*What's Good About Being An Atheist?*


Dec 9, 2007
Fort Worth, Texas
Sorry bout that,

1. This will indeed be a short thread.
2. If you are an atheist, will you be brave enough to post what the benefits are for being an atheist?
3. Are there any benefits?
4. Will this thread end before it begins?
5. Will you be able to turn this into a *Attack Thread On CWN*?
6. Is the only benefit about being an atheist, is you get to skate on *all* moral issues?
7. This may be the first and last post in this thread, so, *CHECKMATE*!
8. What keeps an atheist alive, and how does their lack of belief benefit themselves or anyone within their circle of life?
9. Do you feel like a mind numb robot?
10. Do you ask questions out loud why you don't get God?
11. No link provided: Go!

I'm not an atheists but I can think of a few benefits to that POV:

It frees up your Sunday mornings for golf.

You don't have to be embarrassed by the excesses of fellow believers.

You don't get to dismiss confusing issues with " God works in mysterious ways" so you're more likely to keep trying to figure out what's really going on.
Sorry bout that,

1. This will indeed be a short thread.
2. If you are an atheist, will you be brave enough to post what the benefits are for being an atheist?
3. Are there any benefits?
4. Will this thread end before it begins?
5. Will you be able to turn this into a *Attack Thread On CWN*?
6. Is the only benefit about being an atheist, is you get to skate on *all* moral issues?
7. This may be the first and last post in this thread, so, *CHECKMATE*!
8. What keeps an atheist alive, and how does their lack of belief benefit themselves or anyone within their circle of life?
9. Do you feel like a mind numb robot?
10. Do you ask questions out loud why you don't get God?
11. No link provided: Go!


1.) Nice childish start to the thread, status quo for you
2.) Well I don't have to waste my Sundays that's a nice thing, especially during the NFL season. But it's not about the benefits, it's about having a fact or faith mindset. I have a fact mindset, if it's not a fact than I'm not going to treat it as one.
3.) You just asked that in #2
4.) :cuckoo:
5.) Would I be able to? Yes. Will I? No
6.) No, I don't need a book or a person in a collar to tell me not to kill people.
7.) :cuckoo:
8.) Oxygen, water, food, the sun, etc, same stuff that keeps you alive.
9.) A robot is programmed to know a finite amount of things, this isn't the case with people who take fact or faith and science over religion. It's the exact opposite.
10.) There's nothing to get, hence being an atheist.
11.) There's no link that says the Bible is true. STOP!
Refusing to believe fiction is reality is good for the rational mind.

Refusing to live in fear of retribution of a petty and capricious god is liberating.

Tell me which is the better man; The man who does good works out of fear of hell or for an eternal reward or the man who knows there in no eternal reward yet consciously chooses to live a good life simply for the sake of living a good life?

the answer is obvious to me.
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Sleeping in on Sundays.

Reading books other than The Big Book of Myths and Fables.

No guilt or shame when having "impure" thoughts about the girls in the office.
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Sorry bout that,

1. Would you atheists claim that you have faith in the belief of nothing?
2. I would think thats not an easy pill to swallow.
3. Seems you have faith in the fact that you will be some day screwed in death, and will just cease to exist in a coffin, or be cremated and have your ashes flushed down a toilet, or thrown into the ocean, you get the picture.
4. How bout fed to pigs in pig grub?
5. It doesn't really matter to you does it, seeing your dead and gone, and theres no reason your remains are respected in any way right?
6. Why not just have them flung into an old out house shitter?
7. I just wonder how you atheists look at these options, it will some day be a reality for you, you know, what shall you choose?
8. Maybe you shouldn't allow others to prepare you for death, maybe you should just disappear, take a long walk off a short Pier or something?
9. If its not important to you, why go through th death process?
10. Why make it difficult for others, when you're about to reach the end?
11. I'm just curious how atheists look at death, and the end of life implications, this isn't meant to flame you folks, at all.:doubt:

1. Would you atheists claim that you have faith in the belief of nothing?

You fail to understand that we just do not believe in a supreme being watching over all of us and for me I do not believe in an afterlife. Not the same thing as you are saying.
Except that I do believe that after I die I will not exist in any fashion as an entity. So yes in that respect I believe in nothingness.

I have never seen any proof of god or an afterlife, therefore I do not believe in either.
And I do KNOW that religion is messed up as a can of worms and wrong in so many ways.
Religion cheapens the only certain life we have.

Why fear death?
We all will die.

Most of the christians I know fear death far more than I do and will hand on far beyond what I consider to be a reasonable life.
Why do they do this? They do not believe their own rhetoric about heaven and such?
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Sorry bout that,

1. Would you atheists claim that you have faith in the belief of nothing?

Who says atheists believe in nothing? I believe in many things. I believe in my wife. i believe in my ability to think critically and to make good choices. I believe the universe obeys certain laws and that the reason we cannot explain some things is that we simply do not yet know enough or are somehow incapable of explaining them just as a dog is incapable of understanding calculus.
2. I would think thats not an easy pill to swallow.

Only if you believe the lie that if one does not believe in the man in the sky that one is devoid of all belief.
3. Seems you have faith in the fact that you will be some day screwed in death, and will just cease to exist in a coffin, or be cremated and have your ashes flushed down a toilet, or thrown into the ocean, you get the picture.

What is so terrifying to you about accepting the fact that you will die? That there is nothing after death should be an inspiration to live your life to the absolute fullest extent. Wasting precious time worrying about your eternal reward is robbing you of time you could spend living.

4. How bout fed to pigs in pig grub?

So what? Your body is 100% recyclable.
5. It doesn't really matter to you does it, seeing your dead and gone, and theres no reason your remains are respected in any way right?

Being pumped full of toxic chemicals and left to moulder in the ground for hundreds of years doesn't sound too respectful to me.

6. Why not just have them flung into an old out house shitter?

Why not?

7. I just wonder how you atheists look at these options, it will some day be a reality for you, you know, what shall you choose?

I am going to be cremated. I really don't care what is done with the ashes after that because I'll be dead.

8. Maybe you shouldn't allow others to prepare you for death, maybe you should just disappear, take a long walk off a short Pier or something?

Just because one does not believe in the man in the sky does not mean one has no compassion for loved ones who will grieve after his death.

9. If its not important to you, why go through th death process?

Because you have no choice but to die either by your own hand, or the slow decay of time.

10. Why make it difficult for others, when you're about to reach the end?

Why does it have to be difficult? Facing the truth is preferable to telling yourself lies about paradise in the sky.

11. I'm just curious how atheists look at death, and the end of life implications, this isn't meant to flame you folks, at all.:doubt:

Death is the inevitable natural end of life. Nothing more nothing less.

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Sorry bout that,

People should worry about their own beliefs and zstay out of the beliefs of other people

1. Well thats not really fair Jill ol gal now is it?:confused:
2. We have here all sorts of discussions about the, *Christian Faith*, and I always see attacks from atheists about my faith, be it my thread or some one else's.
3. So why not we pull the lid back on atheism, you know pop the top, open the hood, and take a peek inside the gooey center?
4. Analyze it, learn to understand the wheres, whats, and whys, you know see what makes it tick.
5. You fear something?:eek:

Sleeping in on Sundays, not worried that pre marital sex will send you straight to hell.

LOL, yep many things will send you to straight to hell according to religions.
When i was raised up in a pentecostal church, Dancing and going to movies would send one to hell. Just a few of the things that would.

control thru fear.
Sleeping in on Sundays, not worried that pre marital sex will send you straight to hell.

LOL, yep many things will send you to straight to hell according to religions.
When i was raised up in a pentecostal church, Dancing and going to movies would send one to hell. Just a few of the things that would.

control thru fear.

I believe in God but religion is so restrictive, I just want to be able to guzzle 40s and make out with girls at the club in peace.
It's not an attempt to understand anything when you ask your questions in such a way that you're already assigning beliefs to the group you seek to study, which on their face, are not even necessarily their beliefs at all. That's called, in internet world, flaming and/or trolling, not seeking intelligent exchange of ideas.
Sorry bout that,
People should worry about their own beliefs and zstay out of the beliefs of other people

1. Well thats not really fair Jill ol gal now is it?:confused:
2. We have here all sorts of discussions about the, *Christian Faith*, and I always see attacks from atheists about my faith, be it my thread or some one else's.
3. So why not we pull the lid back on atheism, you know pop the top, open the hood, and take a peek inside the gooey center?
4. Analyze it, learn to understand the wheres, whats, and whys, you know see what makes it tick.
5. You fear something?:eek:

I would say the same thing in the purported discussion about christianity , which is that I don't care what other people believe as long as they're not hurting anyone else

Fear? Of what? If I were an atheist, I certainly wouldn't "fear" christophiles who feel like proselytizing. As it is, I have my own beliefs and I think yours are nutty
Come to think of it, how come I'm not out murdering, raping and stealing right now?

I don't give a damn about the Bible, and that's the only way to avoid doing these things, what's keeping me from doing it? The hand of God?
I suppose the main reason sheep flock to religion is for the "benefits":

The benefit of having someone else do your thinking for you.

The benefit of attending a social club each week and listening to fantastic fairy tales.

The benefit of living in a tiney cozy little world where all the questions have been answered for you.

The benefit of having aquantances "pray" for you when you are sick and dying.

The benefit of "defeating death" and a chance at "eternal life" in a very friendly place.

Being Atheist, on the other hand, has nothing to do with looking for benefits and comfort.

It is purely a natural result of rational thinking; looking at Nature straight in the face and accepting death as a natural part of the life process.
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