What's the point of living in a Surveillance State


Diamond Member
May 20, 2009
What's the point of living in a Surveillance State if the government is only spying on citizens and political enemies and ignoring people like Paddock who are actually being radicalized?

Russia! Russia! Manafort!! Flynn! What the fucking fuck?!
You sound like a radicalized person so we have to come after you.
What's the point of living in a Surveillance State if the government is only spying on citizens and political enemies and ignoring people like Paddock who are actually being radicalized?

Russia! Russia! Manafort!! Flynn! What the fucking fuck?!

Throughout history, elites have sought to control the masses (serfdom, slavery, comrades...). Assuming that the government is here to protect and serve the public only works if those if government either respect the Constitution and the Rule of Law, or if the government is sufficiently weak in scope an resource to make it not as big of a temptation to power mongers.

What we have now is the result of a decades long campaign to destroy individual rights and checks on government power in order to put productive Americans under the yoke of the Progressive Ideal (a sham which grifters use to live high on the hog at the expense of decent, hardworking people).
What's the point of living in a Surveillance State if the government is only spying on citizens and political enemies and ignoring people like Paddock who are actually being radicalized?

Russia! Russia! Manafort!! Flynn! What the fucking fuck?!
it's meant to keep us afraid, of worrying that we are unsafe, to give us a reason to give up our freedoms and rights for safety.

recall how popular the Patriot act was, recall how Obama said he was going to get rid of it, and now it has his name on it.

every time something happens, we lose freedom. It won't return, the PA and it's copies will only get stronger.

By the time we all see that we must do something, it will be to late.
What's the point of living in a Surveillance State if the government is only spying on citizens and political enemies and ignoring people like Paddock who are actually being radicalized?

Russia! Russia! Manafort!! Flynn! What the fucking fuck?!

Throughout history, elites have sought to control the masses (serfdom, slavery, comrades...). Assuming that the government is here to protect and serve the public only works if those if government either respect the Constitution and the Rule of Law, or if the government is sufficiently weak in scope an resource to make it not as big of a temptation to power mongers.

What we have now is the result of a decades long campaign to destroy individual rights and checks on government power in order to put productive Americans under the yoke of the Progressive Ideal (a sham which grifters use to live high on the hog at the expense of decent, hardworking people).
So true. Great post.

The extreme wealthy think they should rule the world. This has been true for a long time. In many cases, they are terribly unjust, ignorant, and corrupt.
Because they are watching brown people . The crazy white guys can do whatever they want. .

Not even Orwell dreamed of facial recognition towers all over NYC. Take away the right to bear arms and it's a Perfect Storm of Fascism.
What's the point of living in a Surveillance State if the government is only spying on citizens and political enemies and ignoring people like Paddock who are actually being radicalized?

Russia! Russia! Manafort!! Flynn! What the fucking fuck?!
Oh, you thought all that spying was for your protection?
What's the point of living in a Surveillance State if the government is only spying on citizens and political enemies and ignoring people like Paddock who are actually being radicalized?

Russia! Russia! Manafort!! Flynn! What the fucking fuck?!

There is no point of living in a surveillance state for us, us meaning 99% of the population on this planet.

But there is a huge point for the 1%. ;)
What's the point of living in a Surveillance State if the government is only spying on citizens and political enemies and ignoring people like Paddock who are actually being radicalized?

Russia! Russia! Manafort!! Flynn! What the fucking fuck?!

There is no point of living in a surveillance state for us, us meaning 99% of the population on this planet.

But there is a huge point for the 1%. ;)
It must be remember that Obama is the greatest surveillance scumbag of all time. He makes the Stasi and KGB look like bumpkins.

Not even Orwell dreamed of facial recognition towers all over NYC. Take away the right to bear arms and it's a Perfect Storm of Fascism.

Someone should knock it over with a truck so we can see the cream filled center
Because they are watching brown people . The crazy white guys can do whatever they want. .


Am I ? How come these white guy mass murderers are never on the radar? Vegas guy had more guns and ammo than North Korea ! Not a single red flag as raised .

1500 rounds is not a lot of ammo and what does any of this have to do with NK. Our tyrannical govt is afraid of all of us. Why do you think they're increasing the police state and pushing for more gun control?

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