What Now, Republicans???

I would love to see the Rs repeal Obamacare and close the borders, but I doubt they will.

The idiot from WI, Ron Johnson is going to introduce a border bill.

Who names their Johnson 'Ron' anyway?
How does the GOP repeal the ACA over the president's veto?

Defunding it would work.

They tried that, even shutting down the government to do it! Good lord, let it go already!

"Obamacare Architect Jonathan Gruber: We Lied and Counted on the Stupidity of the American Voter"
Obamacare Architect Jonathan Gruber We Lied and Counted on the Stupidity of the American Voter - The Rush Limbaugh Show

Looky, looky....I'm right again!
Perhaps....but judging by your posts, the thing Americans need most is education.[/QUOTE]

Nah, available education wouldn't affect them at all or it would have already.

I have a saying, "you can lead a horse to knowledge, but you can't make it think" !
Perhaps....but judging by your posts, the thing Americans need most is education.

Nah, available education wouldn't affect them at all or it would have already.

I have a saying, "you can lead a horse to knowledge, but you can't make it think" ![/QUOTE]

Ironically, the author of this thread unthinkingly posts reams of 'knowledge'.
How does the GOP repeal the ACA over the president's veto?

Defunding it would work.

They tried that, even shutting down the government to do it! Good lord, let it go already!

"Obamacare Architect Jonathan Gruber: We Lied and Counted on the Stupidity of the American Voter"
Obamacare Architect Jonathan Gruber We Lied and Counted on the Stupidity of the American Voter - The Rush Limbaugh Show

Looky, looky....I'm right again!

Um, do you have a point to posting this, Ms LARGE FONTS?

I was talking about defunding Obamacare and how it DID NOT WORK.

You post an excerpt from a man who was an adviser - NOT THE "ARCHITECT" of the ACA offering his opinion about how the law was written. HE DIDN'T WRITE THE THING, so how is he qualified to comment on it?
We once again have a thread posted by PC which devolves into a pissing contest wherein she defends her position by attacking the person and not their arguments.

Healthcare in America needed reform! The costs were rising for business and industry. local government, families and single people by double digits every year.

Governments on all levels were spending more and more and procuring less and less revenue. Defaults will be impossible to prevent.

Not protecting our borders in the 911 era is foolish, we can expect another WTC, OK bombing or another man made disaster because the Congress spends too much time on vacation, seeking campaign money and less time on the nations business.

The Congress will not sit down and intelligently discuss remedies. The recent comments by Obama on the Internet followed by those of M & B tell us that the next two years will be as non productive and dangerous as the last.
"Obamacare Architect Jonathan Gruber"

YOU are the one who lied, PC - this guy was an ADVISER, not the "ARCHITECT."

Once again you are caught being dishonest.
"Obamacare Architect Jonathan Gruber"

YOU are the one who lied, PC - this guy was an ADVISER, not the "ARCHITECT."

Once again you are caught being dishonest.

Did you notice the quotation marks?
Do you know what quotation marks mean?

Gruber said you were stupid.

Good to see you didn't deny it.
"Obamacare Architect Jonathan Gruber"

YOU are the one who lied, PC - this guy was an ADVISER, not the "ARCHITECT."

Once again you are caught being dishonest.

Did you notice the quotation marks?
Do you know what quotation marks mean?

Gruber said you were stupid.

Good to see you didn't deny it.

"Political Chick is a Communist "

Great idea! I can write whatever garbage I want as long as I use quotation marks!

How "enquirer magazine" of you!
We once again have a thread posted by PC which devolves into a pissing contest wherein she defends her position by attacking the person and not their arguments.

Healthcare in America needed reform! The costs were rising for business and industry. local government, families and single people by double digits every year.

Governments on all levels were spending more and more and procuring less and less revenue. Defaults will be impossible to prevent.

Not protecting our borders in the 911 era is foolish, we can expect another WTC, OK bombing or another man made disaster because the Congress spends too much time on vacation, seeking campaign money and less time on the nations business.

The Congress will not sit down and intelligently discuss remedies. The recent comments by Obama on the Internet followed by those of M & B tell us that the next two years will be as non productive and dangerous as the last.

"Healthcare in America needed reform! "

Time to rip you up again:

"When we started this health care debate a year ago, 85 percent of the American people had health insurance, and 95 percent of the 85 percent were happy with it."
George Will on Sunday, February 21st, 2010 in a roundtable segment on ABC's This Week"
Will says that 95 percent of people with health insurance are satisfied with it PolitiFact

The whole thing was a scam to grow government, and stupid people believed it.

And really stupid people still believe it.
Raise your paw.
"Obamacare Architect Jonathan Gruber"

YOU are the one who lied, PC - this guy was an ADVISER, not the "ARCHITECT."

Once again you are caught being dishonest.

Did you notice the quotation marks?
Do you know what quotation marks mean?

Gruber said you were stupid.

Good to see you didn't deny it.

"Political Chick is a Communist "

Great idea! I can write whatever garbage I want as long as I use quotation marks!

How "enquirer magazine" of you!

It doesn't matter what you write....we just showed that you're stupid.
Anybody who had any understanding of the political climate (including the media) wouldn't have to ask the question "what now republicans". Republicans were bottled up by the double team of Barry and Harry and there were more than 300 bills locked in Harry's "legislative roach motel" (bills get in but they don't get out). If you recall when democrats gained the majority in congress in Bush's 2nd term nobody asked that question. Democrats went on to big agendas like "steroids in Baseball" while Fannie Mae collapsed and the economy tanked. Still the media never asked Barney Frank what the hell happened.
I'd like to keep smacking the dopes....but the Republicans are waiting with bated breath for my instructions as to what path they should follow......

5. This nation was formed and the Constitution ratified, based on sharing power between the federal government, and the 'fifty laboratories of democracy,' the states.

We should return to that framework.

Proclaim the 10th amendment, from the only document the people agreed to be governed by, the Constitution, as the law of the land.
No longer should the states simply be agencies of the federal government.

"The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people."

6. Almost from the start, the courts have allied themselves with the federal government to end federalism.

What happened to federalism?

Judges happened.

Chief Justice Marshall's chief sin is not judicial review but his repudiation of the Jeffersonian understanding of the limits of federal power.

In McCulloch v Maryland, Marshall "wrote that while the Articles of Confederation had specified that Congress had only the powers it was 'expressly delegated,' the Constitution included no such language, so no such principle applied to it.

This was an extraordinary argument, given that Marshall himself and other Federalists … had assured their ratification colleagues that this very principle of limited federal power … was implicit in the unamended Constitution even before the Tenth Amendment was adopted."
"The Politically Incorrect Guide to the Constitution," Kevin R.C. Gutzman, p. 73.
, p. 91.

"Obamacare Architect Jonathan Gruber"

YOU are the one who lied, PC - this guy was an ADVISER, not the "ARCHITECT."

Once again you are caught being dishonest.

Did you notice the quotation marks?
Do you know what quotation marks mean?

Gruber said you were stupid.

Good to see you didn't deny it.

"Political Chick is a Communist "

Great idea! I can write whatever garbage I want as long as I use quotation marks!

How "enquirer magazine" of you!

It doesn't matter what you write....we just showed that you're stupid.



5. This nation was formed and the Constitution ratified, based on sharing power between the federal government, and the 'fifty laboratories of democracy,' the states.

So, I thought there there were 13 colonies and states came later....

That was pretty dumb, PC - good thing no one really gives a shit about your threads.
What now, GOP?

Lower taxes on the very wealthy.

Strangle the EPA so our air can be as lovely as that in Bejing.

Repeal the ACA, we don't need healthy children.

Repeal child labor laws, the little buggers need to earn their keep.

Repeal evolution, that is a Marxist idea.

Repeal Climate Change, tell those damned glaciers to stop melting. Make it illegal for the seas to rise any further.

Oh my, so much on the agenda.

We can't lower taxes on the wealthy since wealth is not taxed in the US. The rest of your post is just as ridiculous and not worthy of a response
What now, GOP?

Lower taxes on the very wealthy.

Strangle the EPA so our air can be as lovely as that in Bejing.

Repeal the ACA, we don't need healthy children.

Repeal child labor laws, the little buggers need to earn their keep.

Repeal evolution, that is a Marxist idea.

Repeal Climate Change, tell those damned glaciers to stop melting. Make it illegal for the seas to rise any further.

Oh my, so much on the agenda.

We can't lower taxes on the wealthy since wealth is not taxed in the US. The rest of your post is just as ridiculous and not worthy of a response

Actually property is wealth, and is taxed.

But that's beside the point. You know what he meant. Why be stupid trying to be smart?
Lawless courts and judges have stolen the true meaning of what American governance should be.

Republicans! Take this opportunity to define exactly what the courts can and cannot do...for example, never assume the power to overrule the votes of the people!

Once that is accomplished, the tyranny of the black-robed class would end.

7. Restrict the federal government to the role limited by Article 1, section 8, and, in fact, respect for the Constitution.

a. Imagine the benefit to the economy if FDR had not decided to invade the private markets with the GSE's, Fannie and Freddie.....there would not have been a mortgage meltdown!

8. Rein in the EPA and other eco-fascists.

Private property...the essence of liberty....should still be private.
This means no de facto co-opting by regulation!

While not unconstitutional, regulation by agencies and bureaus, may be considered extra-constitutional. There may be some point where it is considered to be an unconstitutional delegation of legislative authority to an agency or bureau. Under Obamacare, or Dodd-Frank Reform we see legislation where regulators have not yet determined what the regulation should be…how can Congress allow a law without knowing what the impact will be?
Senator James Buckley

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