What's Healthier? Daily Multi-vitamin Or Fresh Produce?


Gold Member
Dec 12, 2013
My Mom chides me for not eating produce and relying on vitamins and supplements. I haven't had a cold or flu in half a dozen years, and that was a flu caught from my sister-in-law who was at university at the time (and around a lot of people in confined areas.) By comparison, my Mom can't seem to go a month without getting sick of something being into fresh fruits and veggies.

Plus, everytime I consider hitting the produce section shopping I remember the thing about the latest produce recall due to contamination of e.coli or recently, scorpions. :) Never heard about a multivitamin getting recalled. Hear about produce recalls all the time (when not warning about scorpions crawling into a shipment.) :)
I grow a lot of my stuff and even though I could live on bread and LOTS of meat , potatoes , rice and noodles I think that vegetables are a very healthy thing . Also healthier than a vitamin or lots of vitamins although I take a multi , some C and some B complex . As far as the bugs go , cook them and eat them if you don't see them , not going to hurt to eat bugs , especially cooked bugs . Also , I remember stories of banana spiders in boxes of banana boxes many years ago Delta .
to add , I eat more salad and vegetables in the last year or 2 then I ever ate in my previous 63 years . I'm healthy but I had excema on my elbows , its gone and I lost 45 pounds in about 6 months and I credit the vegetables and salads . I only eat mixed green salads rather than iceberg lettuce salad . Salad with a little vinegar consists of spinach , kale , fancy lettuce , turnip greens , beet tops , swisschard , avocado and anything else that can be picked or bought [depending on season] .
I grow a lot of my stuff and even though I could live on bread and LOTS of meat , potatoes , rice and noodles I think that vegetables are a very healthy thing . Also healthier than a vitamin or lots of vitamins although I take a multi , some C and some B complex . As far as the bugs go , cook them and eat them if you don't see them , not going to hurt to eat bugs , especially cooked bugs . Also , I remember stories of banana spiders in boxes of banana boxes many years ago Delta .

I love fruits and veggies. Bunch of years ago I tried an ultra strict vegan diet and discovered I liked a lot of things I never bothered with prior. But unless you grow your own, chances are you're eating pesticides, and contaminated produce at some point.
One of my fav snacks from the vegan period is raw brocolii with green olives and chilled Italian salad dressing. SO good!
no vegan for me Delta , wife went vegetarian after she saw me clubbing some baby seals fer their skins on an artic iceflow . I thought it'd be cheap feeding a vegetarian but NOOO , its not . They gotta have fake burgers and fake chicken chunks , pretend fish , ersatz saursage . Anyway , she'll prepare and cook meat with no problem , just won't eat it since the baby seal incident , loves the way a steak smells as its cooking .
no vegan for me Delta , wife went vegetarian after she saw me clubbing some baby seals fer their skins on an artic iceflow . I thought it'd be cheap feeding a vegetarian but NOOO , its not . They gotta have fake burgers and fake chicken chunks , pretend fish , ersatz saursage . Anyway , she'll prepare and cook meat with no problem , just won't eat it since the baby seal incident , loves the way a steak smells as its cooking .

Vegan diet lasted about six weeks. Make an awesome baked paprika chicken I wound up missing too much. Have cut back considerably on meat, but it's well-represented. :)
Honestly if you are buying "fresh" produce from the grocery store it is not all that good for you. It's picked before it get's all the nutrients and vitamins that you need so it will look nice sitting on the cooler shelf. They say frozen is better for you.
Honestly if you are buying "fresh" produce from the grocery store it is not all that good for you. It's picked before it get's all the nutrients and vitamins that you need so it will look nice sitting on the cooler shelf. They say frozen is better for you.

Mom says that about frozen. I dunno. I'd think in order to freeze produce so it thaws well you'd have to add something like a preservative making it a wash. Can't just be frozen produce and nothing extra can it?

Vitamins are best in any event. :)
Honestly if you are buying "fresh" produce from the grocery store it is not all that good for you. It's picked before it get's all the nutrients and vitamins that you need so it will look nice sitting on the cooler shelf. They say frozen is better for you.

Mom says that about frozen. I dunno. I'd think in order to freeze produce so it thaws well you'd have to add something like a preservative making it a wash. Can't just be frozen produce and nothing extra can it?

Vitamins are best in any event. :)
It makes sense the food is picked before it matures Frozen food is picked when it matures and has all the vitamins
I've never taken vitamins, never will. Never had a flu or pneumonia shot, never will.

Working with wild animals means I did take antibiotics which I hope won't come back to bite me in the butt but hey, I'm 68yo so I doubt it matters much.

Apparently its true that frozen/canned is as nutritional as MOST fresh but it sure as hell doesn't taste as good. Get fresh, in season, ripe fruits and veggies from farmer's markets and the Mennonites. Whole grains, nothing out of a box -- pismoe is, as usual, an idiot. No need for fake anything and the real thing is better.

Give your body a chance to take care of it's self and it will.
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Stress too. Can eat the healthiest diet ever conceived and still drop dead fro too much stress.

Better to watch a funny movie that'll make you laugh out loud than eat a serving of veggies. :)
how long do you wanna live anyway , I knew a 100 year old lady , Persian , she was rich with caretakers . Once I awhile they'd wheel her out on a gurney to get some sun in the summer . Yep , genetics is important !!
how long do you wanna live anyway , I knew a 100 year old lady , Persian , she was rich with caretakers . Once I awhile they'd wheel her out on a gurney to get some sun in the summer . Yep , genetics is important !!

All Jews wanna live to be 120. :) Record's 122.5 but we're not greedy.
Honestly if you are buying "fresh" produce from the grocery store it is not all that good for you. It's picked before it get's all the nutrients and vitamins that you need so it will look nice sitting on the cooler shelf. They say frozen is better for you.

Mom says that about frozen. I dunno. I'd think in order to freeze produce so it thaws well you'd have to add something like a preservative making it a wash. Can't just be frozen produce and nothing extra can it?

Vitamins are best in any event. :)

Taking vitamins in the form of a pill are better than good quality food?

Honestly if you are buying "fresh" produce from the grocery store it is not all that good for you. It's picked before it get's all the nutrients and vitamins that you need so it will look nice sitting on the cooler shelf. They say frozen is better for you.

Mom says that about frozen. I dunno. I'd think in order to freeze produce so it thaws well you'd have to add something like a preservative making it a wash. Can't just be frozen produce and nothing extra can it?

Vitamins are best in any event. :)

Taking vitamins in the form of a pill are better than good quality food?


Was tongue-in-cheek :)
My Mom chides me for not eating produce and relying on vitamins and supplements. I haven't had a cold or flu in half a dozen years, and that was a flu caught from my sister-in-law who was at university at the time (and around a lot of people in confined areas.) By comparison, my Mom can't seem to go a month without getting sick of something being into fresh fruits and veggies.

Plus, everytime I consider hitting the produce section shopping I remember the thing about the latest produce recall due to contamination of e.coli or recently, scorpions. :) Never heard about a multivitamin getting recalled. Hear about produce recalls all the time (when not warning about scorpions crawling into a shipment.) :)
I would think a combo of both would be the best choice.
I get alot more Natural energy from a salad with lots of Spinach than I do from, say, a burger.

Actually, Spinach makes me feel like it takes less time for my body to react to my brain's Will. Like... it heightens my reaction time and quickens my movement. Makes me faster.

Things like BBQ, burgers, etc make me feel less energetic.

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