What is your favorite Trump Quote

"How did she do as Secretary of State? Probably above and beyond everybody else and everything else."


Two Corinthians

So the First Corinthian walks into the bar and says "Barkeep, forget this Paul guy, I want to be sodomized, flagellated and drained of every little bit of semen in my body."

The Second Corinthian walks in, "Hey Larry, how's it hanging .. Barkeep give me two of whatever he's having."
DONALD TRUMP: I think I am, actually humble. I think I'm much more humble than you would understand.

:rofl: I actually had not heard that one before but it says so much. "I'm very humble but a moron like you could never hope to understand that because I'm smart and you're stupid".

I think my favorite will be his acceptance speech though, of which I have acquired an advance copy:

"Four score and seven years ago, we spoke softly carrying a big stick and had nothing to fear but fear itself. But the buck stopped here, and we asked what we could do for our country to attain peace in our time. Well --- I am not a crook, so ...

(falls down)

.... read my lips and tear down that wall. I feel your pain, we will put food on your family and I hope we change. And by the way you all have to move out tomorrow so I can put up my YUUUUGE new golf course, it's gonna be amazing."​
Trump said Hillary is terrific. Best Secretary of State ever. He said her husband was a great President and that she will make a great President.

Should we believe him, or not? Huh? Huh?
“I think of myself as a young guy, but I’m not so young anymore. And I’ve been around for a long time. And it just seems that the economy does better under the Democrats than the Republicans.” — Late Edition with Wolf Blitzer, 2004

He is so right!

“Hillary is smart, tough and a very nice person, and so is her husband. Bill Clinton was a great President. They are fine people. Hillary was roughed up by the media, and it was a tough campaign for her, but she’s a great trooper. Her history is far from being over.” — Trump University Blog, 2008
How bout some hillary quotes? I start. "I never sent or recieved calsified info on my private server".
"All lives matter"

Just incredibly offensive all around. Libs can't take it without flipping and calling him the next coming of Hitler.

Adolf Hitler Tired of Being Compared to Donald Trump

Thanks for pointing out how insanely stupid the liberal regressives here are. Their love affair with gay executing Islam is just getting started. Everyone who doesn't condone the executions is a xenophobe.
Are you serious? Lighten up pal. I just thought it was funny when I read Hitler is the one sick and tired of being compared to Trump. Now that's funny.
I was most entertained by Trump's Nazi pledge so far:

"Ich schwure bei Gott iim Himmel diesen heiligen Eid, dass ich dem Furher Adolf Trump ... "


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