What the american people want?


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
Reno, NV

This is the rhetoric the GOP is spewing across the nation. The American people want them to destroy them? Because that is what their plan will do. I don’t think the American understand what they mean when they say they will cut government spending and not raise taxes and balance the budget and pay down the deficit.

This is the GOP plan:
In exchange for no new taxes and less government spending they will take your jobs, lower your wages, cut your unemployment benefits, raise your healthcare premiums, make you work longer to receive your social security, raise your Medicare premiums, cut welfare, food stamps and Medicaid for the poor, raise sale taxes, funding for public education will be cut, raise tuitions, your children will take longer to complete college and then there will be no jobs for them when the graduate.

On top of all the they did not tell you it still will not balance the budget and leave a deficit for your children.

Ask them “where will the $60 billion cuts in spending be” and how will it affect you and your children? I just told you. What they are saying is they want you to live below the poverty line until they balance the budget and pay down the deficit while making the Fat Cats richer with more tax cuts. Until hell freeze over. Even a $60 billion in spending cuts will not touch the deficit but it will touch every one of you. Even the T-Baggers who want less government spending.

How is $60 billion cut in spending going to affect a growing $1.5 trillion deficit with out raising taxes?

Be careful what you vote for. It may come back to bite you.
The republicans have always been good at selling stuff people do not want.
Things that most repoublicans do not even want if it impacts them.

This is the rhetoric the GOP is spewing across the nation. The American people want them to destroy them? Because that is what their plan will do. I don’t think the American understand what they mean when they say they will cut government spending and not raise taxes and balance the budget and pay down the deficit.

This is the GOP plan:
In exchange for no new taxes and less government spending they will take your jobs, lower your wages, cut your unemployment benefits, raise your healthcare premiums, make you work longer to receive your social security, raise your Medicare premiums, cut welfare, food stamps and Medicaid for the poor, raise sale taxes, funding for public education will be cut, raise tuitions, your children will take longer to complete college and then there will be no jobs for them when the graduate.

On top of all the they did not tell you it still will not balance the budget and leave a deficit for your children.

Ask them “where will the $60 billion cuts in spending be” and how will it affect you and your children? I just told you. What they are saying is they want you to live below the poverty line until they balance the budget and pay down the deficit while making the Fat Cats richer with more tax cuts. Until hell freeze over. Even a $60 billion in spending cuts will not touch the deficit but it will touch every one of you. Even the T-Baggers who want less government spending.

How is $60 billion cut in spending going to affect a growing $1.5 trillion deficit with out raising taxes?

Be careful what you vote for. It may come back to bite you.
Wow...Does the DNC have you on retainer or do you spew this cliché scaremonger bullshit for free?
How can government lower your wages and take your jobs? Ah, we are on to something. Of course government has no power to reduce your wages or terminate your job unless....you work for the government. It seems that more people work for the government then support the government. In other words there are more people working at government jobs than in manufacturing or mining or farming or any other occupation put together. Does this concept seem healthy to the left? Federal and state government has become a bloated redundant mess that produces nothing. The Country is doomed if everyone works for the government. Doesn't that make sense to the left?
The republicans have always been good at selling stuff people do not want.
Things that most repoublicans do not even want if it impacts them.

I saw a quote earlier that referenced John Steinbeck - Most Americans think they are displaced millionaires.

How true.

This is the rhetoric the GOP is spewing across the nation. The American people want them to destroy them? Because that is what their plan will do. I don’t think the American understand what they mean when they say they will cut government spending and not raise taxes and balance the budget and pay down the deficit.

This is the GOP plan:
In exchange for no new taxes and less government spending they will take your jobs, lower your wages, cut your unemployment benefits, raise your healthcare premiums, make you work longer to receive your social security, raise your Medicare premiums, cut welfare, food stamps and Medicaid for the poor, raise sale taxes, funding for public education will be cut, raise tuitions, your children will take longer to complete college and then there will be no jobs for them when the graduate.

On top of all the they did not tell you it still will not balance the budget and leave a deficit for your children.

Ask them “where will the $60 billion cuts in spending be” and how will it affect you and your children? I just told you. What they are saying is they want you to live below the poverty line until they balance the budget and pay down the deficit while making the Fat Cats richer with more tax cuts. Until hell freeze over. Even a $60 billion in spending cuts will not touch the deficit but it will touch every one of you. Even the T-Baggers who want less government spending.

How is $60 billion cut in spending going to affect a growing $1.5 trillion deficit with out raising taxes?

Be careful what you vote for. It may come back to bite you.
Wow...Does the DNC have you on retainer or do you spew this cliché scaremonger bullshit for free?

This is how I know I am on the right track.:eusa_hand:
Wake up and smell the crap GOP is spewing before it is too late. You know, this applies to you also.
The republicans have always been good at selling stuff people do not want.
Things that most repoublicans do not even want if it impacts them.

And dimocrats are really good at borrowing money to give people shit they don't need
How can government lower your wages and take your jobs? Ah, we are on to something. Of course government has no power to reduce your wages or terminate your job unless....you work for the government. It seems that more people work for the government then support the government. In other words there are more people working at government jobs than in manufacturing or mining or farming or any other occupation put together. Does this concept seem healthy to the left? Federal and state government has become a bloated redundant mess that produces nothing. The Country is doomed if everyone works for the government. Doesn't that make sense to the left?

There are more gov't jobs than private sector jobs? That is the point. With cuts in government spending services will be cut resulting in jobs cut. They will apply for unemployment and food stamps and free medical provided by the government resulting in more spending. where is the saving from cutting government spending?
Government has more servicee due to more people seeking government services. thus more employees that pay taxes and taxes is revenue that help pay for those services.
If government employee are mone than private then they must pay more taxes? but if their jobs are cut from cuts in spending they will not be paying taxes to the government but will be collecting from the goverenment and not producing anything.
It is right wing rhetoric more people works for the goverenment, and if they did they are paid more, can spend more, pay more in taxes and contribute more to the economy.
Do that make sense to the rignt?
Even if government took over every business in the country we would be better off because they would be paid higher wages, pay more taxes and have more purchasing power and the economy will swell as never before and we would have a surplus as never before.:clap2:
The republicans have always been good at selling stuff people do not want.
Things that most repoublicans do not even want if it impacts them.

And dimocrats are really good at borrowing money to give people shit they don't need

Bush borrowed billions from China to finance two unnecessary war we did not need. like we need war and needed 5,000 of our young man and women dead?
How the hell can you expect to cut spending without cutting jobs and cut taxes and balance the budget and pay down the deficti and create jobs. With what?
Gov't spending support services that hire people. On top of tax cut there will be more tax cuts and very little tax revenue coming in with 14 million already unemployed.
GOP is going to cut spending and expect to save money to balance the budget and pay down the deficit. Put this to your 5th grader because you cannot understand it.
Your 5th grader is getting an allowance, but if you cut spending you will cut her allowence and she will not be buying any coke and hambugers and movies,etc. She will borrow from her friend and she will soon get behind in paying her friend back, her debt gets bigger. etc. ??????
I find it interesting the minority party in the country is telling Americans "What they want".
The republicans have always been good at selling stuff people do not want.
Things that most repoublicans do not even want if it impacts them.

And dimocrats are really good at borrowing money to give people shit they don't need

Bush borrowed billions from China to finance two unnecessary war we did not need. like we need war and needed 5,000 of our young man and women dead?

And Obama borrowed trillions your point is what exactly?

This is the GOP plan:
In exchange for no new taxes and less government spending they will take your jobs, lower your wages, cut your unemployment benefits, raise your healthcare premiums, make you work longer to receive your social security, raise your Medicare premiums, cut welfare, food stamps and Medicaid for the poor, raise sale taxes, funding for public education will be cut, raise tuitions, your children will take longer to complete college and then there will be no jobs for them when the graduate.

......Be careful what you vote for. It may come back to bite you.

For me personally....

I don't look to the Government to provide me with a job, unemployment benefits, healthcare or anything of that sort. I have no intention of ever collecting Social Security or Medicare benefits. I have no interest in welfare, food stamps, Medicaid, or public education issues. I already deal with a 6.25% sales tax here in MA.... you know what we do about it.... we go to New Hampshire to buy big ticket items.

Believe it or not this is EXACTLY the sort of thing that MANY of is voted FOR.
The American people are somewhat divided in what they want.

But what most of them want, regardless of whether they're right wing patriots or left wing patriots is NOT on the (largely hidden) agenda of the people in power, that's for DAMNED SURE.

Let's begin those job cuts at the Departments of Energy, Commerce, Education, the ATF, DEA, ONDCP and CPB/PBS/NPR....We can do just fine without any of those parasites.

Won't make a tinker's damn of a difference.

Doubt me?

Study the budget.
How can government lower your wages and take your jobs? Ah, we are on to something. Of course government has no power to reduce your wages or terminate your job unless....you work for the government. It seems that more people work for the government then support the government. In other words there are more people working at government jobs than in manufacturing or mining or farming or any other occupation put together. Does this concept seem healthy to the left? Federal and state government has become a bloated redundant mess that produces nothing. The Country is doomed if everyone works for the government. Doesn't that make sense to the left?

There are more gov't jobs than private sector jobs? That is the point. With cuts in government spending services will be cut resulting in jobs cut. They will apply for unemployment and food stamps and free medical provided by the government resulting in more spending. where is the saving from cutting government spending?
Government has more servicee due to more people seeking government services. thus more employees that pay taxes and taxes is revenue that help pay for those services.
If government employee are mone than private then they must pay more taxes? but if their jobs are cut from cuts in spending they will not be paying taxes to the government but will be collecting from the goverenment and not producing anything.
It is right wing rhetoric more people works for the goverenment, and if they did they are paid more, can spend more, pay more in taxes and contribute more to the economy.
Do that make sense to the rignt?
Even if government took over every business in the country we would be better off because they would be paid higher wages, pay more taxes and have more purchasing power and the economy will swell as never before and we would have a surplus as never before.:clap2:
THEY PRODUCE NOTHING NOWGovernment workers product no wealth; nothing of intrinsic value. Let's say due to cuts, a worker with a salary of $100,000 is laid off. You are absolutely right the government will not collect 30 grand in taxes on his income and will pay him not to look for another job for 99 weeks at 20 grand/year. Do you understand that the government has just saved fifty thousand dollars?
Depending on the source, there are between 21 and 25 million federal, state and municipal civilian employees in the US "earning" in the neighborhood of $1.75 TRILLION.

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