What the Rittenhouse trial resembles


Platinum Member
Dec 21, 2019
Remember when DNA evidence started exposing all the wrongly convicted people in this country? People that had been in prison for decades were being set free, and proving to the world that 90% of the time, it was the prosecution just trying to get a guilty verdict, even if there was strong evidence to prove innocence. For over a century now, prosecutors have gotten away with sending innocent people to prison, for what ever reason. Maybe it was someone in the community they just didn't like. Maybe they couldn't actually solve a case, and wanted to just find someone, anyone guilty, so they could close the case on it.

This Rittenhouse case, IMO, is one of those instances. The proof is in the favors the prosecution did for Gaige Grosskreutz

When Kyle handed over his phone to the police, they couldn't get into it. Instead of hiding behind that privilege, Kyle opened the phone for them so they could search it's contents.
On the otherhand, Grosskreutz's phone, a warrant was created, but the state never followed and executed that warrant. The prosecution never attempted to recover Grosskreutz's phone and enter it into evidence. Since the search warrant was never executed, the defense never had a chance to go through Grosskreutz's phone.
Why did all this happen? Because Grosskreutz was the prosecutions star witness.
Grosskreutz was also in possession of a gun which he had no permit for. Being over the age of 18, he was required by law to get a permit for it. Nor was he charged with lying to police officers about the gun. Which is obstruction of justice.
Why? Because once again, Grosskreutz was the prosecutions star witness.

Also, the prosecution continues to dismiss how in every incident, the people that Kyle shot were running or lunging towards him. all less than about 3ft.

Trials like this have been going on for a long long time, against innocent Americans. And there's no telling how many hundreds of thousands, maybe millions in the last century, that have done time for a crime they didn't commit. Or because of some bogus charges, just because the person was there. We've all seen video's of the cops screaming "Stop resisting, when they wasn't actually resisting.

The fact that the prosecution is making light of the fact that the mob was attacking Kyle, is a clear sign that this is one of those prosecutors who had gotten guilty verdicts on innocent people. Of course, I can't personally prove that he has. But his actions in this case is some great evidence that proves he's very capable of being a crooked prosecutor.

BTW, this thread isn't so much about Kyle Rittenhouse. But more so about how crooked prosecutors are. And how they get convictions on innocent people.
I doubt any prosecutor would get a guilty verdict, but this guy is flaming idiot. I still can't believe he aimed an AR-15 at the jury with his finger on the trigger!

I didn't see that. But if it was checked and actually not loaded, then it's no big deal. Sort of a "fear factor" on the jury. I agree though, it's a scumbag move, trying to scare the jury.

Defense: "The prosecutions case is garbage." <<< I loved that.

Trial lawyers are salesmen. When there's not hard evidence to prove one way or another, who ever is the best salesman wins. A HUGE amount of people in prison can't afford decent attorneys. And crooked prosecutors know all the attorneys. Like republicans and democrats, they all hob knob after work. Always making deals with each other without the best interest of their clients in mind. And prosecutors too many times just don't care. All they want is the guilty verdict.
Remember when DNA evidence started exposing all the wrongly convicted people in this country? People that had been in prison for decades were being set free, and proving to the world that 90% of the time, it was the prosecution just trying to get a guilty verdict, even if there was strong evidence to prove innocence. For over a century now, prosecutors have gotten away with sending innocent people to prison, for what ever reason. Maybe it was someone in the community they just didn't like. Maybe they couldn't actually solve a case, and wanted to just find someone, anyone guilty, so they could close the case on it.

This Rittenhouse case, IMO, is one of those instances. The proof is in the favors the prosecution did for Gaige Grosskreutz

When Kyle handed over his phone to the police, they couldn't get into it. Instead of hiding behind that privilege, Kyle opened the phone for them so they could search it's contents.
On the otherhand, Grosskreutz's phone, a warrant was created, but the state never followed and executed that warrant. The prosecution never attempted to recover Grosskreutz's phone and enter it into evidence. Since the search warrant was never executed, the defense never had a chance to go through Grosskreutz's phone.
Why did all this happen? Because Grosskreutz was the prosecutions star witness.
Grosskreutz was also in possession of a gun which he had no permit for. Being over the age of 18, he was required by law to get a permit for it. Nor was he charged with lying to police officers about the gun. Which is obstruction of justice.
Why? Because once again, Grosskreutz was the prosecutions star witness.

Also, the prosecution continues to dismiss how in every incident, the people that Kyle shot were running or lunging towards him. all less than about 3ft.

Trials like this have been going on for a long long time, against innocent Americans. And there's no telling how many hundreds of thousands, maybe millions in the last century, that have done time for a crime they didn't commit. Or because of some bogus charges, just because the person was there. We've all seen video's of the cops screaming "Stop resisting, when they wasn't actually resisting.

The fact that the prosecution is making light of the fact that the mob was attacking Kyle, is a clear sign that this is one of those prosecutors who had gotten guilty verdicts on innocent people. Of course, I can't personally prove that he has. But his actions in this case is some great evidence that proves he's very capable of being a crooked prosecutor.

BTW, this thread isn't so much about Kyle Rittenhouse. But more so about how crooked prosecutors are. And how they get convictions on innocent people.
The prosecution has done an excellent job but there's obviously the perception that they have failed for a good reason.

In my opinion, every time the prosecution tried to make a point anywhere in the trial that I've been able to watch, the judge's bias shot the prosecutor down. This gave the erroneous perception of a weak prosecutor.

However, the fact remains that a conviction on at least one count will be necessary to keep up an appearance of this not being a kangaroo court. And the proof of the judge's misconduct will be shown in the defendant being allowed to walk free with a light slap on the wrist.

And then America will pay another price for it's entertainment of the Trump psychopathy! Vigilante justice is guaranteed to resume in America to at least near 60's levels.
And then the police. having watched two coldblooded murders, calmly allowed the shooter walking away!

What's wrong in America?
What's wrong with this picture?
The prosecution has done an excellent job but there's obviously the perception that they have failed for a good reason.

In my opinion, every time the prosecution tried to make a point anywhere in the trial that I've been able to watch, the judge's bias shot the prosecutor down. This gave the erroneous perception of a weak prosecutor.

However, the fact remains that a conviction on at least one count will be necessary to keep up an appearance of this not being a kangaroo court. And the proof of the judge's misconduct will be shown in the defendant being allowed to walk free with a light slap on the wrist.

And then America will pay another price for it's entertainment of the Trump psychopathy! Vigilante justice is guaranteed to resume in America to at least near 60's levels.

The judge has already proven this isn't a kangaroo court. As far as shooting the prosecution down goes, that's not accurate. He's just trying to keep them within the confines of the rules that's already been discussed and agreed upon.

Example: The prosecution trying to make Kyle look bad for his supposed silence. The "right to remain silent" doesn't start when you're arrested. But it is acknowledged by the justice system. The prosecution apparently forgot that people do have a right to remain silent.
Afterwards, he was very forthcoming with information. As in his phone. The investigators couldn't open it up. So he gave them the pass code.
Did you read what I posted in the OP about the other guys phone?
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I was thinking, someone had to coerce him into taking on this case. Like a bet at a poker game, when he was drunk. "I'll betcha $20 you won't take this case. And another $20 that you can't win it."
So he's thinking "If I take the case and lose, then I won't be out any money."

Alcohol has that affect on people. LMAO
I was thinking, someone had to coerce him into taking on this case. Like a bet at a poker game, when he was drunk. "I'll betcha $20 you won't take this case. And another $20 that you can't win it."
So he's thinking "If I take the case and lose, then I won't be out any money."

Alcohol has that affect on people. LMAO
ADA Binger did run for DA in 2016. Perhaps this is his punishment.

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