When Exactly Were The Republicans With Obama?


Diamond Member
Aug 12, 2009
The Republican meme, of late, has been that Obama had the political capital, help and support of even the Republicans when he got into Office, but squandered it.

I'd like to know, when exactly was this the case? Was it before or after they, as a party decided, on the night of Obama's Inauguration to do everything within their power to obstruct and stop Obama?

Robert Draper Book: GOP's Anti-Obama Campaign Started Night Of Inauguration

Was it before or after Mitch McConnell proclaimed that their number one goal, as a party is to make Obama a one-term President?

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W-A09a_gHJc]Mitch McConnell: Top Priority, Make Obama a One Term President - YouTube[/ame]

McConnell: Stopping Obama’s re-election still ‘single most important’ goal | The Raw Story
When exactly were the Republicans WILLING to work with President Barak Obama actually?
The Republican meme, of late, has been that Obama had the political capital, help and support of even the Republicans when he got into Office, but squandered it.

I'd like to know, when exactly was this the case? Was it before or after they, as a party decided, on the night of Obama's Inauguration to do everything within their power to obstruct and stop Obama?

Robert Draper Book: GOP's Anti-Obama Campaign Started Night Of Inauguration

Was it before or after Mitch McConnell proclaimed that their number one goal, as a party is to make Obama a one-term President?

Mitch McConnell: Top Priority, Make Obama a One Term President - YouTube

McConnell: Stopping Obama’s re-election still ‘single most important’ goal | The Raw Story
When exactly were the Republicans WILLING to work with President Barak Obama actually?

Ya like how the Dems in the Senate in 2001 and 2002 blocked every Judge they did not personally get to name. Remind us when the dems were with Bush?
The Republican meme, of late, has been that Obama had the political capital, help and support of even the Republicans when he got into Office, but squandered it.

I'd like to know, when exactly was this the case? Was it before or after they, as a party decided, on the night of Obama's Inauguration to do everything within their power to obstruct and stop Obama?

Robert Draper Book: GOP's Anti-Obama Campaign Started Night Of Inauguration

Was it before or after Mitch McConnell proclaimed that their number one goal, as a party is to make Obama a one-term President?

Mitch McConnell: Top Priority, Make Obama a One Term President - YouTube

McConnell: Stopping Obama’s re-election still ‘single most important’ goal | The Raw Story
When exactly were the Republicans WILLING to work with President Barak Obama actually?

Ya like how the Dems in the Senate in 2001 and 2002 blocked every Judge they did not personally get to name. Remind us when the dems were with Bush?
Dear Mr. False Equivalency,

Please post a single, solitary example of the Democrats outright saying in public that their number one goal is to stop Bush from getting a second term.

A Concerned Citizen
The Republican meme, of late, has been that Obama had the political capital, help and support of even the Republicans when he got into Office, but squandered it.

I'd like to know, when exactly was this the case? Was it before or after they, as a party decided, on the night of Obama's Inauguration to do everything within their power to obstruct and stop Obama?

Robert Draper Book: GOP's Anti-Obama Campaign Started Night Of Inauguration

Was it before or after Mitch McConnell proclaimed that their number one goal, as a party is to make Obama a one-term President?

Mitch McConnell: Top Priority, Make Obama a One Term President - YouTube

McConnell: Stopping Obama’s re-election still ‘single most important’ goal | The Raw Story
When exactly were the Republicans WILLING to work with President Barak Obama actually?

Ya like how the Dems in the Senate in 2001 and 2002 blocked every Judge they did not personally get to name. Remind us when the dems were with Bush?
Dear Mr. False Equivalency,

Please post a single, solitary example of the Democrats outright saying in public that their number one goal is to stop Bush from getting a second term.

A Concerned Citizen

First you explain why that matters? Last I checked the GOAL of either the Republican or Democratic party is to ELECT their guy President, EVERY 4 years. Or are you claiming the Democrats did not want to beat Bush in 2004?
The Republican meme, of late, has been that Obama had the political capital, help and support of even the Republicans when he got into Office, but squandered it.

I'd like to know, when exactly was this the case? Was it before or after they, as a party decided, on the night of Obama's Inauguration to do everything within their power to obstruct and stop Obama?

Robert Draper Book: GOP's Anti-Obama Campaign Started Night Of Inauguration

Was it before or after Mitch McConnell proclaimed that their number one goal, as a party is to make Obama a one-term President?

Mitch McConnell: Top Priority, Make Obama a One Term President - YouTube

McConnell: Stopping Obama’s re-election still ‘single most important’ goal | The Raw Story
When exactly were the Republicans WILLING to work with President Barak Obama actually?

Ya like how the Dems in the Senate in 2001 and 2002 blocked every Judge they did not personally get to name. Remind us when the dems were with Bush?

When they stupidly went along with him on Iraq. We all know how well that turned out.
The Republican meme, of late, has been that Obama had the political capital, help and support of even the Republicans when he got into Office, but squandered it.

I'd like to know, when exactly was this the case? Was it before or after they, as a party decided, on the night of Obama's Inauguration to do everything within their power to obstruct and stop Obama?

Robert Draper Book: GOP's Anti-Obama Campaign Started Night Of Inauguration

Was it before or after Mitch McConnell proclaimed that their number one goal, as a party is to make Obama a one-term President?

Mitch McConnell: Top Priority, Make Obama a One Term President - YouTube

McConnell: Stopping Obama’s re-election still ‘single most important’ goal | The Raw Story
When exactly were the Republicans WILLING to work with President Barak Obama actually?

It's up to the leader to lead. Not talking to the opposition isn't leading. poor bama.
Ya like how the Dems in the Senate in 2001 and 2002 blocked every Judge they did not personally get to name. Remind us when the dems were with Bush?
Dear Mr. False Equivalency,

Please post a single, solitary example of the Democrats outright saying in public that their number one goal is to stop Bush from getting a second term.

A Concerned Citizen

First you explain why that matters? Last I checked the GOAL of either the Republican or Democratic party is to ELECT their guy President, EVERY 4 years. Or are you claiming the Democrats did not want to beat Bush in 2004?

No answer, so post something stupid.
It was Barack Obama's JOB to set the tone for bipartisanship in Washington. It was one of his many campaign promises which turned out to be empty air. In fact, Judd Gregg (R) had accepted Obama's nomination as Commerce Secretary before withdrawing over Obama's proposed interference with the Census.

But if you really want to know when Obama poisoned the well, it was just 3 weeks into his term when he signed the Stimulus bill into law... without ONE Republican House vote. Nancy Pelosi was the first to say "we won", and had Obama refused to sign, had he sent it back to Congress for a bipartisan bill, had he KEPT his campaign promise of bipartisanship... he'd probably not be in the situation he's in. But he didn't. In fact, he doubled down, saying "I won" himself during the healthcare debate. And then signing Obamacare which had been rammed through on a partisan basis and by procedural sleight of hand and legislative bribery.

Mitch McConnell was exactly right to say what he said. JOB ONE is getting this pathetic amateur out of the way. That's the only way this country will recover. Because he stands firmly in the path of any action which would improve our economy.

It's rather pathetic that Democrats whine about "obstruction" and never seem to notice that it's their Dear Leader who has brought them to an impasse. That's the nature of leadership, you know... getting the other guy to agree with your vision. Every time you guys bitch about "obstructionism", you put a spotlight on the fact that Barack Obama is no leader.
NEVER, except for Snowe and Collins on the stimulus, after Dems bent over backwards to make it a Pub style plan. Even Pubs knew THAT was necessary! Same thing with ACA- but Pubs wouldn't give on ANYTHING EVER, and lied and fear mongered forever..."Obama had total control for 2 years", MY AZZ! 60 filibusters in 2009, 140 in 2010.

Total failures when they had power, total obstructionists in THEIR Great Recession. An un-American disgrace. Assume the position, a-hole Pubs and silly brainwashed (50% racist) dupe haters.
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The Republican meme, of late, has been that Obama had the political capital, help and support of even the Republicans when he got into Office, but squandered it.

I'd like to know, when exactly was this the case? Was it before or after they, as a party decided, on the night of Obama's Inauguration to do everything within their power to obstruct and stop Obama?

Robert Draper Book: GOP's Anti-Obama Campaign Started Night Of Inauguration

Was it before or after Mitch McConnell proclaimed that their number one goal, as a party is to make Obama a one-term President?

Mitch McConnell: Top Priority, Make Obama a One Term President - YouTube

McConnell: Stopping Obama’s re-election still ‘single most important’ goal | The Raw Story
When exactly were the Republicans WILLING to work with President Barak Obama actually?

It's up to the leader to lead. Not talking to the opposition isn't leading. poor bama.
This doesn't make any sense.

You guys seem to be forgetting not only the previous 10 years, but the last 2...

It was Barack Obama's JOB to set the tone for bipartisanship in Washington. It was one of his many campaign promises which turned out to be empty air. In fact, Judd Gregg (R) had accepted Obama's nomination as Commerce Secretary before withdrawing over Obama's proposed interference with the Census.

But if you really want to know when Obama poisoned the well, it was just 3 weeks into his term when he signed the Stimulus bill into law... without ONE Republican House vote. Nancy Pelosi was the first to say "we won", and had Obama refused to sign, had he sent it back to Congress for a bipartisan bill, had he KEPT his campaign promise of bipartisanship... he'd probably not be in the situation he's in. But he didn't. In fact, he doubled down, saying "I won" himself during the healthcare debate. And then signing Obamacare which had been rammed through on a partisan basis and by procedural sleight of hand and legislative bribery.

Mitch McConnell was exactly right to say what he said. JOB ONE is getting this pathetic amateur out of the way. That's the only way this country will recover. Because he stands firmly in the path of any action which would improve our economy.

It's rather pathetic that Democrats whine about "obstruction" and never seem to notice that it's their Dear Leader who has brought them to an impasse. That's the nature of leadership, you know... getting the other guy to agree with your vision. Every time you guys bitch about "obstructionism", you put a spotlight on the fact that Barack Obama is no leader.
Stop lying A-hole...the ACA was in debate for 2 whole years.

The Republican meme, of late, has been that Obama had the political capital, help and support of even the Republicans when he got into Office, but squandered it.

I'd like to know, when exactly was this the case? Was it before or after they, as a party decided, on the night of Obama's Inauguration to do everything within their power to obstruct and stop Obama?

Robert Draper Book: GOP's Anti-Obama Campaign Started Night Of Inauguration

Was it before or after Mitch McConnell proclaimed that their number one goal, as a party is to make Obama a one-term President?

Mitch McConnell: Top Priority, Make Obama a One Term President - YouTube

McConnell: Stopping Obama’s re-election still ‘single most important’ goal | The Raw Story
When exactly were the Republicans WILLING to work with President Barak Obama actually?

It's up to the leader to lead. Not talking to the opposition isn't leading. poor bama.
This doesn't make any sense.

You guys seem to be forgetting not only the previous 10 years, but the last 2...


poor democrats,, all they have left are unicorns, fairy poop and lies..
Ya like how the Dems in the Senate in 2001 and 2002 blocked every Judge they did not personally get to name. Remind us when the dems were with Bush?

First you explain why that matters? Last I checked the GOAL of either the Republican or Democratic party is to ELECT their guy President, EVERY 4 years. Or are you claiming the Democrats did not want to beat Bush in 2004?

It's up to the leader to lead. Not talking to the opposition isn't leading. poor bama.

It was Barack Obama's JOB to set the tone for bipartisanship in Washington. It was one of his many campaign promises which turned out to be empty air. In fact, Judd Gregg (R) had accepted Obama's nomination as Commerce Secretary before withdrawing over Obama's proposed interference with the Census.

But if you really want to know when Obama poisoned the well, it was just 3 weeks into his term when he signed the Stimulus bill into law... without ONE Republican House vote. Nancy Pelosi was the first to say "we won", and had Obama refused to sign, had he sent it back to Congress for a bipartisan bill, had he KEPT his campaign promise of bipartisanship... he'd probably not be in the situation he's in. But he didn't. In fact, he doubled down, saying "I won" himself during the healthcare debate. And then signing Obamacare which had been rammed through on a partisan basis and by procedural sleight of hand and legislative bribery.

Mitch McConnell was exactly right to say what he said. JOB ONE is getting this pathetic amateur out of the way. That's the only way this country will recover. Because he stands firmly in the path of any action which would improve our economy.

It's rather pathetic that Democrats whine about "obstruction" and never seem to notice that it's their Dear Leader who has brought them to an impasse. That's the nature of leadership, you know... getting the other guy to agree with your vision. Every time you guys bitch about "obstructionism", you put a spotlight on the fact that Barack Obama is no leader.
Not a single, solitary answer from the righties, just more excuses and deflections.

I can tell you...the stupid fucking free trade agreement with S. Korea and a few other nations....or was that Obama giving them something? I'm betting the latter....and I can't imagine why...they've fucked him at every opportunity...I'd tell them to go piss up a rope.
He said "our priority over the next two years should be to deny Obama a second term. " That means he made the statement in 2010, not 2008.

So the entire thrust of you OP is based on bullshit.

Furthermore, I'm not aware of many Republicans who ever indicated any support for Obama's agenda.

The Republican meme, of late, has been that Obama had the political capital, help and support of even the Republicans when he got into Office, but squandered it.

I'd like to know, when exactly was this the case? Was it before or after they, as a party decided, on the night of Obama's Inauguration to do everything within their power to obstruct and stop Obama?

Robert Draper Book: GOP's Anti-Obama Campaign Started Night Of Inauguration

Was it before or after Mitch McConnell proclaimed that their number one goal, as a party is to make Obama a one-term President?

When exactly were the Republicans WILLING to work with President Barak Obama actually?
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It was Barack Obama's JOB to set the tone for bipartisanship in Washington. It was one of his many campaign promises which turned out to be empty air. In fact, Judd Gregg (R) had accepted Obama's nomination as Commerce Secretary before withdrawing over Obama's proposed interference with the Census.

But if you really want to know when Obama poisoned the well, it was just 3 weeks into his term when he signed the Stimulus bill into law... without ONE Republican House vote. Nancy Pelosi was the first to say "we won", and had Obama refused to sign, had he sent it back to Congress for a bipartisan bill, had he KEPT his campaign promise of bipartisanship... he'd probably not be in the situation he's in. But he didn't. In fact, he doubled down, saying "I won" himself during the healthcare debate. And then signing Obamacare which had been rammed through on a partisan basis and by procedural sleight of hand and legislative bribery.

Mitch McConnell was exactly right to say what he said. JOB ONE is getting this pathetic amateur out of the way. That's the only way this country will recover. Because he stands firmly in the path of any action which would improve our economy.

It's rather pathetic that Democrats whine about "obstruction" and never seem to notice that it's their Dear Leader who has brought them to an impasse. That's the nature of leadership, you know... getting the other guy to agree with your vision. Every time you guys bitch about "obstructionism", you put a spotlight on the fact that Barack Obama is no leader.

didn't the dems have control of both houses of congress and a filibuster proof majority in the senate for two years?

op fail much?
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