Celebrate Osama's Death?


Diamond Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
Here are two very different views on the question. Both from men of religion, both, it seems, biblically bases....what is your view? Why?

1.Pastor Rick Warren :
"I take no pleasure in the death of wicked people.I only want them to turn from wicked ways so they may live" Ezek33:11

2. Radio commentator Dennis Prager spoke on the subject yesterday:

"...asked Dennis (Dennis is a Jewish scholar)......he asked Dennis......"Dennis, should we be celebrating the death of Osama Bin Laden?. Doesn't the Bible talk about that?"

Dennis, after his initial shock asked...."why would you not celebrate the death of the purveyor of death? If that is not worth celebrating what is?"

He then immediately referred the caller to Exodus 14 and 15 which describes the parting of the Red Sea. When the Israelites saw that the evil, the Egyptians had been swallowed up by the sea....what did they do?

THEY SANG TO THE LORD and the Lord sure didn't seem to have a problem with it. Exodus 15:
You know what's interesting....in that celebration song to the Lord about the Egyptians being destroyed?.....they sing "They have been hurled to the sea".....LOL....that's exactly what they did to Osama. He's been hurled into the sea! Yea....read the first text of the song. Exodus 15:1.......Love the Bible! "
InTheColony.com Forums : Guy called Dennis Prager today and
There are evil humans and I will always celebrate when these evil humans can not longer hurt people.

Some humans are so evil the only time they stop hurting peole is when they die.

Then I celebrate
he certainly wanted to conserve the old ways so I guess he was a conservative
Celebrating the death of a mass murderer is no sin
I have to say, I'm sort of appalled by how unhinged the left is by Osama's death.

I don't see his death as a cause for jubilation. For one thing, I'm not one of the retards who thinks that Osama was our primary threat. He's one of MANY, and taking him out at this point isn't going to make much of a difference. I think radical Islam knew he was on borrowed time a long time ago, and subsequently many others stepped up to the plate to take his place so that when the inevitable happened, it would make no difference to them.
I have to say, I'm sort of appalled by how unhinged the left is by Osama's death.

I don't see his death as a cause for jubilation. For one thing, I'm not one of the retards who thinks that Osama was our primary threat. He's one of MANY, and taking him out at this point isn't going to make much of a difference. I think radical Islam knew he was on borrowed time a long time ago, and subsequently many others stepped up to the plate to take his place so that when the inevitable happened, it would make no difference to them.

We didn't take him out because he is a threat

We took him out because he is a mass murderer
Oh I get it. You think people will buy that Islam's only problem was Osama.
My celebration:
-A case of miller lite
-Barbecued pork back ribs
-My scantily clad wife and I partying at the beach with a bunch of Marines.
-America F$#k yeah playing on the iPod dock for everyone.

America? F$@k Yeah!!

-the Jerk
Here are two very different views on the question. Both from men of religion, both, it seems, biblically bases....what is your view? Why?

1.Pastor Rick Warren :
"I take no pleasure in the death of wicked people.I only want them to turn from wicked ways so they may live" Ezek33:11

2. Radio commentator Dennis Prager spoke on the subject yesterday:

"...asked Dennis (Dennis is a Jewish scholar)......he asked Dennis......"Dennis, should we be celebrating the death of Osama Bin Laden?. Doesn't the Bible talk about that?"

Dennis, after his initial shock asked...."why would you not celebrate the death of the purveyor of death? If that is not worth celebrating what is?"

He then immediately referred the caller to Exodus 14 and 15 which describes the parting of the Red Sea. When the Israelites saw that the evil, the Egyptians had been swallowed up by the sea....what did they do?

THEY SANG TO THE LORD and the Lord sure didn't seem to have a problem with it. Exodus 15:
You know what's interesting....in that celebration song to the Lord about the Egyptians being destroyed?.....they sing "They have been hurled to the sea".....LOL....that's exactly what they did to Osama. He's been hurled into the sea! Yea....read the first text of the song. Exodus 15:1.......Love the Bible! "
InTheColony.com Forums : Guy called Dennis Prager today and

I can only speak for myself. I am relieved that he has been stopped. I don't Celebrate it. If a War was to End, I would Celebrate the Peace. That's not the case here yet.
I have to say, I'm sort of appalled by how unhinged the left is by Osama's death.

I don't see his death as a cause for jubilation. For one thing, I'm not one of the retards who thinks that Osama was our primary threat. He's one of MANY, and taking him out at this point isn't going to make much of a difference. I think radical Islam knew he was on borrowed time a long time ago, and subsequently many others stepped up to the plate to take his place so that when the inevitable happened, it would make no difference to them.

We could tell it upset you.

Me? I am DELIGHTED by his death. People don't like that? Too bad. You guys can mourn all you like....just keep the wailing and knashing of teeth down to a dull roar.
I have to say, I'm sort of appalled by how unhinged the left is by Osama's death.

I don't see his death as a cause for jubilation. For one thing, I'm not one of the retards who thinks that Osama was our primary threat. He's one of MANY, and taking him out at this point isn't going to make much of a difference. I think radical Islam knew he was on borrowed time a long time ago, and subsequently many others stepped up to the plate to take his place so that when the inevitable happened, it would make no difference to them.

We could tell it upset you.

Me? I am DELIGHTED by his death. People don't like that? Too bad. You guys can mourn all you like....just keep the wailing and knashing of teeth down to a dull roar.

Who's Mourning his death outside of the Middle East? The State Department?
Originally posted by rightwinger
We didn't take him out because he is a threat

We took him out because he is a mass murderer

America, and all the other 203 sovereign states currently in existence, don't have any problem with mass murderers... as long as they are THEIR mass murderers.


Harry S. Truman
I have to say, I'm sort of appalled by how unhinged the left is by Osama's death.

I don't see his death as a cause for jubilation. For one thing, I'm not one of the retards who thinks that Osama was our primary threat. He's one of MANY, and taking him out at this point isn't going to make much of a difference. I think radical Islam knew he was on borrowed time a long time ago, and subsequently many others stepped up to the plate to take his place so that when the inevitable happened, it would make no difference to them.

Thats's right, you're special kind of retard! One with no respect for others. Who really cares what you think? You're the one that's unhinged and prove it with every post. What makes you think everyone that's "jubilant" is a leftist? Why is it that the right is so unhinged about Obama getting any credit, they are acting as if this wasn't a momentous occasion? Just think what they'd been saying, if it happened on Bush's watch! The whole thing just proves the deep-seated hypocrisy of the wingnuts.

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