Zone1 When did Wokeism begin

Captain Caveman

Platinum Member
Jun 14, 2020
Wikipedia article -

So it was kinda leaning towards the start of 2010. I only looked into this because I have a 10 month old puppy and she sits like a Meerkat, so her nickname is Alexander.

For those not familiar with that,'s advertising campaign in the UK is called Compare The Meerkat. So I Googled Alexander Meerkat and here's the Wikipedia link -

The part of interest in the link is -

On 11 August 2009, an opinion piece in The Guardian newspaper accused the advert series of racism for mocking Eastern European accents. The article received a near universally negative reaction and the Advertising Standards Authority, following a complaint by the author of the article, stated that it had not received any similar complaints, and ultimately decided to take no action.

That part then got me thinking, when did Wokeism begin and, what accent should Alexander have? I mean, are all human accents racist for a Meerkat?? We live in bizarre times.

So is 2009 the start?

Here's my Meerkat that started all this -

Wikipedia article -

So it was kinda leaning towards the start of 2010. I only looked into this because I have a 10 month old puppy and she sits like a Meerkat, so her nickname is Alexander.

For those not familiar with that,'s advertising campaign in the UK is called Compare The Meerkat. So I Googled Alexander Meerkat and here's the Wikipedia link -

The part of interest in the link is -

On 11 August 2009, an opinion piece in The Guardian newspaper accused the advert series of racism for mocking Eastern European accents. The article received a near universally negative reaction and the Advertising Standards Authority, following a complaint by the author of the article, stated that it had not received any similar complaints, and ultimately decided to take no action.

That part then got me thinking, when did Wokeism begin and, what accent should Alexander have? I mean, are all human accents racist for a Meerkat?? We live in bizarre times.

So is 2009 the start?

Here's my Meerkat that started all this -

View attachment 905350
Nope. Much earlier with many different social movement, successful and failed, sometimes with horrific results.

Early temperance: 1784–1861​

All "woke" is, is the modern moniker for the same process of imposing Marxism on a country. Destroy the common bonds and trust in the existing system by removing the ties that bind the citizenry together. It starts slowly, but at some point, the momentum is unstoppable by any peaceful means. The only comfort I find in what these evil-doers are creating in America is that once they have the country in their hands, the very people and institutions - education and entertainment primarily - will be quickly disposed of with extreme prejudice.
The fools who are helping in this process are either ignorant of the history of Marxism, or they're so arrogant they think they will be able to change the way it is being imposed.
They'll discover soon enough that they were useful idiots, but now that they've accomplished the goal of destroying the old system, they are seen as a danger of doing the same thing to the new one and therefore cannot be allowed to remain above ground.
If I don`t hate the same things and people that Trump Humpers hate I`m woke and proud to be so. :)
Another sign of my wokeness is my belief that Trump lost an election in 2020.
Wikipedia article -

So it was kinda leaning towards the start of 2010. I only looked into this because I have a 10 month old puppy and she sits like a Meerkat, so her nickname is Alexander.

For those not familiar with that,'s advertising campaign in the UK is called Compare The Meerkat. So I Googled Alexander Meerkat and here's the Wikipedia link -

The part of interest in the link is -

On 11 August 2009, an opinion piece in The Guardian newspaper accused the advert series of racism for mocking Eastern European accents. The article received a near universally negative reaction and the Advertising Standards Authority, following a complaint by the author of the article, stated that it had not received any similar complaints, and ultimately decided to take no action.

That part then got me thinking, when did Wokeism begin and, what accent should Alexander have? I mean, are all human accents racist for a Meerkat?? We live in bizarre times.

So is 2009 the start?

Here's my Meerkat that started all this -

View attachment 905350
Political correctness has been around forever, but as it exponentially blossomed it was referred to as being woke.

Essentially, those who do not succumb to the PC are deemed dead to society now because it is so pervasive. People are now ostracized from such things as employment, schooling, etc., which is why you need to submit to the group think to be able to play with the other Reindeer and their Reindeer games.

Just one more form of control the state has over the populace without passing any laws.

Wikipedia article -

So it was kinda leaning towards the start of 2010. I only looked into this because I have a 10 month old puppy and she sits like a Meerkat, so her nickname is Alexander.

For those not familiar with that,'s advertising campaign in the UK is called Compare The Meerkat. So I Googled Alexander Meerkat and here's the Wikipedia link -

The part of interest in the link is -

On 11 August 2009, an opinion piece in The Guardian newspaper accused the advert series of racism for mocking Eastern European accents. The article received a near universally negative reaction and the Advertising Standards Authority, following a complaint by the author of the article, stated that it had not received any similar complaints, and ultimately decided to take no action.

That part then got me thinking, when did Wokeism begin and, what accent should Alexander have? I mean, are all human accents racist for a Meerkat?? We live in bizarre times.

So is 2009 the start?

Here's my Meerkat that started all this -

View attachment 905350

It's first iteration was the political correctness movement in the 90's that while subdued, was never fully killed off.

It jumped the shark when the Trans movement co-opted it, and are now the runners for it.
Wokeism. Another word that scares right nut jobs shitless and leaves them curled up in a corner.

It's the concept that as long as the approved groupthink believes women can have penises, then they really can have penises, and anyone who disagrees is lying.
It's the concept that as long as the approved groupthink believes women can have penises, then they really can have penises, and anyone who disagrees is lying.
And that scares the shit out of you, why?
And that scares the shit out of you, why?

Because once you get people to accept that, you can get them to accept anything.

It's textbook Orwell.

I tell you, Winston, that reality is not external. Reality exists in the human mind, and nowhere else. Not in the individual mind, which can make mistakes, and in any case soon perishes: only in the mind of the Party, which is collective and immortal. Whatever the Party holds to be the truth, is truth. It is impossible to see reality except by looking through the eyes of the Party.''

1984: OâBrien Quotes | SparkNotes
Wokeism began in 1960, when it was discovered that mass media had decided the outcome of the presidential election.
Wokeism comes from Critical Theory which comes from Marxism which comes from Illuminism which comes from the Enlightenment.
Wikipedia article -

So it was kinda leaning towards the start of 2010. I only looked into this because I have a 10 month old puppy and she sits like a Meerkat, so her nickname is Alexander.

For those not familiar with that,'s advertising campaign in the UK is called Compare The Meerkat. So I Googled Alexander Meerkat and here's the Wikipedia link -

The part of interest in the link is -

On 11 August 2009, an opinion piece in The Guardian newspaper accused the advert series of racism for mocking Eastern European accents. The article received a near universally negative reaction and the Advertising Standards Authority, following a complaint by the author of the article, stated that it had not received any similar complaints, and ultimately decided to take no action.

That part then got me thinking, when did Wokeism begin and, what accent should Alexander have? I mean, are all human accents racist for a Meerkat?? We live in bizarre times.

So is 2009 the start?

Here's my Meerkat that started all this -

View attachment 905350
There is no such thing as ‘woke’ as misrepresented and lied about by conservatives.
Sure it is. It's also scary that a corrupt human being like the orange douchebag may win reelection. Guess which may come true?

Zone 1.

Also, Trump's draw is people being sick of party based collective realities being foisted on them.
Wokeism comes from Critical Theory which comes from Marxism which comes from Illuminism which comes from the Enlightenment.

Wokeism takes Class and replaces it with further balkanizing categories, race, gender, sex, sexuality, etc.

Then it tries to rank them and provide unearned gravitas for a person that checks the most boxes.
Zone 1.

Also, Trump's draw is people being sick of party based collective realities being foisted on them.
Yup and the whole world is sick of the Trump MAGA retards. Good, now we are getting somewhere.

Are you recovered from your fears or are you still curled up in a corner?
Yup and the whole world is sick of the Trump MAGA retards. Good, now we are getting somewhere.

Are you recovered from your fears or are you still curled up in a corner?

This coming from someone probably offended by pronouns, having to see a cross on the highway, and worried about the climate KILLING US ALL ZOMG.

The world is starting to get sick of the elites and the deep state people from all governments trying to tell us how to live our lives.

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