What some seem not to get


Gold Member
Jul 20, 2018
I refer to the un-precedented disrespect and hatred of a duly elected President.....and I primarily refer to the behavior of our elected representatives who are basically refusing to accept a duly elected President.

This display of hatred we witness time and again....threatens our very form of government and in fact threatens America as a whole.

Some historians have been saying there was a similar political divide in 1860 to what we’re seeing today.

When we reach the point where the speaker of the house dis-respects the President right behind his back whilst he is delivering the State of The Union address.....we have reached a new low.

This sort of behavior we see from the democrats is a direct attack on our election process....first they talked about doing away with the electoral college....when they realized they could not get anywhere with that then they talked about removing The President because he was mentally incompetent and then it moved on to impeachment.

What we are witnessing is a form of insurrection or rebellion in everything but name...it is treasonous behavior and as such we the people should not accept it.

Florida Republican: 'We should hang’ treasonous Democrats

If he was doing a bad job, it would be different----but they hated him with the same intensity on the day he took office.

His success only makes them even crazier.

YES---he fights backs! God Bless him for it. Quit attacking everything he does, or start recognizing that a lot of it is RIGHT!
That's hilarious after the way Obama was treated by the GOP and its ridiculous scumbag hate propaganda machine. Hundreds of phony scandals all discredited and never retracted. You have a imaginary planet.
If he was doing a bad job, it would be different----but they hated him with the same intensity on the day he took office.

His success only makes them even crazier.

YES---he fights backs! God Bless him for it. Quit attacking everything he does, or start recognizing that a lot of it is RIGHT!
His success is purely imaginary and pure propaganda. Only the rich are doing well.
I refer to the un-precedented disrespect and hatred of a duly elected President.....and I primarily refer to the behavior of our elected representatives who are basically refusing to accept a duly elected President.

This display of hatred we witness time and again....threatens our very form of government and in fact threatens America as a whole.

Some historians have been saying there was a similar political divide in 1860 to what we’re seeing today.

When we reach the point where the speaker of the house dis-respects the President right behind his back whilst he is delivering the State of The Union address.....we have reached a new low.

This sort of behavior we see from the democrats is a direct attack on our election process....first they talked about doing away with the electoral college....when they realized they could not get anywhere with that then they talked about removing The President because he was mentally incompetent and then it moved on to impeachment.

What we are witnessing is a form of insurrection or rebellion in everything but name...it is treasonous behavior and as such we the people should not accept it.

Florida Republican: 'We should hang’ treasonous Democrats

How much responsibility do you give to Trump for this “hatred”? Is any of it his fault? It’s not like he’s done anything to unite the people.
If he was doing a bad job, it would be different----but they hated him with the same intensity on the day he took office.

His success only makes them even crazier.

YES---he fights backs! God Bless him for it. Quit attacking everything he does, or start recognizing that a lot of it is RIGHT!
Right that whiny, stupid pussy grabber deserves nothing but love right?
I refer to the un-precedented disrespect and hatred of a duly elected President.....and I primarily refer to the behavior of our elected representatives who are basically refusing to accept a duly elected President.

This display of hatred we witness time and again....threatens our very form of government and in fact threatens America as a whole.

Some historians have been saying there was a similar political divide in 1860 to what we’re seeing today.

When we reach the point where the speaker of the house dis-respects the President right behind his back whilst he is delivering the State of The Union address.....we have reached a new low.

This sort of behavior we see from the democrats is a direct attack on our election process....first they talked about doing away with the electoral college....when they realized they could not get anywhere with that then they talked about removing The President because he was mentally incompetent and then it moved on to impeachment.

What we are witnessing is a form of insurrection or rebellion in everything but name...it is treasonous behavior and as such we the people should not accept it.

Florida Republican: 'We should hang’ treasonous Democrats

How much responsibility do you give to Trump for this “hatred”? Is any of it his fault? It’s not like he’s done anything to unite the people.

And the funny thing is, the ones so butthurt over it are the same ones who intensely hated the previous president, and applauded rude and discourteous behavior to him.

At some point though. It has to stop. I don't see that coming soon.
I refer to the un-precedented disrespect and hatred of a duly elected President.....and I primarily refer to the behavior of our elected representatives who are basically refusing to accept a duly elected President.

This display of hatred we witness time and again....threatens our very form of government and in fact threatens America as a whole.

Some historians have been saying there was a similar political divide in 1860 to what we’re seeing today.

When we reach the point where the speaker of the house dis-respects the President right behind his back whilst he is delivering the State of The Union address.....we have reached a new low.

This sort of behavior we see from the democrats is a direct attack on our election process....first they talked about doing away with the electoral college....when they realized they could not get anywhere with that then they talked about removing The President because he was mentally incompetent and then it moved on to impeachment.

What we are witnessing is a form of insurrection or rebellion in everything but name...it is treasonous behavior and as such we the people should not accept it.

Florida Republican: 'We should hang’ treasonous Democrats

How much responsibility do you give to Trump for this “hatred”? Is any of it his fault? It’s not like he’s done anything to unite the people.

And the funny thing is, the ones so butthurt over it are the same ones who intensely hated the previous president, and applauded rude and discourteous behavior to him.

At some point though. It has to stop. I don't see that coming soon.

The hatred of Obama was not even close to how the democrats hate Trump.....and Republicans made no attempt to remove him from office....though many believed he was not legally qualified for the office since he was not a natural born citizen.

obama added to that controversy be refusing to supply his legitimate birth certificate until he was forced to by Trump

White House Releases Obama's Original Birth Certificate
And the funny thing is, the ones so butthurt over it are the same ones who intensely hated the previous president, and applauded rude and discourteous behavior to him.

At some point though. It has to stop. I don't see that coming soon.


I agree! The lies you post must STOP!

You and the rest of the Trump haters have evolved hatred into depths never reached before.

Not liking policy is not akin to hatred of a President.
I refer to the un-precedented disrespect and hatred of a duly elected President.....and I primarily refer to the behavior of our elected representatives who are basically refusing to accept a duly elected President.

This display of hatred we witness time and again....threatens our very form of government and in fact threatens America as a whole.

Some historians have been saying there was a similar political divide in 1860 to what we’re seeing today.

When we reach the point where the speaker of the house dis-respects the President right behind his back whilst he is delivering the State of The Union address.....we have reached a new low.

This sort of behavior we see from the democrats is a direct attack on our election process....first they talked about doing away with the electoral college....when they realized they could not get anywhere with that then they talked about removing The President because he was mentally incompetent and then it moved on to impeachment.

What we are witnessing is a form of insurrection or rebellion in everything but name...it is treasonous behavior and as such we the people should not accept it.

Florida Republican: 'We should hang’ treasonous Democrats

It's really remarkable how MUCH some hate our president. You see this hatred right here on these threads. I truly believe some hate him as much as they do because they've been brainwashed by our hideously biased media. They tell the sheep how awful Trump is, over and over ad nauseum. And if they hear this enough, they WILL believe. The media lies and lies about our president, and the sheep believe these lies. This is akin to the Nazi propaganda of the 1930's and 1940's. One of their key ideas was if you repeat a lie enough times, it will become a truth. We're definitely seeing this in our media today. The good news is there are plenty of us who haven't been brainwashed and see right through these lies. Because of this, goodness WILL prevail and Donald Trump WILL be re-elected in November.
And the funny thing is, the ones so butthurt over it are the same ones who intensely hated the previous president, and applauded rude and discourteous behavior to him.

At some point though. It has to stop. I don't see that coming soon.


I agree! The lies you post must STOP!

You and the rest of the Trump haters have evolved hatred into depths never reached before.

Not liking policy is not akin to hatred of a President.
Coyote proves time and time again, she is QUITE dim. She's your typical brainwashed, idiotic loser liberal lunatic. Very sad.
I never hated Obama. I thought he was a moron, terrible president, horrible for the country and not qualified because he was born in Kenya. But I never hated him and never called for his impeachment.
If he was doing a bad job, it would be different----but they hated him with the same intensity on the day he took office.

His success only makes them even crazier.

YES---he fights backs! God Bless him for it. Quit attacking everything he does, or start recognizing that a lot of it is RIGHT!
His success is purely imaginary and pure propaganda. Only the rich are doing well.
That's hilarious after the way Obama was treated by the GOP and its ridiculous scumbag hate propaganda machine. Hundreds of phony scandals all discredited and never retracted. You have a imaginary planet.

But winning!

The l0siNg on the side of the DUMS.....epic this past year......

Think about it....what do they have to hang their hat on this whole past year?

Mitt Romney!:2up::eusa_dance::eusa_dance:
If he was doing a bad job, it would be different----but they hated him with the same intensity on the day he took office.

His success only makes them even crazier.

YES---he fights backs! God Bless him for it. Quit attacking everything he does, or start recognizing that a lot of it is RIGHT!
His success is purely imaginary and pure propaganda. Only the rich are doing well.
Yep, Franco and Moron DO go together. Very appropriate description of the dimwit!
That's hilarious after the way Obama was treated by the GOP and its ridiculous scumbag hate propaganda machine. Hundreds of phony scandals all discredited and never retracted. You have a imaginary planet.
Which scandals were disproven? I bet you can't name one. Stupid lib.
If he was doing a bad job, it would be different----but they hated him with the same intensity on the day he took office.

His success only makes them even crazier.

YES---he fights backs! God Bless him for it. Quit attacking everything he does, or start recognizing that a lot of it is RIGHT!
His success is purely imaginary and pure propaganda. Only the rich are doing well.
Still stupid^^^
And the funny thing is, the ones so butthurt over it are the same ones who intensely hated the previous president, and applauded rude and discourteous behavior to him.

At some point though. It has to stop. I don't see that coming soon.


I agree! The lies you post must STOP!

You and the rest of the Trump haters have evolved hatred into depths never reached before.

Not liking policy is not akin to hatred of a President.

The sad truths regarding the democratic party of today is actually something we have never seen before....except perhaps during the Civil War....some very knowledgable historians think that is where we are headed. I am not predicting that but I do understand their reasoning and they could be right.

For good or bad I will predict and have predicted(I am not the only one) that the democratic party will split up.....for the traditional, moderate and elitist democrats the party has gone too far left aka as in socialism. Thus the great likeliehood that it will split into a socialist wing and a more moderate wing....thus severely limiting its power.

What the DNC is now doing violating their rules in favor of a particular candidate is creating a huge backwave of protest....add to the the debacle in Iowa which has been linked to hillary and thus the possibility of the democratic party splitting up is growing by the day.

A Divided Democratic Party Debates Its Future

Also what some seem not to get is that the democratic party can no longer take the black vote for granted.

Trump is going after the black vote and there are indications already that many blacks are abandoning the democratic party in droves. They want more than what the democratic party has provided and is promising...in a nutshell they want off the democratic plantation.

Van Jones: Trump sent 'warning shot' in 'strong' address: 'He's going after black votes'
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