What's the beef?

worse than Bush??? surely you jest!

in what respects?!

Not only is Obama repeating the same mistakes Bush made, but Obama's trillions in debt dwarf Bush's dangerous spending and he can't blame prior administrations for much of it. Furthermore, he has further weakened the US internationally. For example, did you know that he allowed the President of Mexico to badmouth the United States in front of Congress for an Arizona immigration law while he and many of his cronies applauded? This is treason. And his government has zero transparency and accountability, forcing unpopular bills through while the people watch helplessly.

It baffles the mind that people are blind to what is going on. The central control style of modern-day liberalism that is being displayed by the Progressives is the same as that which gave rise to 20th Century Nazism. This is recorded fact, but people don't want to believe it. History truly does repeat itself.
ok, on the one hand i suppose i can see your point, but it seems that the Obama detractors vry easily forget that he took office after 8 years of bush's crap, how is he supposed to rectify that, much less make things better in less than half of that time. . . .please understand, i'm not jumping to his defense, it's just as i said before, i feel that the animosity is misguided

wars, economic instability, gross consumerism and imperial conquest are the nature of the capitalist system under which this country operates. until thesystem is fixed, no one president will be able to make any real difference

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