CDZ When Do We Start to FIGHT BACK!?!?!


Crotchety Olde Man
Apr 30, 2014
The Olden Days
On September 11th, 2001 America was attacked. Thousands died in NYC and at the Pentagon. But one planeload of passengers got word of what was happening and FOUGHT BACK. United flight 93 crashed near Shanksville, PA and the heroes of that flight created a mentality that ebded up stopping at least two other plane-borne attacks (Richard Reed's shoe bombing attempt and the underwear bomber incident).

Over time the resolve of airline passengers, and Americans as a whole has waned. Now, we crawl under desks or fall to the ground and pray thst the active shooter in the building doesn't find us. We hope the police get there in time to save us. We expect others to protect us.

When the hell are we as a society going to realize that WE are the ones who have the responsibility to defend OURSELVES? When will we start to fight back against these terrorists, active shooters and lunatics rather than cower at their feet while peeing our pants hoping they shoot the man or woman next to us rather than us?
On September 11th, 2001 America was attacked. Thousands died in NYC and at the Pentagon. But one planeload of passengers got word of what was happening and FOUGHT BACK. United flight 93 crashed near Shanksville, PA and the heroes of that flight created a mentality that ebded up stopping at least two other plane-borne attacks (Richard Reed's shoe bombing attempt and the underwear bomber incident).

Over time the resolve of airline passengers, and Americans as a whole has waned. Now, we crawl under desks or fall to the ground and pray thst the active shooter in the building doesn't find us. We hope the police get there in time to save us. We expect others to protect us.

When the hell are we as a society going to realize that WE are the ones who have the responsibility to defend OURSELVES? When will we start to fight back against these terrorists, active shooters and lunatics rather than cower at their feet while peeing our pants hoping they shoot the man or woman next to us rather than us?

You forgot the US and other western powers started the fight in the first place. By far they have killed more terrorists and innocents than anything the terrorists have accomplished to date.
"We"? So you are signing up? Which branch of the military are you joining?

You don't have to be signing in the military to fight back. This doesn't necessarily need to be aa armed fight.

It is clear the government agencies who are supposed to be acting against terrorist activities are failing, because they don't have the proper intelligence flow.

I would say; every muslim have an obligation to get that intelligence flowing. In their community, mosques, islamic centers... they need to be gathering and transmitting the intelligence of suspicious behavior.

They need to cooperate and accept to get under closer surveillance as well. It is not anti-democratic, if muslims are agreeing to this...
On September 11th, 2001 America was attacked. Thousands died in NYC and at the Pentagon. But one planeload of passengers got word of what was happening and FOUGHT BACK. United flight 93 crashed near Shanksville, PA and the heroes of that flight created a mentality that ebded up stopping at least two other plane-borne attacks (Richard Reed's shoe bombing attempt and the underwear bomber incident).

Over time the resolve of airline passengers, and Americans as a whole has waned. Now, we crawl under desks or fall to the ground and pray thst the active shooter in the building doesn't find us. We hope the police get there in time to save us. We expect others to protect us.

When the hell are we as a society going to realize that WE are the ones who have the responsibility to defend OURSELVES? When will we start to fight back against these terrorists, active shooters and lunatics rather than cower at their feet while peeing our pants hoping they shoot the man or woman next to us rather than us?
As one poster has already pointed out, We defend ourselves through police and military under the direction of democratically elected state and federal government. The idea of a posse comitatus boarding every US flight is new to my ears. Would alcohol continue to be served in flight? Would the posse be issued the special weapons necessary to avoid piercing the pressurized cabin? Who will pay the claims of relatives of the innocent passengers killed in the cross-fire? These are some minor details to be worked out before your idea becomes law. Keep thinking about it, though, it's what you're good at.
I think people are not addressing the OP's main point, which is why people choose to run from a shooter instead of mobbing him. That doesn't require a gun.
"We"? So you are signing up? Which branch of the military are you joining?

Who's talking about the military? I'm talking about 3 or 4 of the +/- 20 people in that conference room the other day ATTACKING the shooters rather than standing there to be butchered like sheep. FIGHTING BACK rather than simply being victims.

I'm talking about private citizens defending themselves and those around them.
"We"? So you are signing up? Which branch of the military are you joining?

Who's talking about the military? I'm talking about 3 or 4 of the +/- 20 people in that conference room the other day ATTACKING the shooters rather than standing there to be butchered like sheep. FIGHTING BACK rather than simply being victims.

I'm talking about private citizens defending themselves and those around them.

Easier said until you're placed in that situation. The average human being isn't used to being in a situation where somebody suddenly starts firing off a gun and seeing people drop dead around them. You're in a panic and not thinking clearly. Even trained soldiers who have been in firefights don't become numb to that until after some time.
On September 11th, 2001 America was attacked. Thousands died in NYC and at the Pentagon. But one planeload of passengers got word of what was happening and FOUGHT BACK. United flight 93 crashed near Shanksville, PA and the heroes of that flight created a mentality that ebded up stopping at least two other plane-borne attacks (Richard Reed's shoe bombing attempt and the underwear bomber incident).

Over time the resolve of airline passengers, and Americans as a whole has waned. Now, we crawl under desks or fall to the ground and pray thst the active shooter in the building doesn't find us. We hope the police get there in time to save us. We expect others to protect us.

When the hell are we as a society going to realize that WE are the ones who have the responsibility to defend OURSELVES? When will we start to fight back against these terrorists, active shooters and lunatics rather than cower at their feet while peeing our pants hoping they shoot the man or woman next to us rather than us?
I sure as hell can't claim that I'd be a hero in such a situation. I'd like to THINK so, but...

What concerns me is what happens nationally after the next two or three attacks. It wouldn't be at all surprising to see innocent Muslims attacked, mosques, etc. I'd suggest that the well-known conservative talk show hosts, for example, start talking about this now and tell their listeners that it can't happen.

I still think it will, though. Too late, people are too wound up.
I think people are not addressing the OP's main point, which is why people choose to run from a shooter instead of mobbing him. That doesn't require a gun.
Takes bravery to do that. Attack a shooter with a gun that is.
might try getting behind the shooter a gun only shoots one direction at a time.
but that not what the op wants .
he , like lots of shitting their depends righties want vigilante rules special patches and arm bands ,when their done with the Muslim threat it will be the ni&&ers homos , chinks, beaners and atheists turn.
(for those of you with low intelligence that's sarcasm).
the question is not whether to fight back ,but how.
as paranoid as the country is right now any such extreme measures would do more harm than good.
this site has many examples of posters talking advantage of the situation to advance there own insane agendas ,up to and including genocide.
Takes bravery to do that. Attack a shooter with a gun that is.

Yes ut dies. Bravery and a lot of balls. Two thing American Men used to be known for. Not so much anymore.
The only time white american men have been known to be brave is when they had the law in their favor and more weapons. When they dont have overwhelming odds they arent so brave.
Easier said until you're placed in that situation. The average human being isn't used to being in a situation where somebody suddenly starts firing off a gun and seeing people drop dead around them. You're in a panic and not thinking clearly. Even trained soldiers who have been in firefights don't become numb to that until after some time.

I like to believe Americans are a little better than tbe average human being. We used to be. Yes, the first reaction is shock. The question is how do you respond. Do you cower in fear or do you fight back? Do you die on your knees or do you take the fight to your enemy?
The only time white american men have been known to be brave is when they had the law in their favor and more weapons. When they dont have overwhelming odds they arent so brave.

If you have so little respect for American Men, then I woild think you'd want to live elsewhere.
The only time white american men have been known to be brave is when they had the law in their favor and more weapons. When they dont have overwhelming odds they arent so brave.

If you have so little respect for American Men, then I woild think you'd want to live elsewhere.
White american men only. They have shown to be cowards in most situations without having overwhelming odds in their favor. Has nothing to do with where I live because I dont see a white persons name as the owner of my home.
Easier said until you're placed in that situation. The average human being isn't used to being in a situation where somebody suddenly starts firing off a gun and seeing people drop dead around them. You're in a panic and not thinking clearly. Even trained soldiers who have been in firefights don't become numb to that until after some time.

I like to believe Americans are a little better than tbe average human being. We used to be. Yes, the first reaction is shock. The question is how do you respond. Do you cower in fear or do you fight back? Do you die on your knees or do you take the fight to your enemy?

Again that's easier to say until you're placed in the situation. It takes a special kind of person to run straight into a high probability of death.
the question is not whether to fight back, but how.
as paranoid as the country is right now any such extreme measures would do more harm than good.
this site has many examples of posters talking advantage of the situation to advance there own insane agendas ,up to and including genocide.

Your sarcasm has been removed as it's not a legitimate form of communication.

I don't see how fighting back against an armed assailant can be defined as genocide. Nor do I see how it does more harm thsn good.
Easier said until you're placed in that situation. The average human being isn't used to being in a situation where somebody suddenly starts firing off a gun and seeing people drop dead around them. You're in a panic and not thinking clearly. Even trained soldiers who have been in firefights don't become numb to that until after some time.

I like to believe Americans are a little better than tbe average human being. We used to be. Yes, the first reaction is shock. The question is how do you respond. Do you cower in fear or do you fight back? Do you die on your knees or do you take the fight to your enemy?
Better at what? No americans were never better. They were still human like the rest of the world. If you were ever in the military you should know its against your instincts to run towards danger. You have to be trained.

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