*When Drivers Of Big Rigs Use Thier Trucks As Lethal Weapons: Fair Game?*

*Are Big Rigs Lethal Weapons: And Should I Be Able To Defend Myself With Firearm ?*

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Sorry bout that,

Good Lord, man - you just don't give up, do you?

1. Whats to give up?
2. I'm just getting warmed up.
3. Why quit, till everyone acknowledges I won?
4. In my expert opnion, this is a very important topic, countless lives depend on it.
5. I think I read that 50k people die on the highways a year, and no doubt at least 10k of them were directly due to some *evil trucker*.
6. I think its time this problem is dealt with.
7. What if its you Granny, or your grand son?


actually that was 33,000 auto related deaths in 2009 ...the latest year figures are available.
That is the lowest total in 60 years. Mind you that there are 100 times the vehicle miles traveled in 2009 than there were in 1939.

A total of 3,163 people died in large truck crashes in 2009. Fourteen percent of these deaths were truck occupants, 70 percent were occupants of cars and other passenger vehicles, and 14 percent were pedestrians, bicyclists, or motorcyclists. Far fewer people died in large truck crashes in 2009 than in any year since data on fatal crashes began to be collected in 1975. Since 1979, when deaths were at an all time high, there has been a greater percentage decline among occupants of large trucks (67 percent) than among occupants of passenger vehicles (47 percent).

Fatality Facts 2009: Large trucks

while ONE death is too many. Your irrational fixation on the few bad apples in the trucking industry is beyond the point of obsessive.
Sorry bout that,

Sorry bout that,

1. This thread isn't about, *excellent truckers out there*, its about *the bad ones*, who want to bully the small vehicles.
2. You trying to defend *ALL* truckers is a hoot, this isn't about them, now, lets talk about *the bad ones*, and whats fair in dealing with *the bad ones*..
3, There's no doubt that there are a larger part of four wheelers, *cars drivers* who are really bad, if we were to compare the skills between the two, but we ain't doing that now are we? :confused:
4. I am sure your buddies ugly stories involve him running some nice family off the road, because they were perhaps in the fast lane, and he wanted to pass them or something to that effect.
5. So he just ate up thier lane till they had to go off the road, don't tell me they don't do this everyday.
6. I know that they do, all across America.
7. A car can't compete with a big rig, there's just to big of a differance in size, weight.
8. And truckers know this, and use this as a way to intimidate.
9. But if they knew that if those people who had a concealed weapon would and could legally open up fire on thier asses, then they would back the hell off us car driving people.
10. I see it as an equalizer.:clap2:


If you don't think you can share the highways with truckers or you just don't like them, stay the fuck off the highways. You do not have the right to block the roadway with the intent on keeping others from passing. The sign says "Slower Traffic Keep Right"....many states have "Keep Right Pass Left Only" laws. In other words a driver can be cited for driving in the left or passing lane while NOT in the process of overtaking another vehicle.
On two lane roads many states require slower vehicles to move over where safe and encourage faster vehicles to pass. That is the LAW. The car driver in the video should have allowed the truck to pass. Period. End of story.
BTW, My Brother and brother-in-law are truckers. And they BOTH carry.
That's THEIR equalizer.....Shit for brains.

1. You remind me of a child who wasn't quite beaten enough as a child.:evil:

and yet I continue to fuck your shit up.
You remind me of the little douchebag on the block with the biggest mouth. The one we used to beat the shit out of and the idiot still came back every day for more.
Sorry bout that,

1. Okay lets change some aspects of this, lets say its a cop who pulled over a speeder, on the freeway, and is standing next to the car talking to the driver of the car he's pulled over.
2. And here comes a big rig, speeding towards him, he was in the middle lane, but has switched over to the outside lane perfectly lined up with this cop who's just standing there by the side of this car.
3. The cop saw everything, how the trucker switched lanes and sped up, also the trucker started to honk his horn in a frantic sort of way, with an evil grin on his face keeps barreling towards this on duty cop.
4. He has no time to move out of the way, but he could deholster his side arm.
5. Then what?


when was the last time a .40 cal stopped a 90,000 lb tractor trailer rig?
so the cop shoots the driver. Driver loses control and flattens the cop and the motorist anyway. Problem solved?...
Douchebag...dive roll out of the way, get back in the squad car radio back up and give chase. set out stop sticks, stop truck. Pull out driver. Beat the shit out of him. Take him to jail. Only person getting hurt is the driver of the truck.
Get it?...
Your scenario......trucker follows too close or otherwise bothers a motorist. Motorist pulls gun waves frantically at trucker. Motorist unhappy that trucker continues on his way and not acknowledging angry motorist. Motorist decides to shoot at trucker. Incensed ,motorist calls police. Frantic trucker is stopped miles down the road. Shows police officer the bullet holes in his rig....
Trucker gets in police car and is taken back to where angry motorist has been telling police HIS story.....Guess who goes on his way and guess who goes to the Cross bar Hilton? I'll give you three guesses and none of the correct answers start with the letter "T".
No matter how angry or frightened one becomes while on the road with OTHER vehicles which have HUMAN BEINGS( Including children) in them, you DO NOT fire a weapon. You stop your vehicle and call the police. You give the description of the offending vehicle with license plate number. Let the proper authorities handle it.
Your way is barbaric.

Not to mention asinine.
South of mason-Dixon line that would be called "draftin' "....
Let the trucker go. he's working.
Some drivers are idiots when it comes to trucks or ANY vehicle attempting to pass.
They are what I call "rockhead competitive"...These bastards are the ones who scurry away after causing a 5 car crash.
The person driving the car in the video is a selfish self centered ass.
The trucker should have contacted the police and reported THEM for unsafe driving.

That's called "drafting" everywhere, and it's extremely dangerous and stupid. Tailgating a semi? Seriously? Why not just drive your car into a bridge abutment and be done with it? Do four-wheelers really not understand how easily they can get sucked up under that trailer and end up as roadkill pulling a stupid stunt like that?

I think USC must have gotten his license from a gumball machine.

ok, ms intensity, I was making a joke. Jesus Christ. Go take a Valium and a Mydol.
Everywhere? Ask the average person from my neck of the woods and they don't know NASCAR from a Golf Car. Please....
Oh one other thing you student of aerodynamics....you could be 200 feet behind a tractor trailer rig at highway speed and still be in the lowered air pressure zone( wake) .

I wasn't talking about you. I was talking about USC. See where I referred to him specifically? I can't see his posts except when they're quoted in someone else's.

Couldn't tell you what the average person in your area knows. Truck drivers all over the country refer to that practice as "drafting", and I haven't personally met a one who didn't get pissed off when cars and motorcycles try to do it to them.

Oh, one other thing . . . just because you're in a low air pressure zone doesn't make it "drafting", and you know it, so don't try to nitpick with me just because you misunderstood something and got your shorts all in a ruffle.
Sorry bout that,

1. This whole thread is about judgement, can you make a *judgement call* in a matter where a truckers using hs truck as a lethal weapon.
2. And its painfulling obvious that no one in here can make a *good* judgement call in this kind of matter, thou one trucker did agree that there could be some *evil truckers*, thou he isn't one.
3. Believe it or not, there are some, not a lot, but some *evil truckers*.
4. A truck is no diffent from any sort of refuge, be a high tower, and building, a helicopter, a tree, a mountain top, each can be used as a point of attack, ofcourse a person would need a weapon, lets say a rifle, to attack you from these other high places of refuge, but a truck is no less deadly, and can kill you just as dead as a rifle.
5. Here's where those without the capability to make a *good judgement* get lost, and even now won't be able to concieve it, its just out of your reach, mentally, yes I'm talking about you, most people are limitied, and if you don't understand, then its because you're just not all that bright as you always thought you were.
6. You see, if a person has a hammer, and uses it for pounding nails, its just a regular hammer, but if a person has a hammer and uses it to bash your head in, its a lethal weapon.
7. Now if a person comes at me with a hammer, and tries to bash my head in with it, and I happen to have a pistol, and shoot him in the eye, that he dies, then that was a perfectly reasonable shooting, I would be innocent from taking the mans life, and his blood would be on himself, and if we were atop a high rise when this took place, and he fell off the building after being shot in the eye and died, falling into a crowd of people down below, then those who died on the ground would be victims of an accident, and it would be the fault of the man shot in the eye who attacked me.
8. The very same thing goes for a man driving a huge semi truck, if the driver is using his truck as a weapon, trying to kill me or anyone else with it, and I or they have a pistol, I or they would have every right as anyone else does to shoot him in the eye, that he did indeed die, and if he drove the truck being dead, and killed others with it, it would be on the truck driver, and owner of said truck, or trucking company, who was shot in the eye and did die, not on the shooter defending himself.
9. You people here on the most part are just unable to make *good judgements*, and it would appear you may never be able to, you are a pawn, in a world of fewer *Kings* who have *good judgement*.
10. Just using the Chess pieces as a metaphor, so as to maybe reach some of you who have limited understanding.

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That's called "drafting" everywhere, and it's extremely dangerous and stupid. Tailgating a semi? Seriously? Why not just drive your car into a bridge abutment and be done with it? Do four-wheelers really not understand how easily they can get sucked up under that trailer and end up as roadkill pulling a stupid stunt like that?

I think USC must have gotten his license from a gumball machine.

ok, ms intensity, I was making a joke. Jesus Christ. Go take a Valium and a Mydol.
Everywhere? Ask the average person from my neck of the woods and they don't know NASCAR from a Golf Car. Please....
Oh one other thing you student of aerodynamics....you could be 200 feet behind a tractor trailer rig at highway speed and still be in the lowered air pressure zone( wake) .

I wasn't talking about you. I was talking about USC. See where I referred to him specifically? I can't see his posts except when they're quoted in someone else's.

Couldn't tell you what the average person in your area knows. Truck drivers all over the country refer to that practice as "drafting", and I haven't personally met a one who didn't get pissed off when cars and motorcycles try to do it to them.

Oh, one other thing . . . just because you're in a low air pressure zone doesn't make it "drafting", and you know it, so don't try to nitpick with me just because you misunderstood something and got your shorts all in a ruffle.

Stay out of "man discussions" then.
I misunderstood nothing. You had an opinion. I disagreed not only with your opinion but the way you responded.

Piece of advice....Being right is not nearly as important than doing right.
You do not always have to be the smartest person in the room.
Case closed. End of discussion. Buh bye....
Sorry bout that,

1. This whole thread is about judgement, can you make a *judgement call* in a matter where a truckers using hs truck as a lethal weapon.
2. And its painfulling obvious that no one in here can make a *good* judgement call in this kind of matter, thou one trucker did agree that there could be some *evil truckers*, thou he isn't one.
3. Believe it or not, there are some, not a lot, but some *evil truckers*.
4. A truck is no diffent from any sort of refuge, be a high tower, and building, a helicopter, a tree, a mountain top, each can be used as a point of attack, ofcourse a person would need a weapon, lets say a rifle, to attack you from these other high places of refuge, but a truck is no less deadly, and can kill you just as dead as a rifle.
5. Here's where those without the capability to make a *good judgement* get lost, and even now won't be able to concieve it, its just out of your reach, mentally, yes I'm talking about you, most people are limitied, and if you don't understand, then its because you're just not all that bright as you always thought you were.
6. You see, if a person has a hammer, and uses it for pounding nails, its just a regular hammer, but if a person has a hammer and uses it to bash your head in, its a lethal weapon.
7. Now if a person comes at me with a hammer, and tries to bash my head in with it, and I happen to have a pistol, and shoot him in the eye, that he dies, then that was a perfectly reasonable shooting, I would be innocent from taking the mans life, and his blood would be on himself, and if we were atop a high rise when this took place, and he fell off the building after being shot in the eye and died, falling into a crowd of people down below, then those who died on the ground would be victims of an accident, and it would be the fault of the man shot in the eye who attacked me.
8. The very same thing goes for a man driving a huge semi truck, if the driver is using his truck as a weapon, trying to kill me or anyone else with it, and I or they have a pistol, I or they would have every right as anyone else does to shoot him in the eye, that he did indeed die, and if he drove the truck being dead, and killed others with it, it would be on the truck driver, and owner of said truck, or trucking company, who was shot in the eye and did die, not on the shooter defending himself.
9. You people here on the most part are just unable to make *good judgements*, and it would appear you may never be able to, you are a pawn, in a world of fewer *Kings* who have *good judgement*.
10. Just using the Chess pieces as a metaphor, so as to maybe reach some of you who have limited understanding.


face it..You are dead wrong here. no amount of spin and excuse making will get you out of this one.
Just shut up about it and move along.
Sorry bout that,

*justaspoonfullofsugar wrote:

"face it..You are dead wrong here. no amount of spin and excuse making will get you out of this one.
Just shut up about it and move along. "

1. Face it, you got no moves left, I already *checkmated*.
2. You didn't have any moves left when you first piped in.
3. No huge surprise there thou.
4. Come back when you learn the game.
5. After you grow a brain, perhaps.

Sorry bout that,

*justaspoonfullofsugar wrote:

"face it..You are dead wrong here. no amount of spin and excuse making will get you out of this one.
Just shut up about it and move along. "

1. Face it, you got no moves left, I already *checkmated*.
2. You didn't have any moves left when you first piped in.
3. No huge surprise there thou.
4. Come back when you learn the game.
5. After you grow a brain, perhaps.

Dude, you argued for shooting at and potentially killing truck drivers.

You proven yourself fucking nuts. Deal with it. Apologize, retract or quit perpetuating your failure of mental accuity.
Sorry bout that,

Sorry bout that,

*justaspoonfullofsugar wrote:

"face it..You are dead wrong here. no amount of spin and excuse making will get you out of this one.
Just shut up about it and move along. "

1. Face it, you got no moves left, I already *checkmated*.
2. You didn't have any moves left when you first piped in.
3. No huge surprise there thou.
4. Come back when you learn the game.
5. After you grow a brain, perhaps.

Dude, you argued for shooting at and potentially killing truck drivers.

You proven yourself fucking nuts. Deal with it. Apologize, retract or quit perpetuating your failure of mental accuity.

1. Dude, you got no game either, my arguement held up, and still is better than what you brought forth.
2. No you come on and bring something to the table, or *step off*.:evil:

Last edited:
Sorry bout that,

*justaspoonfullofsugar wrote:

"face it..You are dead wrong here. no amount of spin and excuse making will get you out of this one.
Just shut up about it and move along. "

1. Face it, you got no moves left, I already *checkmated*.
2. You didn't have any moves left when you first piped in.
3. No huge surprise there thou.
4. Come back when you learn the game.
5. After you grow a brain, perhaps.


That.....is your response? You mean that is all you've got?
Dude, you're buried so deep, you may as well take up residence in China.
Your ideas are truthfully fucked....
Instead of beating your head against a wall trying to convince everyone you are right and we are all wrong, ask a police officer or other law enforcement what would happen if you decided to pop off a few rounds at a moving tractor trailer rig....
Do you really think they will say "oh yes, you can do that. it's fine if you think you're being threatened"
You're a fucking nudnik.
Sorry bout that,

Sorry bout that,

*justaspoonfullofsugar wrote:

"face it..You are dead wrong here. no amount of spin and excuse making will get you out of this one.
Just shut up about it and move along. "

1. Face it, you got no moves left, I already *checkmated*.
2. You didn't have any moves left when you first piped in.
3. No huge surprise there thou.
4. Come back when you learn the game.
5. After you grow a brain, perhaps.


That.....is your response? You mean that is all you've got?
Dude, you're buried so deep, you may as well take up residence in China.
Your ideas are truthfully fucked....
Instead of beating your head against a wall trying to convince everyone you are right and we are all wrong, ask a police officer or other law enforcement what would happen if you decided to pop off a few rounds at a moving tractor trailer rig....
Do you really think they will say "oh yes, you can do that. it's fine if you think you're being threatened"
You're a fucking nudnik.

1. Its all I got and all I need.
2. I'm not buried in anything, your up to your neck in bullshit though.
3. MY ideas are not *pawn* based, if you don't get it, then guess what, you're a *pawn*.
4. To convince everyone here that *I'm right* was a known fact it wouldn't happen when I started this thread, thats because most people in here are nothing but *pawns*, in judgement:evil:.
5. Most police officers are *pawns* as well, thats why they are police officers, get a brain man!:evil:
6. Cops are on the most part aware that a vehicle can be used as a weapon, and will open fire on you if you stear towards them, they indeed know whats at stake, and will draw down on a trucker or any driver trying to kill them with a vehicle, but for them to judge if it was my right for me to do the same, they can not do it, they fall back into the *pawn* category.:evil:
7. You know you lost when you sink to personal attacks, *CHECKMATE*!!!!!:lol:

Sorry bout that,

Sorry bout that,

*justaspoonfullofsugar wrote:

"face it..You are dead wrong here. no amount of spin and excuse making will get you out of this one.
Just shut up about it and move along. "

1. Face it, you got no moves left, I already *checkmated*.
2. You didn't have any moves left when you first piped in.
3. No huge surprise there thou.
4. Come back when you learn the game.
5. After you grow a brain, perhaps.


That.....is your response? You mean that is all you've got?
Dude, you're buried so deep, you may as well take up residence in China.
Your ideas are truthfully fucked....
Instead of beating your head against a wall trying to convince everyone you are right and we are all wrong, ask a police officer or other law enforcement what would happen if you decided to pop off a few rounds at a moving tractor trailer rig....
Do you really think they will say "oh yes, you can do that. it's fine if you think you're being threatened"
You're a fucking nudnik.

1. Its all I got and all I need.
2. I'm not buried in anything, your up to your neck in bullshit though.
3. MY ideas are not *pawn* based, if you don't get it, then guess what, you're a *pawn*.
4. To convince everyone here that *I'm right* was a known fact it wouldn't happen when I started this thread, thats because most people in here are nothing but *pawns*, in judgement:evil:.
5. Most police officers are *pawns* as well, thats why they are police officers, get a brain man!:evil:
6. Cops are on the most part aware that a vehicle can be used as a weapon, and will open fire on you if you stear towards them, they indeed know whats at stake, and will draw down on a trucker or any driver trying to kill them with a vehicle, but for them to judge if it was my right for me to do the same, they can not do it, they fall back into the *pawn* category.:evil:
7. You know you lost when you sink to personal attacks, *CHECKMATE*!!!!!:lol:


Yes yes yes....to make yourself feel better, you must insist on insisting.
Nice try at spin.
You're in a parallel universe.
What you suggest is equivalent to anarchy.
And don't give me this shit about personal attacks. You crossed that line long ago.
Empty headed licker of other people's bottoms.
Sorry bout that,

Sorry bout that,

*justaspoonfullofsugar wrote:

"face it..You are dead wrong here. no amount of spin and excuse making will get you out of this one.
Just shut up about it and move along. "

1. Face it, you got no moves left, I already *checkmated*.
2. You didn't have any moves left when you first piped in.
3. No huge surprise there thou.
4. Come back when you learn the game.
5. After you grow a brain, perhaps.

Dude, you argued for shooting at and potentially killing truck drivers.

You proven yourself fucking nuts. Deal with it. Apologize, retract or quit perpetuating your failure of mental accuity.

1. Dude, you got no game either, my arguement held up, and still is better than what you brought forth.
2. No you come on and bring something to the table, or *step off*.:evil:

Wow... whatta fucktard.

Shot anyone today?

Sorry bout that,

Dude, you argued for shooting at and potentially killing truck drivers.

You proven yourself fucking nuts. Deal with it. Apologize, retract or quit perpetuating your failure of mental accuity.

1. Dude, you got no game either, my arguement held up, and still is better than what you brought forth.
2. No you come on and bring something to the table, or *step off*.:evil:

Wow... whatta fucktard.

Shot anyone today?


i picture the OP as this crazy person, standing in the middle of a crowded room, screaming at the highest of pitches that everyone in that room is wrong and only HE is correct. Meanwhile the people in that crowded room go about their conversations, paying him no mind.
Sorry bout that,

1. Dude, you got no game either, my arguement held up, and still is better than what you brought forth.
2. No you come on and bring something to the table, or *step off*.:evil:

Wow... whatta fucktard.

Shot anyone today?


i picture the OP as this crazy person, standing in the middle of a crowded room, screaming at the highest of pitches that everyone in that room is wrong and only HE is correct. Meanwhile the people in that crowded room go about their conversations, paying him no mind.

Either that or a swamp.

I go with the swamp.:lol:
Sorry bout that,

Sorry bout that,

That.....is your response? You mean that is all you've got?
Dude, you're buried so deep, you may as well take up residence in China.
Your ideas are truthfully fucked....
Instead of beating your head against a wall trying to convince everyone you are right and we are all wrong, ask a police officer or other law enforcement what would happen if you decided to pop off a few rounds at a moving tractor trailer rig....
Do you really think they will say "oh yes, you can do that. it's fine if you think you're being threatened"
You're a fucking nudnik.

1. Its all I got and all I need.
2. I'm not buried in anything, your up to your neck in bullshit though.
3. MY ideas are not *pawn* based, if you don't get it, then guess what, you're a *pawn*.
4. To convince everyone here that *I'm right* was a known fact it wouldn't happen when I started this thread, thats because most people in here are nothing but *pawns*, in judgement:evil:.
5. Most police officers are *pawns* as well, thats why they are police officers, get a brain man!:evil:
6. Cops are on the most part aware that a vehicle can be used as a weapon, and will open fire on you if you stear towards them, they indeed know whats at stake, and will draw down on a trucker or any driver trying to kill them with a vehicle, but for them to judge if it was my right for me to do the same, they can not do it, they fall back into the *pawn* category.:evil:
7. You know you lost when you sink to personal attacks, *CHECKMATE*!!!!!:lol:


Yes yes yes....to make yourself feel better, you must insist on insisting.
Nice try at spin.
You're in a parallel universe.
What you suggest is equivalent to anarchy.
And don't give me this shit about personal attacks. You crossed that line long ago.
Empty headed licker of other people's bottoms.

1. Just the facts, you have issues in dealing with the facts.
2. I'm not spinning anything, just arguing my side, which is easy enough, the way things stack up here.
3. If I live in a parallel universe, why are you in it?
4. No its *self defense*, its *the law*, and has been for thousands of years, as far as I know in my universe.
5. I didn't attack you that much, changed you mick a time or two, what was it last time, *aspoonfullofsugarmakesthemedicinegodown* or whatever,...anyway, its just a joke more than a attack, don't be so thin skinned dude.
6. Your last comment was very childish, and I won't even try to match it, I would have too stoop too low to do so, no thanks.
7. Oh and *checkmate* again,....you can *step off* now.:evil:

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Sorry bout that,

Sorry bout that,

Dude, you argued for shooting at and potentially killing truck drivers.

You proven yourself fucking nuts. Deal with it. Apologize, retract or quit perpetuating your failure of mental accuity.

1. Dude, you got no game either, my arguement held up, and still is better than what you brought forth.
2. No you come on and bring something to the table, or *step off*.:evil:

Wow... whatta fucktard.

Shot anyone today?


1. Keep working on it, one day you will make some sense.
2. NEXT!!!!

Sorry bout that,

Sorry bout that,

1. Dude, you got no game either, my arguement held up, and still is better than what you brought forth.
2. No you come on and bring something to the table, or *step off*.:evil:

Wow... whatta fucktard.

Shot anyone today?


i picture the OP as this crazy person, standing in the middle of a crowded room, screaming at the highest of pitches that everyone in that room is wrong and only HE is correct. Meanwhile the people in that crowded room go about their conversations, paying him no mind.

1. Not at all, I am more sane than anyone in here.
2. Problem is, in a debate, the loser always goes into a last resort personal attack on the OP, its all you got left.:lol:
3. Come back to one of my threads before I, *checkmate* them Otay?
4. Buh-bye!:lol:


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