What to bring with you if traveling in AZ


Diamond Member
Jul 22, 2009
Our local paper had an article today advising people what paperwork to have with them if traveling in or thru AZ. Some immigration lawyers are recommending people carry their birth certificates and/or passports to prove legal status because the law is vague as to what police would require.

Carry my birth certificate/passport while driving thru my own country.

Our local paper had an article today advising people what paperwork to have with them if traveling in or thru AZ. Some immigration lawyers are recommending people carry their birth certificates and/or passports to prove legal status because the law is vague as to what police would require.

Carry my birth certificate/passport while driving thru my own country.


Our local paper had an article today advising people what paperwork to have with them if traveling in or thru AZ. Some immigration lawyers are recommending people carry their birth certificates and/or passports to prove legal status because the law is vague as to what police would require.

Carry my birth certificate/passport while driving thru my own country.


The National Guard. :)
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=knv6nDZX1mc]YouTube - 4409 -- Arrested over Arizona's Real I.D. Paper's Please SB1070 bill[/ame]
Uhm ... isn't some form of identification ( driver's license ) necessary if one get's pulled over or arrested? These stupid lawyers are just trying to get everyone fired up.
So the cops didn't believe him and when he cleared everything up he was released.

People get hauled into the police station all the time then get released when they are cleared.

And BTW a commercial vehicle can be stopped at any time by the police. Have you never seen trucks pulled over to have their weight and manifests checked?
He showed the drivers license you claimed was all he needed, hell it was a commercial license
He showed the drivers license you claimed was all he needed, hell it was a commercial license

Unlike you, I can admit if I am mistaken.

But it is only one case that you have. You certainly have not proven that in all cases more than a drivers' license is necessary.

And this happened before the law was passed no?
Now imagine when it is actually law how many people will be treated like this?

Thank you for admitting your mistake
Now imagine when it is actually law how many people will be treated like this?

Thank you for admitting your mistake

I have a feeling cops will be way more careful after now that the law was passed. And I am not conceding that the cops didn't have a valid reason for being suspicious of the guy. They very well might have had reason not to believe him.

This has been addressed in other threads. This is a case of a commercial truck driver not having the proper paperwork required to drive a truck. Commercial trucj drivers have been required by law to carry a BC in AZ for years.

This is not about SB 1070, as it has not even gone into effect yet.

This is propaganda.

There are enough truthful issues with this new law without resorting to dishonest propaganda. In fact, this kind of dishonest bullshit robs those with legitimate concerns of credibility.

Your youtube is bullshit and that only serves to diminish the credibility of anyone who refers to it to make a point about the new AZ law.

Use truthful arguments, it will actually serve your purpose much better.

If you use dishonest arguments, it only serves to diminish the legitimate concerns over the new law.

The truth is bad enough. The only good thing about this new law is that it has drawn international attention to a severe problem.

Maybe the federal government will be forced to enforce their immigration laws, to the benefit of every US citizen. I, for one, hope so.

Please, use truthful arguments to make your point, lies only hurt all of us.

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