What’s the Voting Process Like Where You Live?


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
Right coast, classified
Elections for some of us today.

Name State please.

When I lived in California all I had to do was give my name verbally, sign next to my name and I was handed a ballot. I could give anyone’s name if I wanted. Then my ballot went into a box that was hopefully sent to the proper location unmolested.

Here in Virginia I’m required to have a photo ID, state my name and address to the polling person looking at my ID, then I get a ballot. I then personally feed my ballot into an electronic reader that hopefully is connected to the proper location in Richmond.
Florida. All we have to do is show a picture ID. Then we sign in a book, are given a ballot and we go for it.

Florida DOES follow up and we DO prosecute.
I think we sign in the book under our name. They can compare your signature to the one on file if they want to.

Most of Vote verification is bluff. If Jim Dandy can cast an illegal vote and get a fiver out of it, he will. If he thinks there's a chance he'll get dragged into Court and fined or jailed, he won't.

Same with Suzie CreamCheese and her sorority sisters.

You can't STOP voter fraud, but you can sure slow it. A lot.
Big pile of ballots come in the mail ... I gather them all up, fill them out, then go around the neighborhood having the addressees sign ... then mail them in ... Oregon ...

Vote Early ... Vote Often ... the neighbors trust me to vote for them ...
I think we sign in the book under our name. They can compare your signature to the one on file if they want to.

Most of Vote verification is bluff. If Jim Dandy can cast an illegal vote and get a fiver out of it, he will. If he thinks there's a chance he'll get dragged into Court and fined or jailed, he won't.

Same with Suzie CreamCheese and her sorority sisters.

You can't STOP voter fraud, but you can sure slow it. A lot.
It’s like home security. You can’t stop them but you can sure make it difficult.
Texas, so I get my ID scanned, must sign in the electronics box with a rubber pen. Then, paper ballots only, with large rectangles for selection, and a fine point pen.
Elections for some of us today.

Name State please.

When I lived in California all I had to do was give my name verbally, sign next to my name and I was handed a ballot. I could give anyone’s name if I wanted. Then my ballot went into a box that was hopefully sent to the proper location unmolested.

Here in Virginia I’m required to have a photo ID, state my name and address to the polling person looking at my ID, then I get a ballot. I then personally feed my ballot into an electronic reader that hopefully is connected to the proper location in Richmond.
New Mexico.
--Voter registration can be on the same day as the election
--Early voting in all elections
--No voter ID allowed. We are to give our birthday and address to the poll worker and we are given our ballot.
--Drop boxes legal. They are supposed to be under 24/7 surveillance but most are not.
--No purge of old voter rolls. If you've been gone from the state for 30 years you are likely still on the rolls at your last address.
--In 2020 ballots were mailed to all New Mexico citizens including many who were not registered to vote and an alarming number of extra ballots mailed to some addresses including ours.
--If you vote in person you mark a paper ballot. You then feed it into an electronic voting machine and wait for the number to change on the machine indicating your ballot was accepted. There is zero way to check to see if the machine actually counted your vote or counted it in the way that you voted. The totals indicated by the machines are considered gospel.
--We are not asked if we voted absentee before the election date when we vote in person.

In almost all close elections in which the Republican won by a small number of votes, there always seems to be a ballot box found in some precinct that has just enough votes to put the Democrat over the top. In other words no Republican gets elected here without a large margin of victory. New Mexico has never had a majority GOP legislature in its 112 year history as a state.
Elections for some of us today.

Name State please.

When I lived in California all I had to do was give my name verbally, sign next to my name and I was handed a ballot. I could give anyone’s name if I wanted. Then my ballot went into a box that was hopefully sent to the proper location unmolested.

Here in Virginia I’m required to have a photo ID, state my name and address to the polling person looking at my ID, then I get a ballot. I then personally feed my ballot into an electronic reader that hopefully is connected to the proper location in Richmond.
Sounds like here in Kentucky, They just ask for your ID to find name and address and if it matches then you sign and get a ballot.
Well, I roll up in my Ford F-450, with dual 5'x8' "MAGA" and "Trump 2024" flags mounted on the rear bumper, and park in the handicap spot nearest to the polling place. The I waddle down from the cab, get the Hoverounds out of the truck bed and go help my super sexy 4'10, 375lb Hot Trump gal out of the passenger seat. As we roll on in to the polling location, we pause to sneer at any dark-skinned or foreign-looking people and go to the front of the line. After cast our votes for whoever the reality TV guy told us to, we roll back to the truck, I winch the wife back into the passenger seat, and we roll on back to the nursing home, glorious flags flapping in the wind.

Well, I roll up in my Ford F-450, with dual 5'x8' "MAGA" and "Trump 2024" flags mounted on the rear bumper, and park in the handicap spot nearest to the polling place. The I waddle down from the cab, get the Hoverounds out of the truck bed and go help my super sexy 4'10, 375lb Hot Trump gal out of the passenger seat. As we roll on in to the polling location, we pause to sneer at any dark-skinned or foreign-looking people and go to the front of the line. After cast our votes for whoever the reality TV guy told us to, we roll back to the truck, I winch the wife back into the passenger seat, and we roll on back to the nursing home, glorious flags flapping in the wind.

You do all that in Canada?

You roll up in your Subaru because trucks scare you. On the back you have rainbow stickers and vegan signs. You park in the handicap spot because you’re too fat to walk. You don’t have a hoveround because it gets stuck in the snow. Your hot girl is the four fingers and thumb on your right hand. The darky you sneered at was just Trudeau in blackface. You vote the way your socialist leaders tell you to. Your nursing home is your mothers basement and has been all 45 years of your life.
Elections for some of us today.

Name State please.

When I lived in California all I had to do was give my name verbally, sign next to my name and I was handed a ballot. I could give anyone’s name if I wanted. Then my ballot went into a box that was hopefully sent to the proper location unmolested.

Here in Virginia I’m required to have a photo ID, state my name and address to the polling person looking at my ID, then I get a ballot. I then personally feed my ballot into an electronic reader that hopefully is connected to the proper location in Richmond.
I wonder if they had a camera on you when you made that false claim.

Then when the real person shows up you go to jail for 5 years

Is it worth it?

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