What OWS and the Tea Party have in common


Oct 10, 2010
See the last image for the conclusion



I'm in favor of shrinking the government to 5% of what it currently is. Then the leeches at the top will FAIL.

The counterattack many put forth, is increasing the size of government is socialism, and shrinking it drastically is anarchy.

That's because the elite want to keep things exactly as they are to protect the status quo.
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ows: marxist/socialist
TP: free market / liberty (this is the tea party movement before they got hijacked by the rnc obviously)

I'm in favor of shrinking the government to 5% of what it currently is. Then the leeches at the top will FAIL.

The counterattack many put forth, is increasing the size of government is socialism, and shrinking it drastically is anarchy.

That's because the elite want to keep things exactly as they are to protect the status quo.
What the OWS moonbats refuse to recognize:

The only source of the power that corporations have to abuse, comes from the entity that charters them and gives them legal standing: Big Gubmint.
Lobbyists r us. Everyone wants a lobbyist to promote their agenda but nobody likes a lobbyist who promotes the other guy's agenda. The fools in OWS think Wall Street is the problem when Barney Frank told Americans that Fannie Mae was doing fine while it was on the verge of collapse when he was chairman of the House Banking Committee which has oversight of Fannie Mae. The president's financial advisor, Frank Raines, walked away with 90 Million in taxpayer money while he allegedly cooked the books as Fannie's CEO. Tea Party want to elect politicians who respect the Constitution and OWs wants...What the hell do they want?
They have nothing in common, absolutely nothing. This search for common ground is futile.
They have nothing in common.

Proof? OWS wants the support and approval of the adults in the tea party. They find "common ground". The Tea Party adults find nothing in common with the toddlers shitting their diapers in the play pen.
The only source of the power that corporations have to abuse, comes from the entity that charters them and gives them legal standing: Big Gubmint.

But what happens when you have heads of corporations and finance leaving their positions temporarily to become a politician that then passes or dispels laws and regulations favorable to their respective industries.

Which they then, at the end of their career, have a cushy spot waiting for them at a higher level in the industry / company they just left?

Where does the politician begin and the CEO end?

There is a conflict of interest here.

Would you agree with making it illegal that any person working at a major corporation or or in finance in a high up position should not be able to serve in politics?

We have already established that business's are in it to make a profit, not for the best interests of society at large, and that is the bottom line. So, it should come as no surprise that these same people would continue with that philosophy as a politician, to the detriment of society.

If your going into politics, your first and only priority should be to the people of this country, not to small select group of individuals or industry, which is what the images above depict.
Lobbyists r us. Everyone wants a lobbyist to promote their agenda but nobody likes a lobbyist who promotes the other guy's agenda. The fools in OWS think Wall Street is the problem when Barney Frank told Americans that Fannie Mae was doing fine while it was on the verge of collapse when he was chairman of the House Banking Committee which has oversight of Fannie Mae. The president's financial advisor, Frank Raines, walked away with 90 Million in taxpayer money while he allegedly cooked the books as Fannie's CEO. Tea Party want to elect politicians who respect the Constitution and OWs wants...What the hell do they want?

There are more lobbyists for the financial sector than any other.
There are 10 financial lobbyists for every congressman, plus, lets not forget the number of former bankster turned politicians we have working in "our" government.

Also, in regards to the Mortgage Industry, you can throw in Fannie Mae, and I'll throw in Goldman, I mean, Government Sachs along with JP Food Stamp Morgan, and Citigroup as well. All Wall Street firms.

Let us not also forget, that in 1994, well before the financial crisis hit, Brooksley Born tried getting derivatives regulated.

13 Banksters told Summers who is boss in our government:

Watch The Full Program Online | The Warning | FRONTLINE | PBS

"I walk into Brooksley's office one day; the blood has drained from her face," says Michael Greenberger, a former top official at the CFTC who worked closely with Born. "She's hanging up the telephone; she says to me: 'That was [former Assistant Treasury Secretary] Larry Summers. He says, "You're going to cause the worst financial crisis since the end of World War II."... [He says he has] 13 bankers in his office who informed him of this. Stop, right away. No more.'"

So, what would happen if 13 common citizens walked into Summers office and demanded he stop something? They would be thrown out by security, that is, unless you are Wall Street Banksters that call the shots.
The tea party has only one aim, beat Obama, that's it, it's pure partisan politics. All this other stuff is just bullshit to make people think they have a wider agenda.
The tea party has only one aim, beat Obama, that's it, it's pure partisan politics. All this other stuff is just bullshit to make people think they have a wider agenda.

That rant is a long dive off a short cliff.

The Tea party came into existence During GW's tenure. They talk about spending. So it is natural to go after the biggest spender in our history.
The tea party has only one aim, beat Obama, that's it, it's pure partisan politics. All this other stuff is just bullshit to make people think they have a wider agenda.

And when War Master Wall Street Puppet Obama is gone, we'll get another elite backed puppet, to carry on the same agenda involving more wars and Wall Street Games, whilst preaching the false democrat / republican divide in order to keep the masses divided.
They have nothing in common.

Proof? OWS wants the support and approval of the adults in the tea party. They find "common ground". The Tea Party adults find nothing in common with the toddlers shitting their diapers in the play pen.

At least the OWS people are intelligent enough to know that it is the big money guys who run the world, not the governments.
DUH Yeahhh!

Once obama is gone, 90% of the problems won't exist!

You mean we'll reverse all the actions Obama has taken like:

Instead of creating more wars like he did, we'll bring all the troops back?

Instead of propping up Wall Street, and Foreign Central Banks across the world, we'll tell Wall Street their own their own, as well as the rest of the world?

We'll have less corruption and less bankster politicians in the government?

We'll have less special interests and lobbyists controlling our government?
They have nothing in common.

Proof? OWS wants the support and approval of the adults in the tea party. They find "common ground". The Tea Party adults find nothing in common with the toddlers shitting their diapers in the play pen.

At least the OWS people are intelligent enough to know that it is the big money guys who run the world, not the governments.
There is no bigger money than gubmints, which can take from the citizenry by force or just print it up at will.

Talk about people not getting the concept!
The only source of the power that corporations have to abuse, comes from the entity that charters them and gives them legal standing: Big Gubmint.

But what happens when you have heads of corporations and finance leaving their positions temporarily to become a politician that then passes or dispels laws and regulations favorable to their respective industries.

Which they then, at the end of their career, have a cushy spot waiting for them at a higher level in the industry / company they just left?

Where does the politician begin and the CEO end?

There is a conflict of interest here.

Would you agree with making it illegal that any person working at a major corporation or or in finance in a high up position should not be able to serve in politics?

We have already established that business's are in it to make a profit, not for the best interests of society at large, and that is the bottom line. So, it should come as no surprise that these same people would continue with that philosophy as a politician, to the detriment of society.

If your going into politics, your first and only priority should be to the people of this country, not to small select group of individuals or industry, which is what the images above depict.
People move from the corporate world to the Beltway because they see lots of buying and selling of political power....If you don't want gubmint to be bought, then you need to take away what they're selling.
People move from the corporate world to the Beltway because they see lots of buying and selling of political power....If you don't want gubmint to be bought, then you need to take away what they're selling.

And how do you propose to take away what their selling when it is the corporate and finance world that is pulling the strings and planting their puppets in place to do their bidding?

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