What was your FIRST internet addiction?


Diamond Member
May 17, 2015
mine was Prodigy.
I was addicted to the games and the message forum.

My game addiction was MASTERMIND (where you have to guess the hidden pegs, colors, blanks etc.)
I started a message forum called NAME THAT TUNE, where you post lines from song and people guess what the song is. At that time, the internet was in baby stages so you couldn't just look them up.
I used to post on the underground message board too - can't remember the name of it.
But that came later..... and I also went to a lot of BBS Boards. Many of them were RPG sites, but there were a few local BBS (Bulletin Board Systems) that were local and would actually have parties and get togethers.
mine was Prodigy.
I was addicted to the games and the message forum.

My game addiction was MASTERMIND (where you have to guess the hidden pegs, colors, blanks etc.)
I started a message forum called NAME THAT TUNE, where you post lines from song and people guess what the song is. At that time, the internet was in baby stages so you couldn't just look them up.
Mine was a text based role playing game........
I think the system I was on was USENET.
Was researching it some but not sure. I used it more for general discussion, not news....and you could share files etc. on there...
mine was Prodigy.
I was addicted to the games and the message forum.

My game addiction was MASTERMIND (where you have to guess the hidden pegs, colors, blanks etc.)
I started a message forum called NAME THAT TUNE, where you post lines from song and people guess what the song is. At that time, the internet was in baby stages so you couldn't just look them up.
Mine was a text based role playing game........

I've never done any RPGs. I've thought about trying out something called Second Life, but, USMB takes up too much of my time as it is!
mine was Prodigy.
I was addicted to the games and the message forum.

My game addiction was MASTERMIND (where you have to guess the hidden pegs, colors, blanks etc.)
I started a message forum called NAME THAT TUNE, where you post lines from song and people guess what the song is. At that time, the internet was in baby stages so you couldn't just look them up.
Mine was a text based role playing game........

I've never done any RPGs. I've thought about trying out something called Second Life, but, USMB takes up too much of my time as it is!
Just trading one internet addiction for another.
I finally gave up the RPG about 2 years ago- I had traveled and not played for about a week, and then I just found myself not playing it anymore.
There used to be a handful of search engines, all equally popular - I always used Yahoo!, I forget the names of the others..... one started with an L I think..... gotta look them up.... LYCOS!

I mainly used Yahoo! and WebCrawler
mine was Prodigy.
I was addicted to the games and the message forum.

My game addiction was MASTERMIND (where you have to guess the hidden pegs, colors, blanks etc.)
I started a message forum called NAME THAT TUNE, where you post lines from song and people guess what the song is. At that time, the internet was in baby stages so you couldn't just look them up.
Mine was a text based role playing game........

I've never done any RPGs. I've thought about trying out something called Second Life, but, USMB takes up too much of my time as it is!
Just trading one internet addiction for another.
I finally gave up the RPG about 2 years ago- I had traveled and not played for about a week, and then I just found myself not playing it anymore.

I wonder if there is a core personality component for people addicted to the internet.
Like why would people be addicted to a message board vs. texting on a phone? Just age?
You know I have never owned an Apple product in my life?? Hard to believe.

My favorite operating system of all time was Windows 3.1

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