what we should do about Obamacare

I honestly don't care what they do. I'm sure it won't be worse than Obamacare.

I have health ins. through my employer. It costs me ~$250/mo inc. dental. My deductible is $250. Half of that is paid for by work.

Work also pays half the 20% my ins doesn't cover.

I was just thinking about group employer coverage with what they have in this bill. If the tax refundable tax credits stand for everyone then why should an employer provide group health any longer. Just saves them money. Why would they even consider it when they can enhance their bottom line?
Some employers can afford that extra value to their employees.

I work for a hospital that's part of a large healthcare system. A healthcare system that had to cut hundreds of jobs because of Obamacare.

Or a healthcare system that cut jobs to make record profit and used ACA as an excuse?
I honestly don't care what they do. I'm sure it won't be worse than Obamacare.

I have health ins. through my employer. It costs me ~$250/mo inc. dental. My deductible is $250. Half of that is paid for by work.

Work also pays half the 20% my ins doesn't cover.

I was just thinking about group employer coverage with what they have in this bill. If the tax refundable tax credits stand for everyone then why should an employer provide group health any longer. Just saves them money. Why would they even consider it when they can enhance their bottom line?
Some employers can afford that extra value to their employees.

I work for a hospital that's part of a large healthcare system. A healthcare system that had to cut hundreds of jobs because of Obamacare.

Or a healthcare system that cut jobs to make record profit and used ACA as an excuse?

I agree with that after the jobs report came out today and the biggest gain was in health care workers.
This is my hope, that we go ahead and pass this bill & give the ball to Senator Rand Paul to create a comprehensive plan to run on for 2018.

Send it back to the House - but pass it with a clause that it has to be renewed by vote next year.

Lets make the election in 2018 about what we do about Obamacare.

THIS is the reason Trump won

well, plus, Hillary

But anyway, the unpopularity of Hussein's Obamacare has lost a lot of democrats a lot of seats the last couple of elections.

Our friends on the left and in the media chortle and giggle gleefully as the say "Trump is a failure, hasn't gotten anything done"

let's make this the critical issue

run candidates in Republican districts that WILL repeal and replace Obamacare

THIS is the issue that costs the Democrats 900 or so seats in the last 8 years

I almost feel as if we are better off without a permanent replacement

so yes, I want to pass legislation that repeals the mandates, at a minimum

But I don't think we should just pass a bill & breathe a sigh of relief & say "we're done"

we should campaign on nailing down a better & more permanent replacement for ACA & the wall

I think we win seats in the Senate & at a minimum, hold serve in the House, maybe lose 3 - 6 seats pick up a couple best case scenario

we could lose 15 to 20 at worse, I think - doubt we lose the House altogether

if we work hard to beat the "cucks" in the home districts during primaries - I bet we could pick off 2 to 5 of these & keep the Seats by beating Dem challengers in the general election

that would scare just enough of the rest of them, even just 2 seats & some close races.

We need to be thinking long term. Get something passed NOW that repeals any mandates & make 2018 about how to improve on that, get Trump to do rallies (which he will - believe me. They will be the best rallies, people, the best.)
Leave ACA alone.

It works just fine now as it is.
What we need is somebody like Teddy Roosevelt, that went after the trusts. The unholy triumvirate: Pharmaceutical, Insurance co's and the AMA. (All lawyers, politicians, funny that) Let's actually stop them from artificially driving up health care prices!

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