What Lie Today


Platinum Member
Oct 10, 2021
Or better still if Hollywood wasn't a gigantic piss ant hill
full of dweebs,hangdogs and those that rely almost exclusively
on brow-beating their betters than a TV version of - Name That Tune -.
Inserting - Lie - for - Tune -.
Because as sure G0d made little green apples he also helped
watch as Hollywood fashioned Looney Tunes Cartoons.A saturday
morning staple for most of the baby boomers.
In this way Biden has a vehicle for his obvious habit of pushing
or plugging a Lie.Or better still Lies.Like his Boss { Obama } done
taught him.Part of some " Transformation " Get Joe public accustomed
to Lies and Lying.
" What's good,and doth no good,If Church and Court reply,
Then give both the lie.
Tell zeal it wants devotion,
Tell love it is but lust;
Tell time it is but motion,
Tell flesh it is but dust;
And wish then not reply,
For thou must give the lie. "
" It is not Truth,but opinion,than can travel the world
without a passport. "
Sir Walter Raleigh
I'm starting to think neither Obozo or Xiden has ever actually made the decisions. The meat puppet faggot was just a cult of personality the media turned into a rock star. He was really too stupid to have made much of an executive. The potato is only there because apparatchiks and felons stuffed mail in ballots into boxes in specific election precincts. Otherwise he's only partially cognizant when they drug his ass for a brief period and then end up regretting it.

I'm not sure who has been pulling the strings but it damn sure isn't a competent manager unless their intent is the decline of the republic.


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