What passes for Republican Science


Award Winning USMB Paid Messageboard Poster
Aug 4, 2009
Exposed: The terrifying harassment faced by climate change scientists - The Week

In a sprawling new story in Popular Science, Tom Clynes takes an in-depth look at the seedy but influential range of people who take it upon themselves to make life a living hell for climate-change researchers.

1. Harassment is routine
Climate-change deniers often threaten scientists in attempts to distract them from their research — and the harassment goes beyond nasty emails. One climate modeler describes finding "a dead rat on his doorstep" with "a yellow Hummer speeding away

2. Political associations don't matter
For Katharine Hayhoe, an atmospheric scientist, political conservative, and evangelical Christian, her work can be as thankless as it is taxing — even from her own party. In 2007, Rush Limbaugh discovered her contributions to a book co-authored by Newt Gingrich and ridiculed her as a "climate babe." Following the backlash, Gingrich dropped her chapter on global warming entirely.

3. Research is often stifled by legal action
"Those crude acts of harassment often come alongside more-sophisticated legal and political attacks," says Clynes. Climate change skeptics regularly file lawsuits and Freedom of Information Act requests to disrupt ongoing research. "In 2005, before dragging Mann and other climate researchers into congressional hearings, Texas congressman Joe Barton ordered the scientists to submit voluminous details of working procedures, computer programs and past funding,

4. Efforts to ruffle scientists are increasingly sophisticated
It's not "a bunch of crazy people" fighting against us, says Mann. "These efforts to discredit science are well-organized." "There's really only about 25 of us doing this," says Steve Milloy, a Fox News commentator and self-described "denier." He calls the core group of skeptics "a ragtag bunch, very Continental Army." The deniers often target scientists who speak up publicly, offering bounties to anyone willing to make their lives difficult. In one instance, Milloy offered $500 for anyone

5. Anti-climate change advocacy is well-funded
Following the Kyoto Protocol on global warming in 1998, the American Petroleum Institute put together a $5.9 million task force (which included Milloy) charged with discrediting climate change science to "quash growing public support of curbing emissions."
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This sort of shit - your shit and the piece's - is exactly what soils science.

Fucking morons ruining it...incessantly.

It is what passes for science within the Grand Old Party

Republicans can't counter with data of their own and with 92% of scientists agreeing with global warming they have to do something. So they fall back on their usual tactic of harrassment, threats and intimidation to get their way
rightwinger, what isnt climate change? We all know it commies that want to guilt us into accepting our place as plebes for the "elite".

If this stuff WAS true, dont you think the climate change people would alter their lifestyle, IF they believed this crap?
The Battle Over Climate Science | Popular Science

There’s no police tape across Michael Mann’s office doorway this morning. “Always a good start,” he says, juggling a cup of coffee as he slides his key into the lock.

Mann, a paleoclimatologist, wears a sport coat over a turtleneck. As he takes a seat at his desk, a narrow sunbeam angles through the window, spotlighting a jumble of books, journals and correspondence. Behind him, a framed picture of his six-year-old daughter rests near a certificate for the Nobel Peace Prize he shared in 2007. Propped into a corner is a hockey stick, a post-lecture gift from Middlebury College, which Mann jokingly says he keeps “for self-defense.”

Mann directs Penn State University’s Earth System Science Center. Several months ago, he arrived at his office with an armload of mail. Sitting at his desk, he tore open a hand-addressed envelope and began to pull out a letter. He watched as a small mass of white powder cascaded out of the folds and onto his fingers. Mann jerked backward, letting the letter drop and holding his breath as a tiny plume of particles wafted up, sparkling in the sunlight. He rose quickly and left the office, pulling the door shut behind him. “I went down to the restroom and washed my hands,” he says. “Then I called the police.”
So real scientists doing research soil science, but the people that harrass them are your heros?

The Battle Over Climate Science | Popular Science

Mann directs Penn State University’s Earth System Science Center. Several months ago, he arrived at his office with an armload of mail. Sitting at his desk, he tore open a hand-addressed envelope and began to pull out a letter. He watched as a small mass of white powder cascaded out of the folds and onto his fingers. Mann jerked backward, letting the letter drop and holding his breath as a tiny plume of particles wafted up, sparkling in the sunlight. He rose quickly and left the office, pulling the door shut behind him. “I went down to the restroom and washed my hands,” he says. “Then I called the police.”

For someone describing an anthrax scare, Mann is surprisingly nonchalant. “I guess,” he says, “it’s so much a part of my life that I don’t even realize how weird it is.”

“Weird” is perhaps the mildest way to describe the growing number of threats and acts of intimidation that climate scientists face. A climate modeler at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory answered a late-night knock to find a dead rat on his doorstep and a yellow Hummer speeding away. An MIT hurricane researcher found his inbox flooded daily for two weeks last January with hate mail and threats directed at him and his wife. And in Australia last year, officials relocated several climatologists to a secure facility after climate-change skeptics unleashed a barrage of vandalism, noose brandishing and threats of sexual attacks on the scientists’ children.
Those crude acts of harassment often come alongside more-sophisticated legal and political attacks. Organizations routinely file nuisance lawsuits and onerous Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests to disrupt the work of climate scientists. In 2005, before dragging Mann and other climate researchers into congressional hearings, Texas congressman Joe Barton ordered the scientists to submit voluminous details of working procedures, computer programs and past funding—essentially demanding that they reproduce and defend their entire life’s work. In a move that hearkened back to darker times, Oklahoma senator James Inhofe, the ranking member of the Senate’s Environment and Public Works Committee, released a report in 2010 that named 17 prominent climate scientists, including Mann, who, he argued, may have engaged in “potentially criminal behavior.” Inhofe outlined three laws and four regulations that he said the scientists may have violated, including the Federal False Statements Act—which, the report noted, could be punishable with imprisonment of up to five years.
This sort of shit - your shit and the piece's - is exactly what soils science.

Fucking morons ruining it...incessantly.

It is what passes for science within the Grand Old Party

Republicans can't counter with data of their own and with 92% of scientists agreeing with global warming they have to do something. So they fall back on their usual tactic of harrassment, threats and intimidation to get their way
Science is not done by consensus.

Shitbags like you soil it. Let science do what it does best - science.

Hacks like you getting involve simply ruin it. YOU and your likes are enemies of science.
Your proposition that a wisp of CO2 is: melting the ice caps, making the oceans rise, turning the oceans to acid and starting forest fires, is just plain fucking stupid and self-ridicules
Exposed: The terrifying harassment faced by climate change scientists - The Week

In a sprawling new story in Popular Science, Tom Clynes takes an in-depth look at the seedy but influential range of people who take it upon themselves to make life a living hell for climate-change researchers.

1. Harassment is routine
Climate-change deniers often threaten scientists in attempts to distract them from their research — and the harassment goes beyond nasty emails. One climate modeler describes finding "a dead rat on his doorstep" with "a yellow Hummer speeding away

2. Political associations don't matter
For Katharine Hayhoe, an atmospheric scientist, political conservative, and evangelical Christian, her work can be as thankless as it is taxing — even from her own party. In 2007, Rush Limbaugh discovered her contributions to a book co-authored by Newt Gingrich and ridiculed her as a "climate babe." Following the backlash, Gingrich dropped her chapter on global warming entirely.

3. Research is often stifled by legal action
"Those crude acts of harassment often come alongside more-sophisticated legal and political attacks," says Clynes. Climate change skeptics regularly file lawsuits and Freedom of Information Act requests to disrupt ongoing research. "In 2005, before dragging Mann and other climate researchers into congressional hearings, Texas congressman Joe Barton ordered the scientists to submit voluminous details of working procedures, computer programs and past funding,

4. Efforts to ruffle scientists are increasingly sophisticated
It's not "a bunch of crazy people" fighting against us, says Mann. "These efforts to discredit science are well-organized." "There's really only about 25 of us doing this," says Steve Milloy, a Fox News commentator and self-described "denier." He calls the core group of skeptics "a ragtag bunch, very Continental Army." The deniers often target scientists who speak up publicly, offering bounties to anyone willing to make their lives difficult. In one instance, Milloy offered $500 for anyone

5. Anti-climate change advocacy is well-funded
Following the Kyoto Protocol on global warming in 1998, the American Petroleum Institute put together a $5.9 million task force (which included Milloy) charged with discrediting climate change science to "quash growing public support of curbing emissions."

And, in a related story.....

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M5IT_ou1naw]This Little Earth Is All I've Got - Environmental Song (With Lyrics) - YouTube[/ame]

C'mon.....sing along!

"...yeah, yeah, yeah......"
This sort of shit - your shit and the piece's - is exactly what soils science.

Fucking morons ruining it...incessantly.

It is what passes for science within the Grand Old Party

Republicans can't counter with data of their own and with 92% of scientists agreeing with global warming they have to do something. So they fall back on their usual tactic of harrassment, threats and intimidation to get their way
Science is not done by consensus.

Shitbags like you soil it. Let science do what it does best - science.

Hacks like you getting involve simply ruin it. YOU and your likes are enemies of science.

A source for science done by real scientists;

AGW Observer

Global warming trend has been particularly enhanced in semi-arid regions during cold season

Enhanced cold-season warming in semi-arid regions – Huang et al. (2012) [FULL TEXT]

Abstract: “This study examined surface air temperature trends over global land from 1901–2009. It is found that the warming trend was particularly enhanced, in the boreal cold season (November to March) over semi-arid regions (with precipitation of 200–600 mm yr−1) showing a temperature increase of 1.53 °C as compared to the global annual mean temperature increase of 1.13 °C over land. In mid-latitude semi-arid areas of Europe, Asia, and North America, temperatures in the cold season increased by 1.41, 2.42, and 1.5 °C, respectively. The semi-arid regions contribute 44.46% to global annual-mean land-surface temperature trend. The mid-latitude semi-arid regions in the Northern Hemisphere contribute by 27.0% of the total, with the mid-latitude semi-arid areas in Europe, Asia, and North America accounting for 6.29%, 13.81%, and 6.85%, respectively. Such enhanced semi-arid warming (ESAW) imply drier and warmer trend of these regions.”

Citation: Huang, J., Guan, X., and Ji, F.: Enhanced cold-season warming in semi-arid regions, Atmos. Chem. Phys., 12, 5391-5398, doi:10.5194/acp-12-5391-2012, 2012.
This sort of shit - your shit and the piece's - is exactly what soils science.

Fucking morons ruining it...incessantly.

It is what passes for science within the Grand Old Party

Republicans can't counter with data of their own and with 92% of scientists agreeing with global warming they have to do something. So they fall back on their usual tactic of harrassment, threats and intimidation to get their way
Science is not done by consensus.

Shitbags like you soil it. Let science do what it does best - science.

Hacks like you getting involve simply ruin it. YOU and your likes are enemies of science.

I agree

The potential threat of climate change is too important to be soiled by politics. Let the scientists hash it out without the harassment and intimidation by Republican thugs
This sort of shit - your shit and the piece's - is exactly what soils science.

Fucking morons ruining it...incessantly.

It is what passes for science within the Grand Old Party

Republicans can't counter with data of their own and with 92% of scientists agreeing with global warming they have to do something. So they fall back on their usual tactic of harrassment, threats and intimidation to get their way
Science is not done by consensus.

Shitbags like you soil it. Let science do what it does best - science.

Hacks like you getting involve simply ruin it. YOU and your likes are enemies of science.

Are people that are sending anthrax scares to scientists letting "science do what it does best"?
It is what passes for science within the Grand Old Party

Republicans can't counter with data of their own and with 92% of scientists agreeing with global warming they have to do something. So they fall back on their usual tactic of harrassment, threats and intimidation to get their way
Science is not done by consensus.

Shitbags like you soil it. Let science do what it does best - science.

Hacks like you getting involve simply ruin it. YOU and your likes are enemies of science.

A source for science done by real scientists;

AGW Observer

Global warming trend has been particularly enhanced in semi-arid regions during cold season

Enhanced cold-season warming in semi-arid regions – Huang et al. (2012) [FULL TEXT]

Abstract: “This study examined surface air temperature trends over global land from 1901–2009. It is found that the warming trend was particularly enhanced, in the boreal cold season (November to March) over semi-arid regions (with precipitation of 200–600 mm yr−1) showing a temperature increase of 1.53 °C as compared to the global annual mean temperature increase of 1.13 °C over land. In mid-latitude semi-arid areas of Europe, Asia, and North America, temperatures in the cold season increased by 1.41, 2.42, and 1.5 °C, respectively. The semi-arid regions contribute 44.46% to global annual-mean land-surface temperature trend. The mid-latitude semi-arid regions in the Northern Hemisphere contribute by 27.0% of the total, with the mid-latitude semi-arid areas in Europe, Asia, and North America accounting for 6.29%, 13.81%, and 6.85%, respectively. Such enhanced semi-arid warming (ESAW) imply drier and warmer trend of these regions.”

Citation: Huang, J., Guan, X., and Ji, F.: Enhanced cold-season warming in semi-arid regions, Atmos. Chem. Phys., 12, 5391-5398, doi:10.5194/acp-12-5391-2012, 2012.
Sign the petition, of you dare.
It is what passes for science within the Grand Old Party

Republicans can't counter with data of their own and with 92% of scientists agreeing with global warming they have to do something. So they fall back on their usual tactic of harrassment, threats and intimidation to get their way
Science is not done by consensus.

Shitbags like you soil it. Let science do what it does best - science.

Hacks like you getting involve simply ruin it. YOU and your likes are enemies of science.

Are people that are sending anthrax scares to scientists letting "science do what it does best"?
And, what evidence do you have of any political affiliation? Moron.

Firing academics?

This shit?

Hacks are completely responsible for it. Completely.

Congrats for your contribution.
Lets cut to the chase here

Why are climate scientists being harassed?

Is it because some people disagree that man is influencing the environment or because there is an immense amount of money being made off of fossil fuels and they don't want to lose the golden goose?

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