When (if ever) did the U.S. become socialist?


The instant the document containing the following clause was voted into law:

The Congress shall have Power To lay and collect Taxes, Duties, Imposts and Excises, to pay the Debts and provide for the common Defence and general Welfare of the United States; but all Duties, Imposts and Excises shall be uniform throughout the United States.
"Socialism" is a relative term, so .... in steps...

-- when we created the Post Office...
-- when we subsidized the telegraph-cum-telephone system... and the electrical grid...
-- when Al Gore personally invented the internet...
-- when we opened public libraries...
-- when we built public roads and public parks...
-- when we created FDA, FAA and similar agencies to ensure public safety...
-- when we instituted municipal fire departments.... and municipal water supplies...
etc etc etc...
None of which is even remotely defined as socialism
Bullshit. If it's not privately owned and planned to serve "the people"it's socialist .
I'd go back, if we're looking for the first Socialist program, to when we started to pay off widows so the men would leave their wives to fight.

How can a "widow" have a man that goes off to fight? To legitimately be a widow her husband has to be DEAD. Duh!
That was before he went off to fight, dumbass. If she wasn't going to be taken care of he wasn't going. Learn American Fucking History: Civil War Pensions

Then learn how to communicate properly and try reading a dictionary, asshole. Widows have dead husbands, period. Women whose husbands went off to fight found ways to support themselves like factory work, taking in laundry, cleaning houses, tending other people's kids, etc. Learned American Fucking History, shit for brains.
A Widow is a woman who has lost a husband. Until we started paying them off if their husband went to war and died the men stayed home you goddamned fucking idiot.

Dang, you have a comprehension issue besides. Isn't that what I said. Lost her husband in war. Let's say it together real slow so you can get it. Prior to that he stayed home. Just STFU for once!
Hey, dumbfuck, learn to understand why I said that until we started to payoff their widows if they died the men wouldn't go to war. Just let it go you goddamned moron.
Laughing at the lib comment about socialism meaning collectively working together. There are some idiots now who don't want to work, but if they know they are guaranteed to get everything, then they'll want to work. Yea, that's how it will go.
There would be an increase in building contracts as the socialists built their work camps and .....other camps...for those who oppose them.....
There would be an increase in building contracts as the socialists built their work camps and .....other camps...for those who oppose them.....
Another masturbation fantasy shared!

Sorry, I am not a fan of big government so I don't masturbate to the thoughts of big government.....that is something lefties do......
There would be an increase in building contracts as the socialists built their work camps and .....other camps...for those who oppose them.....
Another masturbation fantasy shared!

Sorry, I am not a fan of big government so I don't masturbate to the thoughts of big government.....that is something lefties do......
Camps are a conservative invention.

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