What the........"F"

I consider this country to be the greatest in the history of the planet.

Tis in the eye of the beholder....

Nobody else is even close

Depends how you gauge it...

Biggest military makes you the greatest?
Biggest GDP makes you the greatest?
Biggest debt makes you the greatest?

what are your qualifiers for saying such.

I don't believe it is the greatest.
Don't get me wrong, generally I find Americans good folk. Done a lot more good for the world than bad.

But I look at my political system and lifestyle, and compare it to America's and it's not even close (IMO of course)...
I have stood up for what my country has accomplished in 235 years. I consider this country to be the greatest in the history of the planet.
It is the right wing conservatives that yearn for an archaic system that is no longer relevant.

Why do you hate America?

Have you really... what is this archaic system you speak of and I agree, America is the Greatest Country but wouldn't you like to keep it that way?.

If you overtax, over regulate, over control the people etc.. America as we like it will be lost, don't you think?

The archaic system was based on an agrarian society in which most people did not rely on cash but lived off their land, barter and credit. There was no middle class.
The system also excluded women, blacks and indians
To try to apply the tax code of 1782 to 2009 is ridiculous.

Like I previously posted, the system which you moan is over controlled has provided schools, roads, bridges, a communications network, hospitals, the strongest military in history, police and fire protection, a social safety net......

To yearn for a government similar to 1782 over what we have today is simplistic rhetoric

No wonder your worried...sheezz.. I"m so misunderstood, I like all the good stuff but there is a limit for me...It's the over...Over over , taxes, regulation and the erosion of freedoms.
I have stood up for what my country has accomplished in 235 years. I consider this country to be the greatest in the history of the planet.
It is the right wing conservatives that yearn for an archaic system that is no longer relevant.

Why do you hate America?

Have you really... what is this archaic system you speak of and I agree, America is the Greatest Country but wouldn't you like to keep it that way?.

If you overtax, over regulate, over control the people etc.. America as we like it will be lost, don't you think?

The archaic system was based on an agrarian society in which most people did not rely on cash but lived off their land, barter and credit. There was no middle class.
The system also excluded women, blacks and indians
To try to apply the tax code of 1782 to 2009 is ridiculous.

Like I previously posted, the system which you moan is over controlled has provided schools, roads, bridges, a communications network, hospitals, the strongest military in history, police and fire protection, a social safety net......

To yearn for a government similar to 1782 over what we have today is simplistic rhetoric

Everything should be privately owned.

For example, if you want to get some milk...you'd pass through three toll booths there and back to pay for all the privately owned roads.
because things werent all that great in the past and even though our country has its problems today(just like in the past) we are doing okay.

Sounds so sweet,.....WAKE UP....:eek:

no you wake up, what is so bad about living in this country in 2009?

Ah, need some hints, unemployment, national debt, Wars, government expansion, taxes, falling dollar, home prices, credit card bubble, commercial real estate bubble, lack of government transparency... just to name a few

I'm sorry, if you feel I disrespected you...:eusa_angel:
Sounds so sweet,.....WAKE UP....:eek:

no you wake up, what is so bad about living in this country in 2009?

Ah, need some hints, unemployment, national debt, Wars, government expansion, taxes, falling dollar, home prices, credit card bubble, commercial real estate bubble, lack of government transparency... just to name a few

I'm sorry, if you feel I disrespected you...:eusa_angel:

and which of those problems are affecting you? even with the nation having these problems I sit here on my computer with high speed internet watching my 60" HD tv, life is pretty good even in tough times.
no you wake up, what is so bad about living in this country in 2009?

Ah, need some hints, unemployment, national debt, Wars, government expansion, taxes, falling dollar, home prices, credit card bubble, commercial real estate bubble, lack of government transparency... just to name a few

I'm sorry, if you feel I disrespected you...:eusa_angel:

and which of those problems are affecting you? even with the nation having these problems I sit here on my computer with high speed internet watching my 60" HD tv, life is pretty good even in tough times.

Lucky bastard! 60-inch!! My wife would kill me for even thinking about buying one of those...
Ah, need some hints, unemployment, national debt, Wars, government expansion, taxes, falling dollar, home prices, credit card bubble, commercial real estate bubble, lack of government transparency... just to name a few

I'm sorry, if you feel I disrespected you...:eusa_angel:

and which of those problems are affecting you? even with the nation having these problems I sit here on my computer with high speed internet watching my 60" HD tv, life is pretty good even in tough times.

Lucky bastard! 60-inch!! My wife would kill me for even thinking about buying one of those...

That's what I was thinking, damn, must work for the government....:eusa_angel:
no you wake up, what is so bad about living in this country in 2009?

Ah, need some hints, unemployment, national debt, Wars, government expansion, taxes, falling dollar, home prices, credit card bubble, commercial real estate bubble, lack of government transparency... just to name a few

I'm sorry, if you feel I disrespected you...:eusa_angel:

and which of those problems are affecting you? even with the nation having these problems I sit here on my computer with high speed internet watching my 60" HD tv, life is pretty good even in tough times.

All these items affect both of us, although my 33" sounds even more dismal now...thanks allot...:lol:
What the hell has happened to the America our forefathers fought for? ...:salute:

The government is far to big as it is and people are standing by while is about to get a hell of a lot bigger, some are even fighting for it....:eusa_doh:

The government is taxing far to much and people are fighting to have them raised more.....:eusa_doh:

The government has far to much control over out daily lives and people want to give them more...:eusa_doh:

What the "F" is wrong with you people...?...:eusa_naughty:

So what are your solutions to fix it all Lumpster?

Who do you think can "fix" it all?

Do you want the serious answer or the fun answer?

Is there a difference?
no you wake up, what is so bad about living in this country in 2009?

Ah, need some hints, unemployment, national debt, Wars, government expansion, taxes, falling dollar, home prices, credit card bubble, commercial real estate bubble, lack of government transparency... just to name a few

I'm sorry, if you feel I disrespected you...:eusa_angel:

and which of those problems are affecting you? even with the nation having these problems I sit here on my computer with high speed internet watching my 60" HD tv, life is pretty good even in tough times.

When it gets bad enough you will be effected too. No matter what higher taxes are coming. Regardless of your income you will be paying much higher taxes. I don't know what you mean--this hasn't effected you. Or is it possibly that you are a youngster--in school--on the internet--& have no interest in what is going on in this country.

If you are young--I am assuming you are--not working---then right now you are in debt before you get your first job to the tune of $120,000.00 on the INTEREST alone on the national debt. If you are in your 30's welcome to owing $138,000.00 in INTEREST alone on the national debt. And that figure is rising daily. This is without the cost of health care.

So enjoy it while you can---:lol::lol::lol: You may be selling that 60" big screen T.V. to pay for all of this!


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What the hell has happened to the America our forefathers fought for? ...:salute:

The government is far to big as it is and people are standing by while is about to get a hell of a lot bigger, some are even fighting for it....:eusa_doh:

The government is taxing far to much and people are fighting to have them raised more.....:eusa_doh:

The government has far to much control over out daily lives and people want to give them more...:eusa_doh:

What the "F" is wrong with you people...?...:eusa_naughty:

Which America was that?

The one where women had no rights? The one where Indians were chased out of their tribal land and slaughtered? The one which kept millions as slaves?

Yes the government has more of a role in our lives. At the time of our founding fathers, people lived into their 40's. There were no roads or bridges. There was no standing Army. No public hospitals, fire departments, ambulances. Most Americans couldn't read

I prefer the rights and privleges provided to Americans today
And you think the two America's are mutually exclusive?
Any bitch that wants to slap me need no longer fill out Form Frogen 666.

Slap away, but stay away from my scrotum.

I believe our children are the future.
Tis in the eye of the beholder....

Nobody else is even close

Depends how you gauge it...

Biggest military makes you the greatest?
Biggest GDP makes you the greatest?
Biggest debt makes you the greatest?

what are your qualifiers for saying such.

I don't believe it is the greatest.
Don't get me wrong, generally I find Americans good folk. Done a lot more good for the world than bad.

But I look at my political system and lifestyle, and compare it to America's and it's not even close (IMO of course)...


Here is how I gauge it.

No country in the history of mankind has had as much power as the US and used it less. Look at Greece, Rome, England, Napoleonic France, Germany, Japan...all used their military might to dominate their region culturally, militarily and economically.

What did the US do after we conquered much of the world in WWII? Marshal Plan

How did we dominate the world culturally? Through force? No, through movies

Has any other nation in history opened its borders to citizens of all nations and offered them full citizenship?

Add to it our contributions in Science, technology, the arts, music......

Like I said, its not even close
Personally, I think those who are happy to hand yet more responsibility over to our government are those who don't want to take responsibility for themselves. That is not the country we were set up to be. Our founders framed our Constitution to be maximum individual freedom and minimal government control. We should be as close to anarchy, without actually allowing anarchy, as possible. That is how we are supposed to live.

Unfortunately, that means that each of us carries the burden of caring for ourselves and our families. What is so wrong with that?

Do you think Europeans really live better than we do? No, they don't. They have handed control over to their government, who in turn, created a new 'government' and handed sovereignty for each country over to this Union of theirs. They ditched their currencies for the Euro. They have obsessional rules and regulations. They bitch and whine but sit back and allow this 'nanny state' to run their lives with no say.

I'm not overly critical of Europe (except that I think it's a disgrace to take countries into a Union that it's citizens have not had the opportunity to vote on) but we are not Europe. We are America. The grass is not greener on this side of the pond. Let's not be like them, let's be their ally but not imitate them.

(Except the French: Gotta love the French - they get every penny out of the EU that they possibly can and completely ignore everything the EU says).
no you wake up, what is so bad about living in this country in 2009?

Ah, need some hints, unemployment, national debt, Wars, government expansion, taxes, falling dollar, home prices, credit card bubble, commercial real estate bubble, lack of government transparency... just to name a few

I'm sorry, if you feel I disrespected you...:eusa_angel:

and which of those problems are affecting you? even with the nation having these problems I sit here on my computer with high speed internet watching my 60" HD tv, life is pretty good even in tough times.

Note: I don't know you, and these things, I hope are not really what you are like, however I think you can get the point. Of course if I leave this last statement on the end of my post, where I initially wrote it, I will have made you quite angry, so I will move it to the top of my post so you will know that I am really not pointing to you, I am just using the term "you." :razz:

You clearly don't see what is really happening in America, but worse, you don't care. You ignore the hurt this country is enduring because you can sid back and not look. However, it is not good for millions in America, and they did not create the prolem. People like you, those who ignore the pain of people, but hide in the pleasure of their own pride and greed.

Here is how I gauge it.

No country in the history of mankind has had as much power as the US and used it less. Look at Greece, Rome, England, Napoleonic France, Germany, Japan...all used their military might to dominate their region culturally, militarily and economically.

What did the US do after we conquered much of the world in WWII? Marshal Plan

How did we dominate the world culturally? Through force? No, through movies

Has any other nation in history opened its borders to citizens of all nations and offered them full citizenship?

Add to it our contributions in Science, technology, the arts, music......

Like I said, its not even close

Fair and good points all. I think the US has made huge contributions to the world - good and bad in many facets of society. For every Microsoft there's a McDonald's. Simplistic I know.

I'm talking, more on the ground living out your life. I absolutely feel I have more freedom here, and even more in my home country, than you seem to have there (note, I say seem).

Ask the French about what they think of the US impact on culture vis a vis movies...:lol:
Personally, I think those who are happy to hand yet more responsibility over to our government are those who don't want to take responsibility for themselves. That is not the country we were set up to be. Our founders framed our Constitution to be maximum individual freedom and minimal government control. We should be as close to anarchy, without actually allowing anarchy, as possible. That is how we are supposed to live.

Unfortunately, that means that each of us carries the burden of caring for ourselves and our families. What is so wrong with that?

Do you think Europeans really live better than we do? No, they don't. They have handed control over to their government, who in turn, created a new 'government' and handed sovereignty for each country over to this Union of theirs. They ditched their currencies for the Euro. They have obsessional rules and regulations. They bitch and whine but sit back and allow this 'nanny state' to run their lives with no say.

I'm not overly critical of Europe (except that I think it's a disgrace to take countries into a Union that it's citizens have not had the opportunity to vote on) but we are not Europe. We are America. The grass is not greener on this side of the pond. Let's not be like them, let's be their ally but not imitate them.

(Except the French: Gotta love the French - they get every penny out of the EU that they possibly can and completely ignore everything the EU says).

Hhhmmmmm....interesting points. Is the US truly more free than the EU? I mean, truly?

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