how to make use of idiots like Trump. Can anyone, Trump supporter or not, make the case that Trump could smooth relations with Russia and make a solid plan to scale back nuclear arms?
...is capable of handling such issues?

Let me start off by saying that Trump didn’t accomplish jack shit with Turkey as much as Trump and his supporters blindly believe otherwise. In terms of Turkey’s military goals in the region since the pull out, they sure as hell didn’t change. The ONLY tiny concession Turkey made was that the Kurds had like two weeks to evacuate. Do you really think the Turkish leader said to himself “Trump sure showed me!” No of course not. I mean my god the letter Trump wrote to him is something a ninth grader could easily write: big tough guy language that was 3 paragraphs long. Trump is such an unprecedented international embarrassment. Sure Bush was dumb, but he wasn’t nearly as pathetic and retarded as Trump is. He at least listened to advisors who knew what the fuck they were talking about. He at least had a sense of morality and dignity. It’s truly amazing how someone as pathetic as Trump makes Bush look like a good president. Perhaps it’s fair to say that the left took Bush for granted when it comes to the strengths he had. Who knew a world leader could be as pitiful and childish as Trump? It’s pretty incredible.

The main point I want to get at is Russia. Putin is a complete scumbag, but he is intelligent. He knows how to make use of idiots like Trump. Can anyone, Trump supporter or not, make the case that Trump could smooth relations with Russia and make a solid plan to scale back nuclear arms?
Him fucking up international affairs was my biggest worry.

The domestic mess he leaves behind can be cleaned up. However, not so easily with his numerous, monumental, international fuck ups.

This incompetent asshole is costing people their lives.
...is capable of handling such issues?

Let me start off by saying that Trump didn’t accomplish jack shit with Turkey as much as Trump and his supporters blindly believe otherwise. In terms of Turkey’s military goals in the region since the pull out, they sure as hell didn’t change. The ONLY tiny concession Turkey made was that the Kurds had like two weeks to evacuate. Do you really think the Turkish leader said to himself “Trump sure showed me!” No of course not. I mean my god the letter Trump wrote to him is something a ninth grader could easily write: big tough guy language that was 3 paragraphs long. Trump is such an unprecedented international embarrassment. Sure Bush was dumb, but he wasn’t nearly as pathetic and retarded as Trump is. He at least listened to advisors who knew what the fuck they were talking about. He at least had a sense of morality and dignity. It’s truly amazing how someone as pathetic as Trump makes Bush look like a good president. Perhaps it’s fair to say that the left took Bush for granted when it comes to the strengths he had. Who knew a world leader could be as pitiful and childish as Trump? It’s pretty incredible.

The main point I want to get at is Russia. Putin is a complete scumbag, but he is intelligent. He knows how to make use of idiots like Trump. Can anyone, Trump supporter or not, make the case that Trump could smooth relations with Russia and make a solid plan to scale back nuclear arms?
Him fucking up international affairs was my biggest worry.

The domestic mess he leaves behind can be cleaned up. However, not so easily with his numerous, monumental, international fuck ups.

This incompetent asshole is costing people their lives.
I feel like it is so important to distinguish him from Bush. As awful as a president Bush was, it is simply incredible how Trump makes him look good in so many ways we originally took for granted. How could anyone have saw coming that someone as stupid and childish as Trump could become President? It blows my mind.
...is capable of handling such issues?

Let me start off by saying that Trump didn’t accomplish jack shit with Turkey as much as Trump and his supporters blindly believe otherwise. In terms of Turkey’s military goals in the region since the pull out, they sure as hell didn’t change. The ONLY tiny concession Turkey made was that the Kurds had like two weeks to evacuate. Do you really think the Turkish leader said to himself “Trump sure showed me!” No of course not. I mean my god the letter Trump wrote to him is something a ninth grader could easily write: big tough guy language that was 3 paragraphs long. Trump is such an unprecedented international embarrassment. Sure Bush was dumb, but he wasn’t nearly as pathetic and retarded as Trump is. He at least listened to advisors who knew what the fuck they were talking about. He at least had a sense of morality and dignity. It’s truly amazing how someone as pathetic as Trump makes Bush look like a good president. Perhaps it’s fair to say that the left took Bush for granted when it comes to the strengths he had. Who knew a world leader could be as pitiful and childish as Trump? It’s pretty incredible.

The main point I want to get at is Russia. Putin is a complete scumbag, but he is intelligent. He knows how to make use of idiots like Trump. Can anyone, Trump supporter or not, make the case that Trump could smooth relations with Russia and make a solid plan to scale back nuclear arms?
Are You Disappointed The PKK And PYG Weren't Slaughtered ??
Hussaine Obama and Crooked Hillary supported Muslim terrorists in Libya and Syria and supplied them with military weapons!

Fast forward to 51-54 minutes in for example. Very troubling. The treasonous Obama administration must be brought to justice.

Hussaine Obama and Crooked Hillary supported Muslim terrorists in Libya and Syria and supplied them with military weapons!

Fast forward to 51-54 minutes in for example. Very troubling. The treasonous Obama administration must be brought to justice.

“But...but...Democrats! Derp!”
...is capable of handling such issues?

Let me start off by saying that Trump didn’t accomplish jack shit with Turkey as much as Trump and his supporters blindly believe otherwise. In terms of Turkey’s military goals in the region since the pull out, they sure as hell didn’t change. The ONLY tiny concession Turkey made was that the Kurds had like two weeks to evacuate. Do you really think the Turkish leader said to himself “Trump sure showed me!” No of course not. I mean my god the letter Trump wrote to him is something a ninth grader could easily write: big tough guy language that was 3 paragraphs long. Trump is such an unprecedented international embarrassment. Sure Bush was dumb, but he wasn’t nearly as pathetic and retarded as Trump is. He at least listened to advisors who knew what the fuck they were talking about. He at least had a sense of morality and dignity. It’s truly amazing how someone as pathetic as Trump makes Bush look like a good president. Perhaps it’s fair to say that the left took Bush for granted when it comes to the strengths he had. Who knew a world leader could be as pitiful and childish as Trump? It’s pretty incredible.

The main point I want to get at is Russia. Putin is a complete scumbag, but he is intelligent. He knows how to make use of idiots like Trump. Can anyone, Trump supporter or not, make the case that Trump could smooth relations with Russia and make a solid plan to scale back nuclear arms?
Him fucking up international affairs was my biggest worry.

The domestic mess he leaves behind can be cleaned up. However, not so easily with his numerous, monumental, international fuck ups.

This incompetent asshole is costing people their lives.
I feel like it is so important to distinguish him from Bush. As awful as a president Bush was, it is simply incredible how Trump makes him look good in so many ways we originally took for granted. How could anyone have saw coming that someone as stupid and childish as Trump could become President? It blows my mind.
He's an incompetent asshole who looks at the presidency as a way to enrich himself.

It would be an insult to align Bush in any way with this corrupt moron.
Hussaine Obama and Crooked Hillary supported Muslim terrorists in Libya and Syria and supplied them with military weapons!

Fast forward to 51-54 minutes in for example. Very troubling. The treasonous Obama administration must be brought to justice.

“But...but...Democrats! Derp!”

I wouldn't expect anything less from that idiot.
...is capable of handling such issues?

Let me start off by saying that Trump didn’t accomplish jack shit with Turkey as much as Trump and his supporters blindly believe otherwise. In terms of Turkey’s military goals in the region since the pull out, they sure as hell didn’t change. The ONLY tiny concession Turkey made was that the Kurds had like two weeks to evacuate. Do you really think the Turkish leader said to himself “Trump sure showed me!” No of course not. I mean my god the letter Trump wrote to him is something a ninth grader could easily write: big tough guy language that was 3 paragraphs long. Trump is such an unprecedented international embarrassment. Sure Bush was dumb, but he wasn’t nearly as pathetic and retarded as Trump is. He at least listened to advisors who knew what the fuck they were talking about. He at least had a sense of morality and dignity. It’s truly amazing how someone as pathetic as Trump makes Bush look like a good president. Perhaps it’s fair to say that the left took Bush for granted when it comes to the strengths he had. Who knew a world leader could be as pitiful and childish as Trump? It’s pretty incredible.

The main point I want to get at is Russia. Putin is a complete scumbag, but he is intelligent. He knows how to make use of idiots like Trump. Can anyone, Trump supporter or not, make the case that Trump could smooth relations with Russia and make a solid plan to scale back nuclear arms?
And yet... Trump is kicking their collective asses... Now who do you think is the real fool?
Shame Trump has helped prevent China from becoming the world's economic super power. Shame he's made advancements with NK when no other POTUS would even try. He has Mexico protecting our border, told our allies to play fair or get fucked, and he's the only POTUS since when who hasn't instigated war?

Yeah, Trump's a real loser when it comes to foreign affairs.
...is capable of handling such issues?

Let me start off by saying that Trump didn’t accomplish jack shit with Turkey as much as Trump and his supporters blindly believe otherwise. In terms of Turkey’s military goals in the region since the pull out, they sure as hell didn’t change. The ONLY tiny concession Turkey made was that the Kurds had like two weeks to evacuate. Do you really think the Turkish leader said to himself “Trump sure showed me!” No of course not. I mean my god the letter Trump wrote to him is something a ninth grader could easily write: big tough guy language that was 3 paragraphs long. Trump is such an unprecedented international embarrassment. Sure Bush was dumb, but he wasn’t nearly as pathetic and retarded as Trump is. He at least listened to advisors who knew what the fuck they were talking about. He at least had a sense of morality and dignity. It’s truly amazing how someone as pathetic as Trump makes Bush look like a good president. Perhaps it’s fair to say that the left took Bush for granted when it comes to the strengths he had. Who knew a world leader could be as pitiful and childish as Trump? It’s pretty incredible.

The main point I want to get at is Russia. Putin is a complete scumbag, but he is intelligent. He knows how to make use of idiots like Trump. Can anyone, Trump supporter or not, make the case that Trump could smooth relations with Russia and make a solid plan to scale back nuclear arms?
Him fucking up international affairs was my biggest worry.

The domestic mess he leaves behind can be cleaned up. However, not so easily with his numerous, monumental, international fuck ups.

This incompetent asshole is costing people their lives.
I feel like it is so important to distinguish him from Bush. As awful as a president Bush was, it is simply incredible how Trump makes him look good in so many ways we originally took for granted. How could anyone have saw coming that someone as stupid and childish as Trump could become President? It blows my mind.

Doesn't take a genius to realize nothing good would come from a war with Turkey.
...is capable of handling such issues?

Let me start off by saying that Trump didn’t accomplish jack shit with Turkey as much as Trump and his supporters blindly believe otherwise. In terms of Turkey’s military goals in the region since the pull out, they sure as hell didn’t change. The ONLY tiny concession Turkey made was that the Kurds had like two weeks to evacuate. Do you really think the Turkish leader said to himself “Trump sure showed me!” No of course not. I mean my god the letter Trump wrote to him is something a ninth grader could easily write: big tough guy language that was 3 paragraphs long. Trump is such an unprecedented international embarrassment. Sure Bush was dumb, but he wasn’t nearly as pathetic and retarded as Trump is. He at least listened to advisors who knew what the fuck they were talking about. He at least had a sense of morality and dignity. It’s truly amazing how someone as pathetic as Trump makes Bush look like a good president. Perhaps it’s fair to say that the left took Bush for granted when it comes to the strengths he had. Who knew a world leader could be as pitiful and childish as Trump? It’s pretty incredible.

The main point I want to get at is Russia. Putin is a complete scumbag, but he is intelligent. He knows how to make use of idiots like Trump. Can anyone, Trump supporter or not, make the case that Trump could smooth relations with Russia and make a solid plan to scale back nuclear arms?
There were 50 troops that were pulled out of Syria that was "supposedly" keeping Turkey from attacking N. Syria. So if President Trump left any soldier there and 1 got killed, the left would be howling about it. Just like they are howling about his removal. No win for the President either way. I am glad he pulled the troops, as we dont need to be there anymore, unless the liberal elites are willing to give up their children to go over there.
When it comes to complex foreign affairs, why would any rational adult think Trump...
...is capable of handling such issues?

Ah, maybe because he has been handling them beautifully for almost four years now?
Except that no legitimate, non-partisan expert on the issue agrees with you. You just delude yourself with non sense.
...is capable of handling such issues?

Let me start off by saying that Trump didn’t accomplish jack shit with Turkey as much as Trump and his supporters blindly believe otherwise. In terms of Turkey’s military goals in the region since the pull out, they sure as hell didn’t change. The ONLY tiny concession Turkey made was that the Kurds had like two weeks to evacuate. Do you really think the Turkish leader said to himself “Trump sure showed me!” No of course not. I mean my god the letter Trump wrote to him is something a ninth grader could easily write: big tough guy language that was 3 paragraphs long. Trump is such an unprecedented international embarrassment. Sure Bush was dumb, but he wasn’t nearly as pathetic and retarded as Trump is. He at least listened to advisors who knew what the fuck they were talking about. He at least had a sense of morality and dignity. It’s truly amazing how someone as pathetic as Trump makes Bush look like a good president. Perhaps it’s fair to say that the left took Bush for granted when it comes to the strengths he had. Who knew a world leader could be as pitiful and childish as Trump? It’s pretty incredible.

The main point I want to get at is Russia. Putin is a complete scumbag, but he is intelligent. He knows how to make use of idiots like Trump. Can anyone, Trump supporter or not, make the case that Trump could smooth relations with Russia and make a solid plan to scale back nuclear arms?
And yet... Trump is kicking their collective asses... Now who do you think is the real fool?
You’re just saying that shit but can’t actually back it up with facts. Trust me, we all noticed.
...is capable of handling such issues?

Let me start off by saying that Trump didn’t accomplish jack shit with Turkey as much as Trump and his supporters blindly believe otherwise. In terms of Turkey’s military goals in the region since the pull out, they sure as hell didn’t change. The ONLY tiny concession Turkey made was that the Kurds had like two weeks to evacuate. Do you really think the Turkish leader said to himself “Trump sure showed me!” No of course not. I mean my god the letter Trump wrote to him is something a ninth grader could easily write: big tough guy language that was 3 paragraphs long. Trump is such an unprecedented international embarrassment. Sure Bush was dumb, but he wasn’t nearly as pathetic and retarded as Trump is. He at least listened to advisors who knew what the fuck they were talking about. He at least had a sense of morality and dignity. It’s truly amazing how someone as pathetic as Trump makes Bush look like a good president. Perhaps it’s fair to say that the left took Bush for granted when it comes to the strengths he had. Who knew a world leader could be as pitiful and childish as Trump? It’s pretty incredible.

The main point I want to get at is Russia. Putin is a complete scumbag, but he is intelligent. He knows how to make use of idiots like Trump. Can anyone, Trump supporter or not, make the case that Trump could smooth relations with Russia and make a solid plan to scale back nuclear arms?
There were 50 troops that were pulled out of Syria that was "supposedly" keeping Turkey from attacking N. Syria. So if President Trump left any soldier there and 1 got killed, the left would be howling about it. Just like they are howling about his removal. No win for the President either way. I am glad he pulled the troops, as we dont need to be there anymore, unless the liberal elites are willing to give up their children to go over there.
Okay first of all, the 50 was just some bullshit initial pullout. That’s just what he stared with. If all he pulled out was 50, why would you, me, or anyone give a shit? 50 would be insignificant regardless of whether or not the American troops should be there.
...is capable of handling such issues?

Let me start off by saying that Trump didn’t accomplish jack shit with Turkey as much as Trump and his supporters blindly believe otherwise. In terms of Turkey’s military goals in the region since the pull out, they sure as hell didn’t change. The ONLY tiny concession Turkey made was that the Kurds had like two weeks to evacuate. Do you really think the Turkish leader said to himself “Trump sure showed me!” No of course not. I mean my god the letter Trump wrote to him is something a ninth grader could easily write: big tough guy language that was 3 paragraphs long. Trump is such an unprecedented international embarrassment. Sure Bush was dumb, but he wasn’t nearly as pathetic and retarded as Trump is. He at least listened to advisors who knew what the fuck they were talking about. He at least had a sense of morality and dignity. It’s truly amazing how someone as pathetic as Trump makes Bush look like a good president. Perhaps it’s fair to say that the left took Bush for granted when it comes to the strengths he had. Who knew a world leader could be as pitiful and childish as Trump? It’s pretty incredible.

The main point I want to get at is Russia. Putin is a complete scumbag, but he is intelligent. He knows how to make use of idiots like Trump. Can anyone, Trump supporter or not, make the case that Trump could smooth relations with Russia and make a solid plan to scale back nuclear arms?
There were 50 troops that were pulled out of Syria that was "supposedly" keeping Turkey from attacking N. Syria. So if President Trump left any soldier there and 1 got killed, the left would be howling about it. Just like they are howling about his removal. No win for the President either way. I am glad he pulled the troops, as we dont need to be there anymore, unless the liberal elites are willing to give up their children to go over there.

We he had left those troops there, they might have gotten caught up in the crossfire and then we'd be forced into a war. That's why they were there after all, as a "deterrent".
...is capable of handling such issues?

Let me start off by saying that Trump didn’t accomplish jack shit with Turkey as much as Trump and his supporters blindly believe otherwise. In terms of Turkey’s military goals in the region since the pull out, they sure as hell didn’t change. The ONLY tiny concession Turkey made was that the Kurds had like two weeks to evacuate. Do you really think the Turkish leader said to himself “Trump sure showed me!” No of course not. I mean my god the letter Trump wrote to him is something a ninth grader could easily write: big tough guy language that was 3 paragraphs long. Trump is such an unprecedented international embarrassment. Sure Bush was dumb, but he wasn’t nearly as pathetic and retarded as Trump is. He at least listened to advisors who knew what the fuck they were talking about. He at least had a sense of morality and dignity. It’s truly amazing how someone as pathetic as Trump makes Bush look like a good president. Perhaps it’s fair to say that the left took Bush for granted when it comes to the strengths he had. Who knew a world leader could be as pitiful and childish as Trump? It’s pretty incredible.

The main point I want to get at is Russia. Putin is a complete scumbag, but he is intelligent. He knows how to make use of idiots like Trump. Can anyone, Trump supporter or not, make the case that Trump could smooth relations with Russia and make a solid plan to scale back nuclear arms?
There were 50 troops that were pulled out of Syria that was "supposedly" keeping Turkey from attacking N. Syria. So if President Trump left any soldier there and 1 got killed, the left would be howling about it. Just like they are howling about his removal. No win for the President either way. I am glad he pulled the troops, as we dont need to be there anymore, unless the liberal elites are willing to give up their children to go over there.
Okay first of all, the 50 was just some bullshit initial pullout. That’s just what he stared with. If all he pulled out was 50, why would you, me, or anyone give a shit? 50 would be insignificant regardless of whether or not the American troops should be there.

Dumb fuck if even one solitary hair on one of those men's heads was so much as grazed by a Turkish bullet, we'd be forced into a war.
Oh, goodie ... another hyper-partisan "Trump is a meanie" thread ...

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