What's more important to you? Muslim hating or Jesus following?

Jesus taught non-violence, but He did speak out against what He saw as evil.

Jesus would not advocate violence against Muslims, but that doesn’t mean that Jesus would not denounce Mohammed and Islam. Keep in mind that Mohammed claimed to follow the God YHWH of the Torah, but Mohammed claimed that YHWH is a deceiver. Certainly Jesus would have some harsh things to say about this and other things found in the Koran. Yeah, He would also have some harsh things to say to a lot of Christians, but He would definitely denounce Islam.

He would also have some harsh things to say to a lot of Christians, but He would definitely denounce Islam.

Biblio =book.
It do, look it up.

These things were written by MEN.

some of it was well written, well thought out, and inspired by the very best instincts that men possess. Other parts? Not so much.

Every last bit of any of it could be used to justify unjustifiable acts. All of them taken in its totality cautions against those same acts. People will do what people will do. They'll always look for an excuse in scripture, but the motivation will always be found in fear.

We are not HERE to see through one another. We are HERE to see one another through. Everything and anything we do in this world should be a kindness to each other, and simple love should be the only motivating factor that propels our actions.

Everything and anything else is self serving bullshit.

Are you saying this to the muslims that are supporting raping women, stoning, torturing, beheading and murdering? Why is it when you people want to talk "peace" you come to the people that truly, try to live their lives in peace?
Yo..........you DO realize that Yeshua (Jesus) was Jewish and taught as a rabbi, right? Why would He condemn His own people?

By the way..........there is nowhere where Yeshua states that He's God. He does however state "the Father and I are One", which is a direct teaching (remember He was Jewish) from the Judaic theology, stating that your soul is a small piece of God.

By the way............for all you Christian fanatics out there who rabidly state that the only way to Heaven is via baptism in Christ, got a quick question for you..........

Why can't the Jews and the Hindus and the Buddhists all get into Heaven? Remember, we're all a small piece of God, and I really don't think He'd like to throw away perfectly good people. Besides........in the Lost Gospel of Thomas (recently excavated and found), it states that eventually, EVERYONE gets out of hell and goes back to Heaven. Even Hitler and OBL.

You can not quote some lost gospel and expect a christian to beileve it. The bible is complete no additions no subtractions. That is a matter of faith. The bible says there is only one way to the father (God) and that is through is his son Jesus. It is false to say that everyone gets out of hell.

As for the original posting. The answer is follow Jesus. Unfortunatly it seems everyone fell for your bait to start a useless fight.

The Bible is complete? Are you fucking kidding me? Ever hear of the Niecine council? Tell ya what......watch History Channel's "Banned from the Bible" parts 1 and 2, and then come back and tell me it's "complete".

As far as only following Yeshua? Wanna try that again? Because you'd end up telling over 2/3rds of the people CURRENTLY on the planet that they were consigned to hell.

So much for compassionate Christianity, eh?

In Revelations it talks about the Judgement. If you are a believer in your heart, you pretty much get to skip the whole Judgement thing. If you have not been taught about the Lord, or were skeptical, there will be an opportunity for you to be in His presence and decide if He is your Savior. If you curse Him, you will be Judged accordingly. There is nothing there about being Christian when you are before the Lord. If you were never introduced to the Biblical Christ, but recognize Him as your Savior, He will know you and claim you. The whole "Christian" is the only way to the Lord should probably be changed to: Christianity, truly believed, is an 'easier' way to the Lord.
From my understanding of how the person and story of jesus is taught to people stash's comments are accurate.

I disagree, Jersus didn't condem the Jews who called him a crazy, criminal, put him on trial and crucified him.

Yo..........you DO realize that Yeshua (Jesus) was Jewish and taught as a rabbi, right? Why would He condemn His own people?

By the way..........there is nowhere where Yeshua states that He's God. He does however state "the Father and I are One", which is a direct teaching (remember He was Jewish) from the Judaic theology, stating that your soul is a small piece of God.

By the way............for all you Christian fanatics out there who rabidly state that the only way to Heaven is via baptism in Christ, got a quick question for you..........

Why can't the Jews and the Hindus and the Buddhists all get into Heaven? Remember, we're all a small piece of God, and I really don't think He'd like to throw away perfectly good people. Besides........in the Lost Gospel of Thomas (recently excavated and found), it states that eventually, EVERYONE gets out of hell and goes back to Heaven. Even Hitler and OBL.

Why don't you ask Jesus that question, you know his name was actually Yeshua :razz:, for He is the one who said it, not His followers.
When fascism comes to America it will be wrapped in thw flag carrying a cross!

Already has. Ever watch the teabaggers and the Christian conservatives? Flag wrapped, and cross waving.

With guns even...........

Where have the TEA party supporters committed violence? Where have they been an unruly mob? IMHO, you are bearing false witness.

They haven't. It's just a desire of the left to portray the Tea party as violent so as to pretend they are just as bad as the left is when they violently protest.
That still isn't evidence that Jesus would tell his followers to hate muslims or even that he's ok with it.

I see plenty of evidence in my passages I provided that he'd be against it. If he says he's the only one and he should be the only one believed in that doesn't mean he's saying to denounce/attack others who don't subscribe to that belief.

Who are you talking too anyway? I don't know of any christians that would say is was good to hate anyone, or that Jesus would advocate it. Or are you just arguing with yourself?

He is trying to make the point that any christian who hates muslims is not a good christian or not following the rules of the bible.

Christians that hate ANYONE are not good Christians.....kinda like the "so-called" christians of the Westboro church!
The replace it with "totalitarianism".

Considering how the conservatives are pushing for social engineering, I'd say that one belongs with them as well.

How exactly does advocating limited government create a totalitarian government? This I've got to hear.

Look no farther than Florida, and drug testing welfare recepients.

That policy alone is growing the government via social engineering.
Since you are new. I will cut you some slack.

But on this board if you make a statement it is your responsibility to link evidence.

15 posts are required to include a link, but surely you can go to Google and type in some words. You will find a great deal of information on Mohammed’s claim that Allah is a deceiver.

Muhammad never said any such thing.

The rate that you are going you will have 15 posts within an hour.

Then come back and either post your evidence or admit that you made it up. :doubt:

prove your statements,it works both ways buckwheat.
Who are you talking too anyway? I don't know of any christians that would say is was good to hate anyone, or that Jesus would advocate it. Or are you just arguing with yourself?

He is trying to make the point that any christian who hates muslims is not a good christian or not following the rules of the bible.

Christians that hate ANYONE are not good Christians.....kinda like the "so-called" christians of the Westboro church!

This is what I love to hear, this is what Jesus taught according to the Bible.

Helping your enemy become better, compassion, forgiveness, those are the virtues I take from the new testament with regard to those we take moral issue with.
You know........I learned a bit of wisdom from a friend of mine named Ned.

He told me that my supply of friends is endless, but my supply of enemies is short. If I spend enough time trying to understand my enemy and communicate effectively with them, eventually..........they become my friends. So I should be grateful for my enemies, because you don't need to practice patience, tolerance and love with your friends, because you automatically treat them as such. It's your enemies that you get to exercise the greatest amount of practice with those things.
You know........I learned a bit of wisdom from a friend of mine named Ned.

He told me that my supply of friends is endless, but my supply of enemies is short. If I spend enough time trying to understand my enemy and communicate effectively with them, eventually..........they become my friends. So I should be grateful for my enemies, because you don't need to practice patience, tolerance and love with your friends, because you automatically treat them as such. It's your enemies that you get to exercise the greatest amount of practice with those things.

So, how long before you're friends with California Girl?
You know........I learned a bit of wisdom from a friend of mine named Ned.

He told me that my supply of friends is endless, but my supply of enemies is short. If I spend enough time trying to understand my enemy and communicate effectively with them, eventually..........they become my friends. So I should be grateful for my enemies, because you don't need to practice patience, tolerance and love with your friends, because you automatically treat them as such. It's your enemies that you get to exercise the greatest amount of practice with those things.

So, how long before you're friends with California Girl?

You know.......at one time I would pos rep her for some (on occasion) witty statements.

However..........until I actually meet her in person, I'm gonna just consider her to be a bitchy chip on the internet.
Jesus is no God. According to the God of Abraham, there is only one God, your father who art in heaven. And as the story goes, the God of the Hebrews is the same god of the Israelits, which is the same God of the Jews, Jesus was a Jew who spoke a semit language of ancient Arabic.
If Jesus is God, why would Jesus pray to himself?
The story of Jesus is a blend of Hellenistic/Judaeism literature.

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