What problems should the 2020 presidential candidates all be addressing?

What problems should the 2020 presidential candidates all be addressing?

  • The US Economy (jobs, standard of living, stock markets, trade deficit, tariffs, etc.)

    Votes: 5 41.7%
  • Immigration (catch & release, diversity lottery, chain migration, birthright citizenship)

    Votes: 9 75.0%
  • Healthcare (cost of deductible, quality of care, cost of prescription drugs, etc.)

    Votes: 9 75.0%
  • National Security (Opioid crisis, gangs like MS-13, Defense spending, endless wars, etc.)

    Votes: 7 58.3%
  • Personal Financial Situation (401k value, salary increases, good jobs, etc.)

    Votes: 3 25.0%
  • US $22T National Debt and rising interest cost

    Votes: 8 66.7%
  • Medicare bankruptcy 2026

    Votes: 7 58.3%
  • Social Security insolvent 2034

    Votes: 6 50.0%
  • Climate change (democrat) includes Paris Climate Change Treaty

    Votes: 2 16.7%
  • Open Borders (democrat)

    Votes: 1 8.3%
  • Green New Deal (democrat)

    Votes: 1 8.3%
  • Gun Control (democrat)

    Votes: 2 16.7%
  • Single payer healthcare (democrat) aka Medicare for All

    Votes: 1 8.3%
  • Income inequality (democrat) Increase taxes on the wealthy

    Votes: 1 8.3%
  • Reparations for slavery (democrat)

    Votes: 1 8.3%
  • Education spending, student loans must include college share, not only taxpayer funded debt

    Votes: 2 16.7%

  • Total voters


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2009
The AL part of PA
Instead of discussing tampon affordability (Yang), presidential candidates need to focus on solving major problems facing US voters. Here are the top issues and a selection of many others, which are very important to you when voting in the 2020 election:
Key Issue for 2020 Presidential Voters: The Economy | Bankrate
1. The US Economy (jobs, standard of living, stock markets, etc.)
2. Immigration (catch & release, diversity lottery, chain migration, birthright citizenship, etc.)
3. Healthcare (cost of deductible, quality of care, cost of prescription drugs, etc.)
4. National Security (Opioid crisis, gangs like MS-13, Defense spending, endless wars, etc.)
5. Personal Financial Situation (401k value, salary increases, good jobs, etc.)

Other issues for consideration are:
US $22T National Debt and rising interest cost is becoming dangerous
Medicare bankruptcy 2026
Social Security insolvent 2034
Climate change (democrat) includes Paris Climate Change Treaty and associated US costs
Open Borders (democrat)
Green New Deal (democrat)
Gun Control (democrat)
Single payer healthcare (democrat) aka Medicare for All
Income inequality (democrat) Increase taxes on the wealthy
Reparations for slavery (democrat)
Education spending, student loans must include college share, not only taxpayer funded debt

Please add issues that are important to you in your responses.
I think we need someone who can discuss the stupidity of our nation and the choices people make.

I hear it day in and day out. People just think they deserve something.

I think we do need a GOOD HONEST CONVERSATION about health care and health care costs. I am not pretending an outcome. But I sure as hell don't see Dizzy Lizzy having an answer that doesn't sound like "Fuck you..you get what I give you...like it or not".
Our overbloated education system.

It's really just babysitting paid for by taxes.

And it produces shitty results (unless you like your daughter being stalked by someone who is 4 years older than she is).
I think we need someone who can discuss the stupidity of our nation and the choices people make.

I hear it day in and day out. People just think they deserve something.

I think we do need a GOOD HONEST CONVERSATION about health care and health care costs. I am not pretending an outcome. But I sure as hell don't see Dizzy Lizzy having an answer that doesn't sound like "Fuck you..you get what I give you...like it or not".

One thing that surprised me was the cost of insulin.
After so many years of production you would think that the cost would be more affordable, WTF?? (same with epi-pens)

I think we need someone who can discuss the stupidity of our nation and the choices people make.

I hear it day in and day out. People just think they deserve something.

I think we do need a GOOD HONEST CONVERSATION about health care and health care costs. I am not pretending an outcome. But I sure as hell don't see Dizzy Lizzy having an answer that doesn't sound like "Fuck you..you get what I give you...like it or not".

One thing that surprised me was the cost of insulin.
After so many years of production you would think that the cost would be more affordable, WTF?? (same with epi-pens)

View attachment 285370

I don't know.

And I am not willing to convict anyone on it yet.

Point being that we need an honest conversation about our goals as a society and what we are willing to do.

We say "make people accountable" which means someone may make bad choices and die becasue they can't afford care. Sorry...that is the way it goes.

Good reason to make S.S. personalized. If you get sick and it gets expensive...kiss your retirement goodbye.
- Eliminate the shadow government, ie terminate the CIA, NSA, FBI, and all other intelligence/spy agencies.
- Bring all our troops in foreign lands home.
- Cut the War Department by 75%.
- Close the Pentagon and eliminate the Joint Chiefs of Staff.
- Term limit all in Congress.
- Overturn Citizens United.
- Public fund all political campaigns. No private money.
- Any politician guilty of taking bribes, will be shot at dawn.
- Eliminate the shadow government, ie terminate the CIA, NSA, FBI, and all other intelligence/spy agencies.
- Bring all our troops in foreign lands home.
- Cut the War Department by 75%.
- Close the Pentagon and eliminate the Joint Chiefs of Staff.
- Term limit all in Congress.
- Overturn Citizens United.
- Public fund all political campaigns. No private money.
- Any politician guilty of taking bribes, will be shot at dawn.

- Make lying a FELONY for a member of the House, Senate, the VP, or President.
- Independent AUDIT of the entire federal government.
The Main topic will be the Dems HATING TRUMP.

They have really offered no real policy except the LUNACY of the Green Deal to appease the Far left.
They will promise FREE STUFF, and then say........TRUMP SUCKS...........

That will be the issues of main stream for another stinking year.
I think we need someone who can discuss the stupidity of our nation and the choices people make.

I hear it day in and day out. People just think they deserve something.

I think we do need a GOOD HONEST CONVERSATION about health care and health care costs. I am not pretending an outcome. But I sure as hell don't see Dizzy Lizzy having an answer that doesn't sound like "Fuck you..you get what I give you...like it or not".
Carter did that with his malaise speech-look what that did for him. With an economy like this, it is apparent that improving yourself will improve your job choices. And any problem with the word personal in it should be solved,well, personally.
The Main topic will be the Dems HATING TRUMP.

They have really offered no real policy except the LUNACY of the Green Deal to appease the Far left.
They will promise FREE STUFF, and then say........TRUMP SUCKS...........

That will be the issues of main stream for another stinking year.
BULLSHIT Dems majority don't want or need ""free stuff"" Just don't want an asshole leading us down the garden path A man or women that doesn't mock 3/4 of America, one who gives America hope for a better country, not one whose sole goal is to line his pockets
The Main topic will be the Dems HATING TRUMP.

They have really offered no real policy except the LUNACY of the Green Deal to appease the Far left.
They will promise FREE STUFF, and then say........TRUMP SUCKS...........

That will be the issues of main stream for another stinking year.
BULLSHIT Dems majority don't want or need ""free stuff"" Just don't want an asshole leading us down the garden path A man or women that doesn't mock 3/4 of America, one who gives America hope for a better country, not one whose sole goal is to line his pockets
Pot painting the kettle black.

Are you talking about Biden or Trump .....LOL

62 million voted for Trump. Where did you get that 75% info............from MSM BS polls who poll a pack of liberals to skew the data.

Your side is Hating because you found someone who fights back and mocks you and your BS. You don't like it. A large portion of America LOVES IT.

Your side has shown it's true colors for all to see And you are paying for it. LOL
- Eliminate the shadow government, ie terminate the CIA, NSA, FBI, and all other intelligence/spy agencies.
- Bring all our troops in foreign lands home.
- Cut the War Department by 75%.
- Close the Pentagon and eliminate the Joint Chiefs of Staff.
- Term limit all in Congress.
- Overturn Citizens United.
- Public fund all political campaigns. No private money.
- Any politician guilty of taking bribes, will be shot at dawn.

- Make lying a FELONY for a member of the House, Senate, the VP, or President.
- Independent AUDIT of the entire federal government.

OMG, if lying was a crime there wouldn't be anything else to do, that would tie-up everyone every second of every day.

However, I love the idea of an independent audit of the Federal government. Years ago there was an audit, and the DC coxuckers didn't implement the recommendations. It was called the "Grace Commission". We do in-fact need a "Grace Commission 2"

The Grace Commission - Wikipedia
The Grace Commission Report[4] was presented to Congress in January 1984. The report claimed that if its recommendations were followed, $424 billion could be saved in three years, rising to $1.9 trillion per year by the year 2000. It estimated that the national debt, without these reforms, would rise to $13 trillion by the year 2000, while with the reforms they projected it would rise to only $2.5 trillion.[5] The report's recommendations that intruded into policy were ignored by Congress, but many other efficiency recommendations were considered and some were implemented.[6]

The US national debt reached $5.8 trillion in the year 2000[7][8] and reached 13 trillion after the subprime mortgage-collateralized debt obligation crisis in 2008.

If the Grace Commission recommendations were followed there would be no $22T National Debt!!
Please add issues that are important to you in your responses

exclude the wedge issues....

One thing that surprised me was the cost of insulin.
After so many years of production you would think that the cost would be more affordable, WTF?? (same with epi-pens)

compare to other countries

Wedge issues like what? Problems are problems, "compromise" is a very good word.

You nailed it!! Insulin is dirt cheap overseas. Congress needs to act instead of fucking around with impeachment that is going nowhere.
There are some startling differences in price between the U.S. and Canada. According to one report, the retail price of a vial of Humalog in the U.S. is $300. In Canada, the same vial costs $32. According to media reports, a growing number of Americans cross the border into Canada to get their insulin.
None of the above. The system of governance needs to be repaired.

It is what it is. Deal with it. What do you propose congress does?

Codifies it’s rules where (for one idea) it takes 75% of the other body (Senate has to change the House rules and vice versa).

So there is no more speaker/majority leader deciding what the rest of the body does.

If the House Passes a bill, the Senate has to take up the legislation in 90 days and vice versa. By “take up” the legislation…there has to be a floor vote by a quorum of the entire body.

For starters.

Make the rules effective starting on 1/1/XX when the next Congress is sworn in. Politics will always be there but when you codify the rules and make them unimpeachable, the politics take a backseat to the rules that govern the enterprise; not the other way around.

As for legislation; the only thing that matters is campaign reform. Top to bottom. Involving finance, redistricting, election logistics….
Ending Illegal Immigration by any means possible.
Removing the US Military from all of the Middle East...
End our Role as the World's Police

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