what tanning salons and lawyers have in common..


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
both are KNOWN contributors to the cost of health care services.

More than 170,000 cases of non-melanoma skin cancer in the US each year are associated with indoor tanning.
In 2004, the total direct cost associated with the treatment for nonmelanoma skin cancer was $1.4 billion.
Skin Cancer Facts - SkinCancer.org

As part of the Affordable Care Act, tanning salon customers have 10% added to their bills for tanning services.
This tax will be used to fund insurance to uninsured Americans....
the new tanning salon tax is a "sin tax," meant to make people healthier by not going to tanning salons, thus the rationale for including it in the Health Care Bill.
Tanning Salon Excise Tax Starts July 1

In summary ACA taxes tanning salons as tanning causes cancer and the tax will do two things:
A) Hopefully reducing skin cancer and
B) the tax will be used to fund "uninsured Americans".

Sounds commendable. Reducing $1.4 billion in COSTS directly due to tanning...and funding 'uninsured Americans"..

What tanning salons and lawyers have in common are they both contribute directly to the costs of health care.

Tanning salons $1.4 billion
Lawyers contribution to health care costs $850 billion.

BUT are lawyers taxed 10% of their $270 billion a year in income as tanning salons are taxed?

Proof is 90% of physicians surveyed say they order $850 billion a year in wasted duplicate tests, referrals all out of FEAR of being SUED!
Physicians estimate the cost of defensive medicine in US at $650 to $850 billion per year

Health News Observer ? Physicians Estimate The Cost Of Defensive Medicine In Us At 650 To 850 Bill Articles

So if these experts,i.e. physicians that order duplicate tests, etc. which become CLAIMS to be paid by PAYERS add up to over $850 billion for only ONE
reason, "FEAR of being SUED"!

Physicians are under the Stark Law NOT allowed to make money by referring/ordering these tests.

So why wasn't lawyers taxed 10% and that $27 billion a year used to pay a $5,000 per year per uninsured American's health insurance?
With the proven number of less then 4 million Americans that want and need insurance that would fulfill the objective of ACA i.e. funding for the "uninsured Americans'!
i managed a tanning parlor in the early 80's the risk was known then.....and it has not gotten any better even with the new lamps and all.....

tanning is bad for ya...period
i managed a tanning parlor in the early 80's the risk was known then.....and it has not gotten any better even with the new lamps and all.....

tanning is bad for ya...period

Yea.. sounds bad but you are MISSING nearly $850 billion in WASTED expenditures due to "defensive medicine" the experts, the people that send the claims practice because they FEAR lawsuits.

My point is yea tanning is bad BUT $850 billion a year in duplicate tests,etc. wasted is 1,000% MORE of a problem and
NOT one addressing of this gigantic gorilla in the discussion... WHY it was NOT addressed is 47% Congress lawyers and so the is President.

Do you understand that this $850 billion is PAID by your insurance companies/Medicare etc. and as a result all the payers do is ask you to pay more in premiums ... all because of the $850 billion in wasted duplicate tests!
Read more as to how the cost is even higher then that in that just 6% of lawsuits go to trial ...settled out of court.. adding to the $850 billion!

The gigantic expense i.e. wasted time of physicians,etc. preparing for lawsuits is NOT part of this $850 billion remember!

Why people aren't shocked by what the experts,i.e. physicians are telling us .. physicians order $850 billion a year needlessly I don't understand.
hmmm i got to my dermo....100 bucks for the office visit....if she burns something off ...its gone....i think that is 100 or so...if she punches or cuts....then its 150 plus the biopsy....is another 150...
i have had skin cancer for a long time....

but yes i understand about the cost of test etc...the duplicate tests are due in part to the drs covering their asses....which is due to the threat of lawsuits....

we could also discuss the ama and the cost of allowing them to police themselves or the cost of pain meds being written by the dozens by certain dr's and that is not stopped by the fda....so forth and so on
Close the beaches and have only indoor pools. Prohibit wearing skimpy clothing outside during the daytime.
hmmm i got to my dermo....100 bucks for the office visit....if she burns something off ...its gone....i think that is 100 or so...if she punches or cuts....then its 150 plus the biopsy....is another 150...
i have had skin cancer for a long time....

but yes i understand about the cost of test etc...the duplicate tests are due in part to the drs covering their asses....which is due to the threat of lawsuits....

we could also discuss the ama and the cost of allowing them to police themselves or the cost of pain meds being written by the dozens by certain dr's and that is not stopped by the fda....so forth and so on

OF course they are covering their asses! Why wouldn't they with every lawyer panting and waiting for any mistake to pounce and file the next multimillionaire lawyer in the making!

Geez.. you blame the doctors for being defensive!
Where is your anger and blame for the lawyers??
YOU are paying these defensive medicine practices costs of $850 billion as part of your premiums or Medicare payments..
Close the beaches and have only indoor pools. Prohibit wearing skimpy clothing outside during the daytime.

What do you propose to do to reduce the gigantic largest cost driver in health care the claims paid by payers for services that are done JUST to protect providers from being sued by lawyers...i.e. the $850 billion testified by 90% of physicians they order simply because they fear law suits?
hmmm i got to my dermo....100 bucks for the office visit....if she burns something off ...its gone....i think that is 100 or so...if she punches or cuts....then its 150 plus the biopsy....is another 150...
i have had skin cancer for a long time....

but yes i understand about the cost of test etc...the duplicate tests are due in part to the drs covering their asses....which is due to the threat of lawsuits....

we could also discuss the ama and the cost of allowing them to police themselves or the cost of pain meds being written by the dozens by certain dr's and that is not stopped by the fda....so forth and so on

OF course they are covering their asses! Why wouldn't they with every lawyer panting and waiting for any mistake to pounce and file the next multimillionaire lawyer in the making!

Geez.. you blame the doctors for being defensive!
Where is your anger and blame for the lawyers??
YOU are paying these defensive medicine practices costs of $850 billion as part of your premiums or Medicare payments..

i have worked in er admitting....doctors are very human and make mistakes that can destroy lives...

defensive medical costs....keep breaking it down
hmmm i got to my dermo....100 bucks for the office visit....if she burns something off ...its gone....i think that is 100 or so...if she punches or cuts....then its 150 plus the biopsy....is another 150...
i have had skin cancer for a long time....

but yes i understand about the cost of test etc...the duplicate tests are due in part to the drs covering their asses....which is due to the threat of lawsuits....

we could also discuss the ama and the cost of allowing them to police themselves or the cost of pain meds being written by the dozens by certain dr's and that is not stopped by the fda....so forth and so on

OF course they are covering their asses! Why wouldn't they with every lawyer panting and waiting for any mistake to pounce and file the next multimillionaire lawyer in the making!

Geez.. you blame the doctors for being defensive!
Where is your anger and blame for the lawyers??
YOU are paying these defensive medicine practices costs of $850 billion as part of your premiums or Medicare payments..

i have worked in er admitting....doctors are very human and make mistakes that can destroy lives...

defensive medical costs....keep breaking it down

I don't disagree yes Doctors are NOT perfect!
But come on why are YOU so intent on defending LAWYERS who make over $270 billion a year?
They cause these defensive medicine tactics just as much as tanning causes cancer!
So why weren't lawyers taxed 10% and that $27 billion could pay the premiums for each of the truly 4 million that are not insured?
Remember you are believing MSM lies about how many are "uninsured"!
10 million counted as part of the uninsured are NOT AMERICANS!
14 million AMERICANS covered by Medicaid BEFORE ACA don't know it! So why did it take MORE government management if CMS that managed Medicaid
can't get these 14 million enrolled? WhY more rules regulations when existing before ACA wasn't followed?? Doesn't make any sense!
Finally 18 million don't want and don't need so why were they counted as part of the 46 million?
BECAUSE it bolstered ACA passage!

Truly 4 million that wanted and need coverage simply covered by 10% tax on $270 billion from lawyers that as the $850 billion in defensive medicine
declines so would their taxes! An incentive NOT to do wasteful lawsuits and defensive medicine practices!

Why are you against THAT???
where have i defended lawyers.....you want to discuss health costs...start with what it costs having the ama police doctors.....go on....its like having the fox watch the hen house and has many hidden costs...
where have i defended lawyers.....you want to discuss health costs...start with what it costs having the ama police doctors.....go on....its like having the fox watch the hen house and has many hidden costs...

I would appreciate YOUR being able to document the AMA policing doctor costs. Very interested if you can provide links as
as I'm sharing with you the facts that 90% of doctors surveyed as this link shows...
"Physicians estimate the cost of defensive medicine in US at $650 to $850 billion per year. This is 26 to 34% of all US healthcare costs.
Up to 92% of US physicians practice defensive medicine.

76% of physicians report that defensive medicine decreases patient access to healthcare.
53% of physicians report delaying new techniques, procedures, and treatments due to fear of lawsuits.
Patients most affected by defensive medicine include those visiting emergency rooms and those requiring surgery.
Women are most affected by defensive medicine.
Emergency medicine, primary care, and OB/GYN physicians are most likely to practice defensive medicine.
79 to 83% of surgeons and OB/GYNs have been named in lawsuits.

Physicians contracted by the federal government practice significantly
less defensive medicine as they are protected against lawsuits by the Federal Tort Claims Act.
Only 48% practice defensive medicine compared to 92% of non-government physicians.

89% of physicians support a patient’s right to be compensated fairly for true negligence.
Health News Observer ? Physicians Estimate The Cost Of Defensive Medicine In Us At 650 To 850 Bill Articles

So at least admit these are FACTS we can deal with and NOT one of these tort reforms were part of ACA.
$850 billion wasted. Why can't we attack the biggest cost driver then work down?

Also you haven't commented on whether YOU believe the facts I submitted regarding the 1,150% exaggerated number of 46 million truly uninsured.
I'm going to repeat just to make sure you can refute..
10 million per the Census of the Census' inflated 46 million uninsured were not citizens.
Income, Poverty and Health Insurance Coverage in the United States: 2009 - Income & Wealth - Newsroom - U.S. Census Bureau

14 million per the Census of the inflated 46 million uninsured are people eligible under Medicaid BEFORE ACA .. all need to do is register. I personally know 2 people like that!

18 million counted as inflated 46 million that don't NEED health insurance (under 34) can afford (make over $50k) but spend less then employers' health plan share.
That means 42 million counted as uninsured that are either not legal, don't know they are covered or don't want!
4 million that really truly need health coverage!

Please if you truly are an honest person check these links out and PLEASE refute my point there never were 46 million uninsured!

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