What is your Greatest Accomplishment?

Our town had been dry for 70 years and I lead the effort to get a referrendum on the local ballot. Used my own money to take out ads and promotions trying to get folks to vote for it. Got a fair amount of media coverage for us too.

Four months later I was buying my hooch at the quickie mart down the street. Not exactly groundbreaking, but a victory nonetheless.
And now the town is soaking with alcoholics....


LOL. Actually it means the alcoholics don't have to make the 20 mile roundtrip. I made some enemies with this one. Very staunch Baptist community. Like I give a fuck.

That is the same attitude Obama has when he wants something his way..."Who cares about the people!"
I have so many to mention and boring actually. I'll just state the one that not many have accomplished and that is:

Par 3 195 yards, hit my 3 wood, landed the ball on the green and it went in the hole during match play. The week after that on the same hole, a man dropped dead of a massive heart attack which I was first on scene and worked my ass on saving.

Mostly surviving a hell of a childhood that wouldn't be believed if it was a movie or book.

wild child eh been there
If you had to choose one thing or one victory in your life, what would you consider to be your greatest accomplishment? You can name more than one if it's hard to choose.

Putting myself through 4 years of college while working full time to pay for it, graduating with a 3.4gpa and a BBA, and paying off my student loans.
This morning, after I captured a few terrorist that intended to blow up a football stadium filled with innocent people...

Why was a football stadium filled with innocent people THIS MORNING?

Methinks your "Greatest Accomplishment" is conconcting a fanciful lie!

It was this morning when I captured them, not this morning when the stadium was full. Fortunately I handled it before this afternoon.

Looks like you then moved on to playing with Janice Joplins nipple... :eusa_eh:
Becoming a serial killer at age 14, and successfully avoiding capture for 19 years.

Oooooh. I'm telling! :eusa_naughty:

Shattered... I've been trying to figure out just exactly what that new avatar pic of yours is. First, it looks like there's a normal breast, and then one lower in the middle of her chest, she has wings with long spikes in them, and then has a two and half foot long, curved, erect penis growing out of her lower back... :eusa_eh:

Most of you avatar pics have been cute... this one is just... odd.
Becoming a serial killer at age 14, and successfully avoiding capture for 19 years.

Oooooh. I'm telling! :eusa_naughty:

Shattered... I've been trying to figure out just exactly what that new avatar pic of yours is. First, it looks like there's a normal breast, and then one lower in the middle of her chest, she has wings with long spikes in them, and then has a two and half foot long, curved, erect penis growing out of her lower back... :eusa_eh:

Most of you avatar pics have been cute... this one is just... odd.

Tis a succubus. Here's the larger version. I found it, it amused me, I took it.


  • $sexySucubus.jpg
    25.1 KB · Views: 55
Our town had been dry for 70 years and I lead the effort to get a referrendum on the local ballot. Used my own money to take out ads and promotions trying to get folks to vote for it. Got a fair amount of media coverage for us too.

Four months later I was buying my hooch at the quickie mart down the street. Not exactly groundbreaking, but a victory nonetheless.

sad to think, a mother child may have been killed by drunk driver who bough their hooch from same mart.
Oooooh. I'm telling! :eusa_naughty:

Shattered... I've been trying to figure out just exactly what that new avatar pic of yours is. First, it looks like there's a normal breast, and then one lower in the middle of her chest, she has wings with long spikes in them, and then has a two and half foot long, curved, erect penis growing out of her lower back... :eusa_eh:

Most of you avatar pics have been cute... this one is just... odd.

Tis a succubus. Here's the larger version. I found it, it amused me, I took it.

Aaaaahh.... much better detail. But, the tail still looks like a big, curved penis...
What is your Greatest Accomplishment?

Deciding to work for a small start-up in Phoenix with 200 employees that almost went bankrupt several times. I asked from stock options rather than a huge salary and worked my butt off for 2 years. Though I don't work there anymore, they now have 5000 employees with revenues in excess of $1 Billion.
Our town had been dry for 70 years and I lead the effort to get a referrendum on the local ballot. Used my own money to take out ads and promotions trying to get folks to vote for it. Got a fair amount of media coverage for us too.

Four months later I was buying my hooch at the quickie mart down the street. Not exactly groundbreaking, but a victory nonetheless.

sad to think, a mother child may have been killed by drunk driver who bough their hooch from same mart.

Oh c'mooooon.... spare the drama.... you think we should reenact prohibition?
Shattered... I've been trying to figure out just exactly what that new avatar pic of yours is. First, it looks like there's a normal breast, and then one lower in the middle of her chest, she has wings with long spikes in them, and then has a two and half foot long, curved, erect penis growing out of her lower back... :eusa_eh:

Most of you avatar pics have been cute... this one is just... odd.

Tis a succubus. Here's the larger version. I found it, it amused me, I took it.

Aaaaahh.... much better detail. But, the tail still looks like a big, curved penis...

Obviously you're lacking experience with tail. :eusa_whistle:

This better? :)
If you had to choose one thing or one victory in your life, what would you consider to be your greatest accomplishment? You can name more than one if it's hard to choose.

This morning, after I captured a few terrorist that intended to blow up a football stadium filled with innocent people, I donated a kidney and part of my liver to a young child and saved his life, then I went to work at my meals-on-wheels job.

Fucking liberal!

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