What Mitch McConnell calls "a win"

Seymour Flops

Diamond Member
Nov 25, 2021

Dec. 22, 2022, 2:18 PM CST
By Sahil Kapur

WASHINGTON — When Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell met with President Joe Biden last month, he gave him an ultimatum: Back off your demands for equal spending on the military and domestic budget or there won’t be a government funding deal.

“From our perspective, you have already lavished $700 billion on your domestic priorities, and we’re not going to pay you a bonus to meet the country’s defense needs,” McConnell told Biden during a White House meeting with congressional leaders, he recalled to NBC News in a wide-ranging interview Wednesday in his Capitol office.

His gambit worked. Democrats softened after years of successfully demanding “parity” between the two pots, accepting $858 billion in Pentagon funding and $772.5 billion in domestic money.

Seriously, that was his "gambit?" To let the Democrats spend $772.5 billion in money that we do not have on woke domestic policies, but as a condition "make" the Democrats also spend $858 billion that we do not have on the woke military?

With wins like that, we don't need defeats.

WTF? Anyone here from KY? An aptly named state abreviation the way Louisville Mitch shafted us up the bunghole on that one.

“I never budged on that. Never budged. So yeah, I’m proud of it,” McConnell said, hailing it as an “extremely important” win for conservatives. He said it’ll mean they no longer “pay a ransom on the domestic side” in order to secure hefty military spending.

Senate Majority Whip Dick Durbin, D-Ill.. said he’s “disappointed” in the unequal spending levels but argued that the Kentucky Republican was using his leverage.

“He’s in a bargaining position; he’s taking advantage,” Durbin said.

Yeah, right.

I wonder if Dick Turban was able to keep a straight face when he said that. Mitch gave the Dems everything they wanted in the domestic budget and everything they wanted in the military budget, and then Dick pretends that he somehow lost, so that Mitch will do it again next year.

This is where Republicans are missing the boat. It's great to pwn Dems once in a while. But it means nothing, if the GOP keeps letting them win.
I've been noting this for years but have been told I need to pick a side.

I've been noting this for years but have been told I need to pick a side.

In the words of Mr. Pink, fuck sides! What we need is a little solidarity, here.

The Reservoir Dogs had Joe and Nice Guy Eddie pretending to care about them, while endangering their lives and taking the fruits of their efforts. We have the GOP and the DNC.

What Mitch McConnell calls "a win"​

WHAT A GUY! Mitch is a real trooper. He's lost on every front, let the WH slip through his fingers, lost the senate and barely held onto the House, but he has those two big victories to tout: we spend the most of any country in the world on military, some would say too much, while allowing the dems to bring domestic spending for their own causes to come up to within only 80 billion of the military budget! And he saved the filibuster---- without which the House could now pass stuff willy nilly with even just a single vote advantage!

Gee, when Mitch comes to play hard ball, LOOK OUT! 👁️ 👁️

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