What the media still does not get about Donald Trump, the man.


Diamond Member
Dec 30, 2014
The Southwestern Desert
He is a New Yorker right down to his bones. That means that if you come at him or you come at his family, he is going to come back at you twice as hard. Morning Joe and his fiancee got slammed because they pummel Donald Trump on a daily basis. It's a morning show, aren't they supposed to be perky and uplifting?

It doesn't matter that he is POTUS he is not going to stop being who he is. You can be aghast at that but that's the way it is. If you don't like getting decimated by Donald Trump, then stop attacking him and his family. And perhaps start reporting the news.
He is a New Yorker right down to his bones. That means that if you come at him or you come at his family, he is going to come back at you twice as hard. Morning Joe and his fiancee got slammed because they pummel Donald Trump on a daily basis. It's a morning show, aren't they supposed to be perky and uplifting?

It doesn't matter that he is POTUS he is not going to stop being who he is. You can be aghast at that but that's the way it is. If you don't like getting decimated by Donald Trump, then stop attacking him and his family. And perhaps start reporting the news.

The way both Mika and Joe have treated Kelly Anne is beyond shameful and disgusting.
What neither the media nor much of the politicians get yet is that Donald does not follow the rules, he makes them. He is limited at some point, but on a more basic level they are exhausting themselves trying to make a trend-setter into a conformist to suite their needs and agenda never realizing that ain't going to ever happen!
He is a New Yorker right down to his bones. That means that if you come at him or you come at his family, he is going to come back at you twice as hard. Morning Joe and his fiancee got slammed because they pummel Donald Trump on a daily basis. It's a morning show, aren't they supposed to be perky and uplifting?

It doesn't matter that he is POTUS he is not going to stop being who he is. You can be aghast at that but that's the way it is. If you don't like getting decimated by Donald Trump, then stop attacking him and his family. And perhaps start reporting the news.
New York hates Trump, and Trump's alt-right supporters hate New York.
What neither the media nor much of the politicians get yet is that Donald does not follow the rules, he makes them. He is limited at some point, but on a more basic level they are exhausting themselves trying to make a trend-setter into a conformist to suite their needs and agenda never realizing that ain't going to ever happen!

Well said.
What neither the media nor much of the politicians get yet is that Donald does not follow the rules, he makes them. He is limited at some point, but on a more basic level they are exhausting themselves trying to make a trend-setter into a conformist to suite their needs and agenda never realizing that ain't going to ever happen!

Well said.

Thank you. It is exactly because he IS a man, a REAL man, not a sissy, not a boy, not weak, not timid or cowardly or a little girl as jackass above repeats the Left's talking points taken from one of his news shows, that Trump does what he does. The man isn't afraid, he does not back down, you can't intimidate him, he knows no political correctness and he will not conform; if you punch him in the gut he will punch you right back in the face------ hard. Treat him with respect and you won't find a nicer, more benevolent, accommodating and generous guy, but treat him with contempt and lies as the media on the Left does since Day 1, and he will be unmerciless. What the jackals of the Left, the hacks and bots here, the sleezebag "journalist" hitmen, politicians and others haven't realized yet because they've never gone up against a man like this, this is a war they cannot win! Trump is not a player, he is outside the system they control, and he is playing all of you as a fool according to his master plan and it will not end well for you. Your very undoing will be your relentless effort to try to get him.

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