What Trump and his Mob taught the world about America


Diamond Member
Jun 15, 2016
Central Oregon Coast
Another great read from Anne Applebaum.


Americans are not the ones who will suffer most from the terrible damage that Trump and his enablers have done to the power of America’s example, to America’s reputation, and, more important, to the reputation of democracy itself. The callow insurrectionists who thought it would be amusing to break into the debating chambers might go to jail, but they will not pay any real price; neither will the conspiracy theorists who believed the president’s lies and flocked to Washington to act on them. Instead, the true cost will be borne by those other residents of Moscow, Beijing, Tehran, Caracas, Riyadh, and Minsk—the dissidents and the opponents, the would-be democrats who plan, organize, protest, and suffer, sacrificing their time and in some cases their life just because they want the right to vote, to live in a state governed by the rule of law, and to enjoy the things that Americans take for granted, and that Trump doesn’t value at all.​
After yesterday, they will have one less source of hope, one less ally they can rely upon. The power of America’s example will be dimmer than it once was; American arguments will be harder to hear. American calls for democracy can be thrown back with scorn: You don’t believe in it anymore, so why should we? So much has been carelessly thrown away by this president; so much has been thoughtlessly abandoned; so many hard-won friendships and alliances have been forgotten by Trump, and by his enablers in the Senate, the Cabinet, and the far-right press. They don’t understand democracy’s true value—and they never will.​

People were voicing their concerns about the integrity of the election system a long time ago but you guys said ID cards are racist... Sorry to disappoint all you good folks in Minsk.
Another great read from Anne Applebaum.


Americans are not the ones who will suffer most from the terrible damage that Trump and his enablers have done to the power of America’s example, to America’s reputation, and, more important, to the reputation of democracy itself. The callow insurrectionists who thought it would be amusing to break into the debating chambers might go to jail, but they will not pay any real price; neither will the conspiracy theorists who believed the president’s lies and flocked to Washington to act on them. Instead, the true cost will be borne by those other residents of Moscow, Beijing, Tehran, Caracas, Riyadh, and Minsk—the dissidents and the opponents, the would-be democrats who plan, organize, protest, and suffer, sacrificing their time and in some cases their life just because they want the right to vote, to live in a state governed by the rule of law, and to enjoy the things that Americans take for granted, and that Trump doesn’t value at all.​
After yesterday, they will have one less source of hope, one less ally they can rely upon. The power of America’s example will be dimmer than it once was; American arguments will be harder to hear. American calls for democracy can be thrown back with scorn: You don’t believe in it anymore, so why should we? So much has been carelessly thrown away byothis president; so much has been thoughtlessly abandoned; so many hard-won friendships and alliances have been forgotten by Trump, and by his enablers in the Senate, the Cabinet, and the far-right press. They don’t understand democracy’s true value—and they never will.​

oh spare me
The Atlantic is an anti-Trump hate rag. It's just another example of how Liberals turn whatever they touch to shit.

  • Overall, we rate The Atlantic Left-Center Biased due to editorial positions and High for factual reporting based on excellent sourcing of information and a clean fact check record.
The Atlantic is an anti-Trump hate rag. It's just another example of how Liberals turn whatever they touch to shit.

  • Overall, we rate The Atlantic Left-Center Biased due to editorial positions and High for factual reporting based on excellent sourcing of information and a clean fact check record.
Says some leftist fact checking site. You posted an "opinion" piece.
The Atlantic is leftist trash. You know what else lessens America in the eyes of the world?

Stealing a presidential election! A judiciary that is in on the plot. Disenfranchising 73 plus million voters.

Making a mockery of our system of orderly and fair presidential elections.

And covering for this crime and lying your ass off!
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The Atlantic is an anti-Trump hate rag. It's just another example of how Liberals turn whatever they touch to shit.

  • Overall, we rate The Atlantic Left-Center Biased due to editorial positions and High for factual reporting based on excellent sourcing of information and a clean fact check record.
Says some leftist fact checking site. You posted an "opinion" piece.

Did I say it wasn't an opinion piece?
Did Media Bias/ Fact check not suggest that their opinion pieces were center left??
Are you an idiot???
No response necessary. :)
Annie Applesauce's hit piece is typical of how Liberals view reality through a distorted lens. She has it backwards. The people at the Capitol were standing up for THE SAME THING that people in oppressed countries are fighting for. The right for their vote to count and their voice to be heard.

There aren't many people who wanted to see the crowd storm the Capitol and have violence and death ensue. That was the fault of an insufficient and inept Police force. But the people had every right to be there and President Trump had every right to contest the election.
Annie Applesauce's hit piece is typical of how Liberals view reality through a distorted lens. She has it backwards. The people at the Capitol were standing up for THE SAME THING that people in oppressed countries are fighting for. The right for their vote to count and their voice to be heard.

There aren't many people who wanted to see the crowd storm the Capitol and have violence and death ensue. That was the fault of an insufficient and inept Police force. But the people had every right to be there and President Trump had every right to contest the election.
Annie Gulagstein and her ilk are no different than Olberman, Reich and Jennifer Rubin who want to remove conservative, traditional, Christians from society.
The Atlantic is leftist trash. You know what else lessens America in the eyes of the world?

Stealing a presidential election! A judiciary that is in on the plot. Disenfranchising 73 plus million voters.

Making a mockery of our system of orderly and fair presidential elections.

And covering for this crime and lying your ass off!
Outside the Trump cult, no one actually thinks the election was stolen.

So no, America is not lessened because of the election. If anything, the fact that the election was as close as it was lessens us in the eyes of the world.
The Atlantic is leftist trash. You know what else lessens America in the eyes of the world?

Stealing a presidential election! A judiciary that is in on the plot. Disenfranchising 73 plus million voters.

Making a mockery of our system of orderly and fair presidential elections.

And covering for this crime and lying your ass off!
Outside the Trump cult, no one actually thinks the election was stolen.

So no, America is not lessened because of the election. If anything, the fact that the election was as close as it was lessens us in the eyes of the world.

I know it's been a busy few years but you haven't forgotten the Russia collusion conspiracy theory already have you? For years y'all were bitching that the election was stolen but now all of a sudden it's an absolute impossibility.
The Atlantic is leftist trash. You know what else lessens America in the eyes of the world?

Stealing a presidential election! A judiciary that is in on the plot. Disenfranchising 73 plus million voters.

Making a mockery of our system of orderly and fair presidential elections.

And covering for this crime and lying your ass off!
Outside the Trump cult, no one actually thinks the election was stolen.

So no, America is not lessened because of the election. If anything, the fact that the election was as close as it was lessens us in the eyes of the world.
Everyone knows that there was mass voter fraud. When the Steele Dossier was exposed as hoax silence from you guys, same with Obamagate, Crossfire Hurricane. When detailed facts and evidence come out months from now about voter fraud you guys will just ignore it. Criminal investigations take months and months. Right now I am aware of no investigative policing agency with an active investigation into voter fraud but some states and localities will launch something. The FBI won't do anything.
73 million plus citizens disenfranchised by Corrupt Joe Biden and the cabal that placed him in office.

It makes all the bullshit about "every vote counts" seem pathetic and absurd.

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