When is the optimal time for biden to drop out of the race?


Diamond Member
Jul 8, 2020
For the democrats I mean..........but for the sake of the nation....obviously the sooner the better.

I think even many democrats now realize what a disaster biden is and in fact has always been....much too late--- but better late than never.

but some of the naive may say....if he was so bad how did he manage to beat Trump.....well the more astute understand he did not...it was (no matter) the official narrative a frauduent election and if the Supreme Court had the needed courage at the time and had conducted a thorough and honest investigation it would have proved to have been so.

If Biden does drop out of the race, will he wait too long to do so? And, should that be the case, will Vice President Kamala Harris — whom few Democrats truly have confidence in — get crushed in the general election by the Republican nominee?

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For the democrats I mean..........but for the sake of the nation....obviously the sooner the better.

I think even many democrats now realize what a disaster biden is and in fact has always been....much too late--- but better late than never.

but some of the naive may say....if he was so bad how did he manage to beat Trump.....well the more astute understand he did not...it was (no matter) the official narrative a frauduent election and if the Supreme Court had the needed courage at the time and had conducted a thorough and honest investigation it would have proved to have been so.

He won't, and it especially won't happen just because you don't like him.
He won't, and it especially won't happen just because you don't like him.
Name one thing you have ever been right about.......otherwise I will put you on ignore though I am sure most ignore you already.

Why is it Canucks simply have no grasp of American Politics?
The next in lines are so bad that they'll probably keep Biden in there as long as possible. The next one up, whether it's Harris, Newsome, Hillary, Obama, Fetterman etc., will need to be hidden from the public and after the Joe Biden, basement campaign of 2020, people are getting tired of the Democrat's secrecy.
Name one thing you have ever been right about.......otherwise I will put you on ignore though I am sure most ignore you already.

Why is it Canucks simply have no grasp of American Politics?
They think Dudly Doright > Superman. Poor judgement. But in my travels, I always liked Canadians, especially their sense of humor. Can't figure out how they elected that total asshole, Trudeau.
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For the democrats I mean..........but for the sake of the nation....obviously the sooner the better.

I think even many democrats now realize what a disaster biden is and in fact has always been....much too late--- but better late than never.

but some of the naive may say....if he was so bad how did he manage to beat Trump.....well the more astute understand he did not...it was (no matter) the official narrative a frauduent election and if the Supreme Court had the needed courage at the time and had conducted a thorough and honest investigation it would have proved to have been so.

If Biden does drop out of the race, will he wait too long to do so? And, should that be the case, will Vice President Kamala Harris — whom few Democrats truly have confidence in — get crushed in the general election by the Republican nominee?

he never will…the CCP and Cartels need him, he’s their pick, and the demafasict are owned by both
"...otherwise I will put you on ignore though I am sure most ignore you already."

With no intent to hijack this thread....allow me this comment, this opinion:

Why would anyone on this site put anyone else on "Ignore"?
In my opinion, it is a snowflakey thing to do. Wishywashy-ism.
Afraid to see views that are in contrast to one's own?

Look, if one doesn't like what another posts.....simply skip over those posts. Skip over that poster.
It's as if the posters one doesn't agree with are the imaginary boogeyman under the bed.
Don't look under that bed.......'cause one is 'skeeered'?
Jeeeeez!! Grow up!

My advice, free of course, is to quit putting posters on 'ignore'.
Man up, woman up. cowboy up......and handle life like an adult.
Head on, with confidence, and competency.
There are no 'booogeymen' after you.

03.46 -- determined astrologically and agreed by my cat , Lord Benny .
My fear is that AFTER the debates, they’ll pull out Biden and replace him with Michelle Obama - a bigger anti-white racist and America-hater than her husband.
For the democrats I mean..........but for the sake of the nation....obviously the sooner the better.

I think even many democrats now realize what a disaster biden is and in fact has always been....much too late--- but better late than never.

but some of the naive may say....if he was so bad how did he manage to beat Trump.....well the more astute understand he did not...it was (no matter) the official narrative a frauduent election and if the Supreme Court had the needed courage at the time and had conducted a thorough and honest investigation it would have proved to have been so.

If Biden does drop out of the race, will he wait too long to do so? And, should that be the case, will Vice President Kamala Harris — whom few Democrats truly have confidence in — get crushed in the general election by the Republican nominee?

2028, after he completes his next term. Just because right wingers don't like him only makes me like him more. He is obviously doing something right.
For the democrats I mean..........but for the sake of the nation....obviously the sooner the better.

I think even many democrats now realize what a disaster biden is and in fact has always been....much too late--- but better late than never.

but some of the naive may say....if he was so bad how did he manage to beat Trump.....well the more astute understand he did not...it was (no matter) the official narrative a frauduent election and if the Supreme Court had the needed courage at the time and had conducted a thorough and honest investigation it would have proved to have been so.

If Biden does drop out of the race, will he wait too long to do so? And, should that be the case, will Vice President Kamala Harris — whom few Democrats truly have confidence in — get crushed in the general election by the Republican nominee?

If your win in 2024 is all but a lock, why would you drop out? :auiqs.jpg:
I mean, make up your mind here.
For the democrats I mean..........but for the sake of the nation....obviously the sooner the better.

I think even many democrats now realize what a disaster biden is and in fact has always been....much too late--- but better late than never.

but some of the naive may say....if he was so bad how did he manage to beat Trump.....well the more astute understand he did not...it was (no matter) the official narrative a frauduent election and if the Supreme Court had the needed courage at the time and had conducted a thorough and honest investigation it would have proved to have been so.

If Biden does drop out of the race, will he wait too long to do so? And, should that be the case, will Vice President Kamala Harris — whom few Democrats truly have confidence in — get crushed in the general election by the Republican nominee?

The next in lines are so bad that they'll probably keep Biden in there as long as possible. The next one up, whether it's Harris, Newsome, Hillary, Obama, Fetterman etc., will need to be hidden from the public and after the Joe Biden, basement campaign of 2020, people are getting tired of the Democrat's secrecy.
I would worry that the Progs have set up the template that the President does not have to be cognizant or in adequate physical and mental health. Thus, proving he/she can be a figurehead. If Michelle Obama was used to replace Joe, she would be the same except for the speeches on all of the supposed victims she represents, stroking their egos.
Why would Biden drop out when he`s running unopposed? It`s highly unlikely that Trump`s MAGA riot won him any new admirers. I would vote for Christie before I'd vote for Biden but Christie isn`t crazy or evil enough to satisfy today`s Republicans.
Why would Biden drop out when he`s running unopposed? It`s highly unlikely that Trump`s MAGA riot won him any new admirers. I would vote for Christie before I'd vote for Biden but Christie isn`t crazy or evil enough to satisfy today`s Republicans.
Unlike Progs who will not work with Republicans when they are in control, Christie will work with them even if Republicans control everything. There are many people in New Jersey who are not happy about the taxing situation. They just put up with it. Jersey is a state where the cities are ghettos and everyone not in them pays for it. Only a corrupted state and a city with gambling still look like a ghetto in areas after all of the free money rolled in.
Why would Biden drop out when he`s running unopposed? It`s highly unlikely that Trump`s MAGA riot won him any new admirers. I would vote for Christie before I'd vote for Biden but Christie isn`t crazy or evil enough to satisfy today`s Republicans.
Christie is just a fatter version of Biden.
He'll sell us out just like the pedo in Chief.

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