What will replace the Ds?

william the wie

Gold Member
Nov 18, 2009
With an opposing president with a likeability rating so low that the best you can say for him is that he is not in the Charles Manson league and a mid-term coming up why are the Ds losing?

They have pretty much blown any chance of taking the senate and at this rate they may not take the house.

Mid-terms are gimmes for the party out of power, in much the same way that if Hillary had gone on a sobriety binge and campaigned more she would have won, only more so.

If the Ds hand the Rs either 60 seats in the senate or 218 in the house much less both it's time to have a memorial service for the political arm of organized crime. How did this happen?
With an opposing president with a likeability rating so low that the best you can say for him is that he is not in the Charles Manson league and a mid-term coming up why are the Ds losing?

They have pretty much blown any chance of taking the senate and at this rate they may not take the house.

Mid-terms are gimmes for the party out of power, in much the same way that if Hillary had gone on a sobriety binge and campaigned more she would have won, only more so.

If the Ds hand the Rs either 60 seats in the senate or 218 in the house much less both it's time to have a memorial service for the political arm of organized crime. How did this happen?
Trump is far more popular than you think.

As for who will replace Democrats, that is easy.

Brandon Straka and walkaway will revive the JFK Democratic party.
They'll bounce back the same way both parties have always done, but this time it may be a very slow crawl. 2016 was probably the most humiliating thing that could have ever happened to them. Laughing at the idea of Trump running. Grooming the same candidate for eight years. Having it leak that you cheated to help get said candidate the nomination. Then getting beat handily by the man you once laughed at. :lol:
They'll bounce back the same way both parties have always done, but this time it may be a very slow crawl. 2016 was probably the most humiliating thing that could have ever happened to them. Laughing at the idea of Trump running. Grooming the same candidate for eight years. Having it leak that you cheated to help get said candidate the nomination. Then getting beat handily by the man you once laughed at. :lol:

looking at their geriatric bench of candidates for 2020 and loss of tax base in the blue states not to mention the way they are losing seats this go round that should be gimmes I think they are in much deeper trouble than what should be expected.
Ok, first of all, the Democratic Party isn't going anywhere, but they're going to have to struggle with an identity problem for awhile. They've got the Bernie Sanders socialist/statist wing vs the establishment wing that looks like it's going to take awhile to work itself out. Plus they've got a problem with the more vocal activists who have no problem harassing and intimidating people with an opposing view, and that's costing the Party some support and money. The good news is, their opponents (GOP) are also having identity problems of their own and are not doing well at governing now that they've had the WH and Congress for the last 2 years. Not a lot to show for it, and some natives are getting restless.

Back to the Dems though, these guys have a pretty solid base that isn't going to go anywhere, although some blue states are losing people and that could cost them some seats in Congress after the 2020 Census. Will they change their tactics? And moderate their positions on some issues? Cuz right now, they appear be the bad guys to a lot of people in the middle, and you need those people to win elections.
They'll bounce back the same way both parties have always done, but this time it may be a very slow crawl. 2016 was probably the most humiliating thing that could have ever happened to them. Laughing at the idea of Trump running. Grooming the same candidate for eight years. Having it leak that you cheated to help get said candidate the nomination. Then getting beat handily by the man you once laughed at. :lol:
They won't though.

Once they lose 2018 they will be utterly defeated and ALL of the energy in the Democratic party in the future will be from a tiny group of youth radicals who turn off the VAST majority of the country to the point that Brandon Straka is being begged by Chelsea Clinton to run as the presidential candidate and Brandon Straka refuses, killing the party.

Once Democrats lose this year you will see the New York Times and the Washington Post publicly admit that the walkaway campaign exists and is a grave threat to the Democrats. Just like when the New York Times briefly admitted that they were wrong in 2016.
Corrupt Two-Party System. The Democratic Party isn't going away. Just a grand shell game in the end.
Ok, first of all, the Democratic Party isn't going anywhere, but they're going to have to struggle with an identity problem for awhile. They've got the Bernie Sanders socialist/statist wing vs the establishment wing that looks like it's going to take awhile to work itself out. Plus they've got a problem with the more vocal activists who have no problem harassing and intimidating people with an opposing view, and that's costing the Party some support and money. The good news is, their opponents (GOP) are also having identity problems of their own and are not doing well at governing now that they've had the WH and Congress for the last 2 years. Not a lot to show for it, and some natives are getting restless.

Back to the Dems though, these guys have a pretty solid base that isn't going to go anywhere, although some blue states are losing people and that could cost them some seats in Congress after the 2020 Census. Will they change their tactics? And moderate their positions on some issues? Cuz right now, they appear be the bad guys to a lot of people in the middle, and you need those people to win elections.
The establishment wing and the socialist wing are the same people. Bernie is just another rich guy spewing bullshit.

The Republicans are actually doing great given the fact that Democrats have created a new model for obstruction.
With an opposing president with a likeability rating so low that the best you can say for him is that he is not in the Charles Manson league and a mid-term coming up why are the Ds losing?

They have pretty much blown any chance of taking the senate and at this rate they may not take the house.

Mid-terms are gimmes for the party out of power, in much the same way that if Hillary had gone on a sobriety binge and campaigned more she would have won, only more so.

If the Ds hand the Rs either 60 seats in the senate or 218 in the house much less both it's time to have a memorial service for the political arm of organized crime. How did this happen?

Q. Who will replace the D's

A. The very far left, I've warned of this consequence a number of times, and it always falls on deaf ears.

The Callous Conservative Ideology will leave the vast majority of American Citizens out in the cold, hungry for the past, and without health care and hope for a better future - for themselves and their children - when Trumpism becomes the new normal.

When the nonfeasance and machinations we've seen by McConnell becomes the new norm, and the current iteration of the far right (need I say fascism) reach for their goals: The elimination of any Separation of Power, and a Federal Court System packed by only those who pass the conservative litmus test.

Then it is likely the communities of well educated activists will lead the people, disaffected by Trumpism, and non violent protests will become common. Soon violence will break out, first by the few from both sides of the issue, and then by the many who say, Enough!".

History tells us that the abuse of power will be met with rebellions and revolution, as has happened many times and in many places since our own in 1776.

Some succeeded and some failed but the age of revolution continued in Iran (put down by a paramilitary force) and the Arab Spring most recently.

Yes funny button pushers, this can happen here.
They'll bounce back the same way both parties have always done, but this time it may be a very slow crawl. 2016 was probably the most humiliating thing that could have ever happened to them. Laughing at the idea of Trump running. Grooming the same candidate for eight years. Having it leak that you cheated to help get said candidate the nomination. Then getting beat handily by the man you once laughed at. :lol:
They won't though.

Once they lose 2018 they will be utterly defeated and ALL of the energy in the Democratic party in the future will be from a tiny group of youth radicals who turn off the VAST majority of the country to the point that Brandon Straka is being begged by Chelsea Clinton to run as the presidential candidate and Brandon Straka refuses, killing the party.

Once Democrats lose this year you will see the New York Times and the Washington Post publicly admit that the walkaway campaign exists and is a grave threat to the Democrats. Just like when the New York Times briefly admitted that they were wrong in 2016.

Most times people online are smart enough to declare the other party dead at least... AFTER the election, before being proven wrong.
Even though the airport bribe to Perot didn't surface until after 1996 Clinton could not have won either term without Perot. that is only one non-asterisk D win 1976-2008. That is a major problem. Another major problem is that the real estate market is going against the Blue Wall for the most part and only the wealthy and arson "victims" will be able to escape.

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