What's Wrong With California?

First of all it is Ca or California, not cali. Now the only things wrong with our state are the items Ronnie The Ray Goon implemented and have not been repealed or rescinded. Last winter we had a 100 year rain event and Oroville dam was not properly prepared to deal with the water. The wild fires are the result of an overly wet winter growth and republican fire bugs. Unfortunately it has made the air where I live unbreathable if I go outside. The terrain that the fires are on are mostly impassable by humans due to the steep and unstable dirt. When you hit it with water it turns to mud. Now quit being so envious of my state.
Lol, I'll take South Carolina over Cali any day. We have mountains, lakes, beaches, and some of the cleanest drinking water around. Also in the upstate, not to many liberals.
We have the best beaches, best national parks, best mountains, best forests, you name it we got it. You can surf and snow board in the same day.

Anywhere not beanerized in Mexifornia is pretty nice...You just have to go where the filth can't afford to go.
Nearly losing a dam, out of control crime, political violence is the state sport and now it turns out that the police and fire departments don't know how to respond to a major fire. That last part would lead to suspensions and firings in any state on the Gulf or Atlantic coasts south of VA and any state that has tornadoes with any regularity. Fire is small potatoes compared to major storms because fire is so predictable and preventable compared to major storms.

Why is CA the poster state for global incompetence?

You could go around the US finding such incompetence in many states, like Louisiana for example.

The problem in the US seems to be that there are two political parties, you choose your side, and then you're safe. You don't need to be competent, you know you'll get re-elected. The electorate is so partisan in many places that what you do isn't relevant to their vote.
Looks like california might need it's own forum for whining right wingers who hate california maybe cuz they couldn't afford to live there in the first place.

Every red state I visited, the quality of life looked poor honestly. Also Every time I'm overseas most Americans I meet are from the east or west coast. I've never met someone from Texas, Louisiana, Mississippi and other red states. That tells volumes.
First of all it is Ca or California, not cali. Now the only things wrong with our state are the items Ronnie The Ray Goon implemented and have not been repealed or rescinded. Last winter we had a 100 year rain event and Oroville dam was not properly prepared to deal with the water. The wild fires are the result of an overly wet winter growth and republican fire bugs. Unfortunately it has made the air where I live unbreathable if I go outside. The terrain that the fires are on are mostly impassable by humans due to the steep and unstable dirt. When you hit it with water it turns to mud. Now quit being so envious of my state.
Lol, I'll take South Carolina over Cali any day. We have mountains, lakes, beaches, and some of the cleanest drinking water around. Also in the upstate, not to many liberals.
We have the best beaches, best national parks, best mountains, best forests, you name it we got it. You can surf and snow board in the same day.

Anywhere not beanerized in Mexifornia is pretty nice...You just have to go where the filth can't afford to go.
Nah I love the diversity and the Mexican culture...when I first moved here, i made sure to learn Spanish and enjoy the culture. Mexicans are some of the hardest working and nicest people I've came across.
You know what's wrong with California? Too many people following an ideology, that of "tolerance" (an ugly word), "liberalism" (a perversion of true liberalism, which is their liberalism's opposite), "feminism" (which too often amounts to little more than victimhood and social engineering), and all of this wrapped up in a coccoon of carelessness, a disrespect for authority, yet too great a desire to censor the opinions of others, wielding shame, and now violence, as the weapon. Collectively; there are conservatives in California, believe it or not.

In Alabama, we have the same issue; too many people following an ideology. That of nationalism, a perversion of "patriotism", which is the opposite of what the founders intended, fear of outsiders, religious dogma, and strict authoritarianism. They both have a desire to censor their ideological opponents, but tbh I think the left is worse on that front than the right. The right, however, is now hosting a rather insidious parasite called the "white power" movement. It has, of yet, failed to detach the parasite, and may come to pay the price for that.

At end of day, strict adherence to ideology, and an inability or unwillingness to think for one's self, is what's wrong with California. Just like all dyed in the wool red and blue states.
California Leads U.S. Economy, Away From Trump

You really WANT to believe that, don't you? So sad!

Will California ever pay off its massive debt?
PUBLISHED: September 27, 2017 at 4:52 pm | UPDATED: September 27, 2017 at 4:58 pm
Last week, we questioned whether Congress would ever get serious about paying down the national debt. Now we pose a similar question of our state elected officials.

There have been some successes, like the adoption of some much-needed, albeit modest, pension reform measures in 2012, and nearly eliminating the “wall of debt,” as Gov. Jerry Brown described a number of short-term liabilities that once totaled nearly $35 billion. But even these efforts have put only a small dent in the state’s total debt.

This point was crystallized by a new study from financial watchdog group Truth in Accounting, which just released its annual “Financial State of the States” report. The study found that “41 states do not have enough money to pay all of their bills, and, in total, the states have racked up over $1.5 trillion dollars in unfunded state debt.”

Not surprisingly, the Golden State did not fare well in the analysis, ranking 43rd in terms of debt per taxpayer, and comprising one of nine states to earn an “F” grade. “Repeated decisions by state officials have left the state with a staggering debt burden of $255.1 billion,” the report concluded. “That burden equates to $21,600 for every California taxpayer.”

Will California ever pay off its massive debt? – Orange County Register
Again, for the mouthbreathers: If you can't afford to live in California you probably shouldn't live in California.

As you well know, companies and workers are doing just that, they're moving to adjoining states, Texas and Florida.
No, fuckstick - they're not. As I already posted:

How fucking stupid are you, anyway?


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