What would Africa be like if it were never colonized by Europeans?

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Given the euros got their asses whipped for 500 years yes we can talk about keeping them out of the discussion. Rome never conquered Carthage. Alexander was sent home by Hannibal.

The facts are that whites got beat down for 500 years trying to invade Africa. This is why most slaves are from the coasts.

You have chosen to believe a eurocentric version of history. If there are 2 sides to any story, why isn't there two sides to what happened in Africa?.

That's because there is and we are going to look at it. You don't have to. You can go on and keep your head buried in the racist sand it's buried in and that's The choice you have a right to make.
It's not a question of being Eurocentric. It's a question of sanity. Rome sacked Carthage and Alexander was dead before Hannibal's father was born. Being black, as I imagine you are, is not a valid excuse for abject ignorance. Now, if you have a very low IQ or are otherwise mentally handicapped, go with that.
Given the euros got their asses whipped for 500 years yes we can talk about keeping them out of the discussion. Rome never conquered Carthage. Alexander was sent home by Hannibal.

The facts are that whites got beat down for 500 years trying to invade Africa. This is why most slaves are from the coasts.

You have chosen to believe a eurocentric version of history. If there are 2 sides to any story, why isn't there two sides to what happened in Africa?.

That's because there is and we are going to look at it. You don't have to. You can go on and keep your head buried in the racist sand it's buried in and that's The choice you have a right to make.
It's not a question of being Eurocentric. It's a question of sanity. Rome sacked Carthage and Alexander was dead before Hannibal's father was born. Being black, as I imagine you are, is not a valid excuse for abject ignorance. Now, if you have a very low IQ or are otherwise mentally handicapped, go with that.

Well actually it is a matte of being Eurocentric and you have the low IQ. Because we aren't talking about what happened in 146 BC. The OP was about what Africa would have been like if not for the colonization that took place about 2000 years later. But since you punks wanted to go there, you are going to learn the truth.
Sometimes whites like those here must be taught stern lessons.

The Greeks were the first civilized Europeans who were primarily civilized by the Black Africans of the Nile Valley. The Greeks passed on this acquired culture to the Romans who ultimately lost it, thus initiating the dark ages that lasted for 500 years. Civilization was again restored to Europe when another group of Black Africans, The Moors, brought the Dark Ages to an end.

In trying to hide the truth, white historians promote the lie that it was the Europeans who gave civilization to Africa when in fact this is a total reversal of the truth. In school you might have been brainwashed into thinking that western or white civilization was founded on Greek civilization, which seemed to just suddenly appear out of nowhere. What they were trying to conceal or deny was the fact that Greek civilization was a descendant, a child of the more advanced Black African civilization which had preceded it by thousands of years. In fact, Greek legend tells of Egyptian and Phoenician conquerors who had been ruling Greece until the 14th or 15th century B.C.

Lets add just a little more.

For 700 years (711-1492 A.D) during the Middle ages, the Black African Moors had dominated and ruled Spain, southern France and much of Scotland (southwest Europe), providing Europe with its finest civilization ever, recognizing earlier that Europe had again sunk to a level of almost complete barbarism, having lost all of the civilizing principles that were passed on by the ancient Greeks and Romans. Initially, Spain was the only country in Western Europe that had any semblance of civilization, but this later began to spread to Italy, Portugal and also into Northern Europe.

But while the Moors were re-civilizing Europe, noble empires in Ghana, Mali, and Songhai (Western Africa) were thriving and trading with the Moors, therefore Africa was clearly not some Dark Continent waiting for any European civilization. In fact, Black African Egyptians and Black African Moors were credited for having civilized the European barbarian.

By the 11th century, however, the Moroccan Islamic rulers of Spain had become decadent and soft, and in 1086 under the command of the Black-skinned Yusuf ibn Tashfin, the Almoravids, a dynasty of very Black Muslim sultans from Senegal in the heart of western Africa arrived, further consolidating the earlier incursions. Their rise to power began when a pilgrim named Yahya (the Muslim name for John the Baptist) returned home from Mecca and founded a new religious sect which quickly developed into a new military campaign, branching out from Senegal, and conquering all of Northwest Africa and Spain.

El Cid Yusuf ibn Tashfin, the greatest of the Almoravid leaders, defeated El Cid (right), one of Spain's most renowned and legendary folk heroes, and though Yusuf was almost 80 years old when he came to Spain, he was still quite energetic. Outnumbered by the Christians 3-to-1, his unconquerable spirit triumphed, and miraculously he destroyed King Alfonso of León and Castile at the Battle of Zalacca, where 70,000 Christian soldiers were on the run from Yusuf's army of 25,000 Muslims. One by one, Yusuf defeated the Christian generals, inflicting a humiliating defeat on the Christian army, with El Cid being the last one to fall, but when he did, practically the entire Iberian Peninsula was under Yusuf's control. Yusuf became King of an Empire that encompassed a large part of Africa and most of Spain. In 1090 Yusuf ibn Tashfin again invaded Spain, and turning conqueror, he seized all the Moorish territories of Spain except Zaragoza.

One more thing.

When history is taught to white people, the period called the "Middle Ages" is generally referred to as the "Dark Ages," and is portrayed in white history books as the period during which civilization in general, including the arts and sciences, laid idle. This was certainly true for the whites, but not for the Blacks. In fact, a painful piece of evidence that whites still cannot face up to is the reality that during the Middle Ages, the great empires of the world were Black empires, and the educational and cultural centres of the world were predominately African. Moreover, during that period, it was the white people who were the lawless barbarians.

During the dark ages in Christian Europe, the Moors had built more than 300 public baths throughout its 21 suburbs, also introducing Spain to underwear and bathing with soap, at a time when taking a bath was thought to be a diabolical practice to be shunned by all good Christians, and cleanliness was regarded as a sin. Human waste was simply thrown into the streets because there were no bathrooms available.

In addition to 700 mosques, the Moors also constructed magnificent cities in Spain, but the incredible city of Cordova was the most majestic of the tenth century with half a million inhabitants dwelling in over 113,000 homes. There were also well-paved roads with elevated sidewalks for pedestrians.

Alhambra Granada The houses, which were adorned with gardens as well as artificial fountains and orchards, contained marble balconies for summer, and hot-air ducts under the mosaic floors for the winter season. At night it was possible to travel for 10 miles by the light emanating from the lamps along a continuous block of buildings. All this was taking place several hundred years before there was a paved road in Paris, or a single street lamp in London, where even the streets were yet covered with mud and dark. If truth be told, London was yet a tiny mud-hut village. (Digest, 1973, p. 622).

Alhambra Throughout that period, Moorish monarchs were living in splendid palaces of highly polished marble and elaborately carved walls, with beautiful mosaic floors, while European Kings (England, France, and Germany) were living in big, cold, damp barns of unfinished stone which lacked windows and chimneys, with just a hole in the roof to remove any smoke.

Also at a time when Christian Europe had a mere two universities of any merit, the Moors had constructed more than 17 great universities, 800 public schools, numerous colleges and bookstores. Not even public libraries were in existence in Christian Europe during the 10th and 11th centuries, but Moorish Spain had more than 70, of which the one in Cordoba had a collection of 600,000 books!! Students from France and England travelled there to sit at the feet of Muslim intellectuals to study philosophy, science and medicine.

Females were encouraged to dedicate themselves to intense study since mother Africa was a matriarchal society, making Spain in that era, the only region where female doctors, lawyers, and scientists were established.

The Moors had an insatiable desire for knowledge, translating everything they could find into Arabic, even searching monasteries for rare books. They collected and translated ancient Egyptian and ancient scientific texts, which provided the gateway for the European to access higher learning at the end of Roman domination. In Moorish Spain, free education was available even to the poor and most humble, while in Christian Europe where superstition, barbarism and filth ran high, 99% of the populace was illiterate, including the kings who could neither read nor write.

The entrance of the Moors therefore, was responsible for the European rediscovery of art, music, science, mathematics, geography, geometry, political and physical Sciences, philosophy, personal hygiene, medicine, military training and manoeuvres.

Don't be scurred, read more here;

Think of the advances in automotive technology:

View attachment 161780

They have four wheel drive down to a science.
Yeah, those are all-terrain vehicles too!

And they run on green fuels.....other than a little methane their emissions are super low!!!
Superior tech no doubt!!!
And unlike our cars, they get to eat the engines when they die. Such brilliance!
We can ask "what ifs" all day long. The fact is it happened and whether people believe colonization is responsible or not, present day Africa is a crisis that needs to be fixed. For all the technology and knowledge we have today there is simply no reason for so many people around the world to live in those kinds of conditions.

When the countries that colonized still have business interests in Africa and control the politics, then colonization has not really ended.

Oh c'mon now. You do realize that after 35 years of Robert Mugabe totally DEVASTATING Zimbabwe, that the military FINALLY REMOVED HIM this week at age 90 something. He was a one man wrecking crew. TOTAL OVERREACTION to colonization put that moron in charge. Same overreaction you're having now.. He turned it from an EXPORTING breadbasket of Africa into a filthy basket case with less than 1/100th the value it had under colonial rule.

Now I'm not saying Colonialism is a good thing. It RIGHTLY needed to end. But NOT using the Zimbabwe model. Breaking up every asset that the colonial left and replacing it with rampant graft and nepotism and corruption and violence is NOT a property improvement..

You gotta ask --- WHERE ARE the real measurements and assets of "an advanced civilization"? It's the ability to find leadership and vision. Africa is going NOWHERE because there's never been a VALUE placed on leadership and vision. Look at Nigeria. Govt tearing up the enviro. Destroying local businesses trying to start their OWN refineries because THAT govt "hates competition". Or spreading the wealth.

Whatever is "in the past" sure is not worth a damn to the CURRENT condition of the lower 2/3 of that continent.

It's a hard sell man...
We can ask "what ifs" all day long. The fact is it happened and whether people believe colonization is responsible or not, present day Africa is a crisis that needs to be fixed. For all the technology and knowledge we have today there is simply no reason for so many people around the world to live in those kinds of conditions.

When the countries that colonized still have business interests in Africa and control the politics, then colonization has not really ended.

Oh c'mon now. You do realize that after 35 years of Robert Mugabe totally DEVASTATING Zimbabwe, that the military FINALLY REMOVED HIM this week at age 90 something. He was a one man wrecking crew. TOTAL OVERREACTION to colonization put that moron in charge. Same overreaction you're having now.. He turned it from an EXPORTING breadbasket of Africa into a filthy basket case with less than 1/100th the value it had under colonial rule.

Now I'm not saying Colonialism is a good thing. It RIGHTLY needed to end. But NOT using the Zimbabwe model. Breaking up every asset that the colonial left and replacing it with rampant graft and nepotism and corruption and violence is NOT a property improvement..

You gotta ask --- WHERE ARE the real measurements and assets of "an advanced civilization"? It's the ability to find leadership and vision. Africa is going NOWHERE because there's never been a VALUE placed on leadership and vision. Look at Nigeria. Govt tearing up the enviro. Destroying local businesses trying to start their OWN refineries because THAT govt "hates competition". Or spreading the wealth.

Whatever is "in the past" sure is not worth a damn to the CURRENT condition of the lower 2/3 of that continent.

It's a hard sell man...

This is the kind of garbage that angers me about white conservatives. Here we have an idiot talking about Zimbabwe with no real clue of what happened. Then he conflates his racist views to an opinion of he entire continent. He's too much of a coward to discuss what colonialism actually entailed so he takes the lazy white mans way out and ignores that then blames the current black power structure like everything was OK in that country until the blacks took it over.

I don't realize you claims. Mainly because I've been to Zimbabwe and I reject your idiotic white racist opinion of Africa. Do you think things were .so much better there under Apartheid or something? That was white minority rule by force fool. Are fucking retarded? Assets? Really? Were you dropped on your head at birth? Are you so stupid as to not think there was graft and nepotism involved in the white run colonial system? So how many white nations have been ruined or devastated by white leadership flacaltenn? Can you name the countries, specify the leaders and what they did? You say the entire continent of Africa is going no where because the entire continent has never placed a value on leadership and vision. That's a a fucked up lie and only an idiot could make that kind of assessment. You really need to shut the fuck up about Africa and issues pertaining to blacks in America. You are a total idiot on these matters with no clue.

Do you not understand that when he first took office after being elected Mugabe tried racial reconciliation? You need to research before you run your damn mouth. Whites stole that land facaltenn you don't seem to have the moral clarity to understand that. I'm not overreacting, nor where the people of Zimbabwe. I am reacting properly. Maybe if you whites had not decided to invade and take from people that was not yours countries like Zimbabwe would be far better off than they are now.

The fucking past caused the current condition you stiupid m- f.
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This is an interesting video. Besides from the uncorked foolishness we have to endure here, this is an interesting look into what Africa might have been like if not for European colonization. Interestingly it is stated that it took 500 years for Europeans to win a battle against any African nation. Funny how that happens.


Each time I hear about the conference where they divided up a continent and decided who would get what part, I have to wonder - How could they just do that? What right did they have to do that? Who did they think they were to make such a decision? Were there no moral, reasonable people telling them this was wrong?

These people felt so superior to others, but their actions proved they definitely were not.
We can ask "what ifs" all day long. The fact is it happened and whether people believe colonization is responsible or not, present day Africa is a crisis that needs to be fixed. For all the technology and knowledge we have today there is simply no reason for so many people around the world to live in those kinds of conditions.

When the countries that colonized still have business interests in Africa and control the politics, then colonization has not really ended.
Many negro countries are governed by negroes. The only way the politics can be "controlled" by whites is if the NEGRO leaders PERMIT it. So what are you saying? That even when a negro does something, it's still whitey's fault?
We can ask "what ifs" all day long. The fact is it happened and whether people believe colonization is responsible or not, present day Africa is a crisis that needs to be fixed. For all the technology and knowledge we have today there is simply no reason for so many people around the world to live in those kinds of conditions.

When the countries that colonized still have business interests in Africa and control the politics, then colonization has not really ended.

Oh c'mon now. You do realize that after 35 years of Robert Mugabe totally DEVASTATING Zimbabwe, that the military FINALLY REMOVED HIM this week at age 90 something. He was a one man wrecking crew. TOTAL OVERREACTION to colonization put that moron in charge. Same overreaction you're having now.. He turned it from an EXPORTING breadbasket of Africa into a filthy basket case with less than 1/100th the value it had under colonial rule.

Now I'm not saying Colonialism is a good thing. It RIGHTLY needed to end. But NOT using the Zimbabwe model. Breaking up every asset that the colonial left and replacing it with rampant graft and nepotism and corruption and violence is NOT a property improvement..

You gotta ask --- WHERE ARE the real measurements and assets of "an advanced civilization"? It's the ability to find leadership and vision. Africa is going NOWHERE because there's never been a VALUE placed on leadership and vision. Look at Nigeria. Govt tearing up the enviro. Destroying local businesses trying to start their OWN refineries because THAT govt "hates competition". Or spreading the wealth.

Whatever is "in the past" sure is not worth a damn to the CURRENT condition of the lower 2/3 of that continent.

It's a hard sell man...

Whites stole that land facaltenn you don't seem to have the moral clarity to understand that. I'm not overreacting, nor where the people of Zimbabwe. I am reacting properly. Maybe if you whites had not decided to invade and take from people that was not yours countries like Zimbabwe would be far better off than they are now.

The fucking past caused the current condition you stiupid m- f.
So let me get this straight. It's whitey's fault (that's what you mean by colonialism) that Zimbabwe is a shithole, which is why it became MORE of a shithole following decades of Mugabe's negro rule?
Sometimes whites like those here must be taught stern lessons.
So how come blacks are so dumb today? Their countries are shitholes, they lead the crime stats on a per capita basis, they do poorly on tests, etc...

Did they all self-lobotomize somewhere around the time when your "stern lesson" ends and reality begins?
We can ask "what ifs" all day long. The fact is it happened and whether people believe colonization is responsible or not, present day Africa is a crisis that needs to be fixed. For all the technology and knowledge we have today there is simply no reason for so many people around the world to live in those kinds of conditions.

When the countries that colonized still have business interests in Africa and control the politics, then colonization has not really ended.
Many negro countries are governed by negroes. The only way the politics can be "controlled" by whites is if the NEGRO leaders PERMIT it. So what are you saying? That even when a negro does something, it's still whitey's fault?

You need to educate yourself about colonization and current day Africa. Maybe whites just move completely out of Africa and give blacks complete control of the corporations whites have that are still in Africa and then you can talk.
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