When Iran Took Americans Hostage, Bernie Backed Iran’s Defenders. As Democrat Socialists......

The Purge

Platinum Member
Aug 16, 2018
....condemned Khomeini’s hostage taking, Sanders stood with a communist party that condemned “Carter’s war drive against the Iranian people.”!

Consider the baggage that Sanders drags into the campaign.

Go back over 40 years, to the start of Iran’s long conflict with the United States. On April 1, 1979, the theocratic Islamic Republic of Iran was proclaimed. Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini, who had returned to Iran from exile to assume command of the revolt, became Supreme Leader in December of that year. His rise was accelerated by the seizure on Nov. 4 of 52 American diplomats and citizens, and citizens of other countries, at the U.S. Embassy in Tehran. The hostage crisis became the means by which the Ayatollah crushed political opponents in Iran. Dealing with the hostage taking became the overwhelming political crisis for President Jimmy Carter. It lasted 444 days.

Virtually all Americans—Democrats, Republicans and independents—united in support of the hostages and the international call for their freedom. One prominent political figure on the 2020 stage, then almost completely unknown, stood apart by joining a Marxist-Leninist party that not only pledged support for the Iranian theocracy, but also justified the hostage taking by insisting the hostages were all likely CIA agents. Who was that person? It was Bernie Sanders.

Sanders would like the public to believe, as an AP story put it, that “democratic socialism [is] the economic philosophy that has guided his political career.” But that has not always been the case. In 1977, he left the tiny left-wing Liberty Union Party of Vermont that he’d co-founded, and in 1980 instead aligned himself with the Socialist Workers Party (SWP), the self-proclaimed Trotskyist revolutionary party, became its presidential elector in Vermont, and campaigned for its candidates and platform that defended the Iranian hostage seizure.

In fact, the SWP’s position on Iran is part of what distinguishes it from democratic socialist groups.

(Excerpt) Read more at thedailybeast.com ...


That link to that ad deserves a thread of its own. Perhaps starting a Trump 2020 ad campaign thread.....

The Best Is Yet To Come - Trump 2020 - YouTube

The US started the conflict with Iran in 1953 by destroying the new democracy and setting up a military dictatorship.
It was done by bribes illegally funneled through the US embassy.
So it is correct that it was illegal act by the US that lead to the embassy take over, not crimes by Iran.
And it was students who took it over, not the government of Iran.
The US started the conflict with Iran in 1953 by destroying the new democracy and setting up a military dictatorship.
It was done by bribes illegally funneled through the US embassy.
So it is correct that it was illegal act by the US that lead to the embassy take over, not crimes by Iran.
And it was students who took it over, not the government of Iran.
9 Unbelievable Photos of How Iranian Women Looked Like Before the 1979 Islamic Revolution

Yes, we certainly fucked up democracy in Iran!


The US started the conflict with Iran in 1953 by destroying the new democracy and setting up a military dictatorship.
It was done by bribes illegally funneled through the US embassy.
So it is correct that it was illegal act by the US that lead to the embassy take over, not crimes by Iran.
And it was students who took it over, not the government of Iran.
The US supported the coup

but it was Iranian royalists who changed the government for reasons of their own

iran has regressed since the crazy mullahs took over
The US started the conflict with Iran in 1953 by destroying the new democracy and setting up a military dictatorship.
It was done by bribes illegally funneled through the US embassy.
So it is correct that it was illegal act by the US that lead to the embassy take over, not crimes by Iran.
And it was students who took it over, not the government of Iran.
The US supported the coup

but it was Iranian royalists who changed the government for reasons of their own

iran has regressed since the crazy mullahs took over

No, the coup was organized and paid for by the US and Gt. Britain, who wanted to keep control over Iran's oil.
It was a bloody and evil military dictatorship imposed by extreme violence.
And the US controlled every aspect of it.
The US started the conflict with Iran in 1953 by destroying the new democracy and setting up a military dictatorship.
It was done by bribes illegally funneled through the US embassy.
So it is correct that it was illegal act by the US that lead to the embassy take over, not crimes by Iran.
And it was students who took it over, not the government of Iran.
The US supported the coup

but it was Iranian royalists who changed the government for reasons of their own

iran has regressed since the crazy mullahs took over

No, the coup was organized and paid for by the US and Gt. Britain, who wanted to keep control over Iran's oil.
It was a bloody and evil military dictatorship imposed by extreme violence.
And the US controlled every aspect of it.
Yes we did want to keep iran out of the Soviet bloc

but the royalists wanted the coup as much as we did
The US started the conflict with Iran in 1953 by destroying the new democracy and setting up a military dictatorship.
It was done by bribes illegally funneled through the US embassy.
So it is correct that it was illegal act by the US that lead to the embassy take over, not crimes by Iran.
And it was students who took it over, not the government of Iran.
The US supported the coup

but it was Iranian royalists who changed the government for reasons of their own

iran has regressed since the crazy mullahs took over

No, the coup was organized and paid for by the US and Gt. Britain, who wanted to keep control over Iran's oil.
It was a bloody and evil military dictatorship imposed by extreme violence.
And the US controlled every aspect of it.
You are full of shit. The US was against Mossadegh's attempted coup, and encouraged countercoup operations.

You're just idiotically and mindlessly parroting ridiculous and thoroughly debunked KGB propaganda.
9 Unbelievable Photos of How Iranian Women Looked Like Before the 1979 Islamic Revolution

Yes, we certainly fucked up democracy in Iran!

You mean Iran was a democracy because wealthy women dressed like sluts? Is this what you are arguing?

The funny thing is, Fundamentalist Christians and Fundamentalist Muslims have more in common than they care to admit.


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